The Stine And Ramsey Friendship/relationship

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Because the ligature, sexual assault, and blow to the head were not staged. What’s done is done. This is the starting point of the staging. They had to play the hand they were dealt.

The Ramseys did not stage the scene as IDI. They staged it as an “inside job”.

If you look real close you can see how they tried to pin it on LHP from the get. They may even have staged some elements of the cover-up to point her way.

I think we have been here before. You appear to accept what you get in the wine-cellar at face value.

That's fine and dandy if its real, but its a staged crime-scene, so who knows whats fake and whats authentic?

The Ramseys did not stage the scene as IDI. They staged it as an “inside job”.
I disagree. According to the Ramsey version of events they went to bed and when they awoke JonBenet was gone, i.e. an Intruder.

This is why they wrote a RN, it validates the idea of an intruder, otherwise why not sprinkle LHP references in the RN?

Why was something that could be linked to LHP not used to kill JonBenet?

The wine-cellar has not been staged to look as if LHP kidnapped and killed JonBenet, later when in discussion with detectives JR and PR just flung everyone under the bus, including LHP, you can see this in the interviews, I don't recognize that, That's been moved, Somebody moved the suitcase, etc.

If the R's intended the basement as LHPDI why was the broken window open, why was the suitcase down there, why were the gifts partially opened, why was the chair left in front of the door?

Did LHP come through the window, did she escape via the window, if she walked out the door why did she not take JonBenet with her?

Just because JR and PR are willing to fling LHP under the bus after the fact does not mean the wine-cellar staging has been designed with this in mind.

JR even referenced some guy at AG as the potential killer, same tactics as used with LHP.

Nearly everything in the wine-cellar, including JonBenet's clothes, the gifts, the toys, etc are all likely staged.

JR repeated the LHP makeover on Lou Smit, except Lou Smit probably interpreted the basement forensic evidence as it was originally intended, prior to it being amended, e.g. a Psychopathic Intruder.

JR plays along as LS enacts the window entry scene etc. This is JR's MO, he has done it throughout the case, most recently on Dr. Phil with his tale about the flashlight, i.e the murder weapon in the CBS Documentary, and most famously when he found the body !

Remember JR telling Lou Smit Patsy never knew about the gifts in the wine-cellar?

Everything you mention may be true. But in keeping with the ‘system’ of throwing as much out as possible to distance the BPD from the family, it didn’t matter if it made no sense that LHP wouldn’t have enacted such a violent crime. The BPD was extremely quick to investigate her and her family, so the Rs apparently superbly convinced them it was worth pursuing immediately.

I’m glad CS has followed the bike saga. I was not interested in going down another rabbit hole about bikes after I pursued the Rs’ many conflicting statements about whether JB road her bike on Christmas Day. Barnhill once stated in a newspaper: "I didn't see a lot of people over there Christmas Day," said Barnhill, who had hidden the bicycle JonBenet's father had bought his daughter. "I didn't see JonBenét with her bike, but I did see (her 10-year-old brother) Burke ride his bike down the lawn there." (Quote comes from a Daily Camera article on December 28th. Author Elliot Zaret.)

As to the evolution of the connection between the Ss and the Rs, these are a few known facts and my apologies if you’ve already seen these.

Back in the fall of 1997, SS lost her contract with the University. Sometime thereafter GS got into a spat with the University after he gave himself an $18000 bonus which was not authorized by the Board of Regents.

Before JB’s death the Rs were becoming a star in Boulder’s community. Not only was AG doing well, but after Patsy’s cancer went into remission, she worked diligently to put JR and herself in the top echelon of the Boulder ‘social scene’ – joining the church of the more noted citizens, donating to different causes, holding a large holiday open house, volunteering at her children’s school. SS greatly admired Patsy and obviously cultivated her friendship. GS would have been very impressed by JR’s success. They took them into their home, likely also to provide some normalcy for BR.

After JB’s death, JR had a big plan to buy AG from LM, who owned all the stock in the company. JR wished to take AG public, pay back LM and reap some great rewards $$$$. Although this plan flew in the face of LM’s objective to sell AG along with some other assets to GE, apparently JR was not deterred from the idea . . .until he lost his position with AG.

When he lost that bid for wealth, JR started another company called Jaleo of North America, a software company originating in Spain. He did provide GS an executive position within the company, but unfortunately Jaleo went bankrupt in 1999.

I’ve speculated about something quite easy to imagine. This is in regards to wealth. While the family was housed at the S’ home, I’m sure talk sometimes turned to business and wealth possibilities at the dinner table. Although GS earned a nice salary at the University, the possibility of earning much more by hitching his star to JR could have occurred to him. Moreover, GS had some knowledge of investments which JR may have sought out, even before JB’s death, since GS was responsible for managing the University’s endowments.

One simple reason I don’t endorse the BlueCrab theory, although I can’t discount it, is because of Kolar. He only focuses on the minor in the home that night and doesn’t hint at any other guest.

