Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #109

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I can’t buy into the “they know who it is but need proof, or to crack alibi”etc...

This has become a huge expensvie way, imo, would they continue to treat it as wide open, asking for new tips, etc if they knew who did the murders. They would have been going after this person’s friends and relatives, whoever is involved in alibi etc...bringing them in again and again, explainging the possibility of charges of obstruction, any true crime cold case detective shows. The last thing they need two+ years later is to call for new tips. Same goes for second photofit image... they woild not show a drawing of a person they have identified. Too many possible legal problems for one. Either show the suspect’s picture or don’t.

All jmo. I think this was totally random, maybe not even planned. Just a somewhat local weirdo with secret sick thoughts who wanders in the woods and happened upon the girls or saw them being dropped off. Had whatever weapon used on him all the time. And wandered off again...there are thousands of unsolved murders over the years and they surely were not committed by genius level folks...just lucky on that day.
It is frightening to still have this heartless monster still free. I try to keep an open mind. Certain things though, as the language and attitude presented in that April PC, present a picture to the public of someone interviewed and then dismissed. Probably someone who was close to the actual investigation up until that point. It sounded like this person took advantage of that close situation to stay abreast of developments in the case. I think the mention of religion at that PC was pre-planned and tailored to a suspect. The words "could be in this room" were totally unnecessary to speak publicly from an investigative point of view. They were shocking and I believe they were meant to shock and to verify that LE knows the killer. These are all just my gut feelings. AJMO

I agree with all of this.
Yeah, I agree. There are a few dudes out there who I have felt pretty strongly about at some point in time. The thing is, though, we have such limited information that we could probably find 2 dozen different men, hold them up to the crime, and make a case for every one of them. We are working with a terrifically large scope here. There is a 19 yo guy (not even the one whose name has been traded around) and a 46 yo guy that I know and when held up to the sketch and video still either one could be a match. That's crazy. Is this someone with a history of pedophilia? We don't know if they were sexually assaulted. Someone with a history of sexual assault against females in general? A recent parolee locked up for attempted kidnapping? A totally clear record, but rumblings of domestic violence through the grapevine? A sexual deviant? A tweaker? Without knowing how they were killed and what the OG plan was, it's all hard to say for sure.

I am wide open right now. I think that is a good thing. If LE gets too much tunnel vision then mistakes can be made. Check out the pressure to find a perp that LE was under for the Jessica Dishon case and how THAT turned out. The poor dude was charged and taken to trial while the real killer ran around wreaking more havoc.

Sometimes I think of this case as a puzzle that can't be completed by the public because there are too many missing pieces. We can make up those pieces, but we probably shouldn't get too attached to them because the odds of you being right are just as strong as the person next to you.

Agreed. It's almost as if anybody between 15 to 50 can be the suspect which is absolutely horrendous when asking for the public's help. We have snippets of audio and video. They have more and still cant come up with anything. How the hell are we going to with what we received?
IMO I feel like it was a random act. The more and more I read on this tragic case. But then again it could be a local hang out area, I wouldn’t know.
I’m also torn tho because in areas like that near where I live there is homeless people who live on the tracks in the woods.
Good question, no I don’t- and as I’ve gone back to search for one I think I could be mistaken. (too late to edit my post).

I remembered reading something to that affect during the discussion on here regarding the image on her twitter account that is available to see online. But mods cut off the discussion and removed some posts, and now I can’t find anything. I also could have just misunderstood. All I can find is a post from you that only mentions her having multiple SM accounts but not multiple Twitter accounts.

tresir2012 said:
Liberty German (@libby1227) on Twitter
While we are talking Kik, here is a link to Libby's Twitter which shows her Kik, SC and Instagram user names. <modsnip - naming a non-poi>
Liberty German (@libby1227) Tweeted: When a fly sounds like a bee and you run from it. #blondmoment XD Liberty German on Twitter
<modsnip: As per Social Media rules, screenshots not allowed>“

Sorry all- good example of how rumors are perpetuated if we don’t have links :confused:

Libby german (@germanlibby) is another Twitter.

I believe there might also be at least 2 SC accounts. One was referenced on Twitter and a different one was referenced on Instagram.

Sometimes people have multiple accounts because they change phones/phone numbers frequently, they forget their passwords and don’t set up their SC account with a phone number or legit email, or they just want multiple accounts.

