IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

What is the name of the book? I hadn't heard of this case before 48 Mystery, either. I kept going back and forth as I watched it, becasue I didn't want to beleive he did it. But I believe he (Cam) is guilty. The thing that got to me was when Cam was asked aobut the sexual abuse of his daughter. He said simply he knew nothing about the sexual abuse". All the rantings by Cam about finding who the sweatshirt belonged to in order to find the killer (since he knew who it belonged to), why didn't emphasize that "who the hell was abusing my daughter?!" and maybe that person was the killer. (am I making sense here?) I got the impression that the sexual abuse of his daughter was irrelevant to him.

So does Cam believe Boney also sexually abused his daughter, or that was another bad guy he knew nothing about? (or is he trying to slip by that little fact because he abused her, which is why he had motive). All of the outrage over the injustice done to him, where is the outrage over his daughter being sexually abused?

Also, as someone else stated, why would he reach over his daughter to get his son.

Do you all think he put the shoes on the car later (before calling 911) as another piece to point to Boney?
laini said:
What is the name of the book? I hadn't heard of this case before 48 Mystery, either. I kept going back and forth as I watched it, becasue I didn't want to beleive he did it. But I believe he (Cam) is guilty. The thing that got to me was when Cam was asked aobut the sexual abuse of his daughter. He said simply he knew nothing about the sexual abuse". All the rantings by Cam about finding who the sweatshirt belonged to in order to find the killer (since he knew who it belonged to), why didn't emphasize that "who the hell was abusing my daughter?!" and maybe that person was the killer. (am I making sense here?) I got the impression that the sexual abuse of his daughter was irrelevant to him.

So does Cam believe Boney also sexually abused his daughter, or that was another bad guy he knew nothing about? (or is he trying to slip by that little fact because he abused her, which is why he had motive). All of the outrage over the injustice done to him, where is the outrage over his daughter being sexually abused?

Also, as someone else stated, why would he reach over his daughter to get his son.

Do you all think he put the shoes on the car later (before calling 911) as another piece to point to Boney?

I have always felt he reached over his daughter because she had a massive head wound and was obviously dead, where as the son was shot in the chest, so his face probably appeared un marked. He may have thought there was a chance his son was alive still
I work in an emergency room trauma center and head wounds are ghastly, there really is no doubt that the individual is deceased based on the ones I have seen.

As far as outrage over the little girls sexual abuse, I don't see where me having outrage over what I believe is being done to Camm negates or says I lack empathy and outrage for the victims?.I am very sad for the loss of these innocent lives, I just believe Camm not to be guilty of the crime...we know she had blunt force trauma to her vaginal area that was anywhere from 1-24 hours old (oh wait and expert CHANGED their testimony to say it could be 48 hours old at the second trial).
I think it is an outrage when any child is sexually abused. She will never be able to tell us where those injury's came from, we will never know unless someone comes up with some dna of David Camms on that vaginal area, we can not say it was him. He had never been accused or thought to be molesting his daughter or anyone else before is all speculation. I would say it is a huge outrage to acuse a man of sexually assaulting his daughter who also happens to be murdered if he didn't do it. Are you aware that there was not even enough evidence to formally charge Camm with sexual abuse, but they used the theory to assume that was his motive. Not enough evidence to charge him, but they use it to pinn the murders of his three family members on him.That stinks to me.Camm has never said he thinks Bonet molested his daughter, I am the one that said I would have an easier time believing a man with past convictions for sexually deviant behavior whose hand print was on the bronco and who we know was there would have caused that blunt force trauma to the vaginal area, than I would believing Camm who has an 11 person alibi and who had never been accused of or convicted of molesting anyone. He may have been a scum bag in the husband department and a womanizer....but I will not accuse a man of raping his daughter on specualtion and theory.