Everything you mention may be true. But in keeping with the ‘system’ of throwing as much out as possible to distance the BPD from the family, it didn’t matter if it made no sense that LHP wouldn’t have enacted such a violent crime. The BPD was extremely quick to investigate her and her family, so the Rs apparently superbly convinced them it was worth pursuing immediately.
Sure, but that's not the same as staging the crime-scene so to implicate LHP. The staging came first then afterwards everyone was flung under the bus. Also the R's would have known up front that LHP would be cleared, it was just a facade. Everyone could have been flung under the bus without any staging, it's neutral wrt Who Did It.

"I didn't see JonBenét with her bike, but I did see (her 10-year-old brother) Burke ride his bike down the lawn there." (Quote comes from a Daily Camera article on December 28th. Author Elliot Zaret.)
Funny that, in the interviews they repeatedly ask about JonbBenet playing on her bike, not Burke though.

So John says Burke got a bike, Burke says he got a bike, Julie Poppen says Burke got a bike, and Barnhill says he saw Burke on a bike. That's a pretty good case for Burke getting a bike?

Although GS earned a nice salary at the University, the possibility of earning much more by hitching his star to JR could have occurred to him. Moreover, GS had some knowledge of investments which JR may have sought out, even before JB’s death, since GS was responsible for managing the University’s endowments.
You could be right, maybe GS knew how to offshore JR's liabilities?

One simple reason I don’t endorse the BlueCrab theory, although I can’t discount it, is because of Kolar. He only focuses on the minor in the home that night and doesn’t hint at any other guest.
BlueCrab's theory lacks forensic evidence there is nothing to place an associate of Burke in the house that night. Yet as we all should know absence of evidence does not demonstrate no link since the parents could have cleaned stuff up?

We still have a missing bike and photographs, its curious nobody has asked much about them, so patently they played some role?

I don't buy the LHP framing as its after the fact, i.e. its not implicit in the wine-cellar crime-scene, it can lead to the post hoc fallacy.

Why does LHP need to ligature aspyxiate, sexually assault and inflict blunt force trauma on JonBenet, that's even wilder than BDI ?

We have a missing bike and photographs, the thing is why would anyone need to hide they existed?

The obvious answer is the bike never existed, its early spin from the Ramsey's via copy given to Julie Poppen so she file a good story on the JonBenet case, this might be why she is reluctant to talk?

Yet BR alike his remarks about JonBenet walking into the house, tells us he did get a bike for Christmas, so invoking cynic's dictum this might be smoke and mirrors from JR via BR on Dr Phil, since JR is aware of BlueCrab's original theory, my understanding is that JR hired a PI to identify BlueCrab leading to him leaving the JonBenet boards?

So the case might really be JDI with JR happy to spin anything that points away from him?

All that said, hiding details about the bike including possible photographs can only mean it played a role in JonBenet's death or it was used to allow someone to bicycle home. This latter option can then be indirectly linked to the Stines and their subsequent employment by the Ramseys?

Is that what happened to BlueCrab?
He got bullied into leaving? Then it sounds like he was on the right trail too! I wish he were still here.

Sure, but that's not the same as staging the crime-scene so to implicate LHP. The staging came first then afterwards everyone was flung under the bus. Also the R's would have known up front that LHP would be cleared, it was just a facade. Everyone could have been flung under the bus without any staging, it's neutral wrt Who Did It.

Funny that, in the interviews they repeatedly ask about JonbBenet playing on her bike, not Burke though.

So John says Burke got a bike, Burke says he got a bike, Julie Poppen says Burke got a bike, and Barnhill says he saw Burke on a bike. That's a pretty good case for Burke getting a bike?

You could be right, maybe GS knew how to offshore JR's liabilities?

BlueCrab's theory lacks forensic evidence there is nothing to place an associate of Burke in the house that night. Yet as we all should know absence of evidence does not demonstrate no link since the parents could have cleaned stuff up?

We still have a missing bike and photographs, its curious nobody has asked much about them, so patently they played some role?

That and what ever was in Johns’ golf bag that was so important that they get it out of the basement?
I’m encouraged by all of this information. A lot of anomalies and contradictions. And the two families sure did team up to fight the press and law enforcement. And also it is true that JR never showed the anger at the ‘killer’ that he did at the media. And the four of them laughing together on the deck in the Vanify Faur picture. PR was slouching on the rail looking like she thought the guy with the long lens was just being ridiculous. She seems to be looking sideways at SS or JR.
I think PR was hitting the booze pretty hard too.
I think we have been here before. You appear to accept what you get in the wine-cellar at face value.

That's fine and dandy if its real, but its a staged crime-scene, so who knows whats fake and whats authentic?

I disagree. According to the Ramsey version of events they went to bed and when they awoke JonBenet was gone, i.e. an Intruder.

This is why they wrote a RN, it validates the idea of an intruder, otherwise why not sprinkle LHP references in the RN?

Why was something that could be linked to LHP not used to kill JonBenet?

