jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I agree. He is not her defense attorney guiding her through their overly rehearsed testimony. This is how you have to treat a lying psycho like Arias. He needs to cut her off before she starts going into the long diatribes and stories and innane rehearsed annecdotes. He is yelling and finds her "stories" of abuse incredulous. As we all do. I would be yelling at her too. No reason to treat her with Nurmi's "kid gloves".

Instead of yelling, she frequently says "screaming." I just wish that when she made her snarky comment, When men like you scream, etc. That Juan would have said right then, "Do you think I was just screaming at youi?" To my mind there is a HUGE difference between screaming and yelling?
Maybe her attorney's displays of amusement are their signal to her to tone it the heck down. She clearly wants to get smirky and is working hard to keep up the beaten down attitude.

since we keep refering from time to time to Shakesphere---"All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely playes: they have their exits and their entrances.......from as you like it...

to me it is like they are playing a game and should be more reserved--its not a one upmanship---it is a trial
I have to agree. Watching JM work... well, just say I'm totally captivated, and am truly in awe of his patience with that woman. I really don't know how he does it. He's amazing.

I don't know how he does it, either.

Yesterday was like watching a defiant teenage girl on the stand. Just pizzed me off to no end how she became so dumb on the one hand (gee, didn't understand anything) or so smart wanting definitions and clarifications for every word, etc.

At the end of the day, I don't think it would make her more endearing to most jurors. She was playing games, and it was obvious she was trying to be difficult.

I think it was another "fail" for JA's strategy. Thursday was a fail, and yesterday was a fail.

Mr Martinez- hats off to you!!!!

i think she knows. sounds to me like he didn't back up her bruised neck story and she's pissed off about it. i just don't know if either side can call MM because he's involved in forging those letters.

i was wondering if the state could use him in rebuttal but not about the letters---he can't be made to incriminate himself. i was wondering if they could ask him JUST about the 'strangling' incident. don't know if that's possible but i wish it was.

:seeya: Jumping of your post here about MM and the forged letters :

I hope that Mr. Martinez can bring those letters in to PROVE that it was another one of Jodi's LIES and schemes ... these letters were forged by her "friend" because Jodi asked him to do it ... this needs to be EXPOSED !

Another reason it needs to come out is because it should be made CLEAR to the Jury that this BS about Travis being a "ped" is one of Jodi's LIES :furious:

Travis' name and reputation MUST be cleared ... it is the RIGHT thing to do !

JMO ... but "tough" IF MM has incriminated himself ...

Travis is the VICTIM ... NOT Jodi and her "friends" ...

All JMO and MOO !

It's worth repeating over and over that Juan is a seasoned veteran. He's been doing this for decades, he's put at least one other young woman on death row. Apparently he usually tries defendants on his own without co-counsel. It's obvious he's prepared-- he doesn't refer to notes, he knows the facts of the case better than anyone, he knows the law inside and out. He is prepared in ways that we probably don't consider or in ways that we underestimate.... I think he knows his juries very well. Whether he conducted voir dire on his own or had someone specializing in that selection, he is quite aware of who is on that jury. Personally I think he is aware of how he's conducting himself, how he's presenting evidence, how much he's putting on, and I think he has an excellent handle on how the jury is receiving his case as well as the defense's case.

I totally agree with you. I love when he will ask her a question and it seems as if he just got a fact wrong. She instantly corrects him and he repeats her correction. At first, I was thinking, "C'mon, Juan, get it right." Then it hit me that he does this on purpose to show her memory is just fine, even though she conveniently isn't remembering very much. Love it!!
Is anyone else feverishly hoping that out of 18 jurors the ones that may for one reason or another cause a hung jury be cast out as alternative jurors (random draw so we call on luck/divine intervention!) and that we have 12 responsible, intelligent jurors to decide this case? I am!

:seeya: The JURY is the ONLY thing that I am worried about in this trial !

Ya just NEVER KNOW with juries ... all it takes is "one" [ _____ ] :furious:

I tell ya, IF -- IF -- they let her "walk" or she gets a "manslaughter" charge, I will personally RALLY for PROFESSIONAL JURORS ! MOO !

:seeya: Jumping of your post here about MM and the forged letters :

I hope that Mr. Martinez can bring those letters in to PROVE that it was another one of Jodi's LIES and schemes ... these letters were forged by her "friend" because Jodi asked him to do it ... this needs to be EXPOSED !

Another reason it needs to come out is because it should be made CLEAR to the Jury that this BS about Travis being a "ped" is one of Jodi's LIES :furious:

Travis' name and reputation MUST be cleared ... it is the RIGHT thing to do !

JMO ... but "tough" IF MM has incriminated himself ...

Travis is the VICTIM ... NOT Jodi and her "friends" ...

All JMO and MOO !


bbm, I have thought the same thing. I think it is very important To Juan that jodi's lies about Travis will be outed before for finishes with her. jmo
Do you think she will begin to crack & unravel today? Someone on one of the talking heads shows last night said that was going to start today. The "mask" is going to come off.
Catching up on thread from yesterday/so far today':

1. On sending 20 irises to T's grandmother. I think she chose irises to be cruel. Her way of saying to the woman who essentially was T's mother- Iris is the name of a child Travis will never have and a "granddaughter" you will never have because Travis made the wrong choice and wouldn't marry me.

