Zach Adams on trial -kidnapping/murder Holly Bobo 9/20-22, 2017 GUILTY

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And good it was denied. A judge is a judge and judges each case on its on merit.

True. And in a small county, if someone commits a lot of crimes, he can expect to see the same judge a few times. There aren't that many judges that are able to switch places every time someone reoffends.
Hey all! :wave:

Oh, I should have stayed up for JUST another 1/2 hour!!! :gaah: Now I had to read 400 posts!
While reading all your posts from where I left off last - I was feeling anxious with you all - even though I knew the verdict was guilty!! Strange! :scared:

And Thank You to the people that let me know "what" the verdict was when I woke up!

Emi from tweet said:
#HollyBobo - I think it's no accident there are so many weaing pink

I would call the color salmon - I guess I read too much WAT! LOL!

Plumeria said:
Wake up niner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timestamp is 12:59am - I was fast asleep....

But THANKS for letting me know Plumeria!! And Harmony and Spellz and Emi!!

OldSteve said:
10 a.m. Saturday to begin the penalty phase of Adams' trial, and ultimately will determine if he will be sentenced to the death penalty.

Shoot - that's 6pm here.... why do they have to start so late! LOL!

kaen said:
Has anyone let niner know?

Yes they did! :D Thank you for caring about me!

oops ran out of emoticon use.... and have 300 more posts to read!
They did. They asked the judge to recuse himself. It was denied.

Thanks Katy.
Great that denied. I was not aware.
This Judge had been involved in two previous cases, about ZA.

If the verdict was not guilty on all counts, Judge McGinley, would impose the sentencing.
No wonder, defense tried for another judge.
Hey all! :wave:

Oh, I should have stayed up for JUST another 1/2 hour!!! :gaah: Now I had to read 400 posts!
While reading all your posts from where I left off last - I was feeling anxious with you all - even though I knew the verdict was guilty!! Strange! :scared:

And Thank You to the people that let me know "what" the verdict was when I woke up!

I would call the color salmon - I guess I read too much WAT! LOL!

Timestamp is 12:59am - I was fast asleep....

But THANKS for letting me know Plumeria!! And Harmony and Spellz and Emi!!

Shoot - that's 6pm here.... why do they have to start so late! LOL!

Yes they did! :D Thank you for caring about me!

oops ran out of emoticon use.... and have 300 more posts to read!
We were getting worried about you, Niner! We are about 13 hours apart so I miss out sometimes, too! Keep on reading! It was a great day for the Bobos!

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There is something wrong with some young (and some not so young) men in the world that they think that they are entitled to something that they are not entitled to so just take it and chuck her away like a piece of rubbish. Where do those feelings of entitlement come from? I can understand one man thinking like this, but this was a lot more than one deranged individual. They were like a pack of dogs.
:wave: Good morning, Niner! Isn't it great news to wake up to! If you'd stayed awake another 30 minutes it would have been worth it, but, you may not have got to bed till early hours in the morning as it got really busy in here lol. Another big day today/tomorrow :thumb:

PS: And I did send you a telepathic message...dunno why they work for some and not for others pppffftt lol!
epiphany said:
Defense Atty saying that she believes the reward $ influenced the witnesses.

She said that the jury knowing about Shayne's suicide helped find him guilty.

Also, Def Atty said that she prepared Zach for a guilty verdict after hearing t questions t jury asked the judge

Was the reward $$ about $250K - or more? Can't recall. Anyway - does anyone know "how" it was split?

Spellz said:
snipped by me....
Wish Niner had been able to stick around just a little longer. Thanks Niner for putting so much into updates, tweets, and stuff ... not just here, but wherever I followed you. Hope you slept well. Exciting tomorrow for you.

Yes, I wish I had been here in "real" time! And you are all quite Welcome - re tweets & stuff! :wave: And yes, I slept well - until 9am!! That's late for me - guess I needed the sleep.

while reading along....
Harmony said:
Has Niner shown up?

