Germany - Truck crashes into Christmas market in Berlin, 9 dead, 19 Dec 2016


Death toll stands at 12
48 gravely injured

I wonder if the additional three now were located up under the truck? I did read that bodies were under the truck when it finally stopped. This is so heartbreaking. What should have been a wonderful peaceful time of the year filled with love and great joy has turned into a nightmare for so many families now.

Every one hit must have suffered tremendous injuries if the gravely wounded stands at 48.:(
It appears that the truck was in berlin with the attack happening around 8:00. Jmo


The driver had telephoned in the afternoon around 4 pm for the last time. He had told him [ Z, the owner of the haulage company] that the unloading of the steel parts had been postponed until Tuesday morning. He had then parked the vehicle near the entrance of the company. Z. did not specify exactly where that was [in Berlin]. Only so much: his cousin had reported that the district was "full of Muslims", the sole Germans were those in the office. He was going to eat a kebab, he had said.
Z. speculated that his driver could have been kidnapped along with truck. His cousin might be the dead man found in the driver's cabin. The Berlin police reported shortly after midnight that they also investigate the possibility that the truck could have been stolen.

This is the top trending story on FB and Twitter. I am puzzled why this thread has gotten very little traffic when it is such a huge news story.

We must all remember: whatever happens across the world will one day be here. This could have happened here.....anywhere and at anytime.


The deadly truck crash Monday night struck at one of Germany’s most hallowed holiday institutions, the Christmas market, unsettling a country that has been an anchor of stability in a continent rocked by terror attacks and political upheaval.

Open-air markets selling mulled wine, grilled sausages and sweets, alongside crafts and ornaments, represent a German Christmas tradition going back centuries. Crowds of locals and tourists normally jam the fair-like festivitiesfound in almost every German town and city, where collections of quaint wooden stalls are generally policed but not surrounded by barriers.

An attack on a Christmas market had been feared amid the recent rise in terrorism across Europe. Last year, following the November 2015 attacks by Islamic radicals in Paris, turnout fell in many German markets. Yet this year attendance rebounded, hitting record levels in some cities, even after police reported last week that a 12-year-old German-Iraqi boy had twice failed to detonate a homemade bomb at a market in the city of Ludwigshafen.


More at link

IMHO the Wall Street Journal missed some recent terrorist and rapefugee attacks in Germany.
RSBM Color mine

Only 12 years old. Smh. Who tells these children that they have to do this ??

If I were visiting Germany... that mulled wine, ornaments, and sweets would be a draw for me. I love the holidays and decorating-- plus trying out new things to eat !

Beastly evil to run down innocent victims and during the holidays makes it worse. (insert cursing)

So sorry for those Germans and the truck driver. :(

The driver had telephoned in the afternoon around 4 pm for the last time. He had told him [ Z, the owner of the haulage company] that the unloading of the steel parts had been postponed until Tuesday morning. He had then parked the vehicle near the entrance of the company. Z. did not specify exactly where that was [in Berlin]. Only so much: his cousin had reported that the district was "full of Muslims", the sole Germans were those in the office. He was going to eat a kebab, he had said.
Z. speculated that his driver could have been kidnapped along with truck. His cousin might be the dead man found in the driver's cabin. The Berlin police reported shortly after midnight that they also investigate the possibility that the truck could have been stolen.


I do believe it will turnout to be this man's cousin. He may have refused to drive the truck and the terrorist may have shot him point blank right inside of the truck. Imo, he wouldn't want to shoot him and leave him there to be found and the truck gone. This way they would think the driver was on his way to deliver his goods.
I wonder if the additional three now where up under the truck? I did read that bodies were under the truck when it finally stopped. This is so heartbreaking. What should have been a wonderful peaceful time of the year filled with love and great joy has turned into a nightmare for so many families now.

Every one hit must have suffered tremendous injuries if the gravely wounded stands at 48.:(

IMHO the counting would have started with those under the truck :(

On the side of the Christmas market, a Turkish doctor who was still wearing medical gloves said she had been helping for an hour, trying to resuscitate victims. One person had died nevertheless . In addition, she had seen several severed limbs.

Also Havel, a Syrian from Aleppo, who is currently living in Brandenburg and who worked for the Red Crescent, performed first aid. "It was terrible." He said he had seen two dozen people on the ground, many of them with head injuries.

RSBM Color mine

Only 12 years old. Smh. Who tells these children that they have to do this ??

If I were visiting Germany... that mulled wine, ornaments, and sweets would be a draw for me. I love the holidays and decorating-- plus trying out new things to eat !

