Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #2

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I imagine it would be easy, and if he is in Mexico, they will not extradite back to the states due to the death penalty, if I understand correctly.
Well isnt that just great.:furious:
There is no treaty with Mexico to extradite back to the United States if the person is facing a death penalty charge.

come on LE.

it's after 11:00 now............I'm sure you have found something by now!

I don't know how long it takes for the CSI to test the remains, for both mom and baby....
Anyone know, have a degree in this stuff?:waitasec:
I don't know how long it takes for the CSI to test the remains, for both mom and baby....
Anyone know, have a degree in this stuff?:waitasec:
No degree but I expect it to take most of the day
Canada nor Mexico will extradite if the person faces the DP.
Kool Look:

I'm confused. If it's the step-mother that said Maria was bipolar, etc., how does your post above fit in with that?

It's getting kind of sad that the media started confusing a MOTHER, which is exactly what an adopted child has, a mother, with a step-mother. Mary Lauterbach is/ was Maria's mother. Maria was adopted when she was 19 months old. Mary is the only mother Maria knew, most likely.

To most families, their adopted babies are as precious as gold to them. There is no distinction between the children who are adopted and the ones who are born from their own bodies.
My family and extended family are full of happy, loved adults who were adopted babies. We are loved very very much.
No distinction has ever been made except that those of us who are adopted have 2 birthdays to celebrate with our parents, the day we were born and the day came to our families.
None of us can really say at this point what Mary and Marie's relationship was, but I am sure they are grieving now to know that their daughter, niece, etc and their grandbaby, no matter how he or she was conceived, are dead. Maybe the media was looking for a sound byte and the mother accidently said something imprudent in haste.. Maybe she wanted to believe that Maria lied instead of that Maria had been raped, was missing, was in jeopardy, might be dead. I can see that happening. Some people use denial to cope.

We are told that the last known phone call from Maria was to her mother.
Based on that alone, I have to believe that they had a loving and good relationship overall.

I think this is a grieving family faced with the knowledge of the horrific murders of their daughter and her baby. What kind of animal cooks a woman and her baby in his backyard? :eek: :eek:
What if that was your loved one in that pit?

My love and prayers go out to Maria's family today, and I pray that maybe there will be enough evidence to not only convict this man of killing Maria, but of also being the father of her baby through rape.
Remember- NC does NOT have a fetal murder law.
I have got to rant.So forgive me in advance.

I am furious :furious:!This young lady was let down on so many levels.

The CO (commanding officer) of their command should be dishonorably discharged and charged with something!Among other higher ups who did not do the right thing at the start of this.

Once the allegation was made she or he should have been transfered to another duty station.He really should have been put into the brig IMO and why he wasn't I am at a loss.

I have this scenerio in my head that it went sort of like this...

This raped her.She reported it.He in turn said yea we had a one night thing.She wanted me to leave my wife I wouldn't so now she is accusing me of rape.All his friends bought it even the CO from what it sounds like.

Yea I think she did try to stay friendly with him.I can't blame her one bit.Can you imagine going to work everyday and seeing him and getting harrassed by him and his crew?!Getting your car keyed ect :mad:

The COs and MPs let her down.Now she is dead and I hope heads roll.I hope that the people that harrassed her are charged with something and put out of service also :mad: I hope now that they know they took the side of a murder that their conscious reminds them of that for a long time.
^ my feelings exactly!

Also in the uncles interview he says she was not friendly with him after the fact.
I'm still not buying that Maria had a "friendly" relationship with her rapist. I am also not buying that Maria went to him. For one thing her car was left in the bus station parking lot. She was abducted, IMO. There was no way her rapist could let the DNA test be done on that baby. He would be in trouble with his wife to say the least, convicted of rape charges and tossed out of the Marine's. The Marine's signed Maria's death sentence when they ordered the pending DNA test to be done.
I'm still not buying that Maria had a "friendly" relationship with her rapist. I am also not buying that Maria went to him. For one thing her car was left in the bus station parking lot. She was abducted, IMO. There was no way her rapist could let the DNA test be done on that baby. He would be in trouble with his wife to say the least, convicted of rape charges and tossed out of the Marine's. The Marine's signed Maria's death sentence when they ordered the pending DNA test to be done.

Ditto, more cover up...
Ceeaura, I agree with you. If Maria was friendly it was only to the extent of having to survive a hostile atmosphere and save her job.
I feel exactly as you do. Outraged, extremely angry that a 20 year old woman was let down by every person who could have helped her, both in life, and after she was dead.
This is an extremely horrific crime and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by anger. I had to take a break last night.. I have felt that she was dead since I posted the first post about her here. As more details have emerged, the sadder, angrier and sicker I have felt. It's normal to feel these things. The POI is a in all ways, and probably a few more. He was Maria's superior according to what Sheriff Stupid said yesterday, so there's no telling what he may have put in her file, or said about her. I think the Marines failed her as well as local LE, starting at the time of the rape.

I have got to rant.So forgive me in advance.

I am furious :furious:!This young lady was let down on so many levels.

The CO (commanding officer) of their command should be dishonorably discharged and charged with something!Among other higher ups who did not do the right thing at the start of this.

Once the allegation was made she or he should have been transfered to another duty station.He really should have been put into the brig IMO and why he wasn't I am at a loss.

I have this scenerio in my head that it went sort of like this...

This raped her.She reported it.He in turn said yea we had a one night thing.She wanted me to leave my wife I wouldn't so now she is accusing me of rape.All his friends bought it even the CO from what it sounds like.