Timestamp: 4:48am - NOPE! Still sleeping! :lol:

UndiscoveredTruth said:
Nope!! I think she's sleeping isn't she? I did send her a telepathic message earlier to let her know the good news though!

Okay - that's weird - I had a strange dream last night - but I don't remember it all - but I was "celebrating" something!! LOL! I do believe it might have worked!

K - all caught up - now off to the Old City of Riga for a Fair! Home-baked bread for sale!! Yummy!!

Thanks everyone for the updates, etc. - I'll be back at 6pm my time for the start of Sentencing phase!

HOLLY got JUSTICE!!! :rose:

Okay - that's weird - I had a strange dream last night - but I don't remember it all - but I was "celebrating" something!! LOL! I do believe it might have worked!

K - all caught up - now off to the Old City of Riga for a Fair! Home-baked bread for sale!! Yummy!!

Thanks everyone for the updates, etc. - I'll be back at 6pm my time for the start of Sentencing phase!

HOLLY got JUSTICE!!! :rose:


YES!!!! :happydance: LOL

The Home-baked bread sounds yumo!!! Hope there's some left when I wake up in the morning, lol. :please: Would love a piece to go with the delicious coffee, Harmony2 so kindly has waiting for us when we log-in! :D

"In 2004, Adams' stepfather and mother, JK II and CLK, filed their petition saying Zachary Adams was a danger to them and their two other children, John Dylan Adams, then 15, and JCK, then 18.

Zachary Adams pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in the Feb. 7, 2004, incident.

He was sentenced to 11 months and 29 days in jail, which was suspended except for six months, and Judge C. Creed McGinley of 24th Circuit Court in Benton and Decatur counties allowed him to serve that time in rehab about 50 miles away at the Jackson Area Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency."

ETA from same article: • On Nov. 4, 2009, McGinley ordered Adams sentenced to three years in state prison. The judgment order said Adams was convicted on July 13, 2009, for simple possession of Schedule VI drugs in Franklin County.

I find this interesting. Same judge. He knows Zach from when he shot his mother.

ETA: If he had served the three years he was sentenced to on Nov. 4, 2009, he would have been incarcerated on April 13, 2011.

On such small things, a life changes. It's so tragic it makes me sick.

It also shows he was violent for a LONG time. He was 18 in 2004. And I'm sure he got worse the more he got away with things. If this is the picture painted for the jury today, I think they may sentence him to death. My father used to say some people just needed killing. If that was ever true, I think it's true here.
Yawwwwnnnn. Good morning!

Another day to hopefully see more justice.

I'm for the DP. I don't think that about every first degree murder case in which the DP is an option, btw. But in this case, with the multiple aggravators and pure heinousness of what he perpetuated on this young lady, he well earned his way into it. I would vote for the DP for ZA without hesitation and lose not one night of sleep for it.
I almost forgot. Who was drinking Perrier? I had to mostly listen and not watch, so only heard about this briefly.
True. And in a small county, if someone commits a lot of crimes, he can expect to see the same judge a few times. There aren't that many judges that are able to switch places every time someone reoffends.
Especially one that re-offends as much as this guy. Definitely see a trail of tears through the years...

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Another one in the wrong time zone. Hope to peep in, so thanking the updaters in advance. I have never 'seen' a death penalty case.
I always get very emotional during impact statements. I am going to need a box of kleenex by my computer. I have a 22 year old beautiful daughter and I would be devastated if I were to lose her.
For DP it has to be unanimous. If there's even 1 holdout then the sentence defaults to LWOP.

after yesterday I doubt they will have a big problem giving the death penalty...the quilty verdicts meet all criteria for dp and they all said at voir dire that they can give it. So if someone changes now that would be odd and would signal to me that there may have been one that saw some evidence as weak but voted guilty of murder one anyway.
Wow. Guilty on all of the primary counts, and verdict returned after only 1-2 days.

I think they'll give him the death penalty.

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agree....I was thinking a verdict later today as given the exhibits and details of the case I think the deliberation was pretty quick...most must have been on board right away.
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