Found Deceased KY - Savannah Spurlock, 22, left 'The Other Bar' with 2 men, Richmond, 4 Jan 2019 #6 *Arrest*

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Lol! We will see if they are any different than those I've seen for decades now.

Recently they seem to have outdone the others with the ridiculous defense strategies they come up with in recent years.

Sadly in many cases of late it seems many want the trial to be more about them instead of seeing their client gets a fair trial, and their unethical antics they continuously display expecting juries to believe all of the totally unsupported bull they spew.

Will DSs be totally different without trying to blame the victim? I highly doubt it.

It would be refreshing to see them not go the same old route most do lately though.

I'm pretty sure there are attorneys smart enough to see trashing a victim could work against them. Not to say they wouldn't if they felt it would help. Also, trashing a victim is subject to interpretation. I've had several innocuous posts removed imho.
I wouldn't put much weight to the order of how an article is worded.

I don't believe information pertaining to if the tape was on the inside or outside of the garbage bags has ever been made public. The only information that has been released about the tape that I know of was done so by a detective during the preliminary hearing, and he didn't make it clear if the tape was applied before or after her death or inside or outside of the trash bags.

You are correct in saying the detective wasn't specific about a lot he said in the preliminary hearing. I would like to know how the bag was sealed and I'm taking it that it was sealed air tight because it took so long for the odor of her decomposing to be noticed.

I assumed her ankles were taped together not the bag on top of her ankles. She was also folded. It makes sense that she was folded and ankles taped together to fit her into the numerous garbage bags. She was naked and no mention of finding her clothing yet but they did say they found items that were in control of her and items that were in control of him. Do you know what they mean when they said, in control. Would that mean belonging to? She had her purse, items inside purse, phone, blouse, skirt ( some said it was a one piece dress that looked like two pieces) undergarments if she was wearing any and high heels and possibly hosiery. I assume she was naked because of having sex but there could be other reasons, not going to list them.
You say it's not clear what the detective testified to in his preliminary hearing. I respectfully disagree. It was totally clear. Imo

Detectives are trained to be very specific when testifying, and I believe this one was very clear about Savannah's ankles being bound together when her body was found.

Imo, there is no other reasonable explanation for doing so other than DS did this to Savannah to ensure, and prevent her from being be able to flee from him trying to save her own life.

Imo, he should also be charged with aggravated kidnapping for holding Savannah against her will.



I didn't say the detective wasn't clear about her ankles or feet being bound together when her body was found.

I said "he didn't make it clear if the tape was applied before or after her death or inside or outside of the trash bags"
You are correct in saying the detective wasn't specific about a lot he said in the preliminary hearing. I would like to know how the bag was sealed and I'm taking it that it was sealed air tight because it took so long for the odor of her decomposing to be noticed.

I assumed her ankles were taped together not the bag on top of her ankles. She was also folded. It makes sense that she was folded and ankles taped together to fit her into the numerous garbage bags. She was naked and no mention of finding her clothing yet but they did say they found items that were in control of her and items that were in control of him. Do you know what they mean when they said, in control. Would that mean belonging to? She had her purse, items inside purse, phone, blouse, skirt ( some said it was a one piece dress that looked like two pieces) undergarments if she was wearing any and high heels and possibly hosiery. I assume she was naked because of having sex but there could be other reasons, not going to list them.

The possession that they are speaking of is the rug that was buried with her.
Question to posters that think her legs were bound before death. For what purpose?
He folded and secured her legs in order to get her into the garbage bags and have her contained not to look like a dead body and to transport her to where he buried her.
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The possession that they are speaking of is the rug that was buried with her.

Thank you for being here. Some of this discussion must be very hard for you to read. I'm very sorry about that.

Please know that most of us want the fullest measure of justice for SS and we are here to fully support you.
I've explained why I think she had tape around her ankles. I think it was done to bag her and transport her like a hunter does when transporting a large animal. I would say David didn't want to face up to what happened at his home and her dying. His own guilt most likely plays into this. Not just having a naked dead body in his bed but all that happened that morning and whatever caused her death. Could have been sex, drugs and behavior he knew was wrong and unacceptable to his family and the way he had been taught.