Beastly evil to run down innocent victims and during the holidays makes it worse. (insert cursing)

So sorry for those Germans and the truck driver. :(

I just read an article yesterday Liet that Isis is now training small children to be used as suicide bombers. Very small children. It reminded me somewhat of VN.:(

I have never witnesses any group with as much sadistic hatred in their hearts as the ISIS and other Islamic terrorists have. Imo, they are all a cult and their barbaric acts are beyond comprehension. They thirst for death and bloodshed as if they are addicted to evil like a drug. Its like they are demonic.
This is the top trending story on FB and Twitter. I am puzzled why this thread has gotten very little traffic when it is such a huge news story.

We must all remember: whatever happens across the world will one day be here. This could have happened here.....anywhere and at anytime.

It's funny you should bring that up OBE, I was just reading and considering posting this. This has unnerved me more than other recent attacks.

We have a German Christmas market here in town every year, like the one in Berlin albeit a little smaller. I've always wanted to go but as some may know, I have agoraphobia (brought on by health problems) I have always been unable to make it.

Having lost my DH in May, I've had to push my boundaries and try and overcome it, I have made progress and been able to walk into town (still learning to drive) I've been to the German Christmas Market 2 times, I was there on Saturday. It was wonderful, so pretty. Little wooden huts like you see in Berlin, with lights and decorations, very festive and traditional. In the time I was there, 100's maybe 1000's of people passed through. This is what is making me feel shaken by this. I stood at one point and looked around, and I thought to myself "look at all these people" So many, having a good time, and vehicles passing by, and it suddenly entered my head 'what if?' What if one of those cars came hurtling through, what if there was a bomb, what if there was an attack. I quickly scanned my surroundings to see where I could jump to, hide in, which shop door was the closet to run to...

Then this happens? :(

I grew up in the 70's and 80's in England, with the IRA. I've been in London when there were bomb scares. It's always been something that I was frightened of. Having anxiety I still think these things, and avoid big cities purposely. Don't even think of trying to get me on a plane...

The terrisrists are winning. They are not only killing and injuring people, they're creating more 'me's

I hate it
This is the top trending story on FB and Twitter. I am puzzled why this thread has gotten very little traffic when it is such a huge news story.

We must all remember: whatever happens across the world will one day be here. This could have happened here.....anywhere and at anytime.
Apparently it didn't happen in Yahoo land.

If I can find it.. there's a poem by Goethe before the Nazi's built Buchenwald ; about a grove of (I think) oak trees.
Quite prophetic ; iirc.
Basically saying (paraphrased) ..." wait, it can happen to you, too..."
He was referring to the lovely silence of the oak trees-- but in light of what was built on that spot --somewhat chilling.
IMHO the counting would have started with those under the truck :(

On the side of the Christmas market, a Turkish doctor who was still wearing medical gloves said she had been helping for an hour, trying to resuscitate victims. One person had died nevertheless . In addition, she had seen several severed limbs.

Also Havel, a Syrian from Aleppo, who is currently living in Brandenburg and who worked for the Red Crescent, performed first aid. "It was terrible." He said he had seen two dozen people on the ground, many of them with head injuries.


Thank you. Yes, you are right. They would have known about them when they were looking for live victims. I am tired plus being emotional drained over this tragedy and wasn't thinking clearly.

Some don't realize how lethal a semi can be when used as a murder weapon. Even at 40MPH the speed while hitting these victims would have resulted in tremendous force. People have died in car crashes who were only going 35MPH. The weight of the semi, going 40 MPH would be like being run over by a train engine.

It had to be a horrible site. Those who witnessed all of this carnage will never be the same again either. I pray for them too.

It doesn't shock me that limbs were severed but it does bring tears to my eyes. If this truck was fully loaded with steel material it most likely weighed around 80 thousand pounds including the tractor and the trailer. The ones he hit never stood a chance. I believe they may lose more as the hours pass.:
It also wasn't clear whether the truck veered into the holiday crowds on purpose or by accident

Let's give the perp the benefit of the doubt....

Daily Mail says he was apprehended hiding in the zoo..... Part of me wishes he would have "gone out in a blaze of gunfire" -- but not at the cost of a policeman's or another civilians' life.
Maybe they can interrogate him and find out if there are more "sleeper cells' about to go into action ?
Very chilling.
How are people supposed to stay safe from attacks like this ? You cannot just stop living.

We need harsher punishments ; and imo-- people coming into countries as refugees should be expelled as soon as it's determined they have criminal records !!!
That would include liars who say they are teens when they're more like twenties or even older.

It's your lives (Germany and other countries who are hosting refugees) and safety !!
I am not blaming any of the victims of tonight's attack -- am speaking more to the ones in authority.
Apparently it didn't happen in Yahoo land.

