UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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OK, I get it - the temple and the church are different things.

Not trying to get into religion, what I was wondering was if there was some sort of procedure Josh had to go through every Sunday due to his lack of the proper paperwork that could have fueled the resentment in his pea brain, as it would be obvious to the others there that he was in some sort of special category. It looks like that's not the case, thanks for the info.

BTW, he's still guilty as hell.

Yep, and the heat seems to have been turned up quite a bit today. :thumb:

I'll feel so much better about this when he's arrested, and we find out the boys are safe and in good hands.

Could you explain Temples, Stakes and Wards for people. That might help people to follow along with these terms as they are used.

I can. I grew up in the LDS Church, and I have bounced from lurking in other threads to this one, because this is so close to home (literally about 30 miles away).

The LDS church breaks its membership down into areas based on location. Which church you attend depends entirely on where you live. The small neighborhood of people you go to church with regularly is called a ward. There may be several wards that attend church meetings in the same building with the times staggered throughout the day on Sunday so that all wards can be accomodated.

Then several wards in the same area belong to a larger region called a stake. There is then a larger stake conference that is held bi-annually, where all of the wards in the stake region attend.

Finally, with regard to temples, a person must be a member in good standing with the church in order to obtain a temple recommend. In order to get a temple recommend you also must have an interview with your bishop, and there are many questions he might ask. You are expected to live by the Word of Wisdom, you are expected to pay tithing, and you are expected to uphold your financial, legal and other responsibilites in life. For example, someone owing financial debt like past child support could be denied a recommend.

Also with Susan being LDS and the church being important to her, I can tell you that it is also likely that she would expect Josh to hold the Priesthood, to be able to adminster blessings on the kids, and to be able to baptize them when they turn 8 years of age. This could have been a large source of contention if he wasn't in a position to do this.

I am also not trying to engage in any religious discussion, but if you have questions you want answered, I am happy to help. I do think that some of this could have a bearing on the case.
wow! Thanks Dom and Sunflower for that good information. I do happen to believe that religion has a lot to do with what happened to susan.

As for the priesthood... what exactly is that? and do you have to have a temple recommend for that?
did you guys SEE THAT!!! She was going to leave him if he didn't have his temple reccomend by their anniversary in April..

Wonder if him not attending church that Sunday was what caused the argument????

I do believe that Josh not going to church that day was a cause of a HUGE argument that may have occurred before the friend came over to work on the knitting project. I believe Josh's fawning over Susan and the friend, kept coming out checking on them, bringing a blanket for Susan, making dinner, taking care of the kids, doing the dishes, all was part of the honeymoon aftermath of an argument.

When Susan went to bed, Josh found a reason to get rid of the friend. I think he did that because he knew, most likely because Susan went to lay down, that she was still very angry. I believe the argument resumed after the friend left, thus the wet spot on the carpet that wasn't there when the friend was there (as reported in an earlier news article).

The deadlines were made on the suggestion of the counselor and Susan was insistant on sticking to them, per Mr. Peterson. She said if he wasn't straightened out by Spring, she was going to leave, but he also HAD TO BE ATTENDING CHURCH REGULARLY by the end of the year. It was ALSMOST the end of the year. He wasn't going to church which meant he wouldn't be able to fulfil his other obligations either.

Susan's friends said she had started standing up to Josh. I believe she was upset because he didn't go to church, she KNEW he wasn't going to change and him making dinner etc just wasn't enough! I believe she was over him, she told him so and ............................

That old saying there is a bit of truth to every lie....On the news yesterday, when Jovanna said that Josh covered Susan up with a blanket because Susan said she was cold.......maybe they both (Jovanna and Josh) covered Susan with a blanket after she was murdered. Just like she added the little fact about him spilling something on the kitchen floor and wiping it up. I feel she is either helping Josh or helping him cover his tracks. JMO
Something new - JP bought a prepaid cell phone in the day he left for 24 hours. Thats may hinder the tracking of cell phone pings

Maybe they got a SW for his NEW cell phone!

That would be a good thing!

