Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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I have to say I'm really shocked police put up cameras before Brian took off. Is that normal for police to do in a missing persons case without any evidence that someone is a POI? Wouldn't they have needed a warrant to do that?
The police have permanent cameras installed in my neighborhood.
It's possible there was a sealed the FISA warrant. Just because someone isn't officially named a POI or suspect publicly doesn't mean they aren't still actually under investigation by law enforcement.
So Gabby was reported missing on 9/11. Then Brian seemingly took off shortly after, most likely 9/13, that would mean they had some knowledge that Brian was involved in, I guess, the credit card fraud and were able to get a warrant, and put up cameras before 9/13. Seems really fast.
Thanks for providing the goods. I think it was your initial comments that got me wondering too. His account of the events surrounding BL going voluntarily missing on or around September 13th is chock-full of discrepancies. Let's hope law enforcement drills down more on that if they can.
Can't he be disbarred for lying so much? So easily proven via his own sound bites.

The police have permanent cameras installed in my neighborhood.
NPPD said these cameras were put up on the neighbors properties in relation to Gabby.

ETA more info :)
One of the things I held off on reporting -- but now will because Brian Laundrie is confirmed dead. Police installed hidden cameras around the house -- including this camera in a neighbor's yard behind the house. This particular camera was installed after Brian went missing. North Port Police today talked to me today about the cameras. They say there are other cameras that went up sooner -- before Brian disappeared.
From my understanding, yes that is the case since BL was the one under investigation and being questioned about his involvement in GP disappearance and the parents were not but were still part of the conversation. I was shocked to hear him be so seemingly open about those interactions.
I was so confused in the beginning why she was hitting that so hard. Then at the end I was like ohhhhhhh lol.
I have to say I'm really shocked police put up cameras before Brian took off. Is that normal for police to do in a missing persons case without any evidence that someone is a POI? Wouldn't they have needed a warrant to do that?
Maybe they were looking to see if GP was inside the house?
During the Watts case I used to recap Ashleigh. I can do it tonight for ya! I'll keep editing this comment :) (parentheses MOO)

A: When did u become involved with the L's pertaining to this case:
S: Sept 11 (seems unsure)
A: So you didn't talk to them from Sept 1st-Sept 11th?
S: That's privileged info...I didn't say that, you asked me when I became involved in this case and it was Sept 11th. (...)
A: But you weren't retained as counsel till the 11th so anything before that wouldn't be privileged?
S: Not true, anything we say with respect to legal matters is privileged
A: How did u first connect w the Laundries after Brian returned on the 1st?
S: Everything is confidential and I can't speak about that.
A: How was Roberta reacting to your conversations?
S: I can't tell you much but she's been distraught and grieving.
A: bla bla bla
S: I can't discuss anything prior to Sept 11.
A: So did you have good conversations with the 3 of them on the 12th and 13th?
S: I had private conversations with all three, I had an understanding of how the house was functioning. There were some convos with all 3 together. ( sounds like they were talking a lot)
A: When you spoke to Brian was he suicidal?
S: He seemed alert and responsive, I spoke to Roberta about 45 minutes ago about this and she said how does anyone know what's going on inside? He didn't seem suicidal and the parents didn't think he was either.
A: So was he grieving over the death of Gabby?
S: A poor choice of words on my part, he was upset.
A: Did Brian know Gabby was dead
S: Confidential info, can't answer
A: Did Brian kill Gabby
S: I can't say he did or didn't I'm sure the FBI may be able to fill those answers in at a different time.
Did Chris and Roberta know their son killed Gabby?
S: I don't know what their son told them
A: What was in the notebook?
S: Not sure could be a suicide note, drawrings, not sure.
A: Could there be a confession?
S: Nothing would surprise me with this case, even the fact Chris and Roberta were the ones to find the items, there have been so many twists and turns, I don't think anything would surprise me.
A: Did Brian have any substances with him?
S: Not that I know of prescribed or otherwise
A: What was in the backpack?
S: No one knows
(a bunch of questions about timeline, and Steve saying everything was crazy and everyone made mistakes about days. ...Steve is going on and on and on about when B was reported missing, FBI said he was missing, he said they were missing, FBI came to the L's, ...OMG I don't even know. Steve needs to stop talking. He's saying someone else besides the parents or him reported Brian missing? I don't know what he's trying to say. He's trying to cover his behind)
Shoot I had a bunch written but it wouldn't edit!

Steve said he was talking to the Laundries and Saturday at 11:30pm is when the Laundries called him about the case and he talked to the FBI at 1:30am Sunday...

So they had a long convo about the timeline of when Brian was reported missing and how did they lose him, S got super mad and was yelling saying play the clip where JT said he didn't know where B was, and Ashleigh comes back with Brian Entin lol. That was awesome....

So Ashleigh gets Brian to take over lol....

Brian: Hey every day I talked to JT I would ask him did they know where B was, and JT would say yes, and it's weird that the FBI had info they weren't sharing w NPPD...

