Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

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I'm in Germany today. I've been watching TV for 2 hours, and NO CASEY!! TWO WHOLE HOURS. ;)

Regarding the jury pool, IIRC, Florida uses driver's license info for jury duty (I was called that way). College students and retirees have been mentioned, many college students and snowbirds keep the license of their home state, not the local area. I still think there are plenty of people who can be unbiased, listen to the evidence and make the correct decision.

The biggest problem I see is putting all the lies and half truths into a coherent argument against Casey without having it sound too fantastic and unbelievable. The SA has their work cut out for them. They will have to be VERY clear with the jury. Casey's odd stories (i mean LIES) combined with the A's constant BS creates an issue, IMO.

yes, they do! I lived in gainesville as a college student and kept my miami address. gainesville population may actually be older more educated (faculty and staff of UF)
Calling all Legal Eagles

Is it true, that if she comes forward with an accident claim & was afraid to tell the truth, she could only get 5 Years?????? :eek:

I'm not a legal eagle, but I believe it's too late for that. She had MANY opportunities to change her "story".
No---I just saw this post, but I disagree.

Cindy TRIED, like heck, to insinuate that the photo with the drums were at Zanni's. She even brought it up to the FBI.

HOWEVER, when she spoke to Casey in the jailhouse interview, Casey flat out denied it. I would bet everything I own on Casey's reposnse.

I don't doubt that Cindy thought she solved the mystery, but not only did the FBI not jot down a SINGLE word she babbled, Casey refuted this about the drums photo and Zani. IIRC, she "absolutely" told Cindy it was Ricardo's place.........I'll go look it up for you. :)

Cindy visited with the FBI almost a week after the visit with Casey in jail where she asked her about the drums stated she knew the picture was taken at Ric's house. If I recall, people speculated that when Cindy said the picture was actually taken at Ric's house that Cindy was attempting to pin Ric as Zanny, and therefore a babynapper, and therefore the guilty party.
<<I wouldn't be surprised if she claims that "Zanny" was over to their house and while she was on the computer "Zanny" and Caylee were in the pool and she accidentally drowned and her and "Zanny" panicked. I think she will try to spin off the story she has already given.>>

Just to add to your scenario here a bit, "Zanny" panicked, did whatever she did afterwards and "threatened" Casey and her family if Casey spoke up and told the truth. And I wouldn't be surprised either.
<<Remember - anything they can do to Casey Anthony they can do to you or me>>

I have to respectfully disagree. In the first place, I wouldn't put myself in the position that Casey has put herself into. Secondly, I wouldn't go so far as to say they charged her without a "stick" of evidence. She GAVE them plenty of evidence. People who have nothing to hide don't lie.

<<If they have evidence of murder - then charge it, get a conviction and put her away ... otherwise..please!!>>

I think finding the baby's body wrapped in garbage bags and hidden in the brush is fairly good evidence of murder. Hopefully, they will get a conviction and put her away .... for a loooong time.
<<Remember - anything they can do to Casey Anthony they can do to you or me>>

I have to respectfully disagree. In the first place, I wouldn't put myself in the position that Casey has put herself into. Secondly, I wouldn't go so far as to say they charged her without a "stick" of evidence. She GAVE them plenty of evidence. People who have nothing to hide don't lie.

<<If they have evidence of murder - then charge it, get a conviction and put her away ... otherwise..please!!>>

I think finding the baby's body wrapped in garbage bags and hidden in the brush is fairly good evidence of murder. Hopefully, they will get a conviction and put her away .... for a loooong time.

I stand by that. Why so slow?
I think the defense will change to insanity. I think JB will try to paint KC as an abused victim, say she is crazy, and make the dysfunctional family the reason for what she did. I don't think any of it will work, but it's a better try than the false nanny story.
You're welcome. I'm sure I'll get bashed somewhere along the line for it. I asked myself the same question as you. Putting myself in her place, if she thought they were just "teaching her a lesson" she would be able to act like that with a few drinks in her for encouragement. Also, putting this idea with the potential questions raised about Fusian, if she were being punished for not doing the "job" they wanted her to do we might be seeing her perform her job. Just a thought which is only speculation, of course. I find it quite strange though, that so many of those Fusian links alive in August are now dead. And, we know how powerful, yet deadly fusion can be, even if the O is replaced with an A.

Awesome stuff and possibly another route her story will go.

A few days ago a poster said that many of Casey's friends have been killed.... wonder who they are. Poster never responded.