The wine-cellar has not been staged to look as if LHP kidnapped and killed JonBenet, later when in discussion with detectives JR and PR just flung everyone under the bus, including LHP, you can see this in the interviews, I don't recognize that, That's been moved, Somebody moved the suitcase, etc.

If the R's intended the basement as LHPDI why was the broken window open, why was the suitcase down there, why were the gifts partially opened, why was the chair left in front of the door?

Did LHP come through the window, did she escape via the window, if she walked out the door why did she not take JonBenet with her?

Just because JR and PR are willing to fling LHP under the bus after the fact does not mean the wine-cellar staging has been designed with this in mind.

JR even referenced some guy at AG as the potential killer, same tactics as used with LHP.

Nearly everything in the wine-cellar, including JonBenet's clothes, the gifts, the toys, etc are all likely staged.

JR repeated the LHP makeover on Lou Smit, except Lou Smit probably interpreted the basement forensic evidence as it was originally intended, prior to it being amended, e.g. a Psychopathic Intruder.

JR plays along as LS enacts the window entry scene etc. This is JR's MO, he has done it throughout the case, most recently on Dr. Phil with his tale about the flashlight, i.e the murder weapon in the CBS Documentary, and most famously when he found the body !

Remember JR telling Lou Smit Patsy never knew about the gifts in the wine-cellar?

UK- Your whole response gave me a
headache. So, I will try and answer piece by piece or point by point.
Could be. Now why would Burke say they both got bikes? Real mystery that one, although I read somewhere Patsy went down town Boulder the week before Christmas and picked the bikes herself.

You have to wonder why the parents wanted that factoid buried?

Was it BlueCrab who proposed the theory that Doug Stine returned back with the Ramseys then after JonBenet's death DS used a Bike, did he not suggest Patsy's Bike, to bicycle back home?

If so this would explain lots of stuff, including the Ramsy/Stine Love In, yet why would Susan Stine then tell BPD that DS and BR were discussing JonBenet's death, etc?

Tell you what is ironic: BR does Dr Phil to airbrush his image, then tells Dr Phil We both got bikes thereby revalidating an old if not the original BDI, Come On Down Burke Ramsey !

I am BlueCrabs’ groupie - whether he needs one or not!
I am learning All Things BlueCrab!
DS and his Best Friend Psychopathic -although dismissed as autistic- BR (incidentally within the age range pointed out to be most dangerous to young girls), also JAR- who was the ONLY human of either sex to cover his visage. So, if he had been scratched in the face?
A dying child would have fought. And Jonbenet was no shrinking violet. She was ‘a firecracker’ in her fathers’ own words. She did not die without taking some DNA with her.
Yes their phone records needed to be erased to not show any calls made the night of the 25th- they probably called family and/or attorneys etc, but what does Burke's bike have to do with anything?
The missing bike. The bike marks in the snow?
DS. The strange Stine/Ramsey relationship. The idea DS might have been meant to go to MI with the family and his Best Friend? That Precious Age when young boys are considered the most dangerous to young girls?
UK- Your whole response gave me a
headache. So, I will try and answer piece by piece or point by point.
That and what ever was in Johns’ golf bag that was so important that they get it out of the basement?
Run your mouth about BlueCrab all you want; however- it is exactly what I thought. You won’t change my mind. Except- was JAR involved as well as DS and BR?
He was the only one who covered his face after the murder and on live TV. To cover up scratches? He could forever deny involvement in JBR murder; until Christ calls his Virgin Bride home, unless the world saw scratches on his face! If he was the ONLY male residing in the Ramsey home who had scratches in his face that morning, when he covered his face with a coat and moved from the home to the minivan to escape the scene of the murder; then I would build my suspicions using JAR as the primary root and source of contention in this case.
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Is that what happened to BlueCrab?
He got bullied into leaving? Then it sounds like he was on the right trail too! I wish he were still here.

It's third-party information, but it does explain why BlueCrab seemed just to vanish?

summarising: A PI was hired to ID BlueCrab and he was tracked down via his network address, so with no anonymity he had to retire?

More than one male. Maybe a young male who felt no guilt, remorse, or shame? An older male who was sadistic and had done this before? Another kid tied to a family who only valued money and social status?

Were they like us at all, the people involved in JBR’s murder? Is this why the super rich are super rich?
They can listen to the death screams of the innocent, and it doesn’t bother them at all? Because they are thinking of how they are going to spend all of that money?
It's third-party information, but it does explain why BlueCrab seemed just to vanish?

summarising: A PI was hired to ID BlueCrab and he was tracked down via his network address, so with no anonymity he had to retire?

Well I have my evil half sister. And corpse for corpse I bet, (even though she hates me; and has thrown me to the wolves more times than I can count) no one will interfere with her steady flow of $$$ and live. They will not mess with me (her $$$$- lolol!). I believe I can freely state my opinion.
I disagree. According to the Ramsey version of events they went to bed and when they awoke JonBenet was gone, i.e. an Intruder.

This is why they wrote a RN, it validates the idea of an intruder, otherwise why not sprinkle LHP references in the RN?

