TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #48

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Hang on to your hat cause I am betting he is dating a woman named Zeniada and she is a nanny, and there was recently a fire in her yard and the SUV was soaked in gas with a note on the dash board, and the kidnappers said they took H and gave to her to a lovely couple at an amusement park for a super duper secret adoption cause it was best for everyone involved.

Nothing to see here... move along.

I think we're following all the same cases. :waitasec::crazy:
Remember Caseys case every time something was fixing to get released CA came up with something? Wonder if this could have anything to do with the hair and sock being found?
GRACE: You know, that`s a very good point. But you`ve got to remember, the boyfriend places himself with Hailey around 3:00 after the neighbor sees her at 12:00. But speaking of that, back to Billie Dunn, Hailey`s mom, you`re actually more familiar than that than we are because we have gone around and tried to find that guy. We haven`t been able to find him. What do you know about him? Have police finally run him down?

DUNN: I know that they did question him well. They did search the house that he was living in here next door. They said they searched it well. He`s not a suspect. I don`t know if they know where he went to or not. I believe he`s still in town. And Nancy, I wanted to get a message out to Hailey, if she is watching and she happens to get to a phone, to call 911. Because I do not have my cell phone.


Above on January 20 NGS.

I think one of the locals clarified that this person is a vet in a wheelchair with a drug habit and now living in Ccity with his mom.

I apologize if I've got the wrong.
This is the first time it's been mentioned in the media, but that doesn't mean that this is the first time she spoke to LE about this person.

Of course. She may have told LE about him.
But if he is really a strong suspect, then they would have put his description and or identity out there.
And if she truly thinks he might have her daughter, then why is this the first we are hearing about him?
Don't make me read it. Please. For the love of God, don't make me read it.

BeanE, you have to read it - you keep us all on course with the sources, timelines and links. A new phantom witness/suspect is big news (well, not really, we've been there and done that 3 times before).

Before you read: :needdrink:
Of course. She may have told LE about him.
But if he is really a strong suspect, then they would have put his description and or identity out there.
And if she truly thinks he might have her daughter, then why is this the first we are hearing about him?

NG would have been the perfect opportunity to spill it. Lots of viewers. Someone may know him.
If BD would cough up the name of this person - I darn sure would look for him - myself or turn ya'll loose on it :rocker:

Okay, I am frustrated and heartbroken over Hailey, but you made me laugh out loud with this one!!
BeanE, you have to read it - you keep us all on course with the sources, timelines and links. A new phantom witness/suspect is big news (well, not really, we've been there and done that 3 times before).

Before you read: :needdrink:
That's prescription alcohol, isn't it Dr. Yllek?
I am sorry to have to ask, but... huh?

Did someone say she bought Hostess Cupcakes and Hot Cheetos? or were the packages from these items found someplace relevant? And what is the significance of her having consumed them by Tuesday?

I don't see anything in that newspaper you linked about Hostess Cupcakes and Hot Cheetos. Please explain for me. I am feeling a bit slow tonight.

ETA Nevermind, I get it. This was speculation.
Well let me read it again ! Hang on .
Of course. She may have told LE about him.
But if he is really a strong suspect, then they would have put his description and or identity out there.
And if she truly thinks he might have her daughter, then why is this the first we are hearing about him?

If he exists why would Shawn who is a named person of interest or his attorney mention this.

If he exists and there is a shred of hope that this was a stranger abduction and maybe she is out there somewhere waiting to be rescued why would her father let this info go unheard to the public.

Brittany Smith was recently found after a member of the public saw the story on Nancy Grace, the same Nancy Grace Billie keeps going on to talk about her and Shawn and completely irrelevant and mundane details when they are compared to a mystery man that threatened the missing child and cannot be found.

Give me a F'n break.
Being lied to is bad enough.
The assumption that we are idiots is not needed.
Remember...Overall, BD's happy with the investigation.

IMO, nothing but mind-games. And she's good.
Well let me read it again ! Hang on .
Hailey is a typical 13 year old according to her mother, “with hormones raging and little attitudes now and then, but no different from other friends’ 13-year-olds.”
“She’s really a good kid. She has a big heart,” Billie Dunn said.