Yes all three men were co-workers and I know the company and Dept they worked in and possibly two still work there but won't post that info. Media or the Police haven't given out that info. Also know their names. As soon as David was arrested their names came out on FB. They had kept that quiet for this entire time. Lots of names given but none were the correct names. The company they all worked at was leaked from the beginning of the case. I'm assuming these two new names are correct because not that many African American males work in the Dept they all work or worked in and these two men fit. I don't know if they'll end up being charged or not. May depend on if drugs were involved in her death. They all kept working together in the same Dept after she went missing and up until David was arrested. I listened to a YouTube interview where a lot of this info was given out and I assume the media article telling about the oral sex came from that interview. I wanted to post it after someone else posted the media report about the oral sex but realize it's not MSM. I have no way to know if the report on oral sex is accurate but I do think other info given out in the video is accurate like they all worked together at a certain company. The wife of one of their co-workers was the person who did the interview with people who do crime video interviews for YouTube. Also them being co-workers came out in the media way back in an interview with a friend of Savannah's.
I probably should say it's my opinion the correct names are out of the two men with David and Savannah and that they all worked together up until David's arrest.
Interesting. Whatever the truth is it is a tragedy. I don't have a strong opinion about it to be honest. It is too easy to speculate when there is not a lot of factual evidence at this point. I don't know any of these people or what they are like. There probably isn't any of us that has not been in a situation that could have ended worse but for the grace of God. I know I've done some stupid things. But I lived to tell the story.

I feel badly for the parents. IMO if DS was wasted on drugs and or alcohol he may not have remembered what happened, and perhaps the other two young men left when things started getting crazier, but if they had sense to get out of the situation they should have kept the video secret, if there even is one. A lot of stuff doesn't add up. And SS mother, my heart goes out to her, if she were my child I would be asking myself why I didn't volunteer to go pick her up after seeing her under the influence with two guys she didn't really know.

BaileyC, I hope you are right. I really don't want to think that DS is a cold blooded killer. The facts make him look bad, but so far we have nothing to confirm that he murdered her or raped her. It looks likely given the situation, but we won't know until the evidence is presented.
Interesting. Whatever the truth is it is a tragedy. I don't have a strong opinion about it to be honest. It is too easy to speculate when there is not a lot of factual evidence at this point. I don't know any of these people or what they are like. There probably isn't any of us that has not been in a situation that could have ended worse but for the grace of God. I know I've done some stupid things. But I lived to tell the story.

I feel badly for the parents. IMO if DS was wasted on drugs and or alcohol he may not have remembered what happened, and perhaps the other two young men left when things started getting crazier, but if they had sense to get out of the situation they should have kept the video secret, if there even is one. A lot of stuff doesn't add up. And SS mother, my heart goes out to her, if she were my child I would be asking myself why I didn't volunteer to go pick her up after seeing her under the influence with two guys she didn't really know.

BaileyC, I hope you are right. I really don't want to think that DS is a cold blooded killer. The facts make him look bad, but so far we have nothing to confirm that he murdered her or raped her. It looks likely given the situation, but we won't know until the evidence is presented.

SS's mother couldn't have gone to pick her up. SS had borrowed her mother's vehicle to go out that night per information linked earlier in these threads.
Interesting. Whatever the truth is it is a tragedy. I don't have a strong opinion about it to be honest. It is too easy to speculate when there is not a lot of factual evidence at this point. I don't know any of these people or what they are like. There probably isn't any of us that has not been in a situation that could have ended worse but for the grace of God. I know I've done some stupid things. But I lived to tell the story.

I feel badly for the parents. IMO if DS was wasted on drugs and or alcohol he may not have remembered what happened, and perhaps the other two young men left when things started getting crazier, but if they had sense to get out of the situation they should have kept the video secret, if there even is one. A lot of stuff doesn't add up. And SS mother, my heart goes out to her, if she were my child I would be asking myself why I didn't volunteer to go pick her up after seeing her under the influence with two guys she didn't really know.

BaileyC, I hope you are right. I really don't want to think that DS is a cold blooded killer. The facts make him look bad, but so far we have nothing to confirm that he murdered her or raped her. It looks likely given the situation, but we won't know until the evidence is presented.

Thank you, I too would much rather see this as an accident and not a murder but like you say not enough information to know why Savannah died. I too feel bad for everyone involved and if people are responsible for Savannah's death I want to see them punished. I also want to see David punished for the charges he is facing now if he stays charged with his present charges. If he did do what he's charged with now he caused a number of people to suffer. I want him to realize how wrong he was in doing what he did. If he murdered her I see him as an individual with some serious mental health issues and he has to pay a price for taking a life and also be kept away from society so that he doesn't harm anyone else.
You are correct in saying the detective wasn't specific about a lot he said in the preliminary hearing. I would like to know how the bag was sealed and I'm taking it that it was sealed air tight because it took so long for the odor of her decomposing to be noticed.