S: Hey Brian (he's being way nicer to Brian)...2 days ago I had a convo with NPPD to clear the air about this, they said they didn't know the FBI knew (What are you talking about) They were shocked to learn friday Brian wasn't there, It's not my responsibility to relay info to the FBI and NPPD, FBI says Brian was reported missing by me on Monday evening. (Now talking to Ashleigh and yelling...) Ashleigh, you said you were gonna play a clip of NPPD, instead you brought Brian Entin, let's play that clip let's hear from JT once again! I don't know! I can spare a minute! Let's play it! (OMG he's being a complete #$%$^...dude is a misogynist IMO)

A: OK Here ya go...plays clip of Brian talking to JT

Brian: Steve said he called and reported B missing sooner than Friday
JT: When we got the call Friday it was news to us it was a surprising moment
They were uncooperative on Saturday, Steve said he said something to the FBI, I don't know if that's true, nothing we've seen says that's a possibility at all.

S: SEE?? SEE???
A: Did you hear the last sentence?
A: He said that's not a possibility at all
A: Brian, what did he say
Brian: Wouldn't you want to correct the record so people would actually be looking for Brian?
S: (So calm now...) So Brian we're not gonna get to the bottom of this, I'll get past the fact that Ashleigh won't concede that what was said out of his own mouth was that I may have said it in passing and he doesn't know, let's move past that, at that moment we were not concerned Brian hurt himself or wasn't coming home. C and R said it was normal for him to leave for multiple days, they thought he was clearing the air-clearing his mind.
A: So why were you talking to them Monday night? Why were you saying yikes he hasn't come home?
S: Nobody said yikes, I just mentioned to the FBI, By the way, Brian didn't come home. The FBI said would you come home with all that press in front of your house? (Commercial break)

A: So Mr. Bertelino the police said they lost your client, there was surveillance on Brian and when he went to the reserve they didn't even know the Mustang was leaving, does that mean Brain is dead because the police lost him, or is he dead because he did it to himself?
S: You can't blame the police FBI Laundries or me, we don't know the COD, we can surmise, let's say he did take his own life, that's on Brian, we need to wait and find out exactly what happened.
A: You said you spoke w the Ls together, on the 12th and 13th, if you spoke with them all there is no privilege, so what did Brian say about what happened to Gabby
S: So Ashleigh, if you heard what I said I had multiple convos (bla bla bla) it's privileged
A: no it isn't...will you come back Monday?
S: That's not possible
A: Yes it is, I'm calling you Monday.

Steve does not like Ashleigh. The End.
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Then, it wasn't he who told them not to talk to her family, since they were calling and texting on the 10th. That was their decision. He may have told them not to talk on the 11th, but not before they were already ignoring Gabby's family. Yet, he said that that advice about not talking is on him. Another discrepancy....but, what's one more? jmo

Calling and texting who on the 10th, though. Maybe just Brian. I just did some googling and all I can find is that NS called and texted Brian and RL. But no details on when she called who.

I also wonder if Brian didn't take steps to try and prevent the Petito family from contacting the Laundries. Like surreptitiously placing a block on their phone.
do you know which videos they were that you posted?

The CNN link is referring to the night of the 13th iirc. I read that link this morning

One posted last night and I think GMA this morning. It's bugged me all day, then this CNN article. Just saying the evening several times now by SB makes me think it could have been Sunday the 12th which would be when Gabby's van was being towed around midnight the 11th. He could have booked it by the evening of the 12th. Sounds much more likely to me. Trying to act normal after the van was towed, never knowing what he knew about Gabby. jmo but in all it doesn't change much of this horrible tragedy.
So at this point, what had come out publicly about GP? Any calls on or before from GP parents? This could be where BL's 'lie' started falling apart.

It's a complete mess. They're trying this case in the court of public opinion.

But why? Brian is dead. He's not going to be tried.
NPPD said these cameras were put up on the neighbors properties in relation to Gabby.

ETA more info :)
One of the things I held off on reporting -- but now will because Brian Laundrie is confirmed dead. Police installed hidden cameras around the house -- including this camera in a neighbor's yard behind the house. This particular camera was installed after Brian went missing. North Port Police today talked to me today about the cameras. They say there are other cameras that went up sooner -- before Brian disappeared.
Yes that's true.
If he wasn’t such a bumbling incompetent I might just believe he didn’t take detailed notes but I actually think a giant fib has been told and this back and forth about dates is all just a consequence of trying to cover that up. Sadly, I suspect the confusion may also benefit LE in some way so neither of them may be in a rush to clarify any of the detail. I think there’s falsehoods and mistakes by LE jumbled up here.
The Banfield interview with SB was MIND BLOWING. At the beginning, it seemed like he had learned from his interview with Marni Hughes that he needed to tone down his demeanor and be a little more tight-lipped, but man...he just COULDN'T help himself. I think BL and his family would have been better off with Big Bird representing them. MOO.

Also, huge accolades to Banfield and Brian Entin.
OMG I just laughed so loud my dog jumped up and stared at me!!
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