Found Deceased UT - REMAINS FOUND - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #9 *ARREST*

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But wouldn't it be more likely that the same type victims as previous post cited as trafficking victims, be used for that too? Those unfortunates who would "not as likely be missed"?

Grotesque, regardless who.. :(
Yes, I do think that is way more likely that the victim would be from the margins who might not be missed, but with a trafficking victim, if she is found, she can tell what happened. A snuff victim cannot.

I think he targeted a specific type for a film, and ML had the look he wanted. He could obtain her through her online activities - he didn't have to "grab" her off the street, in other words.

Then he covered his tracks not to be caught.

Of course, this is one theory only. Might be totally off case. But, it's on my list.

Has anyone discussed the theory that he may have tried to blackmail her that night? Perhaps he was going to out her to her family and he demanded she meet him after she landed. I can sort of see it if he has knowledge of her dating history or God forbid video of the two of them.

I don’t know if that’s even plausible. I definitely wouldn’t meet some sketchy guy in a park after he threatened me. I’d go to the police so maybe this doesn’t make any sense.

I just don’t see her not going straight home unless she was coerced. And I do believe that whatever happened, happened right away. So I don’t think that it was a friendly meetup with a guy she trusted that went bad. I see it as a trap
Welcome to Websleuths, Angelwatch! :)
IMO, and from all I’ve read so far, this is all about money. Young lady sees a way to make some cash on the side. Essentially a call girl. And something bad happened, either because of a disagreement, or the POI was planning or vulnerable to murdering someone, because there is some aspect of his life he is unhappy with.

Websleuths is VICTIM FRIENDLY. Speculation that is not victim friendly is not allowed.

Discussing known victim behavior as the facts of the case come to light is allowed as long as it is without judgement.
Per Fox national news as of 11:30 a.m.
Chief was supposed to be interviewed but turned interview over to assistant chief because he was called to a meeting. Assistant chief said case is very fluid and there should be an update coming soon but he could not give a Time. Said stay tuned because it should be soon.
sorry about the informality of my post
I thought she cleaned the basement with exception of the room which was occupied by a guest? MOO

AirBnB allows cameras in spaces that aren’t bedrooms or bathrooms. So why is anyone worked up that he had them? The only room this “cleaning lady” said had a bunch of cameras was his bedroom. I have cameras in my house, in bedrooms too, and I don’t rent it out. I turn them all on when we leave. In fact one of the cameras is in my daughter’s room pointing at the window that a robber climbed in through. But there can’t possibly be a reasonable explanation such as home security, right? Nope, he must be a *advertiser censored* producer and ML is his star! I guess I must be making *advertiser censored* in my house too!!!
There’s a few possibilities here.

I can’t find any court martial records for him, so I don’t think that’s it.

We are left with an OTH (other than honorable), or a medical discharge as being the likely options.

You’re right, in that a medical discharge at that point would be unusual, but I have seen it.

Things happen, and people get hurt.

There’s also the possibility of a medical discharge for mental health issues, although those are usually caught pretty early on.

Something certainly happened, but we’ll probably have to wait until he’s formally charged until we hear about it.
Could he have been a civilian contractor instead of an enlisted man? I don’t even know if that’s a possibility?
Anyone think the photo of the huge drywall area in the POI's Airbnb listing was weird? Think there's anything to it? I wonder when this picture was taken...
hopefully the water damage as mentioned. I would never have put that pic up for my rental. Taken one more day to paint the touch up area and then posted pic. Again, evidence that maybe he is sloppy with details.

My hunch would be they were not on tripods. If he was making videos of guests and/or victims, the cameras don't have to be on tripods to indicate a nefarious intent. There are people who want to watch "hidden-camera" videos. Filming people that don't know they are being filmed has an audience.


I think that happened in this case. My hunch only, not fact.

Agree.. but if the cleaning lady noticed them they had to be evident. Not the “hidden in smoke detector or teddy bear” type.

I’ve said all along that I have zero issue with SD/SB, as I know several who do this and it isn’t always sexual. I have a friend who sells foot kink videos and makes 6 figures a year. If she wants to do things on film, IDGAS, but that would be something people know about her. If there was some indication she was into this, fine, talk about it. But there isn’t.

Saying she is doing *advertiser censored* for money is very disrespectful. There is no evidence of any sort of filming except one random person getting her 15 minutes. To make the jump that says she is getting paid to have sex on film because SB isn’t paying enough is unreasonable. It isn’t sleuthing because you guys are basing these ideas off of complete and total unverified rumors.
Replying to bolded. OT I can now believe that is a thing. I’ve had Poshmark buyers request certain “dirty pantyhose and socks” . (I didn’t agree )

I’m not saying she did sex *advertiser censored*, but there was reference to “online only” whatever that truly meant. Not all *advertiser censored* is sex.
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Per Fox national news as of 11:30 a.m.
Chief was supposed to be interviewed but turned interview over to assistant chief because he was called to a meeting. Assistant chief said case is very fluid and there should be an update coming soon but he could not give a Time. Said stay tuned because it should be soon.
Does that mean the press conference for today is off?

(You’re right, no more coffee for me!!!! See, this is EXACTLY WHY people like me need to smoke weed!!!! And lots of it!!!)

Back to Kenzie!!!!

Bumping @oveido ‘s updated list of msm coverage from the media thread:
In progress

I snickered aloud as I could have said this about myself :D
(As I sip my triple espresso).
Per Fox national news as of 11:30 a.m.
Chief was supposed to be interviewed but turned interview over to assistant chief because he was called to a meeting. Assistant chief said case is very fluid and there should be an update coming soon but he could not give a Time. Said stay tuned because it should be soon.

Maybe another press conference today announcing an arrest? I hope so. MOO
I wonder if he was a Voyeur with all those cameras around perhaps this is why he has an air B&B

Here’s an interesting article.

The Voyeur’s Motel

The Voyeur’s Motel
He then described the motel he had owned for more than ten years.

The reason for purchasing this motel was to satisfy my voyeuristic tendencies and compelling interest in all phases of how people conduct their lives, both socially and sexually. . . . I did this purely out of my unlimited curiosity about people and not as just a deranged voyeur.

He explained that he had “logged an accurate record of the majority of the individuals that I watched”

The Voyeur’s Motel
Gerald Foos bought a motel in order to watch his guests having sex. He saw a lot more than that.

Could he have been a civilian contractor instead of an enlisted man? I don’t even know if that’s a possibility?
Or maybe Army National Guard?

His linked in and his resume don’t come close to matching. I’m not sure what is truth.

Any family ever mentioned? I know we can’t link them, but I’ve not found any.
Ladd Egan on Twitter
UPDATE: Police officers watch for trespassers at home of "person of interest" in the disappearance of #MackenzieLueck. Officer just went into the backyard to check fence that borders alleyway #MissingPerson @KSL5TV @KSLcom @kslnewsradio #findmackenzie



9:09 AM - 28 Jun 2019 from Salt Lake City, UT
Did the Lyft person say she knew the person? I didn't get that specific info, only that she seemed comfortable.

Whatever the case, the person was not trustworthy, whether ML was under that impression or not.

But if people want to think a friend would meet her in this way, well, fine. It's an option. I just don't think it's a possibility at all.

She was set up, imo, and preyed upon precisely because she was trusting a stranger.

Many of her closest friends have reported that wasn't something she would do. She seems to have above average common sense for her age group and that theory goes against that. It's like this all having some sexual element on her part. Just don't see her having anything sexual related on her mind immediately after her grandmothers funeral, a long flight, and at 3am.
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