IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #13

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Where do I begin? Made the jog to Delphi today. Completely changed everything I had thought and/or envisioned in my head. I live in a small town but this town....super small.

1. I live about 2 hours away. Didn't know the area at all. Took me an hour to find the bridge. And that's using GPS. GPS took me all over. I finally had to stop and ask someone. The GPS kept taking me to the trail head which is in town at Riley Park. So IMO this BG had to have known the area. And to actually chance into two girls by theirselves--no way. Well except....See #3

2. This trail is not nearly as "back woods" as I thought. There is an area right off the road where maybe two cars can fit to walk back. The bridge is only half a mile from the road/parking spot. Very open. Had I not known what happened there I would never have worried about being there alone. Especially during the day. Anyone that parked right there was right on the road and fully visible to anyone going by.

3. There are 3 areas to park and get to the bridge. In town on Washington Street, and another little spot right beside the Hoosier Highway. If you park here, you literally walk over the interstate. The wooden bridge is probably
A half a mile to a mile past that. Mind you this basically runs parallel to the road. Not deep into the woods like my mind thought. It runs parallel to 350 N. The mere fact that these girls could have walked over the interstate....was jaw dropping for me. I assumed there was only one area to hop on the trail. When I saw these two girls could have possibly walked across the interstate was a game changer for me. So, do we know where the sister dropped them off? Town? Off Hoosier Highway or right at the gate leading back to the bridge? God knows who saw them if they crossed over the interstate.

4. They found the girls on the Northeast side of the bridge, 50 yards from Deer Creek. Closest side to the entrance/parking on the same side as 350. I know this because I asked the searchers out scouring the area. Their main focus today was on the Northeast side of the bridge along the woods/field facing the road. They also had dogs.

5. If I counted one man/boy wearing a camo hat, blue coat, baggie jeans and a hoodie, I counted 30. In fact while driving around trying to find this place I stopped to ask a searcher and it was one of the girls uncle. Wearing a blue coat, camo hat and baggie jeans. This suspect looks like every other man in town. Just a note the uncle said he'd called some friends and family to come and search "their way". I gathered they weren't real pleased with maybe the lack of searching from PD. This was disheartening.

6. The cemetery is within visual distance from the entrance gate/parking to the bridge. Not far at all.

7. After driving over to the cemetery it dips down a little the further back into the cemetery and kind of hides a vehicle. Once back there the PD had big flood lights up facing the woods there. There was a path at the back of the cemetery that had a "no trespassing-private property" sign. The searches had a map out and seemed to focus a lot on this area.

8. Like every other trail there was random trash, cigarette butts all over. Not sure how they determine what's been there a month to what was there the day of the crime.

My summary, IMO this was so much more brazen than I ever thought. It wasn't desolate and deep woods. It was just right off the road. If it took me an hour to find this bridge, it couldn't have been someone who just randomly was at the same place at the same time who didn't know the area. Unless--they saw the girls as they were driving on Hoosier Highway and turned back to locate them. Even then it would be difficult to find which way they went ext. IMO he didn't park at the main entrance to the bridge. It was right on the road, right across from a house. Anyone and everyone would have see his vehicle there. It appears to me he parked in the cemetery, went down the path marked private property, met up with the girls at the north end of the bridge (opposite of what I thought) and cut east back towards the road/cemetery. It's a very hilly area. "Down the hill" could have occurred anywhere. He committed his crime in the woods closest to the cemetery, close to his vehicle and drove away.

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Thank you, Nana! This is high quality information. This POI did need to have some understanding of the landscape around the trail and creek, and how it all worked, for him to be able to pull off this crime.

When the case unfolded from the beginning, I felt sure it had to be a stranger crime, an opportunist killer waiting on the right victims to come along. Now I wonder even a serial killer.

I was shocked, when at the press conference, Captain David Bursten of the Indiana State Police said this:

"One of two things happened. It was a chance encounter — that's possible. Don't think it's likely, but it's possible," Bursten said. "Or that person knew that they were going to be there. That's possible as well."

That makes me think the Indiana State Police are (or were at the time of this press conference) leaning toward the POI knowing the girls would be there.

I am not sure I agree with that. To me, all the video images and what the sleuths here have been able to do with the video images point to a surprise ambush on the bridge.

Thanks for your great post, and hope you don't mind me providing some of my opinions it helped me feel more concrete.

(My opinion only, of course).
(Off topic but if you don't want to watch Hollywood actors worship each other, there's a Dateline episode on that sounds a lot like a kidnapping story ala S. Papini).
I have deliberately tried not to envision how these girls were found but now ... what a disturbing thought :(

Reminds me of that teen who killed his math teacher, forgot his name, Chism? He displayed her.

He also walked through the whole school with her dead body in a wheelie bin. Ugh that was a terrible case.

