jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Here is where I am, he did not deserve to die but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Travis was living the good life at a cost it turns out. His little love child turned around and bit him on the butt when he told her to take a hike. Yes it is a tragedy but the writing was on the wall here. This was a volcano waiting to erupt.

And when you kill someone and dismember them and stuff them in their shower, you pay by going on trial for 1st degree murder and at the very least you never see the light of day, and if all goes well, you will get the needle with medication that puts you out like the animal that you are. So she might think it was all worth it.

I don't know what everyone means by "He didn't deserve to die but...." But what? She killed him, so she needs to pay with her life.. Thats how it works
And too darn bad if her family is sniffling or crying or inconvenienced by this, they should have gotten control of the animal they were raising many years ago. Let this be a lesson to them.
Way behind here so if mentioned already......Anyhoo it regards to Juan's Cross being disjointed. It has to be. One way to confuse a Liar. Jodi's earlier testimony flows with a timeline. Juan mixing it up throws her off. Evident last week with some of her incredible answers LOL "The I was single" floored me :floorlaugh: Juan just got started.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a Childhood Disorder.. If not caught early and get under control will lead to Conduct Disorder (the adolescent term for antisocial disorder) If the antisocial disorder with aggressive tendency doesn't get trt will follow into psychopathic disorder with aggressive tendencies.

(I am licensed retired addiction specialist).

It is easier to get an oppositional defiant seven year old treated than a 27 year old anti social personality disorder under control.

Personality Disorder is not a mental illness even though it is listed in the DSM-V. Personality Disorder is just a disorder of the Personality.. The development of the Personality did not become healthy as the person grew into adulthood.

Mental Illness are the psychotic illnesses: schizophrenia and Bi-polar
(all their different forms)

I hope this helps with clarifying disorder, personality, etc :)

I hope that briefly clarifies the difference between personality disorder and mental illness.

Yes it does...thank you very much.
He didn't hurt her feelings he didn't mistreat her, that's where some are VERY wrong. SHE is sick, she is mentally ill, there was nothing this person could do with her.

She slept with everything from California to Utah and Oregon, and every town in between and she virtually had every kind of sex known to man , with each one of them and those men are lucky to be alive.

She is the aggressor and was in all the relationships, she is a user, she never technically worked or was able to make her way in life because she is mentally ill.

He broke it off (OR if you believe her SHE broke it off) then stalked him like a criminal psychopath that she was. Reading his mail, sneaking around the house, peeking in windows

ANYONE THAT condones that or feels the least bit sorry for her, is themselves mentally unstable and probably behaves in a sick way themselves.
And too darn bad if her family is sniffling or crying or inconvenienced by this, they should have gotten control of the animal they were raising many years ago. Let this be a lesson to them.

I do have some sympathy for the family, especially the grandparents and dad but, honestly believe that this family had some issues.

I have seen the fb pages for a few of the other children raised (not the oldest) by these parents, and it appears they have all had addictions and problems throughout their years.

So, I will agree there were some parenting issues. But, mom I think is more the problem from just seeing her and her sister in court. They don't come across as this is a life and death situation for JA and that they actually believe what she is saying happened no matter the evidence to the contrary. That is what is scary to me.

I have a thought, and want to see if others think it could be possible.
I wonder if Travis had some T-Shirts made up that said

Travis Alexander's on the front of the T-shirt,
and Being Better Blog was on the back?

Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog
That would explain the T-shirt ! She then got the iron on letters to make the underware herself for her "picture" she took in July
And too darn bad if her family is sniffling or crying or inconvenienced by this, they should have gotten control of the animal they were raising many years ago. Let this be a lesson to them.


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Naturally before my first cup of coffee I'm probably way more alert and clear then when the drugs flow. We can analyze her to death but I venture to guess most of us have been hurt in a relationship at one time in our lives, and we never cut their head off, sliced through the muscle, with blood dripping all over us, and the floor and mirrors, then lifted the gun and shot them through the head. Then slipped and tripped through puddles of blood after punching the knife through 29 times to go stick it in the dishwasher along with the brown sheets we dragged the guy around in. And tossed most the stuff in the desert on the way with our KY Lubricant to the next man's house to grind on him. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HER, NOT HIM.

The abuse claims are made up, you can see in e-mail he was furious at what she was doing and wanted no more contact with her.. Did she sneak in the last day and is he guilty for giving into a psycho killer 1 more time. Then we are all probably guilty and should pay with our lives for giving into a temptation we should not have for an hour of our lives? So what, he slept with her! SHE drove 1280 miles and snuck in the house? she would not leave this man alone.

I always get frustrated at the sympathy for crazy really crazy people, they are not like most of us, you can't fix them, I almost want to say they aren't real? You think you could talk to them give them therapy? you can't, there is a dangerous flaw in them and they'd kill you as soon as say hello to you.

