Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #2

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BREAKING: Actress Felicity Huffman agrees to plead guilty in college admissions cheating scam that has ensnared wealthy parents.

AP Eastern US on Twitter

JUST IN: Felicity Huffman and 13 others agree to plead guilty in college admissions scandal, US attorney says. - @Tom_Winter

NBC News on Twitter

#FelicityHuffman statement excerpt re: #CollegeAdmissionsScandal : "I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community."

Travis Andersen on Twitter
Wow. She’s doing the right thing imo. I feel bad for her daughter who she says didn’t know. All these defendants have ruined their kids’ chances to excel at any university on their own merits. They will surely have a dark cloud following them wherever they go to college or try to get their first job.
So, I do applaud Huffman for bringing this to a close and not making a spectacle of herself. Her statement is also respectful.

It will be very interesting to see what punishment Stephen Semprevivo of LA gets. He paid $400,000 to Singer to get his son into college.

More than what the Gianulli’s paid for Olivia, but less than the total for the Gianulli family.
So apparently, Huffman and 12 others have agreed to plead guilty.

This is the lowest possible charge that they could have pleaded guilty too.

This is an agreement, but the actual pleas have not happened yet.

No details of any agreement have been revealed in regards to what the prosecutor will recommend for sentencing.
It is the right and only thing to do at this point. Own it, apologize and accept whatever the punishment. So far Lori L and husband have nor plead guilty? Big mistake IMO if they don't. Huge.
From the link:

"But Paperny said the most important conversations he's had with many are about accepting responsibility, which he believes can lead to a more lenient sentence.

'I would encourage defendants, any defendants, if they broke the law to own it, to acknowledge it, to run not walk towards taking a plea agreement,' Paperny said. 'Those that respond more appropriately should get better prison sentences.'"

Looks like several defendants are taking that approach - admit responsibility and display remorse.

Will be interesting if Lori and Mossimo will pay attention to that advice.

I think Felicity gave the best possible statement, admitting guilt, saying she was ashamed, etc. Humility and at least acting humble, full of regret, ashamed, will go a lot further in rehabilitating her image than Lori's perky yoga mom shopping outings and shaking the prosecutor's hands like she's at an autograph signing. She's also smart to do this early on before it drags on and on, taking a plea instead of going to trial, having even more details and dirty laundry aired, etc.
I think Felicity gave the best possible statement, admitting guilt, saying she was ashamed, etc. Humility and at least acting humble, full of regret, ashamed, will go a lot further in rehabilitating her image than Lori's perky yoga mom shopping outings and shaking the prosecutor's hands like she's at an autograph signing. She's also smart to do this early on before it drags on and on, taking a plea instead of going to trial, having even more details and dirty laundry aired, etc.
Absolutely! Plead quickly, admit, take responsibility, be humble. Do it fast and get out of the headlines. And if there is actual jail time, get it over with as soon as possible.
Absolutely! Plead quickly, admit, take responsibility, be humble. Do it fast and get out of the headlines. And if there is actual jail time, get it over with as soon as possible.
Extra points that the statement acknowledges the students who work hard and get in fairly. And their parents who make sacrifices to support their children in an honest way. Whoever they paid to write that statement did a good job! Succinct, to the point, take full blame, responsibility, express regret, guilt, and shame because it was profoundly wrong - instead of the usual non-apology thing. It doesn't just focus on "her" family, but the impact on others, the public, etc. And you know, it may all be lip service, but at least she's smart enough to realize that's her best way to play this. Pleading guilty also allows her to take responsibility and admit fault and wrongdoing, which will help greatly with the public image/perception, redemption.

These other ones who fight legally, are limited to what they can say, and have to be careful to avoid admitting any kind of guilt or wrongdoing. Maybe it will help their case, maybe not, but it's terrible for likability and public image. They look arrogant, defiant, above the law, don't think this is a crime or big deal, etc. And I think even if they got good advice to at least act a little embarrassed and sorry for this, their egos still get in the way. They would rather do the "never let them see you sweat" thing than be truly humbled by this.
I applaud her for not making this go to trial but I don't believe that shes genuinely sorry for what she did, shes sorry she got caught. This wasn't an isolated incident, she was going to do it again for daughter #2.