Does anyone know about the deaths of many of Casey's friends?
Also, I am now hearing that the "party pictures" were posed for.:confused::confused:
From the FusianMedia thread: AquarianEssence:

...some things I've been seeing through my sleuthing tool, astrology. In the many, many charts I've looked at I keep seeing, not the mother but a man, most of the time. I see someone in charge, a person in a position of authority (which could fit Casey but doesn't describe her well) a gun carrying public servant and/or another type of servant/employee like a nanny. I have seen what I believe would symbolically represent human trafficking and international connections. The fallen evil mother just isn't showing up in these charts.

Now, lets say for a moment there is a highly organized group. They would most likely have at least one or more public officials in their group. If they want to assure there will be no hot trails leading to them,...

Right on.
I respect everyone's theories...but I just have a hard time swallowing that there is this well-organized group out there using Casey as a pawn in their game. Caylee is dead and has been for some time. So a sex-slave ring or international adoption ring makes no sense to me. Plus - wouldn't she fess up now to LE since Caylee is dead anyway? She no longer has anyone to protect. But I can see how she might try and argue that "shady" characters in her life did it. I just don't think it will fly without any proof at all. JMO

There's no organized group using KC as a pawn. IF, and that's a big IF, she got herself involved in something (and it takes years to get on the "inside"), so if she did something to make the "organized group" mad, they would have just have killed her. End of problem. No nanny, no accident, no organized groups, no escort service, no insanity. Only KC, with the gp's involved in a coverup after the fact.
I am starting to think that if they find Casey's fingerprints on the tape, that her story will change to the extent of how Zanny forced her to wrap duct tape around Caylee, or the bag..
I think the defense will change to insanity. I think JB will try to paint KC as an abused victim, say she is crazy, and make the dysfunctional family the reason for what she did. I don't think any of it will work, but it's a better try than the false nanny story.

KC is mentally ill but she does not fit the criteria for legal insanity
as much as D may want to use it they cannot besides the client would
never allow that.
I don't think Casey will change her story. How can she? She is such a proven liar, who would ever believe her? If she claims it was an accident, it would have to be something like drowning (example) that no one would be able to prove, so people would have to take her word for it? Yea, that ain't gonna happen. At this point even if it was an accident and she did come out with the truth :rolleyes: she's still going away for a long time. And how ironic would it be if it was an accident and her only out from LWOP depends on her own credibility.
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but my immediate thought is of that report a few weeks ago that investigators who initially thought it was an accidental death, are now convinced by the evidence that it was intentional.

As much as the defense would like to attempt to explain Caylee's death as an accident, I think the evidence is going to prove that it was premeditated murder.
I think they would have a marginally better chance if they tried to say Casey was a victim of abuse ,depression,momentary reality break,or it happened during a blackout of which she has no memeory ect.
Or the time worn "It was like I was in a fog y'know?...watching someone else in a movie..." routine.
If they try to stick with the Nanny story and claim Casey has no involvement the prosecution is going to tear them apart.
Her lawyers must know this.
Maybe not. :)

She would rather die with the focus of attention and rich. If she get 5 years or less she will have PLENTY of money when she get out from book / TV deals.

I thought there was a law that if you were convicted/found guilty of murder that you couldn't make money off the story?? Anyone know?
after watcing the Susan Smith story last night. I was shocked at the words that she used to the media, and Le saying Susan was going to be hard to crack, she used same has words that Casey used. ( I know in my heart you be home soon, knowing that her childern was at the bottom of the lake)I wonder if Casey will try to use the sucide theory????
I thought there was a law that if you were convicted/found guilty of murder that you couldn't make money off the story?? Anyone know?

I heard that also, might have been on NG, also that KC could tell her story and make money prior to the conviction. Can anyone clarify this?

I think there is plenty more to come out and we will be saying hmmm. I have a feeling that's what all of the trial delay is about. The SA knows that someone will turn stat's evidence or has a few surprises.
The defense isn't stupid, LKB being there at a pre trial hearing is a biggie I think.
Usually you'll find the defense wants time to pass so that the noteriety isn't as fresh in people's minds but when you get the prosecution wanting to delay, something is up. IMO LKB knows as an experienced attorney that this case is NOT beatable and I think she would want the fame but not the adverse effect of fighting a trial that is going into the toilet before it even gets to a jury. Sorry for the grammatical errors, but I didn't feel like retyping as each time I tried to straighten a word out, I lost the rest of sentence. Does anyone know how to prevent this or why it happens sometimes? TIA
ETA: JB also said again for at least the 2nd time after court that his client wants her trial over, so I don't see it going into 2010.

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