I assumed her ankles were taped together not the bag on top of her ankles. She was also folded. It makes sense that she was folded and ankles taped together to fit her into the numerous garbage bags. She was naked and no mention of finding her clothing yet but they did say they found items that were in control of her and items that were in control of him. Do you know what they mean when they said, in control. Would that mean belonging to? She had her purse, items inside purse, phone, blouse, skirt ( some said it was a one piece dress that looked like two pieces) undergarments if she was wearing any and high heels and possibly hosiery. I assume she was naked because of having sex but there could be other reasons, not going to list them.

The items she was in control of would likely be her personal items. His items would be the trash bags, tape and rug since they can be tied back to his house.

I don't know what to think about if she was folded over and then placed in one bag and maybe double or triple bagged while being folded over. If I remember correctly it was said during the preliminary hearing she was in garbage bags meaning more then one. She could have had one bag over her lower body and one over her upper and still have been folded over in an unnatural position with her feet by her head when buried. If that is the case the tape on her ankles outside of the garbage bag is more plausible. Tape around her ankles on the outside of the bag if she was folded over and then placed in a bag is less likely. I think he folded her over to save himself from having to dig a longer grave. I seriously doubt he was thinking that far ahead if he placed her in the garbage bags before digging the grave. Meaning he might not have folded her over until he arrived at the grave site.

I don't know if the weight given on the missing posters is accurate given she likely gained weight during her pregnancy. Looking at a few pictures I would say she weighted more than 140 lbs. Even so 140 lbs is a lot of weight to pick up when trying to lift a dead body, especially if a person was folded over. Normally a body would be placed over someone's shoulder to be carried. That would be all but impossible if she was folded over in a garbage bag. Dragging someone in a garbage bag would likely rip the bag and leave marks on the skin. Maybe that is where the rug came into play to move the body from the house to the car. If DS was seen carrying or dragging a body out of his house on the neighbors security camera I think LE would have had him in custody long before her body was found.

The items she was in control of would likely be her personal items. His items would be the trash bags, tape and rug since they can be tied back to his house.

I don't know what to think about if she was folded over and then placed in one bag and maybe double or triple bagged while being folded over. If I remember correctly it was said during the preliminary hearing she was in garbage bags meaning more then one. She could have had one bag over her lower body and one over her upper and still have been folded over in an unnatural position with her feet by her head when buried. If that is the case the tape on her ankles outside of the garbage bag is more plausible. Tape around her ankles on the outside of the bag if she was folded over and then placed in a bag is less likely. I think he folded her over to save himself from having to dig a longer grave. I seriously doubt he was thinking that far ahead if he placed her in the garbage bags before digging the grave. Meaning he might not have folded her over until he arrived at the grave site.

I don't know if the weight given on the missing posters is accurate given she likely gained weight during her pregnancy. Looking at a few pictures I would say she weighted more than 140 lbs. Even so 140 lbs is a lot of weight to pick up when trying to lift a dead body, especially if a person was folded over. Normally a body would be placed over someone's shoulder to be carried. That would be all but impossible if she was folded over in a garbage bag. Dragging someone in a garbage bag would likely rip the bag and leave marks on the skin. Maybe that is where the rug came into play to move the body from the house to the car. If DS was seen carrying or dragging a body out of his house on the neighbors security camera I think LE would have had him in custody long before her body was found.


You've brought up some good questions about the way she was in the bags. I just assumed one bag over another because I double bag a lot of my trash. I was thinking like ten bags or more, even when I double and triple bag liquid will leak out of the bags so they're sure not air tight with three bags. Also you brought up many good points to do with him possibly doing this a different way then what I'm thinking. I also considered he did this all in a hurry and not a lot of thought put into it.

I do think the weight is probably correct, Savannah was only 5 ft tall and you put on quite a bit of weight when pregnant and she had twins that looked healthy to me. I considered him using a dolly to move her. I have a couple at my home and I also use a smaller rug to move very heavy potted plants but I have hardwood floors. Don't think the rug would have worked to move her if he had carpet. I thought possibly he backed his truck up to the grave but I find it difficult to believe he could do this with nobody noticing. I would think in the early morning hours the sound of digging in very cold or frozen soil would carry a long ways and dogs would bark. Just strange nobody knew or said anything about him being there that morning or evening, whenever she was buried.

I realize he may have had help burying her and someone else may be very much involved in this. Still a lot to be learned.