As far as the shoes, Bonet says he tripped over them and then put them on top of the car. Why were they off of her feet?Why would David stand back and shoot her in the head, leaving her in the car and then take her shoes off? Why would a law enforcement officer risk the possibility of evidence transfer? The only person who would take the shoes off of a execution victim is someone with a very bad shoe fetish, Bonet has past convictions of this.Shoes were his thing and they got him off. Maybe bonet saw her out with these shoes on and followed her home, he had been known to follow and stalk women in colege who had shoes on that he liked.
KC, you make some very good points;) Let me ask your opinion on the fact Boney's shirt was left in the back seat. What is you opinion on why he left it. Do you think he was careless? Why would he have taken it off anyway? It didn't have a large amount of high velocity blood splatter on it; so obviously he wasn't wearing it when he shot the three of them. Also, I thought Kim was found on the floor in the garage hence the blood trail down the driveway that David saw when he first pulled up.

I'm not trying to argue and would love to hear more of your theories. I'm not sure about the molestation on Jill. I understand she had trauma (no denial there) but it could have been from an accident on her bike (like 48 hours pointed out)

I know the conspiricy charge was thrown out, but do you believe in every possible way that David is innocent? Could it be possible that Camm hired Boney?

Just want to hear more of your thoughts since I find them very thought provoking.

David Camm said his son was the only one warm. The son was shot in the shoulder and although paralyzed was thought to have lived and been conscious for some time.

The injuries to Kim’s feet are of interest. Would like to have more information on that. Could she have taken off her work shoes and put on something more comfortable for the after school activities and those were wrenched from her feet and then Boney saw the bonus work shoes and tried to get them but leaving them in haste when Camm turned on him but escaping with the comfy pair she had on?

IMHO David Camm is guilty as charged. I do not consider the words of his friends and family as an ironclad alibi, maybe security camera footage would be. Camm was too practiced at deceiving his loved ones for me to believe what they thought was true. And he has no alibi for before or after the game. It could have happened then.

Patricide is not as unusual as we would like to think. Finding a reasonable motive from a sociopath is an act of futility but I do think that he wanted to be free and clear of the family with money from the insurance policy on them to start his new life. I’m sorry but a serial womanizer is a bad trait. If it can be believed that pot can lead to harder drugs can’t lying and cheating on your wife and family lead to other crimes – I think so as evidenced by all the other cheating, murdering husbands.

Camm was sexually inappropriate in fact aggressively so. Check nananjim’s link above. Frankly I can’t get all that outraged over him possibly being falsely accused of assaulting his daughter since he isn’t so worked up himself about it.
Jade said:
David Camm said his son was the only one warm. The son was shot in the shoulder and although paralyzed was thought to have lived and been conscious for some time.

The injuries to Kim’s feet are of interest. Would like to have more information on that. Could she have taken off her work shoes and put on something more comfortable for the after school activities and those were wrenched from her feet and then Boney saw the bonus work shoes and tried to get them but leaving them in haste when Camm turned on him but escaping with the comfy pair she had on?

IMHO David Camm is guilty as charged. I do not consider the words of his friends and family as an ironclad alibi, maybe security camera footage would be. Camm was too practiced at deceiving his loved ones for me to believe what they thought was true. And he has no alibi for before or after the game. It could have happened then.

Patricide is not as unusual as we would like to think. Finding a reasonable motive from a sociopath is an act of futility but I do think that he wanted to be free and clear of the family with money from the insurance policy on them to start his new life. I’m sorry but a serial womanizer is a bad trait. If it can be believed that pot can lead to harder drugs can’t lying and cheating on your wife and family lead to other crimes – I think so as evidenced by all the other cheating, murdering husbands.

Camm was sexually inappropriate in fact aggressively so. Check nananjim’s link above. Frankly I can’t get all that outraged over him possibly being falsely accused of assaulting his daughter since he isn’t so worked up himself about it.

I don't think we can no one way or the other if Camm was worked up over the alleged abuse or not. He simply stated that he knew nothing about any sexual abuse involving his daughter. It was a 3 second clip and so i wont assume he just never even cared.

Some of the men who swear Camm was at the gym were not family members, and it can't be assumed they were all his friends. My husband plays basketball at church every thursday night and there are tons of guys that come and play who don't even attend our church. I could understand one or two manufacturing an alibi, but 11 different sets of eyes say they were playing basketball with him. According to the prosecutions time line, Camm could not have killed them before going to the gym or after because of time of death. He would have had to be there, leave and kill his family, and then come back in order for their theory to work.
kcksum said:
I have always felt he reached over his daughter because she had a massive head wound and was obviously dead, where as the son was shot in the chest, so his face probably appeared un marked. He may have thought there was a chance his son was alive still
I work in an emergency room trauma center and head wounds are ghastly, there really is no doubt that the individual is deceased based on the ones I have seen.

