Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #2

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The people who got paid in the colleges were so greedy, too. Look at the money they received. They could have stopped after one payment and invested the money and been ok with a nice retirement package. But they kept going with the scams as well.

It seems as crime is the way to go nowadays. People don’t think anything of it if it is white collar.

If one is poor and steals some small item, s/he is looking at prison for a long time. Steal millions and you will serve a small sentence.
IMO, none of the participants in the cheating scandal are sorry for what they did. They are sorry because they got caught and exposed. It's embarrassing to them and also may be detrimental to their careers.

Huffman has a series coming out on Netflix which has been delayed. It is definitely in her best interest to get this behind her as quickly as possible. At least, she is acting remorseful.

Huffman and her husband, William Macy, have cultivated an image of a down-to-earth, working class type of family, even though they are really rich Hollywood folk.

I think that Macy had to know what his wife was doing even if he didn't really agree with it. Now, that it is out in the open, I can imagine that he is none too happy and encouraged her to plead and deal with the consequences to allow them to move past this as quickly as possible.

That's more than Lori Loughlin is doing. She's acting like this is one big joke. Not only is she damaging her "image," it is setting a very bad example for both of her girls.

Laughing, joking, taking selfies and signing autographs is absolutely ridiculous. I'll be really interested to see how all this works out for her husband and her.
The [16] parents, including Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, "were charged today in Boston in a second superseding indictment with conspiring to commit fraud and money laundering ...," the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston announced.

Prosecutors said the second superseding indictment also charges the defendants with conspiring to launder bribes and other payments in connection with the fraud, by funneling them through Singer’s purported charity and his for-profit corporation, as well as by transferring money into the United States, from outside the country, for the purpose of promoting the fraud scheme.

Under the usual procedures, the next step for these 16 parents will be to appear at an arraignment where they will enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Then a trial date would be set by the court.

The charge of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, plus hefty fines. The charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and heftier fines.

The process prosecutors are following is routine: If someone is arrested and charged with a crime in a criminal complaint, the government then has 30 days to indict.

Lori Loughlin indicted by federal grand jury, charged with money laundering
Felicity has to be feeling pretty good right about now.
I would say that she probably feels relieved. It has to be a big weight off of your shoulders to admit to your guilt and accept whatever hand is now dealt.

In the big scheme of things, even if she were to go to prison, she would be protected and treated much better than the others.

Look at Martha Stewart. She went to prison, taught classes while there and went on to a bigger and better career once released.

Hollywood will forgive Felicity Huffman and so will the public because of her regret, apology and admitting her guilt.

Loughlin can hang up her acting and dancing shoes. I think that she has done herself in. She probably has also damaged her kids' futures, too.
All of the plea deals can be found at Investigations of College Admissions and Testing Bribery Scheme

(at the bottom of the page)

Interesting is that these are the sentencing guidelines

Buckingham is rated at an 11 with sentence recommendation at lower end of guideline
Caplan is rated at an 11 with sentence recommendation at lower end of guideline
B Isackson is rated at an 21 (3 counts) with a sentence recommendation at lower end of guideline
Semprevivo is rated at 16 with a sentence recommendation of 18 months
Abbott is rated at 13 with sentence recommendation of 12 months and 1 day

Huffman is the only one I read where it says the defendant can argue a lower sentencing guideline in court. ETA: Klapper can also argue lower but they are the only two.

and there is more at the link.

Huffman is rated as a 9, per prosecution.
One of the arrested, who is yet to be named, is reported to have paid $6.5 million to get his son into Yale.

When are we going to hear about that one? Why is this person so priviledged that his name doesn’t have to appear on the court documents?
Did some of these folks really believe they could beat these charges? Those who did not come forward now have added charges. Good lord!
I'm just guessing, but I bet Lori was not offered a plea deal yet because prosecutors knew more charges were coming. These are serious charges and I suspect she will spend some time in prison.
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