Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #2

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Do any of the news channels reporting/showing that digging has commenced? I know the tents are up around the pit..........

Do any of the news channels reporting/showing that digging has commenced? I know the tents are up around the pit..........
From what i am reading it seems they have started digging again. This will probabaly go on for most of the day.

ETA I feel somewhat of a loser as I sit here and just keep refrehing my google page..LOL

"Brown declined to comment when asked if authorities thought Christina Laurean was involved or even aware of her husband's actions. Laurean's wife, Christina, is "heartbroken," said her mother, Debbie Sue Shifflet."

I'm sure his wife is upset and heartbroken, but HOW is it possible that she wasn't "aware" that something had happened in her house, if there are massive amounts of blood on the wall (see above link).... Why did she not immediately contact LE? Was she afraid of her marine husband? Was she involved in some way? How can LE just "dismiss" the idea that the wife was involved or knew that a violent event had taken place in her house?
This mother, NOT step-mother was doing everything she could to find her daughter.....she told law officers evcerything they wanted to know about her daughter.....

Hi sunshine, nice to meet ya. This mother you refer to, giving her the benefit of the doubt about her personal comments concerning Maria, I can believe it and go along with it being mis-construed and used out of context. I can see how that could have occurred along with law enforcement and the military using this to benefit their own neglect concerning this case.

HOWEVER, :mad: The mother, the caretaker, the parent or guardian, is the source of the alleged behaviorial traits of the child. We must not loose site of that. A child isn't diagnose in behaviorial areas as not being normal unless the adult caretaker or school officials intervene and say it's soooooo. Period!!!! Not angry with you sunshine, angry about the situation, :blowkiss: had to throw that in.

A child is repeatedly taken to the doctors, therapists, and specialists and they only can go on what the caretaker is relaying to them on a daily level. They spend a smidgen of time with the actual patient or subject. They solely almost 95 percent of their diagnosis is from the reporting parent.

In other words, the reporting, accussing caretaker is the one to get the wheels of diagnosis labeling turning and churning in the first place. It is the seed, root of where it all first began. It does not take a licensed trained medical specialist to know environment and the raising is alot to be held into the account of a child's outcome. Especially when it's behavioral. I know what I'm talking about in these areas.

Example: I had a friend on the next street, Mary, who had an only child Lonnie, she kept him at the doctors consistenly complaining of everything the poor child done. I kept him many times for hours upon hours. There was nothing wrong with Lonnie. It was the mother. Anyone ever heard of Munchaesun by Proxy? Not saying this is the case in this situation, but it does happen. I believe Mary has it, because her second child, 9 years later, calling and checking upon her after the baby was born, she rattled off about 5 different major diagnosis with this baby, who is healthy. She's pregnant again, just saw her Friday. She lost custody of Lonnie a year ago to the Father when they divorced. The husband stayed married and supported them all those years, but couldn't live with her on a regular basis. She has improved.

Another thought, adoption etc... and then if the child is labeled with a sickness or behavioral disorder, the state comes in and gives those caretakers all kinds of benefits, monies etc... I know several people who did this very thing, using children to benefit monetarily. Sad but true. I'm not accusing all caretakers and parents of making things up about their children.

That's why I would seriously like to know more about this relationship with the woman who adopted this marine at the age of 19 months, which is fairly old for a baby adoption. Was it from a state agency? Has this Mary been in the system before concerning the Elderly and children? I hope this is not the case, but I'm keeping my mind open, something has went tragically wrong for a mother to take five days to report her absent, missing, quiet about to give birth any moment daughter a call to help.

I also want to point out again, what tends to make me further feel this way, is Marine Durham's statements concerning the very last contact between expectant mother to be, and the adoptive mother. How in the name of anything, can this woman predict what kind of mother Maria would have been. Sounds like to me she's played ball in these areas in the past, being she's herself gotten someone else's baby, even if it is legally. She to me, has a heart (Possibly), I'm not convinced yet, of passing judgement upon mothers in general. That last phone call tells me sooooooooo much about the mind and heart of both Maria and the adoptive mother.

Sunshine, I wanted to add again, these opinions of mine aren't directed to you personally, and I appreciate your posts and opinions. Peace! :blowkiss:
Blood spatter on the CEILING?! No, I had not heard that yet. Does it for me. Someone else inflicted that cut and raised the knife to make such a pattern above their head. No way it could happen if not. She did not kill herself as to his story. Guess what I think the coward should do? We don't need to try the obvious.
Blood spatter on the CEILING?! No, I had not heard that yet. Does it for me. Someone else inflicted that cut and raised the knife to make such a pattern above their head. No way it could happen if not. She did not kill herself as to his story. Guess what I think the coward should do? We don't need to try the obvious.
SS when I read that I was thinking blunt force trama?
Kool Look:

I'm confused. If it's the step-mother that said Maria was bipolar, etc., how does your post above fit in with that?
In regards to the questions surrounding if the Marines would take someone who is bi polar..I have a dear friend who lived with me for a while who was in the Marines at one time and was bi polar at the time of his enlistment.