As far as outrage over the little girls sexual abuse, I don't see where me having outrage over what I believe is being done to Camm negates or says I lack empathy and outrage for the victims?.I am very sad for the loss of these innocent lives, I just believe Camm not to be guilty of the crime...we know she had blunt force trauma to her vaginal area that was anywhere from 1-24 hours old (oh wait and expert CHANGED their testimony to say it could be 48 hours old at the second trial).
I think it is an outrage when any child is sexually abused. She will never be able to tell us where those injury's came from, we will never know unless someone comes up with some dna of David Camms on that vaginal area, we can not say it was him. He had never been accused or thought to be molesting his daughter or anyone else before is all speculation. I would say it is a huge outrage to acuse a man of sexually assaulting his daughter who also happens to be murdered if he didn't do it. Are you aware that there was not even enough evidence to formally charge Camm with sexual abuse, but they used the theory to assume that was his motive. Not enough evidence to charge him, but they use it to pinn the murders of his three family members on him.That stinks to me.Camm has never said he thinks Bonet molested his daughter, I am the one that said I would have an easier time believing a man with past convictions for sexually deviant behavior whose hand print was on the bronco and who we know was there would have caused that blunt force trauma to the vaginal area, than I would believing Camm who has an 11 person alibi and who had never been accused of or convicted of molesting anyone. He may have been a scum bag in the husband department and a womanizer....but I will not accuse a man of raping his daughter on specualtion and theory.

As far as the shoes, Bonet says he tripped over them and then put them on top of the car. Why were they off of her feet?Why would David stand back and shoot her in the head, leaving her in the car and then take her shoes off? Why would a law enforcement officer risk the possibility of evidence transfer? The only person who would take the shoes off of a execution victim is someone with a very bad shoe fetish, Bonet has past convictions of this.Shoes were his thing and they got him off. Maybe bonet saw her out with these shoes on and followed her home, he had been known to follow and stalk women in colege who had shoes on that he liked.

I meant where was Cam's outrage over the abuse. Not ours or yours. Sorry about that. :) And of course, he may have been outraged. They just didn't show him saying anything about it except "I don't know anything about that". So maybe Cam's statementws about the abuse were just cut from teh show. Sometimes when I post it comes out wrong. :eek:
And you do make a good point about the daughter being obviously deceased probably, where as his son probably didn't look as serious.
laini said:
I meant where was Cam's outrage over the abuse. Not ours or yours. Sorry about that. :) And of course, he may have been outraged. They just didn't show him saying anything about it except "I don't know anything about that". So maybe Cam's statementws about the abuse were just cut from teh show. Sometimes when I post it comes out wrong. :eek:
And you do make a good point about the daughter being obviously deceased probably, where as his son probably didn't look as serious.
If he checked his son (which he could very well have), I believe it was to ensure that the boy was dead.

The blood on his shirt was not smeared as it would have been if Cam brushed his daughter's hair, it was microscopic blood drops from blow back caused by a gunshot. Even his own defense expert could have explain why it wasn't smeared.

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable testimony above all else. Plus, not ALL could be sure that Camm was there. Camm was clever to play the first game, sit out the second game and then play the last game. This would give the impression that he was there the entire time. The players were focusing on the game, not Camm.

Camm could have committed this crime in 15 minutes or less. He lived very close to the location where they were playing basketball. I believe that he slipped out during the second set. I also believe that Camm played often with this group of guys and had never left the game before. This would also be set in the guys' subconscious minds. Oh, yes, I give Camm a B+ for his cleverness.

Camm was not the breadwinner in this family. He did however enjoy the comforts of being married and running around on his wife. That was coming to a screeching halt.

Also, please explain the life insurance policy on Kim, which was written by Camm's brother who lives in Florida. This brother submitted illegal documents stating that Kim was a resident of Florida (a requirement for him to be able to write the policy).