Why was something that could be linked to LHP not used to kill JonBenet?

The wine-cellar has not been staged to look as if LHP kidnapped and killed JonBenet, later when in discussion with detectives JR and PR just flung everyone under the bus, including LHP, you can see this in the interviews, I don't recognize that, That's been moved, Somebody moved the suitcase, etc.

It is very important to note, the Ramseys did not originally blame an intruder from the beginning or Day zero of what happened. Somewhere between midnight and before they made the 911 call, the Ramseys chose to finger Linda Hoffman-Pugh from the get-go. Sometime that night they realized she was perhaps a natural choice to try and blame LHP(She needed money, was having problems etc.)

Here I will show you that from the moment French walked in their door, both, JR and PR laid it on thick to French. Within the first hour both John and Patsy gave extensive reasoning to why they suspected LHP killed their daughter.

Here are some experts from Officer French and Linda Arndt’s official police reports from the morning/day of Dec. 26, 1996:

Officer French:

As Mr. Ramsey made preliminary telephone calls to gather the intended amount of money he told me that the only other people with keys to the house were Linda Hoffman-Pugh and two relatives in Atlanta, GA. Ms. Ramsey told me that Linda Hoffman-Pugh had spoken to her on the telephone on the morning of the 24th and asked for a loan of two-thousand dollars. Linda has called later that day and seemed upset about an argument with her sister, and she made plans to come by the Ramseys house while they were out of town and pick up a check that the Ramseys would leave for them.

When Nedra Paugh, Patricia Ramseys mother, was advised by telephone of the incident, she asked that the officers on the scene be told of Linda Hoffman-Pugh, often commenting on how beautiful JonBenet was and if Ms. Ramsey was concerned that she might be kidnapped. Mrs. Paugh’s comments were relayed to me by (REDACTED).

These factors related to Linda Hoffman-Pugh were given to DET Arndt and she began to develop background information on Linda.

Linda Arndt report:

Patsy woke up this morning and found the suspected ransom note at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Patsy originally thought the note may have been left by the housekeeper.

I asked Patsy who had keys to her home. Patsy said the woman who was responsible for the housekeeping, Linda Hoffman-Pugh, had a key to her home.

I asked Patsy if she could think of anyone who might be responsible for JonBenet’s disappearance. Patsy told me that her housekeeper, Linda Pugh, had asked to borrow money on Dec. 24. Patsy told me that she had a Christmas party at her home on Dec 23. Linda, was supposed to clean up from this party on the morning of Dec 24. Linda Pugh had phoned Patsy on the morning of Dec 24. Linda Hoffman asked Patsy if she could borrow some money. Patsy had said yes. Patsy told me she had loaned money to Linda in the past. Linda phoned Patsy again on the afternoon of Dec. 24 Linda was crying. Linda said she needed to borrow $2,000. Patsy thought the money was needed for dental repair for Linda and her family. Patsy told Linda, that she would write a check for $2,000. Patsy said she would leave the check on the kitchen counter. Patsy told me that Linda was scheduled to be at the Ramsey home on Friday morning, Dec 27, at 0900 hours.

Patsy told me Linda Pugh has worked as her housekeeper for about the past 2 years. Linda cleans the Ramsey home twice a week. Ms. Pugh is paid $200 a week. Patsy told me that Ms. Pugh’s husband (redacted). Patsy provided me with Ms. (redacted) husband’s name. Patsy also supplied me
with Ms. (redacted) home phone number, (redacted). Patsy further told me that Ms. Pugh’s adult
children have had problems in the past 2 months. Patsy believed that one of Ms. Pugh’s adult daughters had been in contact with Safe House because of domestic violence problems. Patsy did not
know the name of this daughter, nor where she lived. Patsy thought the daughter lived in (redacted).
Patsy thought the adult daughter’s domestic problems might have occurred prior to Thanksgiving of

The pastor told me about a telephone conversation Patsy had had with her mother. Patsy’s
mother had spoken with the housekeeper, Linda, while Patsy’s mother had been living in the Ramsey home. Ms. Linda Pugh, had reportedly said that JonBenet was so cute that someone would kidnap her. I met with Patsy and asked her about her telephone conversation with her mother. Patsy told me that she had spoken to her mother after she had discovered JonBenet was missing.

Patsy’s mother is Nedra Paugh. Nedra lives in Atlanta, GA. Nedra Paugh, had told Patsy that Ms. Linda Pugh, had said many times that JonBenet was such a beautiful girl, and wasn’t Patsy afraid that someone was going to kidnap her. Patsy supplied me with Linda Pugh’s home number. This home phone number is (redacted). Det. Patterson was going to follow-up on information regarding Ms. Linda Pugh and her family. Det. Patterson was going to attempt to have US West Communications place a trace on Ms. Linda Pugh’s home phone number.

John told me that the housekeeper, Linda Pugh, did have a key to the house. Linda Pugh was the only person living in Colorado who had a key to the Ramsey house.