She deserved to be killed that day like the criminal intruder she was. Instead we will have to settle for a decade on death row then a nice needle in the arm.
I have a thought, and want to see if others think it could be possible.
I wonder if Travis had some T-Shirts made up that said

Travis Alexander's on the front of the T-shirt,
and Being Better Blog was on the back?

Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog
That would explain the T-shirt ! She then got the iron on letters to make the underware herself for her "picture" she took in July

Yes Travis did have T shirts made up. IIRC tho there was a discrepancy as to when Travis had the shirts made up and the pic we have seen Jodi wearing it. Not speaking to the T shirt and undie pic. The pic of Jodi wearing the T shirt. Anyone remember that discussion here?
I believe this is it, I mean the connection. Thursday was a wake up call for Jodi when the magazine was put into evidence right there for the first time for all to see. I had just read about the Donavan woman in the court and her connection with this mess and with the introduction of the mag she exits the court like she had an emergency. Juan walked her into the lie that made it possible for him to introduce the magazine. When Nurmi was looking at the magazine like he was looking for a picture of jodi in it then finds out that it's about secret messages the defense is baffled, bewildered, and confused. Then on friday they go to the Arizona Supreme Court and try to get the DP dropped. I would be willing to bet that this Christina Lopez will back upthe lie jodi has told. I feel in the bottom of my heart that Juan will clear Travis Alexander's name of the vicious statements she has accused him of to try to save her hide. all just my opine.:fence:

So, the mystery Christina Lopez is a witness for the DT. Is that correct? Is she really willing to get in trouble for JA? If so, to bad for her. eh
I sometimes think when you feel pangs of "i sort of feel sorry for her" (AND I'M NOT SAYING FOR A NANO SECOND I HAVE NOT FELT THAT FOR ANYONE IN HER SPOT) I guess more of a morbid curiosity?

But do this little exercise...Replace Travis for the man in your life, or the son or daughter and make Jodi some person that your son could not figure out how to deal with. OR the man that won't leave your daughter alone...

The minute that I have felt a wee bit bad for her, I reversed this and said to myself, what if one of my nieces was chopped up and stuffed in a shower?

I live for them, I don't have children and they are my world. If someone did that to my niece he would already be a dead man. I would not have left anything for the police to arrest.
He didn't hurt her feelings he didn't mistreat her, that's where some are VERY wrong. SHE is sick, she is mentally ill, there was nothing this person could do with her.

She slept with everything from California to Utah and Oregon, and every town in between and she virtually had every kind of sex known to man , with each one of them and those men are lucky to be alive.

She is the aggressor and was in all the relationships, she is a user, she never technically worked or was able to make her way in life because she is mentally ill.

He broke it off (OR if you believe her SHE broke it off) then stalked him like a criminal psychopath that she was. Reading his mail, sneaking around the house, peeking in windows

ANYONE THAT condones that or feels the least bit sorry for her, is themselves mentally unstable and probably behaves in a sick way themselves.

In my opinion, based on what has been presented in court thus far and her affect on the stand, both on direct and one day of cross, I believe she became Obsessed with Travis in the most severe case. I believe he tried to break it off with Jodi but did not know how because she is not the type of individual he was use to associating with in his personal or professional life. He appears to be a kind-hearted man who came across a person that had him so stuck to know what to do. No matter what he did, there was Jodi. No matter what he said, there was Jodi. I believe that he experienced her wrath and feared it. Until he finally had it and put his foot down saying "no more" and she killed him. (How utterly sad)

I think here Obsession became beyond her control. The ability to kill isn't a mental illness but something she is fully capable of doing under the right condition. I believe she has personality disorders (not mental illness) that triggered this out of control Obsession. Killing? Oh I think she has always been capable of it. Just intuition at play her.

Again, just my opinion based on none psychosocial assessment TV court observation. Not a diagnosis. Just opinion.
Here is where I am, he did not deserve to die but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Travis was living the good life at a cost it turns out. His little love child turned around and bit him on the butt when he told her to take a hike. Yes it is a tragedy but the writing was on the wall here. This was a volcano waiting to erupt.

He did not deserve to die, but? BUT? He did not deserve to die, PERIOD. No but's about it!! How can anyone even utter those words? Adding a "but" to that phrase is justifying it in a sense!! This makes me very angry!!

And too darn bad if her family is sniffling or crying or inconvenienced by this, they should have gotten control of the animal they were raising many years ago. Let this be a lesson to them.
I don't think that's fair. Most people who live with or love someone disordered are as unlikely to predict the actions of their loved one as anyone else. Perhaps even more so because so often disordereds are very capable of things normal people can't imagine doing to another human being. Your brain just doesn't work like theirs does.

