Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #5

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Ya, but why take the phone and purse? Just complicates things and creates more to trace. If this great conspirator planned this so precisely you'd think they would have chosen to leave everything behind. I think, wrong place, wrong time. Random. Makes for a tough case to solve for LE.
Do we know that her purse and phone were not found?

I have some thoughts on the phone/text/location of the cell phone.

The reason that they know that her device sent the text messages from the area of the park is based on cell tower triangulation. This is approximate, though - which is why they say "the area of the park."

They would need the actual device to tell if she sent the text, moved the car a few feet or a few blocks and then powered it off. If they were able to recover the phone and access the GPS logs they could determine exactly when and where the phone was powered down. At that point it's a matter of comparing times and places. Assuming she sent the text then drove, then stopped for some reason again, is something that only the device could determine. It would have a "sent" time of the text, and that could be compared with the GPS logs at that point in time, then compared with the GPS coordinates of where the car was found. If they matched, she didn't move the car after sending her last text. If they don't - she sent the text, drove a bit down the block, and that's where the phone was powered down.

So again, it would be really valuable to know if LE found the phone and were able to access those logs. That would give them some very good information.
So bazar you brought that up about the Assisted living center. That popped into my head the day before yesterday when I wasn't even thinking about this case . It is pretty much directly right where her car was located.

There are at least two Assisted Living centers in the area that possibly have night shift workers and/or surveillance cameras. There's the one you mention, which is in the immediate area of Cheryl's car. A few blocks northeast is Vineyard Park at 23008 56th Ave W.
Lol, to finish the road rage thing, I can see a man attacking another man because of driving errors, I can see although unlikely to happen a young woman attacking another young woman in a road rage, I can see (although unlikely) a young man attacking a young woman IF the woman is rude and provokative and the man has a short fuse.

I can see a man going with fists prepared in a road rage but, as far as there is a lady in the car and the lady(by lady I mean a middle aged educated woman) explains herself or apologizes they would never hurt her. Neither a young nor an older man would do it.

So, I am not seeing Cheryl not apologising or being kind in case she had hit another car or had any wrong doing while driving. Her education plus her age makes imo almost or even impossible for her to be assaulted in a road rage.
If someone has anger issues, whether because of mental or character flaws or medication/addiction/withdrawals, they often are angry at the smallest of things and don't behave like most rational, normal people. They are angry as soon as something happens. I have been ran off the road by someone for no apparent reason one time, for example...sometimes it's not just anger, but also boredom or lack of conscience and pure selfishness, too. I don't necessarily believe this is a road rage incident, but I guess you never know.
No, the streets are never empty in MLT, and during that commuting time they are actually quite busy.

IMO she was engaged on the sidewalk next to her car on the right side of the street which is not near a streetlight. And quickly. IMO she was placed into a vehicle that she wasn't familiar with, and did not get into it without a struggle. How this this ties into blood in her car I don't know, unless the perp opened her passenger door first, or pulled her around to that side of the car and then it was opened.

I'm still baffled as to how there could be blood on the seat and interior door panel, but not the windows.

If we assume that it was CD's blood that was spilled at that time, possibly from her fingers - then why wouldn't she also have pushed against the very large surface area of the window, too? Especially as she would have been frantic, imo.

If we assume it was the perp's blood, I can then understand why no blood on the window (passenger or windshield.)

Another thing that occured to me was that her car would have been running when she sent her text messages. What made her turn off that car? If she was just pulled over for a short time to make a quick text or two to her carpool friend she wouldn't have turned off the car, assuming she'd just be putting it into drive and heading towards home in a few seconds. I believe all of - whatever happened at that car - it happened very quickly because of the time of day (commuters), the fact that it was getting lighter and lighter outside by the minute, as well as the police station being a stone's throw away. Did Cheryl turn off the car, or did the perp. Were the keys in the car? Were the keys even found? Fingerprints would be on those keys.

I believe that if Cheryl turned the car off and got out of it, that it would have been in a scenario where she felt like she was "helping" someone. That info might be useful in figuring out what type of person the perp was. If the car was never turned off, then I feel like that would be indicative of something/someone much more nefarious. (Someone yanking her out of her car and moving her into another vehicle.) Hope that makes sense. And I really, really wish that we knew if that blood was at all relevant.

I have also wondered if Cheryl had a gun in the glove compartment, but considering that it is very likely that she often didn't lock the car, I assume not. If she had, it would have offered a better reason for their to be blood, as if she was reaching for it and someone stopped her.

