Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #7

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Just thinking out loud here...

I wonder where the $35k went that Lori stole and transferred from Charles's business account? I can't recall which thread I saw that email/photo of the docs. I would guess LE has traced how that was used/dispersed? I am wondering if Lori had been paying Alex (or anyone else) off to do her dirty work... I would think LE has looked at bank records for several months perhaps?

Secondly, for Alex to be a truck driver, he sure moved around a lot and went here and there -ID, AZ...Vegas..and reportedly Columbia? (usually wherever Lori was)... Was he legitimately working?? Was he a long haul driver, and is it possible he loaded these children up and dropped them somewhere or with someone along whatever route he had??
This is a really good thought. I wonder if LE has considered checking his routes or putting up posters at truck stops, although it could have been as far back as September so not sure anyone would remember. Moo
Oh btw, the divorce docs are on page 8 in the media thread.
ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION
She is a master manipulator. It's no wonder they didn't look too hard at Charles death, especially if Chandler PD had read these reports from Gilbert. They are super subjective leaning heavily in Lori's favor. Moo.

Finally, it's just sinking in (for me)... Chandler PD involvement AND Gilbert PD. 'Seems kinds crazy one didn't know what the other was doing with regard to all this.

Sheesh... Maybe they are as slow as I was on this !
I think it was an error, when Charles found Lori's purse on the ground at school, for him not to take it immediately to the police and tell them that he 'found it on the ground at JJ's school so he didn't give it directly to her because of the animosity between us.'

That would have bought him some time to go to the bank while the purse was at the police department. JJ, during this time, was safe at school...presumably.

However....I don't think anyone thinks very clearly in the heat of those moments.
I totally think your last statement might have a lot to do with it.

But, CV didn’t help himself it seems from the get go with how it seems he responded to wanting to get to bank. Why did he want an order to admit her anyway? Was it to help her or keep her from hurting him?

Playing devils advocate... is the reason he went back to her because he exaggerated in order to keep from being ruined financially? Do they both have impulse control problems?
Oh but we had other people say similar things. One being her friend saying that after reading Chad's books, Lori was totally into the end of the world to the point she would say something to the effect of "lets take kids and go off the cliff." So I really don't think Charles made it up.
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I've just been going over the Zaela Walker case, to see when/what the turning point was in arresting the parents. It seems there was a failed polygraph that lead them to believe Zaela was no longer alive. Lori and Chad have a lawyer, so I'm pretty sure no polygraph was given. Is there any way a court can compel them to take one? Also, can anyone help me find other cases where grandparents or other family reported children missing from the custodial parent? Just trying to see how they approached the issue. Moo.
You can not compel someone to take a polygraph.
New: Justin Lum Fox 10
On January 31, 2019 officers met with Lori Vallow at GPD. The report reveals Lori told police that her husband Charles stole her purse. Police had also been informed about a petition for an involuntary hold at Community Bridges. Police say Lori would be allowed to go to the facility willingly to talk to staff.

more at link above

Is it just me or have the officers names been retracted. WHY?
Not sure if AZ had it blessed by the prosecutors office yet so he may not have known yet. If he was being questioned often after CV was shot, he might have felt the pressure for sure.

The one officer asked him why he didn't stay in the room to make sure what level of homicide it would be. 1st or 2nd degree murder. It's police procedure and not feeding him answers.

You should watch the video. Police officer asked him why he didn't stay in the room, when Alex couldn't answer that, police officer fed the answer to him (suggested to him that Alex didn't think of it).
Not sure if AZ had it blessed by the prosecutors office yet so he may not have known yet. If he was being questioned often after CV was shot, he might have felt the pressure for sure.

The one officer asked him why he didn't stay in the room to make sure what level of homicide it would be. 1st or 2nd degree murder. It's police procedure and not feeding him answers.

Thanks for explaining that... I appreciate it.
There was a post here with a picture of 2nd degree murder charges awaiting to be filed on AC. Justin Lum has removed it I think when searching for it just now. It wasn't official yet due to waiting for the DA. Now it's a moot point as AC is dead. I've dropped this subject about AZ LE and hope you do too. We aren't smarter than them because we don't have all the facts and I can't see how anyone can make claims on LE's investigative procedures without knowing what they do. We're posters/sleuths not cops on the scene.

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