2. After 2 days now of direct, I'm struck by how often JM circles back to the topic of Matt. I'm thinking that he's lining up Matt to testify during rebuttal- to either impeach the bejeebers out of her on multiple counts, OR, to destroy his credibility, as the defendant seems to be counting on Matt to back up her claims of abuse. (I think she is talking to him directly when she said, repeatedly.. " I HOPE he doesn't betray me. " Note the present tense.

3. No way of proving it, but I think her itinerary for the premeditated kill trip was another of her creepy "symbologies." A chronological trip through boyfriends... - From Matt and Darryl (the past) to Travis (present), then off to Ryan Burns, representing the future.

4. I've been keeping a list in my head of the most vicious/offensive things she's said on the stand:

--That Travis was a pedophile.

--That Trvis essentially raped her on the day of her baptism, while both were wearing baptismal clothes.

--That she felt Travis's presence on the day of his memorial and felt relieved because she knew "he wasn't angry at me anymore."

-- That it was OK to get down with Ryan Burns hours after slaughtering Travis because " I am single."

Adding from yesterday, though it falls into the slightly different category of I can't believe she said that.. That even though she had just killed Travis, when talking to Leslie in the car in Utah she maintained that she still "hoped" that her kids and Travis's would be able to play together. WTF????
IIRC, the "fake" letters were deemed just that.....BUT knowing Nurmi, lets go baaaaak again.

Now, there was the letter (email??) where Travis calls her the "c" word.....maybe it's NOT the state requesting the motion???

To put into reference to the motion to preclude letters from Travis to Jodi.
Hi everyone!
I am watching recaps from yesterday and I thought of something. They had that interview with Dave Hall. Travis' friend who he went shooting with.
Dave says a week before the murder he was at Travis' house and Travis had no gun.
Jodi says she found the gun cleaning.
I didn't think she was cleaning that week before was she??
You guys may have covered this before and I just missed it so if so, I'm sorry!!
Can someone give me a brief explanation of what the deal is with the forged letters? I don't recall hearing about them. Or point me where I can see what this is about? TIA!
Anyone know what this is about?

2/25/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 2/25/2013


Will this be allowed to come in. Who filed this and is this the stack of letters Nurmi brought to the bench when she testified about sending his grandma the 18 pg letter. I hope its allowed in. And if its Travis' words to Jodi telling her to leave him alone or calling her out on her behavior of stalking then I think it should be allowed. Gonna post this in the legal thread for the lawyers on here.
I don't know how he does it, either.

Yesterday was like watching a defiant teenage girl on the stand. Just pizzed me off to no end how she became so dumb on the one hand (gee, didn't understand anything) or so smart wanting definitions and clarifications for every word, etc.

At the end of the day, I don't think it would make her more endearing to most jurors. She was playing games, and it was obvious she was trying to be difficult.

I think it was another "fail" for JA's strategy. Thursday was a fail, and yesterday was a fail.

Mr Martinez- hats off to you!!!!


I agree. She reminded me of a defiant teen. What a petulant brat! :furious:
Do you think she will begin to crack & unravel today? Someone on one of the talking heads shows last night said that was going to start today. The "mask" is going to come off.

i hope that happens when he gets to the murder itself. she gave flores a lot of details about travis on all fours, holding his head, saying it hurt, telling her to go get help, etc. were those real memories or were they lies?

i'm sure he has it all planned out---when he gets to that part, with all the pictures and the wounds, etc., it will be interesting to see how she reacts. i'm sure she's been well prepared for it.
I'm watching yesterday's cross again. In part 1 of the video at about 0:23:50(JM is talking about Jodis' memory problems and how she's able to discuss all the sex bits with no trouble) JM says "Is anybody saying that you didn't do it to the best of your recollection?" and Jodi says "You're implying that" the woman defense lawyer actually SMILES that Jodi is acting defiant. Does she think it's a battle of wits? Does she not understand that Travis was murdered in cold blood and that HER client is charged with first-degree murder? She smiles!

And Nurmi did that a lot, too! I remember that Jeff Ashton got reprimanded for that in the CA trial. I was told yesterday that the attorneys can do that, but it just seems so wrong!!!
i think she knows. sounds to me like he didn't back up her bruised neck story and she's pissed off about it. i just don't know if either side can call MM because he's involved in forging those letters.

i was wondering if the state could use him in rebuttal but not about the letters---he can't be made to incriminate himself. i was wondering if they could ask him JUST about the 'strangling' incident. don't know if that's possible but i wish it was.

Was writing as you posted this. I think MM is key too, and I'm thinking he will be called.. Notice that he has not yet appeared in the courtroom. Can't imagine how JM can question him about the forged letters- though JM seemed to be heading towards laying that foundation last Thursday, but MM is appearing in many other of JM's lines of questionings, so am not sure JM's goal re MM is solely or at all related to the letters themselves.
And Nurmi did that a lot, too! I remember that Jeff Ashton got reprimanded for that in the CA trial. I was told yesterday that the attorneys can do that, but it just seems so wrong!!!

At one point yesterday I saw Nurmi mouth the word "bulls**t" while Juan was doing cross. He (Nurmi) then objected to what Juan was saying.
Do you think she will begin to crack & unravel today? Someone on one of the talking heads shows last night said that was going to start today. The "mask" is going to come off.

She's pretty darn stubborn and evil - it may take a tad bit longer. Hopefully, though, it will be today!!
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