Her room reflects her growing from little girl into young lady: trophies from softball, decorative pillows on her bed, a drawer of snacks – Hostess cupcakes and hot Cheetos, and pin up pictures of her favorite martial artist B. J. Penn.

Here is the snip ! From the Colorado City Record online.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that might have qualified HD for an Amber Alert if BD had mentioned this person to LE right at the beginning wouldn't it?

So what are the odds that a woman would have two men in her life that have threatened the lives of her and her daughter? :waitasec:

How is DD managing to stay under the radar with all these threats?

I got two guesses on who it might be............... whose up for chat tonight?????? LOL

I want to chat peeples; dying to hear your guesses - I've got a guess too. But, I can't get into chat dang it!!! If there are any guesses you can legally bring to the main thread after you all put your minds together, do tell!!!
I guess pointing fingers at numerous real people werent working so Billie thought she would try the phantom person route.


You're killing me...

:floorlaugh: :laughcry:
I am several threads behind.... going to go back and read through them, but I wanted to go ahead and post this.

Billie will be holding a press conference early next week. I have started contacting the media to let them know. We have talked about this for a while now, and just decided last night to go ahead with it. I have no idea what I am doing..... if anyone wants to throw me a bone on what all I should do, tia. Billie is asking PK and Clint to see if they would like to be there and make a statement.

Billie is going to make a detailed statement. She has withheld nothing from LE, and is still in frequent contact with them. However, especially in print articles, many things Billie has said have been taken somewhat out of context. We talked about it, and decided that the best way to let everyone know exactly what has happened, and what she knows, is for her to start at the beginning and go from there. Keep in mind that LE already knows everything that she does, and she will not be telling them anything new.

My reason for encouraging Billie to do the press conference is so that everyone can hear everything from her at once, not in bits and pieces which seems to just bring about more confusion. I (and this is just me and MOO) feel like lots of people think that Billie is not telling what she knows and think that she is hiding something - and this in turn is causing people to give up hope that Hailey is alive and make them less inclined to keep an eye out for her. Whether I am right or wrong about this, Hailey will still get media coverage, which she desperately needs, and hopefully some of the confusion surrounding the events leading up to her disappearance will be put to rest.

I am putting this out here for two reasons. One is because several people have told me that media reads here. I know that I can't contact everyone, and I am hoping that if someone is interested in covering this, they will contact me for details. Or that some of you know someone in the media who would be willing to come. The other reason is because I know many of you have very valid questions that you truly feel would help find Hailey if you had the answers. I have written quite a few down as I come to them, but not all of them.

The bulk of her statement is going to be about what happened on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday... a timeline of sorts about everything that happened and why. We are trying to include everything so that she can get it out and be done with it once and for all. Then everyone can focus on finding Hailey and not be wondering about what Billie might be hiding or withholding.

So, any advice on how to proceed? Or something that really needs to be addressed that I might not have thought about? Again, tia.
how many times has Hailey's life been threatened in her short 13 years? and exactly who is Mom hanging around with that her and her daughter's life keep getting threatened? :waitasec:
Im thinkin if she told LE from the jump his name and description wold have been plastered all over the tv....so im gonna say nah...

No, see, that's the thing. If you really have a guy who threatened your missing little girl, and your little girl is still missing, and LE hasn't found him yet, then you know he could be holding your little girl somewhere, and if you say one blessed word to one living soul, you know from the statistics in all those true crime stories you read and all the documentaries and Datelines and Nightlines and CSIs and To Catch a Predators and news that statistically, HE WILL KILL HER.

So you keep your mouth shut, and you pray he keeps your little girl alive until LE finds him - and hopefully her - because that is the only chance your endangered child has.

You absolutely would not dream of endangering your beloved little girl by going on TV and telling him that LE is looking for him.

I just have no words.
Of course. She may have told LE about him.
But if he is really a strong suspect, then they would have put his description and or identity out there.
And if she truly thinks he might have her daughter, then why is this the first we are hearing about him?

Respectfully BBM. We're talking about the same LE that originally thought that she ran away, right? And had to be pushed to actually look for her from Billie? And, this is the same LE that LIED to media about what Billie was told about the results of SA's LD? At least, that's what was stated in the SW.
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