Danvers, MA...Philip Chism
What was said was "the suspect walked the girls across this bridge" (and then into town?) which isn't what happened. He could have walked in from this bridge, or entered about a million other ways. He could have hitchhiked in on US 25 or parachuted in from a helicopter! Point being, this isn't the bridge involved in this case.


WHO said that?

I don't remember reading that.
Just curious, would any of you run or walk briskly on that bridge without ever being there before? If you had been there many times and knew the tracks would you feel safe enough to walk briskly across? The reason I ask is based on the photos just posted of Abby and of the one facing the opposite direction of the empty tracks. Where the heck is BG? Why isn't he in one of THOSE photos way off in the distance? I really think (and could be totally wrong) BG is a local. He knows the tracks and the area very well.

This is all just my opinion and subject to change if the po po releases new info. [emoji846]

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A woman who was at the bridge commented on a Facebook post by a family member of one of the girls, saying she had been at the bridge shortly after the girls posted the photo. She said she didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

“I even walked all the way across the bridge and back. I only (saw) a guy when I first got there and another couple once I got on the bridge,” Cheyenne Mekisha Engles wrote. “I didn’t see the girls at all. I also didn’t take the trail that leads to the right. Only took the trail that lead to the bridge.”

I wish we had more details about what exactly these witnesses saw. Was "the guy" the same guy in the photo? I'm assuming not, since it doesn't seem much has been made of these witness statements. I'd love a concise and organized list of everyone else who was there at the time and who they remember seeing and what those other people were doing.
Or maybe he's not at all agile, but rather having his hands in his pockets made him a bit ungainly/clumsy and that's why his gait seems a bit odd. It seems unusual to keep hands in pockets on that bridge as a natural choice, so my feeling is that his hands were concealed because he was hiding something and/or needed to be ready to pull a weapon or other object out that he was planning to use to menace/control the girls. Maybe he had a knife ready to pull and was waiting for the right moment, but wanted it close to or ready in his hands. MOO.

Maybe he's walked the bridge many, many times.

I do think he is very familiar with the area.

Just curious, would any of you run or walk briskly on that bridge without ever being there before? If you had been there many times and knew the tracks would you feel safe enough to walk briskly across? The reason I ask is based on the photos just posted of Abby and of the one facing the opposite direction of the empty tracks. Where the heck is BG? Why isn't he in one of THOSE photos way off in the distance? I really think (and could be totally wrong) BG is a local. He knows the tracks and the area very well.

This is all just my opinion and subject to change if the po po releases new info. [emoji846]

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Definitely not. I'd be afraid it was all rotting and I'd fall through. He HAD to have prior knowledge of the bridge. AND a good escape plan.
I think we will all be shocked when this guy is caught and we truly see him. I don't think he looks ANYTHING like has been speculating.

Could HE (BG) ...

Even be a SHE? :gasp:
This bridge you're showing has nothing to do with the case & they were never suspected to be anywhere near this area.

The bridge is a hop, skip and a jump from the wooden bridge. Do we know for fact exactly where the sister dropped them off?

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Please don't think I was complaining about your fantastic photos. I wasn't, not at all. You did a great job!!!

Oh I know. Thank you! I'm just computer ignorant. Lol

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Have LE ever stated at which entrance the girls were left by the family member who took them there?

I've been trying to figure that out too. I was thinking they were dropped off on the north side of the creek, but looking at the maps makes me think it was the south side. Guess I need to pay more attention. :blushing:
The user NotSoGrumpy said - "He could have walked them across that?!?! How immobilizing having cars so close and not being able to get HELP." (Referring to a picture of the bridge entering town above US 25). It's not important, all I was pointing out is the bridge above US 25 is not the Monon High Bridge and is no more relevant to the case than any other access point to the trail.​
This bridge you're showing has nothing to do with the case & they were never suspected to be anywhere near this area.

You don't know that, he could have seen them hanging out on the bridge while driving by and got off at the next exit which looks to be about a mile up the road.
Oh I know. Thank you! I'm just computer ignorant. Lol

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Did the search teams /LE seem bothered that you were there or like you were not supposed to be? I would like to go but I was afraid they would get nasty. Is any of it blocked off or taped off?

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But it's access to the area, right? The perp could've used it. We don't know.


If you cross the bridge over the Highway the wooden bridge is maybe a half mile or a mile down. So do we know if the sister dropped the girls off at the trail in town, here, or specifically at the bridge entrance?

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I agree. Early to mid '50's. And not in good physical shape either. He looks overweight, slow and awkward to me. Not someone used to hiking.
Are we allowed to ask if BG would possibly have any connection to either of them or their families? Could it be something where he's right under their noses?

JMO and I'm thinking out loud. Not sleuthing any family members. Simply typing as I'm thinking.
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