Understanding the Anthony family

i am to the point where i really just dont care anymore ... i just wanna see caylee found and her mother get the needle .. then god can judge her azz..
They aren't difficult to figure out, imo. They will do anything to back Casey now which includes not admitting the truth about Caylee. If they admit she is gone...the case for Casey and reasonable doubt is vanished as that is only the smoke and mirrors they live behind today.
After meeting them this week, I think George knows the truth but is protecting his wife's feelings and the hope that they have gets them out of bed in the morning.

Honestly, in spite of evidence, I would have to know for certian my child is not alive. I would hang on to hope this way too.

They think they know their child, their daughter Casey. This is so unimaginable. They were back but a mere 5 minutes when we met after following up on the tip in Gainesville. They are exhausted. There is no sense to this situation and we all know that.
With no Caylee, without Casey talking the truth that needs to told, this is their reality. Even if Caylee is found w/o Casey confessing to her hand in all this, the A's will NEVER leave their cocoon of denial. All Casey has to do to keep her parents at her side and supporting her would be never to talk and to spin tales of how she was framed by the kidnappers. This will go on forever like this until Casey sets it straight for them. At this point, she will NEVER let this happen. It is the ultimate narcissitic hold she can have over everyone.....it is her last card. If they ever come to accept the truth......their own evidence against their daughter.....it will be unraveling of all reality for them. I would want to stay like them....in denial... so that I could keep my sanity too.
I don't think they're in it for the money. IMO.

Everybody goes through the same stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Nobody's grief period is exact. To me it appears that Cindy has gone through denial and anger. She is now bargaining, while also holding onto feelings of denial and anger. She is doing all she can to believe Caylee is alive. Cindy has an unstable personality. When she has Casey telling her Caylee is alive, Private Investigators working to 'find Caylee' and tip lines which receive 'Caylee sightings', amid some of her psychological issues she has forced herself to believe that Caylee is alive. Cindy failed with Casey. Cindy was the nurturer of Caylee and I expect she had high expectations of Caylee and wanted her to be everything Casey wasn't. I don't think Cindy could possibly deal with the fact that Caylee is gone and that Casey could do this to her. I think Cindy is bullet proof to criticism, so she probably doesn't realize how much Casey actually despises her. Coupled with the fact she pressured Casey into keeping Caylee, she would bear some responsibility.

George, on the other hand, has battered wife syndrome and is dealing with his own grief. George has eclipsed Cindy in the stages of grief - only weeks ago he said he was considering ending his life. But living in such a warped household, his experience in LE seems to have been dissolved. He probably believes as much as Cindy that Caylee is alive... but it seems that when he breaks away from Cindy (in interviews) he sings a different tune... I think he is slowly accepting the fact Casey is most likely dead, that acceptance is being suppressed because of Cindy's behaviors and beliefs though.
With no Caylee, without Casey talking the truth that needs to told, this is their reality. Even if Caylee is found w/o Casey confessing to her hand in all this, the A's will NEVER leave their cocoon of denial. All Casey has to do to keep her parents at her side and supporting her would be never to talk and to spin tales of how she was framed by the kidnappers. This will go on forever like this until Casey sets it straight for them. At this point, she will NEVER let this happen. It is the ultimate narcissitic hold she can have over everyone.....it is her last card. If they ever come to accept the truth......their own evidence against their daughter.....it will be unraveling of all reality for them. I would want to stay like them....in denial... so that I could keep my sanity too.

if that is sanity...i will take crazy any day:bang:
They are lying to protect her because they feel Caylee's death is their fault. They both knew KC was a unfit mother, but did nothing. They knew she stole from them, but did nothing. They knew she lied, but did nothing. They did nothing and now feel that had they acted, Caylee would still be with them.

But, they are not to blame. KC and KC alone is the reason that Caylee is dead.
With no Caylee, without Casey talking the truth that needs to told, this is their reality. Even if Caylee is found w/o Casey confessing to her hand in all this, the A's will NEVER leave their cocoon of denial. All Casey has to do to keep her parents at her side and supporting her would be never to talk and to spin tales of how she was framed by the kidnappers. This will go on forever like this until Casey sets it straight for them. At this point, she will NEVER let this happen. It is the ultimate narcissitic hold she can have over everyone.....it is her last card. If they ever come to accept the truth......their own evidence against their daughter.....it will be unraveling of all reality for them. I would want to stay like them....in denial... so that I could keep my sanity too.

Bold is mine........hasn't their "denial" done the opposite? If their actions are sane.....I am insane.:crazy:

Of course.......moo
I don't think they're in it for the money. IMO.

Everybody goes through the same stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Nobody's grief period is exact. To me it appears that Cindy has gone through denial and anger. She is now bargaining, while also holding onto feelings of denial and anger. She is doing all she can to believe Caylee is alive. Cindy has an unstable personality. When she has Casey telling her Caylee is alive, Private Investigators working to 'find Caylee' and tip lines which receive 'Caylee sightings', amid some of her psychological issues she has forced herself to believe that Caylee is alive. Cindy failed with Casey. Cindy was the nurturer of Caylee and I expect she had high expectations of Caylee and wanted her to be everything Casey wasn't. I don't think Cindy could possibly deal with the fact that Caylee is gone and that Casey could do this to her. I think Cindy is bullet proof to criticism, so she probably doesn't realize how much Casey actually despises her. Coupled with the fact she pressured Casey into keeping Caylee, she would bear some responsibility.