There are just so many little things that I think that both juries heard that convinced them that Camm was guilty. Who knows--he may get his shot at a third trial.

I also do not believe that Jill severely injured her private area on a bicycle in the hours before her death. How coincidental. Since I don't believe in coincidences, I don't believe in this remote possibility.

Another thing that I found odd was Camm did not tear up when discussing his daughter's death. However, he did tear up over the discussion concerning his son. I know that I am really speculating as to the reason for this. I believe that he did abuse his daughter and she may have told her mother. If so, Camm could blame the daughter for Kim leaving him and the subsequent actions that followed.

I also believe that Bradley was not killed instantly as Kim and Jill were and that he said something to his father to indicate that he knew that he was the killer. I don't think Camm would have had the same reaction had Bradley died instantly without knowing who killed him.
nanandjim said:
If he checked his son (which he could very well have), I believe it was to ensure that the boy was dead.

The blood on his shirt was not smeared as it would have been if Cam brushed his daughter's hair, it was microscopic blood drops from blow back caused by a gunshot. Even his own defense expert could have explain why it wasn't smeared.

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable testimony above all else. Plus, not ALL could be sure that Camm was there. Camm was clever to play the first game, sit out the second game and then play the last game. This would give the impression that he was there the entire time. The players were focusing on the game, not Camm.

Camm could have committed this crime in 15 minutes or less. He lived very close to the location where they were playing basketball. I believe that he slipped out during the second set. I also believe that Camm played often with this group of guys and had never left the game before. This would also be set in the guys' subconscious minds. Oh, yes, I give Camm a B+ for his cleverness.

Camm was not the breadwinner in this family. He did however enjoy the comforts of being married and running around on his wife. That was coming to a screeching halt.

Also, please explain the life insurance policy on Kim, which was written by Camm's brother who lives in Florida. This brother submitted illegal documents stating that Kim was a resident of Florida (a requirement for him to be able to write the policy).

There are just so many little things that I think that both juries heard that convinced them that Camm was guilty. Who knows--he may get his shot at a third trial.

I also do not believe that Jill severely injured her private area on a bicycle in the hours before her death. How coincidental. Since I don't believe in coincidences, I don't believe in this remote possibility.

Another thing that I found odd was Camm did not tear up when discussing his daughter's death. However, he did tear up over the discussion concerning his son. I know that I am really speculating as to the reason for this. I believe that he did abuse his daughter and she may have told her mother. If so, Camm could blame the daughter for Kim leaving him and the subsequent actions that followed.

I also believe that Bradley was not killed instantly as Kim and Jill were and that he said something to his father to indicate that he knew that he was the killer. I don't think Camm would have had the same reaction had Bradley died instantly without knowing who killed him.
Excellent post. I agree on many things you said!! :)
Hi kcksum, Sharon Tate's home was selected as the target, not Sharon Tate. It didn't have anything to do with location, it was a vendetta against a previous tennant. Charlie Manson didn't realize he no longer lived there, but also didn't really care. His instructions were to kill everyone in the house.

Also, I NEVER drive with shoes on. Ever. I know other women who don't either. If her shoes were off and close to the door, they may have fallen out when he opened the door.
Garnan said:
Hi kcksum, Sharon Tate's home was selected as the target, not Sharon Tate. It didn't have anything to do with location, it was a vendetta against a previous tennant. Charlie Manson didn't realize he no longer lived there, but also didn't really care. His instructions were to kill everyone in the house.

Also, I NEVER drive with shoes on. Ever. I know other women who don't either. If her shoes were off and close to the door, they may have fallen out when he opened the door.

didn't know that about the manson murders, I used a bad example. My point was that criminals sometimes pick random homes and victims to harm regardless of its location or who lived there. I think it highly probable that a known sexual deviant would follow a woman home especially since he had a past record of stalking women on campus who were wearing shoes he admired.Bonet was a sick individual and my point was that it just isn't true that the only way he would have been at the Camm house would be if David had hired and directed him there.
I was the victim of a home invasion at 145 am by two young assailants. We did not know them from Adam and no one else had sent them there. It was completely random and had they killed us all, I would have hated for someone I know to have been charged and convicted because no one believed these guys could have just picked our house randomly. Random crimes do occure.
nanandjim said:
If he checked his son (which he could very well have), I believe it was to ensure that the boy was dead.