If I'm judging them as a family, where is William H. Macy's statement admitting his guilt or will he only be sorry too if they have enough evidence to bring him to trial.

I feel sorry for their daughter if she didn't know but seriously how did she not know something was up if she was suddenly diagnosed with a learning difficulty and took the test offsite
I applaud her for not making this go to trial but I don't believe that shes genuinely sorry for what she did, shes sorry she got caught. This wasn't an isolated incident, she was going to do it again for daughter #2.

If I'm judging them as a family, where is William H. Macy's statement admitting his guilt or will he only be sorry too if they have enough evidence to bring him to trial.

I feel sorry for their daughter if she didn't know but seriously how did she not know something was up if she was suddenly diagnosed with a learning difficulty and took the test offsite
I don't know if I can feel sorry for the kids or not. Their futures are stained for sure. But I can't believe that they didn't know to a large degree what was going on. Most of them had to know there was no way they should be able to get in to those school on their own merit. And of course some of them were full participants. And its not like they'll end up working at McDonalds for the rest of their lives.
I applaud her for not making this go to trial but I don't believe that shes genuinely sorry for what she did, shes sorry she got caught. This wasn't an isolated incident, she was going to do it again for daughter #2.

If I'm judging them as a family, where is William H. Macy's statement admitting his guilt or will he only be sorry too if they have enough evidence to bring him to trial.

I feel sorry for their daughter if she didn't know but seriously how did she not know something was up if she was suddenly diagnosed with a learning difficulty and took the test offsite

IIRC William Macy was not charged. Only his wife Felicity. In any of the photos I have seen of Felicity attending Court her husband is not by her side.
BREAKING: Actress Felicity Huffman agrees to plead guilty in college admissions cheating scam that has ensnared wealthy parents.

AP Eastern US on Twitter

JUST IN: Felicity Huffman and 13 others agree to plead guilty in college admissions scandal, US attorney says. - @Tom_Winter

NBC News on Twitter

#FelicityHuffman statement excerpt re: #CollegeAdmissionsScandal : "I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community."

Travis Andersen on Twitter
Wow..... what I don’t understand is why any of them would plead Not Guilty. Prairie Wind, or anyone, any idea what the reason for this would be? TIA
Wow..... what I don’t understand is why any of them would plead Not Guilty. Prairie Wind, or anyone, any idea what the reason for this would be? TIA
Typically, a defendant will enter a not guilty plea initially. Then the case progresses. What it really does is just give the defense attorney time to negotiate a plea deal after evaluating the evidence. This bunch that plead guilty, I am assuming realized that the evidence against them was very solid. But some of the others, the evidence maybe isn't so good, and maybe their attorneys are advising them that they can beat the charges. Who knows. Just guessing. But I am certain that we haven't seen the last of the guilty pleas.
I think it will be interesting to see how the judge falls on the prison time. I am seeing that she may be in prison for up to six months. I think that will be where she ends up b/c of the enormity of all of the actor's actions overall. I don't think a judge will give her no jail time.
I think it will be interesting to see how the judge falls on the prison time. I am seeing that she may be in prison for up to six months. I think that will be where she ends up b/c of the enormity of all of the actor's actions overall. I don't think a judge will give her no jail time.
I think they will all get off with no jail time. Hefty fines, yes.

I think Lori is banking on getting a fine and photo op doing community service (flashing that winning smile of hers).

I think they will all get off with no jail time. Hefty fines, yes.

I think Lori is banking on getting a fine and photo op doing community service (flashing that winning smile of hers).


Huffman is in this for less than 20K. I think the Loughlin/Giannulli family is in more hot water than Huffman. I would love to see how others who are pleading guilty are being assessed. Huffman with a sentencing guideline of 9 means 6 months to a year with the option of arguing for a 7 with a 0-6 months. I just have a gut feeling that just a sorry and photo op for community service is not going to cut it given the publicity and size of the scandal. (And, I am hoping that I am very right that there will be jail time.)
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