I'm not sure if he was diagnosed as being bi polar at the time, but it isn't hard to tell when he's "up" and during his up time (when he isn't on medication and I don't believe he was during his time in the service) it's noticable that he's "different" than most other people. I wouldn't say he lied to people but would definitely tell people what he thought they wanted to hear rather than the truth.
The baby would have been a greater threat to him, than her... the baby would have held the biological key to shore up her accusations of rape. This is why I think he killed her (I am so not buying into her killing herself)... to get rid of both the accusatory voice and possible biological proof.

The baby was also proof of adultery which is punishable in the service, under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The maximum penalty for the adultery alone would have been dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year.
If there is blood splatter on the ceiling, which is normally 6 feet in height (IMO), that would indicate to me that the head was pulled back and facing the ceiling when the slashing was done around the neck.

Marines are trained to sneak up behind their enemy and wrap their arm around the person's neck and then subdue them. If this is how it happened, at 8 months pregnant with the extra weight Maria had on her it would have been very difficult for her to have been able to get out of that position.

Would probably have been a different outcome with her Marine training, if she had not been pregnant.

Just speculating here so don't bash me. :)
Kool Look:

I'm confused. If it's the step-mother that said Maria was bipolar, etc., how does your post above fit in with that?

My understanding is that she actually isn't considered the step mother at all. No step mother, but she's actually the adoptive mother. Adopted Maria at 19 months old, so she really can't be considered the step mother, as a few posters have pointed out. Which would be correct. I take it the woman and her husband were married and adopted. Shoot, Little deer, I don't know!

Is there a step mother and then this adoptive mother named Mary who has given the media interview and talked with police?

lol :blowkiss:
No bashing LD I think we are all speculating at this point. Its what we do. You make a great point though
This case does sound like the military put their so-called stamp on it and they decided what was to go out to the media. They sullied her name, if I am to believe her family, and THEY are the ones that decided this was nothing to investigate. I am so angry that Maria wasn't protected in the first place while on the base and even mor angry that the military found a way NOT to believer her until this baby was born. They GAVE him motive. How can they take NO responsibility in what has transpired from their investigation? No way!

"Brown declined to comment when asked if authorities thought Christina Laurean was involved or even aware of her husband's actions. Laurean's wife, Christina, is "heartbroken," said her mother, Debbie Sue Shifflet."

I'm sure his wife is upset and heartbroken, but HOW is it possible that she wasn't "aware" that something had happened in her house, if there are massive amounts of blood on the wall (see above link).... Why did she not immediately contact LE? Was she afraid of her marine husband? Was she involved in some way? How can LE just "dismiss" the idea that the wife was involved or knew that a violent event had taken place in her house?

That is what I just don;t understand about this whole mess, where was the wife when Maria was being murdered and burned and buried in her home. The amount of time it must have taken for him to kill her in the house and then clean that up and then burn and bury her in the back yard. Did she work? Did she go away for a couple days when this happend? I just can't imagine.
The Military are a lot like Police:


It's been shown time and time again how the Military covers their asses. Even so far as to lie. Anyone remember the football player?? Darn, can't think of his name, Tilden? or something like that.

To go back to the "adoptive" mother, I am adopted and I can see why this is getting us confused. My "adoptive" mother is My mother.

Now if this "adoptive" mother is divorced from maria's father, then whoever he married would become the step mother. Not a adoptive step mother.
I'm thinking that Christine knew what happened..............whether she was at the house when it happened or arrived thereafter, she knows more than we know right now.
The Military are a lot like Police:


It's been shown time and time again how the Military covers their asses. Even so far as to lie. Anyone remember the football player?? Darn, can't think of his name, Tilden? or something like that.

To go back to the "adoptive" mother, I am adopted and I can see why this is getting us confused. My "adoptive" mother is My mother.

Now if this "adoptive" mother is divorced from maria's father, then whoever he married would become the step mother. Not a adoptive step mother.

I agree. Was going to post something similiar before the server was busy.
I'm wondering now, and I have not read everything, if the "Step mom" adopted her husbands children. Easy to see how that could be confusing, if that is the scenario.

I too wonder where his wife was....
come on LE.

it's after 11:00 now............I'm sure you have found something by now!
Oh Honey I know, hopefully I didnt write that the wrong way:blowkiss:

We were discussing last night two places he couldve gone. He was raised in NV and I do believe he was born in mexico. Those are the two places I would start for sure. Also thinking like him he knows how to survive like a marine. He could also be hiding out in the woods anywhere. There are mountains just 4 hours north of Jacksonville.

ETA how hard would it be for him to cross the border to Mexico, anyone know?

I imagine it would be easy, and if he is in Mexico, they will not extradite back to the states due to the death penalty, if I understand correctly.

ETA: if he was born there, chances are he still has family there.
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