Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #22

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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This does not sound too good for tourists then.

That probably depends on where you go, and how you treat people.

When I lived on Guam, I started learning the local language, and have a natural knack for picking up the local accent. It's weird though, if I'm not around it, I can't mimic it.

Same happens when I hang around my cousin for a while. He sounds a lot like Sylvester Stallone, so then I do too. I do it unconsciously though, and can't mimic it if I'm not around people that have that accent constantly. One of those weird things, I don't even get.:confused:

Apparently my accent was so good, that locals thought I was local. When I told them I was stateside, they thought I was pulling their leg. MOO
Only if that information did not help the prosecution in relation to another crime.. ie CV death. Which is what I think Lori finally understood at her court appearance.

Look at the clip video and timestamp on a post I put up. I think that is the exact moment it hit her.


Would you mind reposting the video clip?

I’ve flicked through numerous pages and I can’t see any discussion of something that really stood out to me in the court hearing. Forgive me if I’ve just missed it!

The prosecutor was talking about Lori fleeing Idaho and then ending up in Hawaii, then said (paraphrasing) that he’s aware the move to Hawaii may have been pre-planned but he’d like to also note in this case that it was “pre-planned before her husband died” .... (intentionally inserting lots of insinuation).

My ears pricked up ... Did Lori and Chad plan the move to Hawaii before Charles died? Did Lori plan to move on her own? What did this mean??
No idea about interstate extradition however i thought the judge did 5m because the defense attorney argued in the first hearing that it was against Hawaii law to have anyone on a B charge not to get the opportunity to bail. 5m gives her a chance at bail even if extremely remote.

That and he undermined the Judge. She asked him if he understood that it was up to the discretion of the court?

His reply was basically, I understand that it is at the discretion of the court, as long as you agree with my line of reasoning (not his words, but that was the general gist of it).

He basically lost right there on reducing the bail, as far as I am concerned. I actually thought it was funny he had the cajones to say what he did. I'm thinking, the judge is going to make you regret those remarks. MOO
My understanding is that with US airlines unaccompanied child must be 13 and over so JJ is younger than that.

Alright, so American Airlines or United Airlines flies this “Island Hopper” route in the South Pacific?
I’ve flicked through numerous pages and I can’t see any discussion of something that really stood out to me in the court hearing. Forgive me if I’ve just missed it!

The prosecutor was talking about Lori fleeing Idaho and then ending up in Hawaii, then said (paraphrasing) that he’s aware the move to Hawaii may have been pre-planned but he’d like to also note in this case that it was “pre-planned before her husband died” .... (intentionally inserting lots of insinuation).

My ears pricked up ... Did Lori and Chad plan the move to Hawaii before Charles died? Did Lori plan to move on her own? What did this mean??

We are talking about this right now. Great timing.
I’ve flicked through numerous pages and I can’t see any discussion of something that really stood out to me in the court hearing. Forgive me if I’ve just missed it!

The prosecutor was talking about Lori fleeing Idaho and then ending up in Hawaii, then said (paraphrasing) that he’s aware the move to Hawaii may have been pre-planned but he’d like to also note in this case that it was “pre-planned before her husband died” .... (intentionally inserting lots of insinuation).

My ears pricked up ... Did Lori and Chad plan the move to Hawaii before Charles died? Did Lori plan to move on her own? What did this mean??

So it looks like it. My guess is LE have the date they booked their wedding. And what does that mean if it was before CV and TD deaths...

Alright, so American Airlines or United Airlines flies this “Island Hopper” route in the South Pacific?

It may have changed, haven't been there for a few years. Last time I was only United has the Island Hopper. I have heard there are other routes. The one I am familiar with though, starts in Hawaii, and ends up in Guam eventually.

Last time I was over there though, United was the main airline, that might have changed since.

If you time the trip at the right time of year, it can be cheaper than flying through Japan, and you don't need a Passport. Plus flying through Japan is it's own adventure.

FYI- if you are on a layover in Japan, make sure you get a ticket for the gate, which is different than your boarding pass, it's normally included with your ticket. You have to ask for it when you are checking your bags in. No one bothered to tell me that. So I had to frantically trade American Dollars into Yen, then buy a gate ticket, just to get through this silly gate to get onto my flight. Free travel tip. JMO

It may have changed, haven't been there for a few years. Last time I was only United has the Island Hopper. I have heard there are other routes. The one I am familiar with though, starts in Hawaii, and ends up in Guam eventually.

Last time I was over there though, United was the main airline, that might have changed since.

If you time the trip at the right time of year, it can be cheaper than flying through Japan, and you don't need a Passport. Plus flying through Japan is it's own adventure.

FYI- if you are on a layover in Japan, make sure you get a ticket for the gate, which is different than your boarding pass, it's normally included with your ticket. You have to ask for it when you are checking your bags in. No one bothered to tell me that. So I had to frantically trade American Dollars into Yen, then buy a gate ticket, just to get through this silly gate to get onto my flight. Free travel tip. JMO


So, are most of these islands US territories? I’m surprised that a US citizen would not need a US passport to visit? MOO
He was interviewed by a reporter this morning & completely clean shaven. Chad wasn’t in the courtroom today.
So...where was he???? I mean, if she were to have her bail reduced- you’d think he’d want to know immediately. Wonder where he is?

I caught that attempted interview by ABC Good Morning America. Seems like all he said with regard to the safety of the children was, “No comment.” MOO

Time stamp 20.30

Eyebrow raises
Looks confused
Looks like going to burst into tears
Composed herself

Let's pull on this piece of string :)

It's notable what first blush arguments the defence did not present, which we might have expected

1. She wasn't evading justice, because she committed no crime - the kids are actually fine!

2. She wasn't evading justice - the trip was long planned, and timing a coincidence.

Instead no real submission was made beyond normal $ precedent. Which leaves one wondering what would be the point of bail before a contested extradition hearing where the defence has no submissions to make, or at least seemingly no interest in establishing a direction of travel for the court at this time?

I get that at this interlocutory stage, the defence may not want to get into all of that but it does leave me wondering that LV won't even make these claims?

So then, like you say, the state has evidence this was all planned before the death of CV ....

Why did she move to Rox. for such a short time?
Crumbs Almighty, surely not...

"Yes the move may have been preplanned but it certainly raises eyebrows with the state that the move appears to have been planned before her husband passed away. So the state considers that as well."

My opinion that it was the wedding that they are referring too. However it could be flight accommodation etc.

TD died after CV... so whatever is referred to happened before both deaths.
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