But, again, she probably didn't keep a gun on her person since she was taking a commute she'd taken thousands of times before and it was supposed to just be another Monday.
If she was laid down and the blood was from her arm for example that fell over the side of the seat, that could explain it. Like, if she was incapacitated or couldn't sit up? or maybe it was from her leg? or just old? If she is not known to lock her doors like her son suggested, someone could've easily have come up and opened one of her doors up while she was texting, not looking around. If she was sandwiched between two cars, or perp got in car quickly then she'd fight him before trying to drive off. Unless perp had a gun....I hate speculating on such horrible scenarios but also know how it feels to have unanswered questions. Maybe she saw someone in need of "help", you are right. I'm just curious, but why are we thinking about whether her car was off? I am sure her car was off..not left running for hours. Surely, someone would call police, steal it, notice, etc.
it just looks like such a clean job to me I:thinking: cant help but wonder.....
it was me I saw a Mosque when I was cruising up and down the streets on google maps, just wondering why it was in a resindential area. Getting use to the bizarre zoning of this state has been an education for me. In Texas you never see a mobile home next to a stick built house and hardly ever are there churches in residential neighborhoods. its just different here I guess

churches including mosques are wherever, in neighborhoods, downtown city centers, etc. i think the only things the government tends to zone and limit are where sex offenders live, schools, legal marijuana dispensaries/stores, liquor stores, and maybe clean and sober houses. perhaps in certain neighborhoods like the ones you pay a homeowners association fee, there aren't mobile homes allowed..
Post clipped by me. (Not savvy on the lingo yet or acronyms or clipping)
1. Drug addicts seem unlikely to me. Why not take everything? They would sell it all it would seem. Also doubtful they have a car.
2. Everything seemed copestetic until she had to return for her badge.
3. Her being out of the car on the passenger side looking between & under the seat is plausible. I've done this myself more than a few times.
4. I live in a large city and I can tell you people are run down in crosswalks. Kids on their way to school, people walking the dog, walking to the bus, etc. Hit and run, too many anytime of day.
It is possible she was hit by a truck. Maybe a work truck that is on that street, I think there's a maintenance facility there. People react in odd ways when they're in shock or fear consequences. It is quite possible IMO and would explain blood in pssenger side if they tried to put her in the car and drive her, not thinking she's that hurt. Then decide to use their vehicle for whatever reason. Also explains why she was moved and cell suddenly powered off. Maybe she passed out in her car or theirs and they freaked.
5. Sexuality predator, would she not scream or leave something? She sure doesn't seem a type to not put up some resistance. It also seems so weird the morning rush would be a time to assault someone.
6. Stalker is possible. She seems well known, friendly and social. May know the person. Got in their car under false pretenses.
7. Assisted living is for seniors or people with a wide range of disability?
8. Google maps there is a wild looking party house on that street. Unlikely but not impossible.
9. Self inflicted has been ruled out by LE? Numerous reasons people go there. No one is immune to it, in every walk of life. Robin Williams still makes me cry.
10. Enemy. Not to presume she had any however, crazy people go there.

For now I'm set on #4 because of all the touch points that seem logical to me.

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You make a valid point on the drug addict comment, except for the car thing. But..if a drug addict has a car, I don't think they would go as far as to commit crimes like robbing people. I guess you never know. On the hit and run thing, I don't think that happened her, but I guess it's a possibility. The odd things people do makes sense. That comment made me think of a person that was killed in Seattle or Tacoma area and driven all around for an hour or whatever and then they drove straight to the mental hospital with the dead body in the car with for a sexual predator, like you said, in situations of panic etc many victims don't scream. They may be paralyzed by fear or just want to appease their attacker so as not to anger and incite them. I do think she would fight them, I think most people would to a degree, especially if her life is in danger, unless it was very quick and she didn't have time to fight. What is the address to that house you are referring to #8?
Given Cheryl was a programmer and well aware of security risks/breaches - I would assume she would have one as well. But, how we live outside of work can be vastly different. I am very well organized at work and can track every deadline/plan in my head and on paper down to the minute. ...but you would never know it if you were a personal friend. I am forgetful and not so organized when it comes to my personal life. Security however is important to me so in that area I am consistent.
Someone said she was messy at work like the papers at work but could always find whatever she needed quickly, her home was always spotless/clean, her son said her doors were often unlocked to her car, her niece said she was brilliant, her Mom said something about her being very nice and friendly and seemed to say something like she would be nice to a stranger. So, it's a tossup of whether her phone had a pass code; in my opinion.
I believe that she was quickly dragged off of the street on 58th and driven east to Cedar Way then south. Turning the car(van) right on 205th, pulling over, you would be 3 feet from where her body was discovered and would take about 5 seconds to dump her in that culvert. AND the passenger side (van door side) would be hidden from most traffic. Drive away and to the freeway in about 3 more minutes. Question is to me, what happened in that car (van) in the 5 minute ride to 205th? Kept her purse and cell phone. Knew enough not to use it. Probably in a lake, hole or garbage dump now.
I disagree, because her son etc believe she was placed into the culvert on the east side of the street. So, I believe the perpetrator took a different route east than 236th all the way to Cedar Way. Maybe to avoid main roads? If the person went east to Cedar Way, then they would have had to do a uturn on Cedar way. Are you saying you don't believe her son and police that she was placed on the east side of the culvert?
I think we would have been informed if there was a sexual assault!
I disagree, because her son etc believe she was placed into the culvert on the east side of the street. So, I believe the perpetrator took a different route east than 236th all the way to Cedar Way. Maybe to avoid main roads? If the person went east to Cedar Way, then they would have had to do a uturn on Cedar way. Are you saying you don't believe her son and police that she was placed on the east side of the culvert?