The blood on his shirt was not smeared as it would have been if Cam brushed his daughter's hair, it was microscopic blood drops from blow back caused by a gunshot. Even his own defense expert could have explain why it wasn't smeared.

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable testimony above all else. Plus, not ALL could be sure that Camm was there. Camm was clever to play the first game, sit out the second game and then play the last game. This would give the impression that he was there the entire time. The players were focusing on the game, not Camm.

Camm could have committed this crime in 15 minutes or less. He lived very close to the location where they were playing basketball. I believe that he slipped out during the second set. I also believe that Camm played often with this group of guys and had never left the game before. This would also be set in the guys' subconscious minds. Oh, yes, I give Camm a B+ for his cleverness.

Camm was not the breadwinner in this family. He did however enjoy the comforts of being married and running around on his wife. That was coming to a screeching halt.

Also, please explain the life insurance policy on Kim, which was written by Camm's brother who lives in Florida. This brother submitted illegal documents stating that Kim was a resident of Florida (a requirement for him to be able to write the policy).

There are just so many little things that I think that both juries heard that convinced them that Camm was guilty. Who knows--he may get his shot at a third trial.

I also do not believe that Jill severely injured her private area on a bicycle in the hours before her death. How coincidental. Since I don't believe in coincidences, I don't believe in this remote possibility.

Another thing that I found odd was Camm did not tear up when discussing his daughter's death. However, he did tear up over the discussion concerning his son. I know that I am really speculating as to the reason for this. I believe that he did abuse his daughter and she may have told her mother. If so, Camm could blame the daughter for Kim leaving him and the subsequent actions that followed.

I also believe that Bradley was not killed instantly as Kim and Jill were and that he said something to his father to indicate that he knew that he was the killer. I don't think Camm would have had the same reaction had Bradley died instantly without knowing who killed him.
the prosecution can'thave it both ways.
Either he did this alone in 15 min while in between games, or he met up with Bonet and bought a gun and went with Bonet to the house to do this thing which would have taken well over 15 min. So you either have to believe all 11 men were mistaken or that it didn't happen the way the prosecution contends. Since Bonet was convicted, then we must believe it was theory #2 by the prosecution. I wish Bonet could have been connected to Camm on something other than his known lying mouth. That may have persuaded me one way or the other.They couldn't even make a conspiracy charge stick.They want me to believe that Camm worked with Bonet to kill his family, but can't even show me how Camm knew Bonet. To many holes for me.
As far as the blood evidence......dueling experts man, dueling experts. It's wether or not you choose to believe the prosecutions paid talking heads or the defense paid talking heads. We saw what the blood experts had to say about OJ simpson, and I don't think there is a person in the world who believes him innocent.
I understand that you need to have the prosecution lay out exactly what happened and have the evidence to back it up. I don't need all that. I don't believe that this was a random act of violence. I think that this was a well-planned crime by David Camm. Who knows--maybe his conviction will be overturned again.
nanandjim said:
If he checked his son (which he could very well have), I believe it was to ensure that the boy was dead.

The blood on his shirt was not smeared as it would have been if Cam brushed his daughter's hair, it was microscopic blood drops from blow back caused by a gunshot. Even his own defense expert could have explain why it wasn't smeared.

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable testimony above all else. Plus, not ALL could be sure that Camm was there. Camm was clever to play the first game, sit out the second game and then play the last game. This would give the impression that he was there the entire time. The players were focusing on the game, not Camm.

Camm could have committed this crime in 15 minutes or less. He lived very close to the location where they were playing basketball. I believe that he slipped out during the second set. I also believe that Camm played often with this group of guys and had never left the game before. This would also be set in the guys' subconscious minds. Oh, yes, I give Camm a B+ for his cleverness.

Camm was not the breadwinner in this family. He did however enjoy the comforts of being married and running around on his wife. That was coming to a screeching halt.