George, on the other hand, has battered wife syndrome and is dealing with his own grief. George has eclipsed Cindy in the stages of grief - only weeks ago he said he was considering ending his life. But living in such a warped household, his experience in LE seems to have been dissolved. He probably believes as much as Cindy that Caylee is alive... but it seems that when he breaks away from Cindy (in interviews) he sings a different tune... I think he is slowly accepting the fact Casey is most likely dead, that acceptance is being suppressed because of Cindy's behaviors and beliefs though.

I guess Casey was able to "payback" her mom for how her Mom made her feel. Second Class to Caylee. Children could do no wrong at Caylee's age and Casey could do nothing right. What better way to "stick it" to her Mom. I feel sorry for her Dad.
I work in the health care field-in a assist-living facility. Let me tell you, you can see this kind of family interaction all the time. Not the kind that involves murder, but almost everything else. You get to see the generations-Grandparents-their children (who are by then in their 60's and 70's)-the grandchildren (who are in their 30's,40's and 50's)-and sometimes the great-grandchildren (who are in their teens and 20's). It's very common for the staff to have a conversation about how the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
The kind of behavior that the Anthony's show is absolutley passed down and learned. Everyone has roles to play in the family dynamic-if you don't play your role properly-you may as well leave the family or else your life will be he77 on earth. And you hear that all the time. "Oh I have a sister who left the family 20 years ago and we never hear from her!" Wonder why?
The most common factors I see in families like these are 1) narcissism 2)domination or control and 3) guilt. The narcissist uses guilt to gain their control. They also tear down the self esteem of others to weaken them so they are more controllable. I have seen 60 and 70 year old women cry because their 80 and 90 year mothers are still playing the same control games they did when they were children. This is not an excuse for KC - she had many options. The one she chose was evil!:furious:
I watched Drew Peterson being interviewed by Dr. Phil on tv yesterday. I'm one of the rare people who didn't follow the DP case because I was in the Gulf in the months covering the media frenzy. I only knew that he was a prior cop/det. suspected of making his young wife 'disappear' and that he was quite glib and oddly arrogant for one so persecuted by his own hometown.

By contrast, I have followed the KC A story from "day 1" because the first thing I heard was the 911 call where CA wanted to turn "someone" in for stealing money, her car....oh, and oh yeah....she also had a missing toddler to report once the money issue was resolved. I honestly had my first "WTF?" A-team moment the very first day I heard of this case. Who the he!! reports a missing kid as a side-note, and how could a kid be missing for "31 days" before reporting it???

A reporter who had over 200 hours of interviews with DP stated on Dr. Phil that in his opinion DP loved the limelight. That DP would be willing to be portrayed as a monster so long as he lived in infamy as a monster. I see this in Scott Peterson, that VanDerSloot punk who killed Natalee Holloway, and KC A in this case. They are incapable of empathy and are so self-absorbed that any attention for them is good attention.

Scary is that these "every-day looking" sociopaths live amongst us probably in far greater numbers than we know. Not all of them are put in a situation where they would resort to killing to make their lives more convienient, many are protected by their families who spend their lives covering the tracks of their shame. I think the problem with the Anthony family is the same problem plaguing the VanDerSloot, DP and SP families. They have a sicko in their camps, and the apples really don't fall far from the tree.
They are lying to protect her because they feel Caylee's death is their fault. They both knew KC was a unfit mother, but did nothing. They knew she stole from them, but did nothing. They knew she lied, but did nothing. They did nothing and now feel that had they acted, Caylee would still be with them.

But, they are not to blame. KC and KC alone is the reason that Caylee is dead.
I learned a long time ago that the "woulda, coulda, shoulda(s)"" can kill you . They really need to seek out help...and not just medication.
i watched drew peterson being interviewed by dr. Phil on tv yesterday. I'm one of the rare people who didn't follow the dp case because i was in the gulf in the months covering the media frenzy. I only knew that he was a prior cop/det. Suspected of making his young wife 'disappear' and that he was quite glib and oddly arrogant for one so persecuted by his own hometown.

By contrast, i have followed the kc a story from "day 1" because the first thing i heard was the 911 call where ca wanted to turn "someone" in for stealing money, her car....oh, and oh yeah....she also had a missing toddler to report once the money issue was resolved. I honestly had my first "wtf?" a-team moment the very first day i heard of this case. Who the he!! Reports a missing kid as a side-note, and how could a kid be missing for "31 days" before reporting it???

A reporter who had over 200 hours of interviews with dp stated on dr. Phil that in his opinion dp loved the limelight. That dp would be willing to be portrayed as a monster so long as he lived in infamy as a monster. I see this in scott peterson, that vandersloot punk who killed natalee holloway, and kc a in this case. They are incapable of empathy and are so self-absorbed that any attention for them is good attention.