That old saying there is a bit of truth to every lie....On the news yesterday, when Jovanna said that Josh covered Susan up with a blanket because Susan said she was cold.......maybe they both (Jovanna and Josh) covered Susan with a blanket after she was murdered. Just like she added the little fact about him spilling something on the kitchen floor and wiping it up. I feel she is either helping Josh or helping him cover his tracks. JMO

IIRC wasn't the blanket to cover JoVonna? Jovonna was cold???
Jovanna said last night that Susan said she was cold, he covered her up and that she said "that was so nice of you".....something like that.
.......I guess I could have heard wrong. Did anyone else hear this?
Two days later, when Joshua Powell dropped by the Peterson home, he had "the worst wind burn" Peterson had ever seen on the back of his hands and he kept applying lotion to them as they talked in Peterson's front room.
"I wanted to say 'Man, this just isn't adding up,' but I didn't, I was loving and supportive," Peterson said.
Powell wouldn't answer questions about his missing wife, only saying he didn't know where she was and that he wasn't actively looking for her because the police were handling that, Peterson said.
"This guy was absolutely a crackpot and there was just something wrong with this whole situation,"


as usual there is much more at the link... so the burn was on the backs of his hands. chewing on this......
wow! Thanks Dom and Sunflower for that good information. I do happen to believe that religion has a lot to do with what happened to susan.

As for the priesthood... what exactly is that? and do you have to have a temple recommend for that?

Wow, I am so getting in over my head with this religion thing, lol. I don't want to get into any debates, and I don't know what is allowed, but in the LDS Church, men of a certain age are given the priesthood, which entitles them to do certain things in the church, i.e. holding positions, ministering to the sick, etc. This is entirely separate from a temple recommend, although as a man, you would need to be a valid priesthood holder in order to get a recommend. There are different levels of the priesthood based on age and worthiness.

As a woman in the Church, you would expect your husband to hold the priesthood, to be the "head of the household", and to be able to lead the family in the church doctrines. This would have been huge for Susan I think because she believed in the faith, and I believe that this really could have been a large issue between them.

Based on my own experiences, when you grow up in the church or believe in the church, you expect certain things from your significant other, and when that doesn't happen, it is definitely grounds for ending the relationship.
more snips from the slt article I posted above:

Powell said the police had taken his clothes, the quilt on the couple's bed and his cell phone

He and Susan Powell became close late this summer, when she asked him questions about marriage counseling, which Peterson and his wife previously had gone through.
On the day of the Powells' first meeting with the LDS Family Service counselor, she told Peterson about Joshua Powell's controlling behavior, and how he had become more possessive and obsessive since moving to Utah five years ago. She told Peterson she wanted her husband to become active in the LDS Church again and get his temple recommend by their anniversary in 2010, or she was seriously considering divorcing him.
One night, Susan called Peterson to ask for a blessing because she was feeling so sick. He called the Elders Quorum president, and the two went to the house. Joshua Powell talked with them for 45 minutes about a computer conference he attend before Susan finally walked into the front room, looking pale and ill, Peterson said.
He asked Susan if she wanted a blessing, and she accepted. Peterson asked Joshua Powell if he wanted to participate, as it was his wife and home. He shrugged his shoulders and said OK, Peterson said.
In the middle of the blessing, the Powells' 4-year-old son, Charlie, climbed on Susan's lap and was pretending to give the blessing, too.
"All Josh could do was laugh at his son," Peterson said. "It was so heartbreaking to see he just didn't care about her needs."

The new search warrant they are working on is for the rental car, not the van. According to HLN.
Wow, I am so getting in over my head with this religion thing, lol. I don't want to get into any debates, and I don't know what is allowed, but in the LDS Church, men of a certain age are given the priesthood, which entitles them to do certain things in the church, i.e. holding positions, ministering to the sick, etc. This is entirely separate from a temple recommend, although as a man, you would need to be a valid priesthood holder in order to get a recommend. There are different levels of the priesthood based on age and worthiness.

As a woman in the Church, you would expect your husband to hold the priesthood, to be the "head of the household", and to be able to lead the family in the church doctrines. This would have been huge for Susan I think because she believed in the faith, and I believe that this really could have been a large issue between them.

Based on my own experiences, when you grow up in the church or believe in the church, you expect certain things from your significant other, and when that doesn't happen, it is definitely grounds for ending the relationship.
thank you sunflower! I think what you are explaining is very relevant to this case!!! Thank you!!!

Did you read this article? http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_14058397 it mentions a time when Susan called to ask for a blessing when she was sick and Josh was a duche bag about it. Would she have called someone who held a priesthood to do this???? Would it have been a slap in Josh's face for them to ask him to Join in if he didn't have his own priesthood??? After learning more about him today I am SURE HE DID NOT HAVE IT!
Person (s) of interest have not been brought out yet by LE.........what the heck does that mean????
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