Also, please explain the life insurance policy on Kim, which was written by Camm's brother who lives in Florida. This brother submitted illegal documents stating that Kim was a resident of Florida (a requirement for him to be able to write the policy).

There are just so many little things that I think that both juries heard that convinced them that Camm was guilty. Who knows--he may get his shot at a third trial.

I also do not believe that Jill severely injured her private area on a bicycle in the hours before her death. How coincidental. Since I don't believe in coincidences, I don't believe in this remote possibility.

Another thing that I found odd was Camm did not tear up when discussing his daughter's death. However, he did tear up over the discussion concerning his son. I know that I am really speculating as to the reason for this. I believe that he did abuse his daughter and she may have told her mother. If so, Camm could blame the daughter for Kim leaving him and the subsequent actions that followed.

I also believe that Bradley was not killed instantly as Kim and Jill were and that he said something to his father to indicate that he knew that he was the killer. I don't think Camm would have had the same reaction had Bradley died instantly without knowing who killed him.
Nanandjim, I have followed the Camm case closely and I could not put these points together as well as you have. You did an excellent job of stating all. Thanks.

What blows me away is the bull Camm expressed about leaning over to check his son and how the blood was transferred from his daughter's hair. I heard this repeated on the 48Hrs. Special too. As you expressed so wonderfully too, Camm would only check his son to make sure he was dead.

Camm showed no reaction to his daughter being molested. This, of course, is a telltale sign to me (at least) that he is the culprit. I feel he is where he belongs and hope he does not win any appeals. As to him and his relationship to Bonet, he probably knew him from the streets, not by the reason Bonet gave on 48Hrs.

Camm just wanted a family and to continue to have affairs. This is not any great news when studying many of the murderers as most have the same patterns as we have witnessed. He is just another loser who has been caught and is trying to weasel his way out.

Thanks again nan for the great assessment of this case.

Happy Holidays
Gozgals said:
...Thanks again nan for the great assessment of this case.

Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays to you, too. :) I also think that Camm is right where he belongs. The people who defend him say that the prosecution didn't present a "perfect" case of how the crime all fit together. Only the criminals know the exact way that it went down. I am convinced that Camm did the crime and tried to frame Bonet, a felon.

I kind of believe Bonet's story about meeting him playing basketball. Supposedly, Bonet went to high school with Camm's younger? brother. At least, that's what I thought I read a while back. Camm may have recognized Bonet and casually asked him if he could get a clean gun. I can see it happening.

I just don't know why Bonet had to be there unless Camm invited him as part of the setup. I wish that Bonet would come clean and tell the true story as I don't believe that Camm ever will.

ETA: I'm not convinced that it was the family life that Camm wanted. I believe that it was the paycheck and the creature comforts provided in the marriage. To me, he easily murdered his entire family when he suspected that Kim was about to divorce him. If he really loved his children, he would have arranged to have her have an "accident" and left the kids unharmed. Instead, he chose to ambush them and kill them all.