I forgot. You mentioned his items and hers. Marie posted and told me the rug was his possession they were speaking of. Don't know yet what hers would be. At first I thought his may be the murder weapon but then I thought no, they would be charging him if it had been.
You've brought up some good questions about the way she was in the bags. I just assumed one bag over another because I double bag a lot of my trash. I was thinking like ten bags or more, even when I double and triple bag liquid will leak out of the bags so they're sure not air tight with three bags. Also you brought up many good points to do with him possibly doing this a different way then what I'm thinking. I also considered he did this all in a hurry and not a lot of thought put into it.

I do think the weight is probably correct, Savannah was only 5 ft tall and you put on quite a bit of weight when pregnant and she had twins that looked healthy to me. I considered him using a dolly to move her. I have a couple at my home and I also use a smaller rug to move very heavy potted plants but I have hardwood floors. Don't think the rug would have worked to move her if he had carpet. I thought possibly he backed his truck up to the grave but I find it difficult to believe he could do this with nobody noticing. I would think in the early morning hours the sound of digging in very cold or frozen soil would carry a long ways and dogs would bark. Just strange nobody knew or said anything about him being there that morning or evening, whenever she was buried.

I realize he may have had help burying her and someone else may be very much involved in this. Still a lot to be learned.

I forgot. You mentioned his items and hers. Marie posted and told me the rug was his possession they were speaking of. Don't know yet what hers would be. At first I thought his may be the murder weapon but then I thought no, they would be charging him if it had been.

Police never confirmed publicly if any of her belongings were found. I know media reported it, but police never confirmed it. The item refers to something both Savannah and David were in “possession of,” which is the rug.
Thank you for being here. Some of this discussion must be very hard for you to read. I'm very sorry about that.

Please know that most of us want the fullest measure of justice for SS and we are here to fully support you.

Thank u! We have no doubt Justice will be served. There is a lot I cannot chime in on because of the investigation but I do try to clarify details that I can.
Thank you, I too would much rather see this as an accident and not a murder but like you say not enough information to know why Savannah died. I too feel bad for everyone involved and if people are responsible for Savannah's death I want to see them punished. I also want to see David punished for the charges he is facing now if he stays charged with his present charges. If he did do what he's charged with now he caused a number of people to suffer. I want him to realize how wrong he was in doing what he did. If he murdered her I see him as an individual with some serious mental health issues and he has to pay a price for taking a life and also be kept away from society so that he doesn't harm anyone else.
I agree. There need to be consequences. From where I sit looking in it looks like a big drunken mess and people can act totally different under the influence. I'm not excusing these 3 men taking a woman to a remote location rather than taking her home like a gentleman would don't ----get me wrong. But unfortunately, one bad decision led to another and then a tragic event. Naturally, this is MOO.
Wouldn’t that be awesome?? Sorry, no go on that. I try not to bring out any details without direct permission or after police or media do it first.

It is my opinion that he murdered her. It is also my opinion that her ankles themselves were bound vs outside the bag. That was def a hard detail to hear, along with many of the others already.
God bless you and all savannahs family @MarieWS . I think most of us here are all of the same opinion as you, bar a few people. I imagine it is incredibly difficult. It was difficult for most of us to hear the details too, but of course definitely more so for you and everyone that loved savannah, we couldn't compare to the grief you all feel. But now we hope for justice with you. Stay strong and continue to ignore anything from anyone that may disturb your peace right now.
Wouldn’t that be awesome?? Sorry, no go on that. I try not to bring out any details without direct permission or after police or media do it first.

It is my opinion that he murdered her. It is also my opinion that her ankles themselves were bound vs outside the bag. That was def a hard detail to hear, along with many of the others already.

Without giving out the information are you saying the Police have told you enough that you feel this was a murder? I can't see why you feel her ankles being taped together is definitely telling you it was done before she died to restrain her unless you know more than we do about the tape on her ankles. Makes no sense to me when her hands were free and her mouth too. Makes more sense to me because he folded her to get her into the bags he secured her ankles to keep her legs together in the bag and to bag her.

I have to admit you being on this forum and reading everything said has left me wondering why? I've considered not even posting because some feel some are disrespecting Savannah and you too I assume. I assume I'm one of the people they're pointing a finger at because I haven't formed an opinion yet on if Savannah was murdered.

How do you feel about what's being said on this forum about Savannah and what has taken place? I need to make a decision on whether I want to continue posting here about Savannah and her being found deceased. If this is going to be just discussion on David being guilty and wanting to see him punished to the fullest degree before we even know all of the evidence I don't want to share anymore. I also don't enjoy reading posts telling others they should feel guilty for what they are sharing.
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