jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I heard that since JA changes her attire in court each day to produce desired effects... She will be wearing a nun's habit on Monday...

Is this true?


Funny you say that. (I will quickly delete if inappropriate!)



The Jodi Chronicles
ITA!! The thing that gets me is, a good majority of the "shower" pics were NOT of his abs....bizarre that a good number were of his head and neck!!

Sorry, no offense, but I didn't really see any 6 pack on Travis.
Seems like she was throwing THAT in there because Ryan mentioned during HIS testimony that SHE was pretty STRONG and had a "six pack".
This is probably gonna come in as poor Jodi couldn't POSSIBLY have been a threat to newly "buff" Travis with a "6 pack".

Plus....LOL....they were shotty pics...and she even said they looked at some and deleted arse.....sorry.....LOL
What's really scary is that there may be hundreds if not thousands of Arias clones running loose in the world and not getting the help they desperately need.
From what I've read, and based on my own personal experience with a sociopath, there really isn't a way to help them (as in make better). They believe they're smarter than their therapist(s). What a surprise!
I've heard/read JM being criticized several times last night and today for spending too long on seemingly insignificant details when he should be (insert what critic says he should have done).

In listening to some of the testimony again (and even yesterday, live) any of these issues could have taken moments but for JA.

She fought him on nearly every answer - especially if he wanted a 'yes or no' response, she even disputed him on semantics.

For example, on the braids issue and whether she thought they were hot. He played the tape where, not only was she the one who brought them up in the first place, she then said, unequivocally, on her own furtive recording - that she thought they were hot.

So, yes, she thought they were hot. It took JM several questions for her to admit to what everyone JUST heard her say - and even then, she wouldn't admit it with a simple yes. I thought it was an embarrassing moment for her :) and an annoying one for everyone else.

JA made the issue tedious, not JM. She only answers yes or no willingly when she thinks it's irrelevant or is helpful to her.
Apologize in advance for not being able to find this myself ... Can anyone link me to a video of JM's opening statements? TIA!

Found something here:

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial Day 1 (Audio Only) - YouTube[/ame] (audio only)

[ame=""]Juantage II: Prosecution Opening Statement (End) - YouTube[/ame]
I find it odd that Juan uses the word pedestrian to describe dull activities

I love that word he used..."pedestrian"...haha when I heard it used that way was here where it was used to describe her "artwork"..LOL

Then when I heard Juanderman use it I said YES! new word....Love it

No surprise on the repo. Paying bills and being responsible was not on her list of things to do.

BUT she was responsible. She had to return home to her little job. Also wanted to a responsible gun owner :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I've heard/read JM being criticized several times last night and today for spending too long on seemingly insignificant details when he should be (insert what critic says he should have done).

In listening to some of the testimony again (and even yesterday, live) any of these issues could have taken moments but for JA.

She fought him on nearly every answer - especially if he wanted a 'yes or no' response, she even disputed him on semantics.

For example, on the braids issue and whether she thought they were hot. He played the tape where, not only was she the one who brought them up in the first place, she then said, unequivocally, on her own furtive recording - that she thought they were hot.

So, yes, she thought they were hot. It took JM several questions for her to admit to what everyone JUST heard her say - and even then, she wouldn't admit it with a simple yes. I thought it was an embarrassing moment for her :) and an annoying one for everyone else.

JA made the issue tedious, not JM. She only answers yes or no willingly when she thinks it's irrelevant or is helpful to her.

Yes you can actually see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out where he is going with each and every question and whether she should pin herself into a yes or no answer. At first it was impossible. I think it got a little better later. But all the delays yesterday were from JA and her defense usual.

She didn't pay for that on a waitress salary when August is too slow for work. LOL!

LOL...When Jodi was saying, or excuse me, let me paraphrase this, Jodi saying that the month of August was a slow month, I thought that is a crock of..Chit...

people dont suddenly stop eating or going out to eat..

heck, I put in my years many many moons ago as a waitress..the summer months were good tips, and always busy for me..

Jodi is such a liar..jmo
I agree--she's tech savvy, so she could have worked as a "web-cam girl" or used Craig's List to set up quick hookups with Johns.

The fact that she has no sexual boundaries, is more than comfortable with anal and "tossing salad" and that fake babytalk voice that is geared to get the guy off as quickly as possible--also the fact that she likes to fake orgasm at the time of Travis' orgasm (she said on the sex tape that the first time they "grinded" they "came together") is straight out of every *advertiser censored*.

I'd be interested to see her tax returns--that's the only way to really know what this chick was up to.

I also think that she was thrilled to meet this group of Mormons who initially welcomed her becasue she saw them as easy marks. What made her enraged was the fact that Travis apparently wanted more than 3 holes for a wife!

I agree. It seemed Vegas came up often for her. I wondered if she would make trips to Vegas to "work" for awhile to make some easy cash. Or maybe some of those "Salons" that she seemed to know about all in the surrounding cities and states.
BUT she was responsible. She had to return home to her little job. Also wanted to a responsible gun owner :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

HA!!! HA!!! HA!!! She did say those things.
Well, the better half is mad at me for being so interested in this trial. I told him I would not lurk on this forum over the weekend. I am going to have major withdrawals (sp???).
He keeps saying - 'why are you so interested, it is so cut and dry'. Good question but I am totally addicted. I am sneaking a few lurks in while I can.

Haha...I get the could be doing this.......or that......IS WEBSLEUTHS Gonna Do it for ya??....LOL

I set him straight....that I am entitled to my hobby.:rocker:

oooops better start the
LOL...When Jodi was saying, or excuse me, let me paraphrase this, Jodi saying that the month of August was a slow month, I thought that is a crock of..Chit...

people dont suddenly stop eating or going out to eat..

heck, I put in my years many many moons ago as a waitress..the summer months were good tips, and always busy for me..

Jodi is such a liar..jmo

I can see December/January during the holiday season being a little slow but August? No way.

Does anyone else get the feeling Miz Arias maliciously destroyed people's property as well as stole when she was snooping?

1. BMW was left in gear and destroyed behind her U-Haul. She says that the "U-Haul guy" gave her the keys and she took off--keys wouldn't come out if car in gear. Oops!

2. Disc with Travis' pictures scratched and useless

3. we all know about the slashed tires

4. "I dropped a lot of glasses at Travis'" I have no idea what this means--she's either just being obtuse in response to Juan's question, or she has a problem not breaking things in the kitchen

5. She stole Travis' journals--ultimate intrusion
Does anyone remember Eddie Haskell (sp) from 'Leave it to Beaver' days? Since watching these trial even ol' Eddie doesen't seem so benign anymore. :what:

I'm not afraid to show my age..yes, I remember lol dont forget father knows best? and hazel lol
The way she described vaginal sex as vanilla leads me to believe she knows a bit about the sex industry imo the begining of the Noelle Paquette case, I snooped around certain sites to read the suspects' online personas...:blushing: Vanilla is a popular way people with alternative sex tastes view everyday/regular sex. I personally have no problem with anything that floats ones boat, but the term 'vanilla' is not that mainstream :cow:
I can see December/January during the holiday season being a little slow but August? No way.


I waited tables thru college & there IS no "slow season" for a regular town or city as far as restaurants go. Maybe if you live in a vacation resort, but not places like Applebees, PF Changs, etc. As usual, she's FOS.
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