If I can find it.. there's a poem by Goethe before the Nazi's built Buchenwald ; about a grove of (I think) oak trees.
Quite prophetic ; iirc.
Basically saying (paraphrased) ..." wait, it can happen to you, too..."
He was referring to the lovely silence of the oak trees-- but in light of what was built on that spot --somewhat chilling.

If you find it, please do post. I am interested in reading it. tia
Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch.

Wanderer’s Nightsong
Over all mountaintops
Is peace,
In all treetops
You sense
Barely a breath;
The little birds are silent in the woods.
Just wait, soon
You will rest too.
Goethe Oak

An old oak tree, designated "Dicke Eiche" ("fat oak") on maps of the area, had been left standing by the SS on the camp grounds. In commemoration of Goethe’s frequent visits to the Ettersberg, the inmates called it the "Goethe Oak". Having been damaged by bombing in August 1944, it was felled; its stump can still be seen today.
Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch.

Wanderer’s Nightsong
Over all mountaintops
Is peace,
In all treetops
You sense
Barely a breath;
The little birds are silent in the woods.
Just wait, soon
You will rest too.
Goethe Oak

An old oak tree, designated "Dicke Eiche" ("fat oak") on maps of the area, had been left standing by the SS on the camp grounds. In commemoration of Goethe’s frequent visits to the Ettersberg, the inmates called it the "Goethe Oak". Having been damaged by bombing in August 1944, it was felled; its stump can still be seen today.

Thank you for posting this. Danke.
Berlin police spokesman Winfried Wenzel told the paper that after the truck came to a stop, the suspect fled in the direction of Berlin's famous Tiergarten park. A witness followed the suspect and pointed him out to police, who arrested him near the Victory Column monument.

In total, Wenzel said the witness who alerted police followed the suspect for almost a mile and a quarter through the streets of the German capital.

That witness needs a medal !

It's hard to control one's anger at a perp who was invited into a country and repaid them by slaughtering its' residents. :(
[h=1]How Christmas market carnage unfolded: 'Afghan refugee' turned off HGV's lights and drove stolen lorry into shoppers at 40mph killing 12 and injuring 48 after first 'hijacking and killing the driver'[/h]
  • At least 48 injured and 12 dead after truck mowed down shoppers at 40mph in a busy Christmas market
  • Incident 'likely' to be a terror attack after Polish-registered lorry understood to have been stolen by a refugee
  • The original driver, a Polish national transporting steel beams, was found dead inside the 25-tonne vehicle
  • Police using Twitter to urge locals to stay indoors and check 'suspicious items' as Angela Merkel is 'mourning'


  • 3B877E2800000578-4049442-image-a-50_1482196955166.jpg
    153.3 KB · Views: 125
IMHO the counting would have started with those under the truck :(

On the side of the Christmas market, a Turkish doctor who was still wearing medical gloves said she had been helping for an hour, trying to resuscitate victims. One person had died nevertheless . In addition, she had seen several severed limbs.

Also Havel, a Syrian from Aleppo, who is currently living in Brandenburg and who worked for the Red Crescent, performed first aid. "It was terrible." He said he had seen two dozen people on the ground, many of them with head injuries.


A Turk and Syrian helping. The killing has to stop. We just keep making more and more people in trauma from war. › News

Nov 22, 2016 - The US has warned its citizens that Europe is facing a “heightened risk of terror attacks” at Christmas markets and other seasonal holiday events. The US State Department said it had “credible information” that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) and al-Qaeda were ...
It's funny you should bring that up OBE, I was just reading and considering posting this. This has unnerved me more than other recent attacks.

We have a German Christmas market here in town every year, like the one in Berlin albeit a little smaller. I've always wanted to go but as some may know, I have agoraphobia (brought on by health problems) I have always been unable to make it.

Having lost my DH in May, I've had to push my boundaries and try and overcome it, I have made progress and been able to walk into town (still learning to drive) I've been to the German Christmas Market 2 times, I was there on Saturday. It was wonderful, so pretty. Little wooden huts like you see in Berlin, with lights and decorations, very festive and traditional. In the time I was there, 100's maybe 1000's of people passed through. This is what is making me feel shaken by this. I stood at one point and looked around, and I thought to myself "look at all these people" So many, having a good time, and vehicles passing by, and it suddenly entered my head 'what if?' What if one of those cars came hurtling through, what if there was a bomb, what if there was an attack. I quickly scanned my surroundings to see where I could jump to, hide in, which shop door was the closet to run to...

Then this happens? :(

I grew up in the 70's and 80's in England, with the IRA. I've been in London when there were bomb scares. It's always been something that I was frightened of. Having anxiety I still think these things, and avoid big cities purposely. Don't even think of trying to get me on a plane...

The terrisrists are winning. They are not only killing and injuring people, they're creating more 'me's

I hate it

((((((((Skibaboo)))))))) :hug:

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