After Linda Pugh had been named as a possible suspect, I asked John if he had any photos of Linda Pugh in the house. John Ramsey told me that he had a roll of film in his camera. Pictures had been taken of the Christmas party held at the Ramsey home on Dec 23. John told me that Linda had attended that party. I asked John for the film from that camera.

I asked John if he had any paperwork in the house which might contain Linda Pugh’s handwriting. John checked the kitchen area for any note, but did not locate any. I asked John if he had cancelled checks which had been endorsed by Linda Pugh. John phoned his bank. John was told that the bank did
have copies of checks which had been written to, and endorsed by, Linda Pugh asked John to have his
bank fax those checks to me in care of the fax number located at the BPD Detective Bureau.

I asked Patsy when Linda Pugh was next scheduled to be at their home. Linda was due to be at the Ramsey home at 0900 hours on Friday, Dec 27.

One of the first things John told me after he came into the living room and had covered JonBenet’s body was, it has to be an inside job. John told me I was right, it had to be someone who knew the family. John told me that no one knows about the wine cellar in the basement, and therefore it has to be an inside job.

As you can see the Ramseys plan was to pin this on LHP and her family. This is why the Ramseys tell French and Arndt that all doors and windows were locked the night before. This is why JR does not jump and down about the broken basement window. In fact, he did not want police in the basement at all. Wonder why?

Only after Lou Smit entered the scene a couple months after the murder did the Intruder theory become JR new song and dance.

One more thing on LHP. Think about this; Patsy called her mother early in the morning on the 26th. She had to of told her mother what happened and that why Nedra called later and Nedra tells the story to the cops about LHP past kidnapping comments. Nedra was in on the cover-up too.


BlueCrab's theory lacks forensic evidence there is nothing to place an associate of Burke in the house that night. Yet as we all should know absence of evidence does not demonstrate no link since the parents could have cleaned stuff up?

“No forensic evidence” and a missing 3rd bike actually support any number of additional theories - an invited guest like DS, a love child of JR’s who was there for Xmas (seen by Barnhill and looked like JAR), an intruder who entered while the Rs were at the Ws and copied PR’s disguised handwriting and linguistics, a friend of JARs who was hoping to earn additional holiday money . . .

At one time in speculation about BC's departure from the forums I read a lot of past threads and have only heard one rumor about BC's absence from the forum. In that rumor someone from Jameson’s forum tricked BC into entering Jameson’s WEBBsleuths' forum in order to obtain the IP address. The theory was that the reason for discovery of BC’s identity was to stop his/her posting about the S tenant NI, student at CU and occasional babysitter for DS, BR and JB. (Or perhaps also to stop him posting about DS.) BC was then supposedly threatened by legal action.

Anyway, in my desire to provide a succinct response, I omitted other thoughts. I don’t necessarily believe all of Kolar’s theory, and I’ll leave it at that.

One of the additional reasons I’ve not had a ‘bead’ on DS is because the GJ only indicted the adult Rs. The GJ subpoenaed SS to give testimony, and, imho, if they believed and had corroborating evidence SS was assisting the cover-up of her son’s and BR’s involvement, there would have been an accessory after the fact charge against her as well. IMO

BC didn’t have just one theory. He also implied the basement nanny of the Ss may have been there that night, and perhaps the University group APAC (Asian Pacific American Coalition) was the foreign faction and was involved. Another of his speculations was that kids wrote the RN.

To twist the quote from Jerry McGuire (“You had me at ‘Hello’”), BC lost me with the idea that the kids, and he specified DS in particular, wrote the RN. Cherokee had the best quash of any such idea. Laying the Foundation For Borg Mentality - Page 3

I agree a missing 3rd bike is a mystery, but have no idea where that mystery leads.

It is very important to note, the Ramseys did not originally blame an intruder from the beginning or Day zero of what happened. Somewhere between midnight and before they made the 911 call, the Ramseys chose to finger Linda Hoffman-Pugh from the get-go. Sometime that night they realized she was perhaps a natural choice to try and blame LHP(She needed money, was having problems etc.)

Here I will show you that from the moment French walked in their door, both, JR and PR laid it on thick to French. Within the first hour both John and Patsy gave extensive reasoning to why they suspected LHP killed their daughter.

Here are some experts from Officer French and Linda Arndt’s official police reports from the morning/day of Dec. 26, 1996:

Officer French:

As Mr. Ramsey made preliminary telephone calls to gather the intended amount of money he told me that the only other people with keys to the house were Linda Hoffman-Pugh and two relatives in Atlanta, GA. Ms. Ramsey told me that Linda Hoffman-Pugh had spoken to her on the telephone on the morning of the 24th and asked for a loan of two-thousand dollars. Linda has called later that day and seemed upset about an argument with her sister, and she made plans to come by the Ramseys house while they were out of town and pick up a check that the Ramseys would leave for them.

