ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #8

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i am totally confused.. the back of this truck has a missing flyer in the back window..Is everyone saying deorr is in the truck with his own missing poster?

No I don't think so, it was just so strange to see what we thought we saw there. That isn't even dad's truck, it must belong to a searcher.
I obviously missed something that happened here to cause the thread to be closed for 11 hours - unless there was just no activity in all that time. I think at this point we have discussed all that is allowed. Not sure what the point would be to keep rehashing all the same info. We've looked at everything upside down and sideways until we started hallucinating. Hopefully new info will come out soon that we can discuss. I will be checking the media thread daily to see if there is anything new. Peace.

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I obviously missed something that happened here to cause the thread to be closed for 11 hours - unless there was just no activity in all that time. I think at this point we have discussed all that is allowed. Not sure what the point would be to keep rehashing all the same info. We've looked at everything upside down and sideways until we started hallucinating. Hopefully new info will come out soon that we can discuss. I will be checking the media thread daily to see if there is anything new. Peace.

I was half afraid to say anything when the thread first opened because I'm not certain just what the issue was, wish I knew so that we don't repeat it. Yikes!!
I have been keeping up with this case, here and a few other places. Only conclusion I can come to is that this baby wandered off & is lost. Not taken, nothing criminal, just lost. The search was overwhelmed from the beginning, which cost them scent and tracking that might have located him. It's unfortunate. Everything else surrounding this case is coincidence. Odd, but small town, disorganized, poorly communicated coincidence. The family & friend may not be expert public speakers, however they are also in horrible circumstances. I imagine they are clinging to the hope that their baby was abducted by someone who just wanted a baby to love, because that is the only theory that provides them with any hope of having their baby back again. This is the only conclusion I can come to, after reviewing the actual evidence of this story. I hope they are given some closure soon, so they can begin to heal and move on. At the end of the day this is just an incredibly sad situation.
Ok so I want to get something straight in my mind, Dad, Mom, and the friend of GGP are POI's until further notice, am I correct? Are we able to discuss them as such, or no?
I have been keeping up with this case, here and a few other places. Only conclusion I can come to is that this baby wandered off & is lost. Not taken, nothing criminal, just lost. The search was overwhelmed from the beginning, which cost them scent and tracking that might have located him. It's unfortunate. Everything else surrounding this case is coincidence. Odd, but small town, disorganized, poorly communicated coincidence. The family & friend may not be expert public speakers, however they are also in horrible circumstances. I imagine they are clinging to the hope that their baby was abducted by someone who just wanted a baby to love, because that is the only theory that provides them with any hope of having their baby back again. This is the only conclusion I can come to, after reviewing the actual evidence of this story. I hope they are given some closure soon, so they can begin to heal and move on. At the end of the day this is just an incredibly sad situation.

Yes! This is what I have said all along.
I've done my fair share of debating aspects of pictures in another case, but this is clearly clouds reflecting.

Here is a link to a higher quality picture that shows how clouds reflect off the rear window of a pickup.

I think the reason we see things is because of Jpeg artifacts+low resolution combining with the brain filling in the missing detail.
Ok so I want to get something straight in my mind, Dad, Mom, and the friend of GGP are POI's until further notice, am I correct? Are we able to discuss them as such, or no?

No, they are only POI's because they were at the campground. They are not suspects. Apparently there is a distinction between the two that we are not allowed to cross.
No, they are only POI's because they were at the campground. They are not suspects. Apparently there is a distinction between the two that we are not allowed to cross.

I just looked back in the thread to see where we may have crossed the line, but I'm unable to find it. We had been discussing whether or not little DeOrr had even reached the campsite, and who had seen him besides those who were on site. Those things are still in the thread.
Ok so I want to get something straight in my mind, Dad, Mom, and the friend of GGP are POI's until further notice, am I correct? Are we able to discuss them as such, or no?

Ping a mod!
I can almost guarantee they are simple reflections and not a child or a dog. (Or ghosts. Or anything creepy.)

Since an "almost" guarantee is the same as none I can actually agree with you. It could be something or someone inside the vehicle, not necessarily just reflections. I rather doubt it's ghosts though. ;)
Since an "almost" guarantee is the same as none I can actually agree with you. It could be something or someone inside the vehicle, not necessarily just reflections. I rather doubt it's ghosts though. ;)
I think it is an EMT bag...
I hate to appear inept lol, but I don't see where there is a mod here TO ping. Maybe someone who is more familiar with things could do that?

You can send a private message to Bessie or report your own post to notify a mod of your question. To do that hit the little triangle on the bottom left of the post. What I remember her saying is that they are POI only because they were there, more like witnesses. Unless its been removed, she explains this in a post. It used to be on page one. Hth
You can send a private message to Bessie or report your own post to notify a mod of your question. To do that hit the little triangle on the bottom left of the post. What I remember her saying is that they are POI only because they were there, more like witnesses. Unless its been removed, she explains this in a post. It used to be on page one. Hth

I've just done that and thank you for the info :)
Speaking of an EMT bag. I had read early on that an EMT bag was missing, how was that known?

It was overheard in an interview with the parents. Someone off-camera mentioned talking about the "EMT bag," but it was never actually discussed in the interview. There were also some rumors about the bag on social media, but these didn't really clarify the situation any and were, at the end of the day, unverified/unverifiable. TBH, I think when it was mentioned in the interview, it was also in the context of "rumors," similar to the rumors about dad's job.
I'm just looking over some past information and I found this interesting in this search recap.

1. Bowerman said the trained search dogs found nothing and kept coming back to the camp. He said given the proven expertise of the dogs the boy should have been found the first day.
:seeya: Hi, folks. Sorry the thread was offline for awhile. You can thank those who made such a great effort to have it removed.

When that happens at 2-3 A.M., no one is expected to stay up the entire night babysitting. The thread gets pulled until the next day when a mod can get around to cleaning it up. The lynch mob was in full force last night, and numerous inciteful posts had to be deleted. I could think of better ways to spend a Sunday.

Any further questions should be addressed in a private message to me or one of the mods.

I was wondering how long Vilt had known about this possible staring old man and why he hadn't already tried to find witnesses. I thought he would have said so if he had. But then I recalled him saying that he had just found out about it, so I guess he hadn't had a chance to investigate. I wonder if he will let the public know if he does.

IMO, the staring old man is a red herring. If you want to talk about eerie, how about that DeOrr was being served fries at an establishment owned by one of two RSO's in the area just two hours before he disappeared. Or, how about the guy who came along on their camping trip? Yikes.

I think the mom is grasping at straws because the PI is pressing her to remember anything, anyone, no matter how seemingly irrelevant, that could point at some kind of possibility of abduction and take the suspicion away from those at the campsite.

Anyway, was the old man even staring? If so, was it because DeOrr is a cute, beautiful boy who might bring joy to people? Or would it be because the boy was filthy?

(NOTE: Though DK says the store clerk who said the boy with the man in a black truck was filthy had the wrong time, DK admits the family went to the store, and PI says they stopped at the store after the cafe.)

Hopefully the old staring man remembers seeing the family, or someone at the cafe (even the RSO) remembers seeing the family, because, as suspicions grow, it would be beneficial to the parents that someone unrelated to their camping trip could vouch for when and if the toddler was seen in town that day.
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