What is back there behind that little road there in that east side of the culvert? Could a person park back there?
In 2014 I was following the Cory Barron case (young man went missing at a concert surrounded by thousands). He was found in a landfill as a result of being in the stadium trash chute. LE said no indication of foul play and the boards here were going crazy - a 225 lb man "accidentally" falling into a trash chute with no one to witness it - totally absurd. Here it is 2016 and I get an alert of an update. LE now says injury to head and ribs indicate foul play and all because a witness finally came forward saying an argument took place in her section between another young man and Cory. Cory was followed by that man and his friends. The witness has pictures of the people in her section. Why this person chose now to speak is beyond me but LE is now trying to locate those people and identified perhaps one person in the altercation. I sometimes think that if no witness comes forth and bumps/bruises are inconclusive - then the case will remain under "suspicion". I am hoping someone will step forward in Cheryl's case, but it goes to show that in a contained stadium of thousands - only one person was willing or able to tell what they saw otherwise the case would have stayed cold. We need that break here and soon.
It is a possibility her death shows a fall but not whether it was intentional or unintentional. Maybe people have come forward but have no evidence? Sad. Hope police know more.
a druggie could just say " stick em up" take her purse and be gone and get the same benefit w/o the hassle of dumping a body. I dont belive for one second that a random person did this.
why do you think the water was only 18 inches?

Been there :) didn't take a ruler...but close enough..wasn't over her head...
On news video from the time period she was missing, the water was rushing and appeared much deeper than 18 inches. Wasn't it raining heavily around this time, and it has rained less lately? I doubt she drowned in that culvert, but maybe she passed from hypothermia? Possibility, I guess.
There are also pictures upthread by idfinch that give an idea of the stream. Doesn't show the exact depth and conditions may have been different but does give a good idea of what it's like.

It is post #629 of Thread 4 on 03-12-2016 at 5:54pm. I'd bring the pictures forward but it doesn't let me.
I believe I saw those photos, but the water was dark and murky likely due to mud?, so I couldn't accurately judge the depth of the bottom. Plus, I saw the news video from the week she was found and the water appeared somewhat deep and rushing.
What is back there behind that little road there in that east side of the culvert? Could a person park back there?
what little road? cedar way? the driveway thing by the welcome to mountlake terrace sign? it used to be a driveway to a house someone said....someone may have said there was a utility box used by utility workers and a lot of brush. there is a house nearby that can be seen from the culvert on the east side, but no access to it from that driveway i dont think.
A few facts that may be of interest.

1) The post office, which is near where Cheryl's car was found, has a 24-hour lobby for its PO boxes, and has had some recent issues with apparently homeless persons sleeping and even urinating in it at night. They have installed security cameras and ceiling mirrors inside; unsure about outside.

2) It's not an official street, but it's possible to use the parking lot between the aforementioned assisted living center and the strip mall (which houses the post office) as a shortcut to drive from from 58th Avenue W. to 56th Avenue W. If traffic is heavy around morning commuting times, this route may be attractive to some, especially since the businesses are not open yet. There are surveillance cameras on some of the businesses of the strip mall. All exterior sides of the Diamond Knot microbrewery have cameras.

3) If, instead, one uses 232nd in order to drive from 58th Ave W. to 56th Ave W., there is a US Bank and a gas station that may have some camera footage.
what little road? cedar way? the driveway thing by the welcome to mountlake terrace sign? it used to be a driveway to a house someone said....someone may have said there was a utility box used by utility workers and a lot of brush. there is a house nearby that can be seen from the culvert on the east side, but no access to it from that driveway i dont think.

Yes that little road there!
I wonder if it was checked I'm sure it had to be but what a place to park the car.
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