There are a whole array of psychological assaults a psychopath or disordered is able to utilize against even their closest family and friends. Such a personality is quite likely to manipulate inherent human nature (such as trusting someone you love is basically good and honest). Even if they're fortunate enough to recognize warning signs before a tragedy help is largely elusive for the treatment of personality disorders. If Jodi were an adult when and if they realized something was wrong there is literally nothing they could have legally done. The only things that could have saved Travis' life after they met were if Jodi were dead, incarcerated, or moved onto a new victim.

When I left my disordered (likely psychopathic) ex I knew he was more than capable of extreme cruelty, psychological abuse, and constant threats of physical violence. However, I had absolutely no warning that within weeks of my leaving he would be stalking and cyberstalking me, attempt suicide in front of his 12 year old daughter, and drug then rape his sister's 14 year old daughter. I knew he was bad...I just didn't know how bad.

I have great empathy for Jodi's family...not because I hold compassion for my ex but because I have two children. One child still adores and idolizes his Daddy. My heart breaks for him all the time. Loving someone so void of any soul, so dark and depraved it defies definition altogether, isn't something I would wish on anyone. It steals a part of who you are - and leaves you exhausted, drained, and feeling both helpless and hopeless.
I think he should just make her draw a picture of where she ran, and when. And where he was at the time. That would be funny too.

Yes! Have her re-enact what she remembers!!!!

And have a 62 second timer running.

Oops Jodi... ya gotta try again and speed it up this time...


:waitasec: How about Mr. Martinez pull a "Perry Mason moment" and do a re-enactment at Travis' house ?

:great: I could just see M. Martinez pulling this off !

I know I know ... it probably won't happen ... but I can wish ... lol !

I think matt did his because he is still in love with her. jodi is very manipulative. she could get on the phone and lie to him telling about how badly travis treated her and he'd believe it. She even has people she's never met caught up in her spell. believing her lie even tho its been proven that she will lie over and over again. some people are just born suckers. give em a sad sob story and they fall for it. i could tell darryl.was still in love with her too. he really seemed hurt when he had to admit that she was calling him for gas cans. sadly these men dont recognize that they mean nothingto her. she uses them for her benefit.

Jodi only wanted what she couldn't have. Clearly her previous BF's still have a thing for her. Travis did not want her, and Jodi was not going to be rejected. Also, I have always wondered if Darryl left his wife for Jodi
Here is where I am, he did not deserve to die but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Travis was living the good life at a cost it turns out. His little love child turned around and bit him on the butt when he told her to take a hike. Yes it is a tragedy but the writing was on the wall here. This was a volcano waiting to erupt.

The absolute most dangerous window of time for any abuse victim is when they're attempting to leave the relationship. For many, many victims of intimate partner homicides the writing was on the wall and they were living with a volcano waiting to erupt for years before gathering the courage to leave. Moving to another state didn't save Venus Stewart. Seeking counseling didn't help Michelle Young. Being granted a restraining order didn't spare the life of Sargun Rugi. I've had the honor of working with many women (and a handful of men too) who only by the grace of god, divine intervention, fate or luck alone, survived leaving their abuser for good.

IMO you can't believe Jodi is a psychopath and not concede Travis as an abuse victim. All psychopaths by their very nature are abusive. Only the degrees vary. Considering she ultimately butchered her victim, I would wager the likelihood of (at least) psychological abuse staggeringly high.

Way behind here so if mentioned already......Anyhoo it regards to Juan's Cross being disjointed. It has to be. One way to confuse a Liar. Jodi's earlier testimony flows with a timeline. Juan mixing it up throws her off. Evident last week with some of her incredible answers LOL "The I was single" floored me :floorlaugh: Juan just got started.

:rocker: Yes, it sure is messing up her "script" :great:

JA "thinks" she is one step ahead of Mr. Martinez ... Well, she found out Thursday that she is NOT one step ahead of Mr. M !

:waitasec: I wonder IF she is going to change her "demeanor" tomorrow on the stand ? She was soooooooooooo disgustingly arroagant and indignant with Mr. Martinez, and I am wondering IF she is going to go back to the FAKE and foney Jodi, that mousy, "abused" demeanor? :waitasec: NOT that that would help her -- I think her goose is already cooked ...

:great::great: I am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to Mr. M's cross coming up this week ! I can't wait !


:waitasec: How about Mr. Martinez pull a "Perry Mason moment" and do a re-enactment at Travis' house ?

:great: I could just see M. Martinez pulling this off !

I know I know ... it probably won't happen ... but I can wish ... lol !


I think Jury field trips are a great idea. It would be awesome to see one here LOL
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