Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #113

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In the window? I'd be parked in a chair on the front lawn...parka and all.

And, I'd have already been to Radio Shack to check on whether or not they sold something that could pick up conversations in the house across the street. (Oh, I might not really do that.)
Yeah, and somehow that's not going to be Casey's fault. Sometimes I hate this country's judicial system and today is one of those days. How the hell can a woman who doesn't know where she left her kid and won't co-operate to find her for months not be jail?! How is that even possible? Maybe tomorrow will be different, but today it feels like there is no justice in this country. And to Padilla and the Anthony's, ok she's out, now where is Caylee? Oh, and while you're picking up Caylee, or not, can you stop blaming everyone else, the public, the media for something your flesh and blood caused to happen.

Thanks for saying this.
Imagine the effect of this spectacle on the thousands of women and children who are trying to escape or defend themselves from abusers, or for their advocates or legal counsel who are trying to prosecute their perps or keep them restrained or in jail?
I really do not think Casey realized while she was in jail how big this story was getting and all the attention. I'm sure the lawyer and her parents were telling her but I don't think she really understood. Now that she is out and is realizing she will not be able to walk out her door ever again peacefully if it will change her attitude a little. I can't imagine that it wouldn't get to her somehow that no one in the general public believes her crap, all her dirty laundry has been aired, and especially that some really unflattering photos of her are being flashed across millions of tvs and computers every second. Of course the photo thing wouldn't bother a normal person b/c we would be too worried about our kid but to someone like Casey it would be completely devastating b/c it makes it harder for her to get a boyfriend. :boohoo::razz::mad:
Although I really don't believe it here's another one-

Could this whole case be fabricated by the Anthony family for a huge financial jackpot,
such as a book deal or movie rights. I'd like someone to "follow the money".
Neither Cindy nor George have been working this whole time. Who is paying their bills?
So much here has seemed unreal, especially the Grandparents reactions to having a
beloved three year old grandchild missing (never a tear, only anger).
Would it be worth it to Casey to spend some time in jail to become famous when Caylee
shows up, having been away on vacation?
So much of this story just doesn't make any sense.
Could it all be a hoax, a summer soap opera? If so, it's time for the season finale!

I remember Rev Grund saying that exact thing,.. "FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL." And that we would all be shocked when the truth comes out.
hmm maybe after she gets a shower she will tell us all...maybe if we give her a lobster dinner she will tell us all...maybe if we buy her some clean clothes she will tell us all...maybe if we get her hair done she will tell us all...maybe if we take her to get a nice massage she will tell us...maybe if we continue to kiss her arse she will tell us..

I'm sure when she is happy and comfortable and relaxed, she be willing to tell everyone what she did to Caylee-----So she can go BACK to jail.
Anyone who believes that, please PM me, I have a bridge for sale.
They didn't order pizza - an angry poster from another board ordered the pizza and had it sent to them with a note regarding the comment Cindy made about the decomp smell in the car really being an old piece of pizza. The Anthony's are saying they ordered pizza so as not to look like the fools that they are.

Thanks FOx reported they ordered, I knew I'd get the truth here.
better enjoy that shower, might be the last one you have in private for awhile.

police are not buying any of this load of bullcrap

prepare to be arrested soon
I'm not on his side, but Baez is right about this.

Baez said he was disgusted by the crowd's actions.

"No one has the right to go pushing against me or her just to get a sound bite," Baez said. "To be quite honest with you, I was really disgusted by the whole thing."
Wouldnt that be a hoot if he gets hawled into the hoosegow for assault??
LP would leave him in there :)

I think if that happened, I'd have to laugh. I know he's just doing his job, but crap! He's telling Casey not to talk.


Sorry for yelling! This is beyond ridiculous.

Caylee's missing.
Casey knows where she is.
Baez won't let her tell.

Doesn't this just smell like guilt and they both know it?
Can anyone throw up a link to video?
Which one? The one of her leaving jail? I can find that one, I think. It's on another thread.

Have we heard anything more about who is staying at the Anthony house? Has the Bounty Hunter been seen today, or is he in hiding? JMO.
They didn't order pizza - an angry poster from another board ordered the pizza and had it sent to them with a note regarding the comment Cindy made about the decomp smell in the car really being an old piece of pizza. The Anthony's are saying they ordered pizza so as not to look like the fools that they are.

Really how could they eat pizza after smelling one that "smelled like a decomposing body"??? I know I couldn't.
Why NOW MORE THAN EVER - are they convinced she was taken by kidnappers? WHat the heck changed that they believe it now more than ever?


She started spinning them as soon as she walked through the door. That's why..
All I can say is I'm glad she's not my daughter or she wouldn't want to be in my house! She would need to be SAFE FROM ME!

Same here. I cannot fathom being in that house, the line between love and hate must be pulled taut to the breaking point.
Lie detector test


I know this is off the current topic and someone may have already suggested it but

I wish one of Padilla's conditions would have been that she submit to a private lie detector test once she is in the home and that he be able to witness it and see the results. I know her lawyer would not have let it happen but then at least she would still be sitting in jail where she belongs and not in the comfort of her own home. And if Padilla really did put up bail to find the living Caylee, he could find out real quick if his trouble was warranted and if not revoke bail and send her butt back.

I hope I'm doing this correctly...

Padilla spoke about lie detector on NG he'd go for it only if done in private, by his employee and only he sees the results!! So what would be the point? If she failed it would be due to stress etc, if she passed I wouldn't believe for a second it was "level". Not admissible in court either way. Know what I mean?
I'm not on his side, but Baez is right about this.

Baez said he was disgusted by the crowd's actions.

"No one has the right to go pushing against me or her just to get a sound bite," Baez said. "To be quite honest with you, I was really disgusted by the whole thing."
They all need body guards at this point. It's a three ring circus created by Casey. JMO.
wonder if she will go against her lawyers advice and give phone interviews to Greta or Nancy? I know she probably won't. But I would love to hear her voice so I can get a better "feel" for her. Her first jail call was the real Casey imo. I want to see how she sounds now.
Or maybe he thinks the house is bugged.

They have to think the house and phones are bugged, and I hope they are, but either way I hope the paranoia of thinking they are being listened to makes their life miserable. I have faith in LE doing everything they can but I do not have a good feeling about the fact that they couldn't hold her.
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