When Nedra Paugh, Patricia Ramseys mother, was advised by telephone of the incident, she asked that the officers on the scene be told of Linda Hoffman-Pugh, often commenting on how beautiful JonBenet was and if Ms. Ramsey was concerned that she might be kidnapped. Mrs. Paugh’s comments were relayed to me by (REDACTED).

These factors related to Linda Hoffman-Pugh were given to DET Arndt and she began to develop background information on Linda.

Linda Arndt report:

Patsy woke up this morning and found the suspected ransom note at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Patsy originally thought the note may have been left by the housekeeper.

I asked Patsy who had keys to her home. Patsy said the woman who was responsible for the housekeeping, Linda Hoffman-Pugh, had a key to her home.

I asked Patsy if she could think of anyone who might be responsible for JonBenet’s disappearance. Patsy told me that her housekeeper, Linda Pugh, had asked to borrow money on Dec. 24. Patsy told me that she had a Christmas party at her home on Dec 23. Linda, was supposed to clean up from this party on the morning of Dec 24. Linda Pugh had phoned Patsy on the morning of Dec 24. Linda Hoffman asked Patsy if she could borrow some money. Patsy had said yes. Patsy told me she had loaned money to Linda in the past. Linda phoned Patsy again on the afternoon of Dec. 24 Linda was crying. Linda said she needed to borrow $2,000. Patsy thought the money was needed for dental repair for Linda and her family. Patsy told Linda, that she would write a check for $2,000. Patsy said she would leave the check on the kitchen counter. Patsy told me that Linda was scheduled to be at the Ramsey home on Friday morning, Dec 27, at 0900 hours.

Patsy told me Linda Pugh has worked as her housekeeper for about the past 2 years. Linda cleans the Ramsey home twice a week. Ms. Pugh is paid $200 a week. Patsy told me that Ms. Pugh’s husband (redacted). Patsy provided me with Ms. (redacted) husband’s name. Patsy also supplied me
with Ms. (redacted) home phone number, (redacted). Patsy further told me that Ms. Pugh’s adult
children have had problems in the past 2 months. Patsy believed that one of Ms. Pugh’s adult daughters had been in contact with Safe House because of domestic violence problems. Patsy did not
know the name of this daughter, nor where she lived. Patsy thought the daughter lived in (redacted).
Patsy thought the adult daughter’s domestic problems might have occurred prior to Thanksgiving of

The pastor told me about a telephone conversation Patsy had had with her mother. Patsy’s
mother had spoken with the housekeeper, Linda, while Patsy’s mother had been living in the Ramsey home. Ms. Linda Pugh, had reportedly said that JonBenet was so cute that someone would kidnap her. I met with Patsy and asked her about her telephone conversation with her mother. Patsy told me that she had spoken to her mother after she had discovered JonBenet was missing.

Patsy’s mother is Nedra Paugh. Nedra lives in Atlanta, GA. Nedra Paugh, had told Patsy that Ms. Linda Pugh, had said many times that JonBenet was such a beautiful girl, and wasn’t Patsy afraid that someone was going to kidnap her. Patsy supplied me with Linda Pugh’s home number. This home phone number is (redacted). Det. Patterson was going to follow-up on information regarding Ms. Linda Pugh and her family. Det. Patterson was going to attempt to have US West Communications place a trace on Ms. Linda Pugh’s home phone number.

John told me that the housekeeper, Linda Pugh, did have a key to the house. Linda Pugh was the only person living in Colorado who had a key to the Ramsey house.

After Linda Pugh had been named as a possible suspect, I asked John if he had any photos of Linda Pugh in the house. John Ramsey told me that he had a roll of film in his camera. Pictures had been taken of the Christmas party held at the Ramsey home on Dec 23. John told me that Linda had attended that party. I asked John for the film from that camera.

I asked John if he had any paperwork in the house which might contain Linda Pugh’s handwriting. John checked the kitchen area for any note, but did not locate any. I asked John if he had cancelled checks which had been endorsed by Linda Pugh. John phoned his bank. John was told that the bank did
have copies of checks which had been written to, and endorsed by, Linda Pugh asked John to have his
bank fax those checks to me in care of the fax number located at the BPD Detective Bureau.

I asked Patsy when Linda Pugh was next scheduled to be at their home. Linda was due to be at the Ramsey home at 0900 hours on Friday, Dec 27.

One of the first things John told me after he came into the living room and had covered JonBenet’s body was, it has to be an inside job. John told me I was right, it had to be someone who knew the family. John told me that no one knows about the wine cellar in the basement, and therefore it has to be an inside job.

As you can see the Ramseys plan was to pin this on LHP and her family. This is why the Ramseys tell French and Arndt that all doors and windows were locked the night before. This is why JR does not jump and down about the broken basement window. In fact, he did not want police in the basement at all. Wonder why?

Only after Lou Smit entered the scene a couple months after the murder did the Intruder theory become JR new song and dance.

One more thing on LHP. Think about this; Patsy called her mother early in the morning on the 26th. She had to of told her mother what happened and that why Nedra called later and Nedra tells the story to the cops about LHP past kidnapping comments. Nedra was in on the cover-up too.

