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Do other 24 year olds talk like this??? It looks more like the myspace of a 12 year old.

Reading her interview with LE, she didn't strike me as the brightest bulb in the pack, jmo of course!

This has to be Kiomarie. I searched Kio Torres on myspace this is what I got, 22 year old female from Orlando, FL
Here's her about me:
twenty- year-old girl who is engaged (kind of) and lives with her honey and her puppy dog Scooter. I work at Universal Studios and Walt Disney World Resort. I love spending time reading, singing, and being with people I like.

GOOD FIND..that IS her!!!

twenty- year-old girl who is engaged (kind of) and lives with her honey and her puppy dog Scooter. I work at Universal Studios and Walt Disney World Resort. I love spending time reading, singing, and being with people I like.

If it is then she went to school with Casey. I am thinking that Kiomarie is actually Casey's Zenaida. Didnt she say she went to school with Zenaida??Does anyone else think that is possible???
This leaves a big possibility that Caylee would be alive and Casey sold her and that is why she came up with the Zenaida story.
Maybe we should give the poor girl a break--haven't we ALL had days when we can't recall which friends of ours, with the same first names and young children in the background, call us to ask to borrow hundreds of dollars? [/sarcasm]

:rolleyes: :crazy:

(I really like the Casey Anthony touches about Casey W, who now is locations unknown, with no working phone number or DL# because she took the bus). :bang:
I don't either. And she told Casey that she had the $$ & wanted to adopt Caylee. She was told she couldn't have kids. She was 19 years old, how was she going to adopt a baby ?
Why wouldn't her boyfriend let her give the detective a copy of the July phone bill or did she make it up ?
If she decided to call LE on July 19th, 10 days after she talked to Casey, why would she suddenly remember on the 20th that it wasn't "that" Casey.

Not to mention that Casey A. called the other (3rd friend) from high school down the street to ask her for the same amount of money, $200.00 It wasn't Casey W. I think Tiomarie was maybe trying to cover for something there. Not sure.
I apologize, I'm trying to find it in the 400 pages that were released, but I'm going off memory here. Any corrections are appreciated if my info is wrong and I will correct this post. Questions still apply.

Who is "Kiomarie"? Casey's name on Myspace was "Caseyomarie" - but her name is Casey Marie Anthony. Where did the O come from that makes it so close to "Kiomarie"?

Is this just another totally weird coincidence?

I don't buy her "Oh, Casey W is who called me wanting money" either. That entire report was just strange. And she had soooooooo much info to give on Casey.

Kiomarie was interviewed in the third part of the documents. Kio was a schoolmate, neighbor and friend of Casey's, I believe from elementary throughout high school. That would be why she would have so much info on Casey.

I had not pondered how Casey made up her online name.

It is very strange that Kio first said it was Casey A but changed to a different Casey. I hope the phone records get subpoenaed to verify who really called.

This has to be Kiomarie. I searched Kio on myspace this is what I got, 22 year old female from Orlando, FL
Here's her about me:
twenty- year-old girl who is engaged (kind of) and lives with her honey and her puppy dog Scooter. I work at Universal Studios and Walt Disney World Resort. I love spending time reading, singing, and being with people I like.

She has a resume in her blog guys!!!

Awesome sleuthing!!!
her hair looks like the zadaida in the secret interview the one where her face doesnt show and she sounded black or hispanic with how she talked

I thought the same thing. She claims not to know Casey A. - How can that be?
You know what? You're right -- her myspace name was "Caseyomarie" -- that's real interesting.

This Kiomarie person is Hispanic. Anybody wanna bet she matches the vague description of "Zenaida" as given by Casey?

The really confusing thing about this whole case (or one of the really confusing things... there are so many!) is that Casey peppers her lies with bits of truth here and there. People's names.... places..... some of it is right but she uses it in a false context..........

Every see the movie The Usual Suspects? It reminds me of that. If you haven't seen is a websleuther's MUST.
Reading Kio's resume--she graduated from Valencia CC w/ and Associates. That is what Casey told the detectives (and TonE) in her 3rd (?) interview. (And that letter from Valencia saying Casey was never a student cleared that up.)
BUT she hasn't logged in in over a year! So her "puppy" is "puppy" no longer!

Keep in mind at Caylee's age any dog (regardless of size) was likely a "puppy". (My DD called any canine pup-pups until she was 4.)

This has to be Kiomarie. I searched Kio on myspace this is what I got, 22 year old female from Orlando, FL
Here's her about me:
twenty- year-old girl who is engaged (kind of) and lives with her honey and her puppy dog Scooter. I work at Universal Studios and Walt Disney World Resort. I love spending time reading, singing, and being with people I like.

She has a resume in her blog guys!!!

She looks normal, but so did Casey.
In her pics it shows a car accident in 2006. Is that a silver 4 door Ford Focus ?
Ok it makes sense. This Kio person is similar to the description that Casey gave the LE on ZFG. Casey sold Caylee to this Kio person for 15 grand, hence that figure that Casey was throwing around so freely. That has to be it. Oh God, let that be it. Please let Caylee be alive, please dear sweet Lord?

:praying: for Caylee

If it's any of the two on the myspaces currently, it is possible that they would have the money. I see a lot of relations on Zenaida's in Kissime and if they are connected somehow, it just would not surprise me.

As for girl talking like that at that age, it does seem very juvenile, but I've noticed people tend to talk how their friends do act younger ages. If they are influenced by gang activities, it's a big possibility that it has something to do with the behavior.
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