Yea I think she did try to stay friendly with him.I can't blame her one bit.Can you imagine going to work everyday and seeing him and getting harrassed by him and his crew?!Getting your car keyed ect :mad:

The COs and MPs let her down.Now she is dead and I hope heads roll.I hope that the people that harrassed her are charged with something and put out of service also :mad: I hope now that they know they took the side of a murder that their conscious reminds them of that for a long time.
Steiner denied that his niece had any kind of relationship with her attacker. Lauterbach had been forced to rent a room off base because of harassment at Camp Lejeune, he said.

ETA in one of the links I posted back, cant find it sorry, he also said her car was keyed and she was "slugged" in the face
But...her mother was interviewed and I heard and saw her myself
say those things Thursday...
She told the world..not just the military..

I was just watching a CBS interview with a family member and if what he is saying is true, it looks like the officials there in CLJ were more worried about brushing this under the rug and had help from the Sheriff... he says that LE told them not to even come down to NC because CLJ was taking care of the matter. Come to find out, they (the military) weren't doing much about her being missing.

This being said: I have a feeling that the leak of her mother saying she was a pathological liar and bipolar was done so as to keep the case focused off of the military, by tarnishing Maria's image via her own mother's words. (It was her adopted mother, not her step-mom, and from my understanding, the info was gathered from the mother by investigators under the guise of confidentiality.) Don't get me wrong, it does seem cold her mother would say that about her, but with more information coming to light, I am becoming very suspect of things and thinking the mother's words may be being used out of context as part of a military cover-up. Something isn't right about this case, in regards of military involvement...

CLJ: Camp Lejeune
Only asking as A friend but can we leave the mom out of this for the mean time. None of us really know her intentions or anything so it is really hard to form an opinion on it, Ya know. And as Jaded pointed out yesterday, she is a vic as well.

"Brown declined to comment when asked if authorities thought Christina Laurean was involved or even aware of her husband's actions. Laurean's wife, Christina, is "heartbroken," said her mother, Debbie Sue Shifflet."

I'm sure his wife is upset and heartbroken, but HOW is it possible that she wasn't "aware" that something had happened in her house, if there are massive amounts of blood on the wall (see above link).... Why did she not immediately contact LE? Was she afraid of her marine husband? Was she involved in some way? How can LE just "dismiss" the idea that the wife was involved or knew that a violent event had taken place in her house?

The blood was cleaned and painted over. I assume LE found it by luminol. I'm not saying she didn't know. I'm just thinking if he did clean up and paint - then maybe she didn't know. If I came home today and my husband said he painted a wall - I don't think the first thingthat would go through my mind is "Oh, my God, he's killed someone and is covering up blood." As for splatters on the ceiling, they could be minute, teeny, tiny splatters. I don't look up at my ceilings after returning home and I dang sure wouldn'tnotice any teeny splatters. I'm giving the wife the benefit of the doubt right now until further evidence of complicity. I can't imagine a day-to-day wife immediately suspected her husband of murder based on a paint job. With luminol I'm sure the police saw a horrific site. To the naked eye - it could have just been explained away by making a mess, damaging a wall by accident, and painting over it,etc. Who doesn't want to believe their husband and in my wildest dreams I wouldn't imagine my husband murdering someone in my home just because he painted a wall.
P.S. I'm giving the mom a pass now also. No one knows what they might say in time of duress or how it might come out when you meant it some other way. I'm betting she just hoped upon hope that she had run away because of everything going on and she just wanted people to be on the look out for her to bring her home safely and to treat her with kid gloves if they did find her out there somewhere. Again, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the mom until I'm shown she's a mean, horrible, unthinking person. I just don't believe that's the case. If Maria didn't have a good relationship with her she certainly wouldn't have called her two and three times a day every day. She would have avoided her like the plague.
She kept it civil is what I should have said...that civil is being spun by him and the military into being "friendly" which sounds better and looks better for them.

Being in the postion where she had to see/work with him and in that enviroment she could not get emotional or hysterical.She had to remain calm and civil.

I think the young lady showed a lot of courage and strength.To be all alone like she was with no help from her fellow marines and COs .It just :furious: me!
Steiner denied that his niece had any kind of relationship with her attacker. Lauterbach had been forced to rent a room off base because of harassment at Camp Lejeune, he said.

Yes, and Dunlap has backed that up too. Said he felt sorry for her. Well, why would he feel sorry for her unless he believed that she had been raped, and was being harrassed on base? It all fits. She didn't lie.

She was victimized again and again, without any legal protection, so she was easily victimized to her death. It is just awful beyond words. I hope that many ranks are stripped at Camp LJ when this is all over. NCIS is investigating- we saw that at the presser yesterday. Let's hope the people who stood by and let the harrassment happen, as well as the active participants are all punished.

A young woman and a baby who never had a chance to live are dead because of the actions and inactions coming out of Camp Lejune. I can't think of anything worse. At all.
It was not an email that I saw..it was the adoptive
mother talking about her daughter on either
MSNBC or CNN on Thursday..
anyone else SEE her say those things?

After Mary Lauterbach reported her daughter missing, an investigator asked her to send an e-mail telling him "everything she knew."

Court documents filed in North Carolina this week indicated the mother told investigators Maria was bipolar and had a history of compulsive lying.

"Never in my wildest dreams," she said Friday, "did I think it would become a national press release."
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