The R's did not need to say an Intruder Did It, the ransom note said that.

A lot of what JR and PR say, e.g. RN left on the stairs, etc cannot be verified.

IMO JR and PR just flung LHP under the bus, they knew it would never work, five minutes interviewing LHP would eliminate her, as it transpired.

PR and JR never left any forensic link between the wine-cellar and LHP, my point is although the wine-cellar is a staged crime-scene, it was not staged with LHP in mind.

As you can see the Ramseys plan was to pin this on LHP and her family.
I agree they suggested LHP as a suspect along with unsubstantiated accusations, but the Ramsey's knew they could never ever pin it on LHP and her family, since there would be no forensic evidence to back it all up, it looks like a JR smoke and mirror job to me.

The R's knew LHPDI would never ever fly, but they needed a suspect, so she was tossed under the bus, the first of many, including JR's friend Fleet White.

wrt Lou Smit I've come to wonder if JR's likely apocryphal account of praying with Lou Smit was when JR reverted back to the original staging in the basement, probably with a few choice references flung in?

So yes the Ramsey's blamed LHP etc, but they never placed her in the wine-cellar, it was all post hoc assumptions, she was just a temporary scapegoat.

The R's did not need to say an Intruder Did It, the ransom note said that.

A lot of what JR and PR say, e.g. RN left on the stairs, etc cannot be verified.

IMO JR and PR just flung LHP under the bus, they knew it would never work, five minutes interviewing LHP would eliminate her, as it transpired.

PR and JR never left any forensic link between the wine-cellar and LHP, my point is although the wine-cellar is a staged crime-scene, it was not staged with LHP in mind.

I agree they suggested LHP as a suspect along with unsubstantiated accusations, but the Ramsey's knew they could never ever pin it on LHP and her family, since there would be no forensic evidence to back it all up, it looks like a JR smoke and mirror job to me.

The R's knew LHPDI would never ever fly, but they needed a suspect, so she was tossed under the bus, the first of many, including JR's friend Fleet White.

wrt Lou Smit I've come to wonder if JR's likely apocryphal account of praying with Lou Smit was when JR reverted back to the original staging in the basement, probably with a few choice references flung in?

So yes the Ramsey's blamed LHP etc, but they never placed her in the wine-cellar, it was all post hoc assumptions, she was just a temporary scapegoat.

LHP was the last known person to touch the paint tote. LHP is the last known person to touch Burke’s Swiss Army knife that was found at the murder scene next to JBR body.

Patsy left the note on the spiral staircase because that is where LHP left notes for her.
“No forensic evidence” and a missing 3rd bike actually support any number of additional theories - an invited guest like DS, a love child of JR’s who was there for Xmas (seen by Barnhill and looked like JAR), an intruder who entered while the Rs were at the Ws and copied PR’s disguised handwriting and linguistics, a friend of JARs who was hoping to earn additional holiday money . . .

At one time in speculation about BC's departure from the forums I read a lot of past threads and have only heard one rumor about BC's absence from the forum. In that rumor someone from Jameson’s forum tricked BC into entering Jameson’s WEBBsleuths' forum in order to obtain the IP address. The theory was that the reason for discovery of BC’s identity was to stop his/her posting about the S tenant NI, student at CU and occasional babysitter for DS, BR and JB. (Or perhaps also to stop him posting about DS.) BC was then supposedly threatened by legal action.

Anyway, in my desire to provide a succinct response, I omitted other thoughts. I don’t necessarily believe all of Kolar’s theory, and I’ll leave it at that.

One of the additional reasons I’ve not had a ‘bead’ on DS is because the GJ only indicted the adult Rs. The GJ subpoenaed SS to give testimony, and, imho, if they believed and had corroborating evidence SS was assisting the cover-up of her son’s and BR’s involvement, there would have been an accessory after the fact charge against her as well. IMO

BC didn’t have just one theory. He also implied the basement nanny of the Ss may have been there that night, and perhaps the University group APAC (Asian Pacific American Coalition) was the foreign faction and was involved. Another of his speculations was that kids wrote the RN.

To twist the quote from Jerry McGuire (“You had me at ‘Hello’”), BC lost me with the idea that the kids, and he specified DS in particular, wrote the RN. Cherokee had the best quash of any such idea. Laying the Foundation For Borg Mentality - Page 3

I agree a missing 3rd bike is a mystery, but have no idea where that mystery leads.

Sure that the kids authored the RN was nonsense, the APAC speculation along with NI's alleged involvement was eventually shown to have no substance.

SS reporting BR and DS discussing how JonBenet was murdered does seem to contradict SS covering for DS.

I've read a few accounts regarding BlueCrab vanishing, that it was via his IP-address seems to be the common factor, whether he was mailed a cease and desist letter or someone whispered in his ear, it was serious enough to prevent him from posting again.

Foreign Faction by James Kolar, excerpt
I learned about clinical research that had been conducted on the topic of children with a behavioral disorder commonly referred to as “Sexual Behavior Problems”, or “SBP.”