Scary is that these "every-day looking" sociopaths live amongst us probably in far greater numbers than we know. Not all of them are put in a situation where they would resort to killing to make their lives more convienient, many are protected by their families who spend their lives covering the tracks of their shame. I think the problem with the anthony family is the same problem plaguing the vandersloot, dp and sp families. They have a sicko in their camps, and the apples really don't fall far from the tree.

yes! You are so right!
I work in the health care field-in a assist-living facility. Let me tell you, you can see this kind of family interaction all the time. Not the kind that involves murder, but almost everything else. You get to see the generations-Grandparents-their children (who are by then in their 60's and 70's)-the grandchildren (who are in their 30's,40's and 50's)-and sometimes the great-grandchildren (who are in their teens and 20's). It's very common for the staff to have a conversation about how the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
The kind of behavior that the Anthony's show is absolutley passed down and learned. Everyone has roles to play in the family dynamic-if you don't play your role properly-you may as well leave the family or else your life will be he77 on earth. And you hear that all the time. "Oh I have a sister who left the family 20 years ago and we never hear from her!" Wonder why?
The most common factors I see in families like these are 1) narcissism 2)domination or control and 3) guilt. The narcissist uses guilt to gain their control. They also tear down the self esteem of others to weaken them so they are more controllable. I have seen 60 and 70 year old women cry because their 80 and 90 year mothers are still playing the same control games they did when they were children. This is not an excuse for KC - she had many options. The one she chose was evil!:furious:

I'm not in your field (was a hairdresser) but I have seen odd behavior in families passed down......
Why do they think Caylee is alive?
Because if she is dead, they have to face the fact that they are bad parents who raised a murderer.

Why won't Casey tell the truth?
Because this is a game to her and she holds the better hand and this point.

George smelled decomp in the car, why don't they think it was Caylee?
He knows it was Caylee.

If Casey was a bad daughter, why wouldn't she be a bad mother?
She was a bad mother. Good mothers don't misplace their kids.
I don't think Cindy especially or George realized until it was too late just how severe a sociopath Casey really is. Many people are totally taken in, lied to, and fooled by sociopaths/psychopaths. They still may not realize just how bad it is and how they need to get her in jail and out of their lives so that she can't hurt the family any more. All they are saying and doing probably isn't denial, but some attempt to sway the public like the prosecutor's office says. They are afraid for their daughter to go to prison, but it's the prison employees and other inmates who should probably be afraid. Hopefully after they take their minds off of Casey and her situation they will begin to think about how horrible Caylee's last moments probably were and that they are lucky one of them isn't missing along with her.
They are lying to protect her because they feel Caylee's death is their fault. They both knew KC was a unfit mother, but did nothing. They knew she stole from them, but did nothing. They knew she lied, but did nothing. They did nothing and now feel that had they acted, Caylee would still be with them.

But, they are not to blame. KC and KC alone is the reason that Caylee is dead.
legally they couldnt have done anything .. if casey wanted to take the baby out of the house she had every right to ..i think cindy was in the process of getting custody of caylee or about to start it .. and mabey they gave in to casey because this is what they were afraid of all along concerning that baby but they werent sure of it ..(they denied it then if you will) and they are still denying it .. or are they ? we dont know what they talk about behind closed doors .. they dont go see thier daughter because i really dont think they want to .they had no problem seeing her before . but now that she has been home and hasnt helped and caused horrible disturbances for them and after all that she has put them through and she still wont fess up to where caylee is .they may publicly say they are on her side but sometimes i just dont think they are .. they probably figure she sees all this on tv .and if they act like they are with her .they may figure she will someday tell them something .. anything .also i beleive they did finally press charges against her for stealing from them i think anyway :p. just my opinion
Why do they think Caylee is alive?
Because if she is dead, they have to face the fact that they are bad parents who raised a murderer.

Why won't Casey tell the truth?
Because this is a game to her and she holds the better hand and this point.

George smelled decomp in the car, why don't they think it was Caylee?
He knows it was Caylee.

If Casey was a bad daughter, why wouldn't she be a bad mother?
She was a bad mother. Good mothers don't misplace their kids.
just because someones child turns out to be a killer doesnt mean they are bad parents .. imho that is just an excuse to excuse someones behaviour and that is why more kids think they can get away with the crap they do .. no disrespect intended but the blaming of the parents on a 22 year old just doesnt sit well with me .casey was probably born with issues and hid them ..alot of psychotic people can hide stuff for many many years till they finally explode ..just because cindy acts like she does now doesnt mean she acted that way when casey was a child .. cindy didnt have a dead grandbaby that her child killed at that time
To me trying to understand the A's is like trying to understand why people batter and abuse other people.
What I mean by that is that we spend to much time trying to understand the "why" and too little time trying to figure out why we even got involved with them in the first place. We realized from day one that they were "different" and yet we keep hoping to see them act "normal". They have shown us what they are like time and time again!

They are not nice people and they have raised not nice people and frankly I don't care what they do or why they do it anymore.

I would rather spend time praying that some how that child gets the justice she deserves.
Not trying to be snarky..but you asked our opinions and I'm telling mine..LOL

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