I have a friend that has like 3 FB accounts. They aren’t all active and I do not know why she does this. She hasn’t been hacked either. I’m guessing she forgets her PW frequently because she isn’t shady.
Dreamnt last night that a POI had been named. Very vivid, but very brief. I saw the first sentence and a half....and then faded to the next thing. So vivid, though, that I had to check here to confirm it was just a dream.

Wouldn't it be nice, though?
Wowwww interesting with the lastest news
DNA on a straw helps catch truck thief

Lien also said DNA samples for high-profile crimes often get first priority at the state police crime labs, so officers urge victims of theft and other crimes to remain patient with the process.

“We try to explain that to the victims. That hey, we have some evidence in this case. We’re going to submit it,” Lien said. “You may not hear anything on this for a long period of time. And in this case, it’s been a year.”

Danville police say DNA on straw helped catch truck thief
Crazy fleeting thought.

Any way that someone with status and/or Money has paid, or made ,someone else carry out this horror as a revenge killing.

LE know this is the case but cant prove it? Dont have the perp but have the Paymaster somehow? Has the perp told the story of being paid to do it to someone , who has then reported it? Etc

Has the deal been seen/ overheard being done? Paid? Worth reporting?

Just fleeting, unthought out, spec
It’s interesting that John Kelly and his psychologist and detective co-hosts basically posit 2 scenarios:

A mentally ill (likely schizophrenic) person or a revenge killing.

Those are reasonably polar opposites to me.
I think it is random too. You can bet LE has ran down every friend and even vaguely associated men. After all this time if it was a person those poor girls knew, and all the hard work and time LE has put into this we would know who it was. They wouldn’t be making statements like for all we know the perp is in the room at the presser. I bet it is a random crime of opportunity. My biggest question is how he controlled two girls at the same time? Was it a SA? Why/how did they cross the creek? If it is a control or sex motive I bet this guy gets comfortable and try’s again. I just don’t know if sooner or later he tries. I think these sick people cant not resist doing it again
This monster seemingly knew enough about these two girls that all that was probably needed was to physically control one and the other would follow.
Circulate the new BG pic. Let's catch this monster
This monster seemingly knew enough about these two girls that all that was probably needed was to physically control one and the other would follow.
Circulate the new BG pic. Let's catch this monster
I love your focus and attitude - and this is what it will take to capture this spawn of S*tan. Get LE sketch #2 *viral* on FB, the most dominant SM platform. Blast it everywhere; FB, Instagram, and so forth. Ask each person on FB page to blast this out to 20 people and so on and so forth.
Let this face be everywhere.

We're coming for you COWARD.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Revenge for what?!

Oh, I don’t think they were considering any specific detail. They were discussing the pattern of the crime and the type of victims in terms of their experience.

They did say the following too:

He may have had a vehicle close by and probably wanted to abduct them, he knew the area really well and they thought the girls tried to escape which led to the disorganised elements of the crime.
It’s interesting that John Kelly and his psychologist and detective co-hosts basically posit 2 scenarios:

A mentally ill (likely schizophrenic) person or a revenge killing.

Those are reasonably polar opposites to me.
It's Psycho vs The Godfather. Maybe it's like Carter says and will end up being a combination of the two. JK

But seriously, IMO there has to be an element of mental illness on some level to do what he did. No matter the motive.
It's Psycho vs The Godfather. Maybe it's like Carter says and will end up being a combination of the two. JK

But seriously, IMO there has to be an element of mental illness on some level to do what he did. No matter the motive.

No kidding! Really going out on the limb with the mental illness theory there! Haha
It’s interesting that John Kelly and his psychologist and detective co-hosts basically posit 2 scenarios:

A mentally ill (likely schizophrenic) person or a revenge killing.

Those are reasonably polar opposites to me.
Interesting. I always thought schizophrenic persons were more danger to themselves than to others. Maybe a psychopath, but I don't see schizophrenic. Revenge killing?!?! That is really interesting given that I believe LE has scoured both family's backgrounds by now. But I can see a psychopath doing something like this.
One possibility that has never been really talked about is them actually making contact with this guy earlier than what people think. Maybe everything seemed fine earlier in the day and something changed to where Libby took out her phone and began recording him because she knew something might have been up/strange.
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