I had obtained a copy of the book, Sexually Aggressive Children, Coming to Understand Them, and other research materials on that topic late that fall and began to review them in my spare time.


I had reviewed an investigator’s report that documented a 1997 interview with former Ramsey nanny – housekeeper Geraldine Vodicka, who stated that Burke had smeared feces on the walls of a bathroom during his mother’s first bout with cancer. She told investigators that Nedra Paugh, who was visiting the Ramsey home at the time, had directed her to clean up the mess.

There were other police reports in the files that documented what I thought could be viewed as related behavior. CSIs had written about finding a pair of pajama bottoms in JonBenét’s bedroom that contained fecal material. They were too big for her and were thought to belong to Burke.

Additionally, a box of candy located in her bedroom had also been observed to be smeared with feces. Both of these discoveries had been made during the processing of the crime scene during the execution of search warrants following the discovery of JonBenét’s body.

I wondered whether fecal material observed in pajamas thought to belong to Burke, and smeared on the box of candy in his sister’s bedroom, could have been related to the symptoms of scatological behavior associated with SBP.

I also contemplated the reasons why a box of JonBenét’s candy would have been smeared with human excrement.

As noted previously, Linda Hoffman-Pugh had also mentioned finding fecal material in JonBenét’s bed sheets. It raised the question as to who may have been responsible for the deposit of that material in her bed – had it been JonBenét or was it Burke?

Kolar is definitely alleging that BR was a Sexually Aggressive Child, he's leaving his readers to conclude the case is BDI?

A supporting fact not mentioned in his book is that at the time of JonBenet's death, JonBenet was regularly attending a therapist.

Its not just a bike that is missing, JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms are missing, hence the longjohns, some of the Christmas day photographs are missing, and presumably her size-6 Wednesday Bloomingdales, hence the size-12's.

Is the bike an unimportant detail, duly highlighted by JR for effect,who knows?

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LHP was the last known person to touch the paint tote. LHP is the last known person to touch Burke’s Swiss Army knife that was found at the murder scene next to JBR body.

Patsy left the note on the spiral staircase because that is where LHP left notes for her.

Sure but none of that is a Smoking Gun, it's all hearsay and speculation by the Ramsey's just what you might expect if they have to come up with a suspect.

In other words its just circumstantial evidence, you can make a case that the R's planned to pin it all on LHP, although it looks a pretty weak case to me.

“No forensic evidence” and a missing 3rd bike actually support any number of additional theories - an invited guest like DS, a love child of JR’s who was there for Xmas (seen by Barnhill and looked like JAR), an intruder who entered while the Rs were at the Ws and copied PR’s disguised handwriting and linguistics, a friend of JARs who was hoping to earn additional holiday money . . .

At one time in speculation about BC's departure from the forums I read a lot of past threads and have only heard one rumor about BC's absence from the forum. In that rumor someone from Jameson’s forum tricked BC into entering Jameson’s WEBBsleuths' forum in order to obtain the IP address. The theory was that the reason for discovery of BC’s identity was to stop his/her posting about the S tenant NI, student at CU and occasional babysitter for DS, BR and JB. (Or perhaps also to stop him posting about DS.) BC was then supposedly threatened by legal action.

Anyway, in my desire to provide a succinct response, I omitted other thoughts. I don’t necessarily believe all of Kolar’s theory, and I’ll leave it at that.

One of the additional reasons I’ve not had a ‘bead’ on DS is because the GJ only indicted the adult Rs. The GJ subpoenaed SS to give testimony, and, imho, if they believed and had corroborating evidence SS was assisting the cover-up of her son’s and BR’s involvement, there would have been an accessory after the fact charge against her as well. IMO

BC didn’t have just one theory. He also implied the basement nanny of the Ss may have been there that night, and perhaps the University group APAC (Asian Pacific American Coalition) was the foreign faction and was involved. Another of his speculations was that kids wrote the RN.

To twist the quote from Jerry McGuire (“You had me at ‘Hello’”), BC lost me with the idea that the kids, and he specified DS in particular, wrote the RN. Cherokee had the best quash of any such idea. Laying the Foundation For Borg Mentality - Page 3

I agree a missing 3rd bike is a mystery, but have no idea where that mystery leads.
PR also said ‘They’ killed my baby!
I think she knew who exactly ‘they’ were. I think that is what Patsy called everyone to her home for. To come up with a plan to protect the 2 or maybe 3 who killed Jonbenet.
It may have started on the 23rd.
Whatever happened and to whom and by whom- SS answered the door when the police showed up.
She may have been clonked in the head on the 23rd. And not feeling well with a concussion?
For the cover-up to have any chance of succeeding the Ramseys needed three things to happen right away. They needed their phone records to be sealed or erased. Same for their credit cards receipts/history. Also, the photos/videos from Christmas morning.

Interesting but how would they erase photos from that morning? I believe their camera had film and was not digital.

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