To me, he had to kill Jill because she would have told others about the molestation, and he couldn't take the chance. He had to kill Bradley, only because he was a witness to it all. I believe that he probably wished that he could have spared Bradley.
nanandjim said:
I understand that you need to have the prosecution lay out exactly what happened and have the evidence to back it up. I don't need all that. I don't believe that this was a random act of violence. I think that this was a well-planned crime by David Camm. Who knows--maybe his conviction will be overturned again.
well, in a court of law in the united states of america you're supposed to have the evidence to support a crime so that a jury has the correct information to honestly convict someone. They didn't have it in this case, so they got him convicted on theories of molestation and by parading his affairs in front of the jury.I am sorry that you "don't need all that" in order to believe a man brutally shot and killed his family, even though we do have evidence layed out that another man was there. I just can't sleep so well knowing people in this country can be put away for life based on past sins. He's pretty much assumed by many (you included) to have raped and molested his dead daughter on absolutely NO evidence what so ever. I think that's very scary!!!!I hope no one ever wrongly accuses me of something, or I'm never in the wrong place at the wrong time, because if I'm afforded the same kind of shotty trial Camm was, I could find myself wrongly convicted of a crime I did not committ. It happens more than one would think. :sick:
kcksum said:
...I could find myself wrongly convicted of a crime I did not committ. It happens more than one would think. :sick:
No, it happens less than you think. I believe that the statistics are .01 percent. I know that our justice system isn't perfect but it is the best in the world. Very few people are wrongly convicted or framed. The ones that are make the news because it is such a rarity. I just don't think that Camm was railroaded. My goodness, he is a former "cop." If anything, I would think that the police wanted him to be innocent, but there was too much evidence indicating that he wasn't.
kcksum said:
didn't know that about the manson murders, I used a bad example. My point was that criminals sometimes pick random homes and victims to harm regardless of its location or who lived there. I think it highly probable that a known sexual deviant would follow a woman home especially since he had a past record of stalking women on campus who were wearing shoes he admired.Bonet was a sick individual and my point was that it just isn't true that the only way he would have been at the Camm house would be if David had hired and directed him there.
I was the victim of a home invasion at 145 am by two young assailants. We did not know them from Adam and no one else had sent them there. It was completely random and had they killed us all, I would have hated for someone I know to have been charged and convicted because no one believed these guys could have just picked our house randomly. Random crimes do occure.
Maybe it was just a bad example, but you proved my point without me even saying it. Random crime is an absolute rarity. I am sorry what happened to you, but you are definately the exception. Random murders, involving children, when no other crime is committed in conjunction with the murders, it isn't random. It just doesn't happen.
Garnan said:
Maybe it was just a bad example, but you proved my point without me even saying it. Random crime is an absolute rarity. I am sorry what happened to you, but you are definately the exception. Random murders, involving children, when no other crime is committed in conjunction with the murders, it isn't random. It just doesn't happen.
Your right on target Garnan. When a woman is the victim of a crime, she is usually raped or robbed. A child is molested, or raped, and unfortunately killed afterwards. Random killings are very rare. Even in a case where drugs are involved, one will find the victim is related in some way to the killer.

Bonet may have had some relation, (if not through Camm's brother) by criminal activities to Camm during his employment as a ST. Camm may have very well have known he could have purchased the clean gun from him, which has been stated, in order to frame him for the homicides committed. It is hard to believe anything that Bonet states as he is a known deviant himself and tends to lie about everything.

Happy Holidays
Gozgals said:
Your right on target Garnan. When a woman is the victim of a crime, she is usually raped or robbed. A child is molested, or raped, and unfortunately killed afterwards. Random killings are very rare. Even in a case where drugs are involved, one will find the victim is related in some way to the killer.

Bonet may have had some relation, (if not through Camm's brother) by criminal activities to Camm during his employment as a ST. Camm may have very well have known he could have purchased the clean gun from him, which has been stated, in order to frame him for the homicides committed. It is hard to believe anything that Bonet states as he is a known deviant himself and tends to lie about everything.

Happy Holidays
I totally agree with your second paragraph, I am inclined to believe that Camm had previous contact with Boney long before this crime and am inclined to believe that it was through Camm's employment as a S.T. You note that Boney is a known deviant, and I agree with that, and wonder too if anyone thinks that Camm is also "deviant"? As his extramarital affairs suggest that, in my opinion. (I realize that in today's society, extramarital affairs are almost considered as "the norm", I just don't believe that it should be construed as normal behavior, I hope no one takes offense to that?)
Boyz_Mum said:
I totally agree with your second paragraph, I am inclined to believe that Camm had previous contact with Boney long before this crime and am inclined to believe that it was through Camm's employment as a S.T. You note that Boney is a known deviant, and I agree with that, and wonder too if anyone thinks that Camm is also "deviant"? As his extramarital affairs suggest that, in my opinion. (I realize that in today's society, extramarital affairs are almost considered as "the norm", I just don't believe that it should be construed as normal behavior, I hope no one takes offense to that?)
I would just like to see that connection proven. Without the state being able to even level a conspiracy charge against Camm, we have no proof evidenciary wise to connect him to Bonet. I felt like that should have had to been proven in order for a conviction to come about. Maybe I just want to much proof, I guess I will never be considered for a jury lol.

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