NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/15/08

Talking about "what" is in the bag. Natitia says local reports say there is some sort of covering inside the bag, which led them back to the A home.

NG says no clothes. Natitia says not confirmed about clothes.
Nancy "Something in the bag is linked to the Anthony home"

What is it..?

A Paver
A Sheet, Blanket, Pillow
A Cross from JC Penny
They are talking about the liklihood that this could be anyone but Caylee....I am just saying a silent prayer to give thanks that Caylee has been found. There is no way IMO that Casey will not be convicted now.
I feel this was Angel Caylee reaching out to make sure Justice is served.
I cannot wait till the meter reader can talk to us after the trial to see if he feels he had some kind of devine guidance. Sorry to wax religious, but I am a firm believer.
No one visiting Casey is surprising, unusual. Reason, Anthonys are afraid/concerned of their own charges for obstruction of justice.
Anthony's PI spotted around the Anthony home with some sort of device - said to be looking for some sort of surveillance device
Why would innocent people care if their house was bugged and why would they need an attorney. I see obstruction of justice or at least I hope so.
Also, I wasn't done, that Zanny Nanny story makes me want to scream, they need to loose that story, it reminds me of the "Laci Peterson was kidnapped by a cult" story.
Talking about the device that was probably being used to sweep for electronic listening devices.
NG asking about the pool chemicals.
Lp saying that he thinks there was a sheet or linen in the bag as well as clothing. LP also saying that he doesn't think George ever saw her the 16th, he thinks she died the 15th.
LP says a sheet or some sort of linens........this is what I thought too - part of a set of sheets and now one is missing.
Does anyone know if the ground "Slopes" at all in the area that the body was found.

Could the body have washed downhill from another location ?

Yes it does. It slopes down away from the road. If you look at where the crime scene technicians are searching under the blue tarp, the blue tarp itself is propped on the slope. The area slopes down from the street level at about a 40 degree angle, about 2.5 ft. down.
Remember how GA said to LE something along the lines of, "I'm telling you guys, I don't like the smell in the car", and then they went on to talk about how and why GA recognized that smell as a dead body (this was in one of the video'd interviews). If I'm not mistaken, he also told them at the house that he didn't like the smell in the car.

OK, so we know GA is on record on more than one occasion as saying he didn't like the smell. We are assuming that each and every time he talks about the smell to LE he is referring to when he picked up the car at the tow yard. How do we know that he has not (on at least one of the occasions) been referring to the smell on the day of the gas cans incident?

Wasn't this the interview that was released that George stated he didn't want his wife and son to know he was there? I believe it was - the same one where they called Lee down to the station to listen to the 9-1-1 call with George. As well, he got sick at the end of the interview.
Here goes LP with another Theory.....

Nancy asked him a simple question & he goes on & on about every aspect of the case
LP giving his theory. Caylee chloroformed on the 16th and wrapped in duct tape on the 18th to make it look like a kidnapping.
Panel member says the proximity of body to the Anthony home is because Casey knows area, had access to the area, goes to show that when she was in a panic or trying to figure out what to do with the body, it was an opportunity to dump the body really quickly.
About if clothing was found with the remains.. NG Producer saying it's not confirmed. NG saying she (NG) heard it with her own ears coming from LE, but didn't give a video....
LP says a sheet or some sort of linens........this is what I thought too - part of a set of sheets and now one is missing.

He mentioned bed sheets and a pillow case specifically.
Yes it does. It slopes down away from the road. If you look at where the crime scene technicians are searching under the blue tarp, the blue tarp itself is propped on the slope. The area slopes down from the street level at about a 40 degree angle, about 2.5 ft. down.


If thats the case then the bag most likely moved around quite a bit with all the water....Flooding & Receding
To all the A's---THERE IS NO NANNY Z!!!! quit wasting time and $$$ of Orlando citizens and LE!!!

just showed LEE taking the memorial into house...........mean, heartless man!!!
LP giving his theory. Caylee chloroformed on the 16th and wrapped in duct tape on the 18th to make it look like a kidnapping.

LP is also sure it was an accident and there is NOTHING to me that says accident.
LP says a sheet or some sort of linens........this is what I thought too - part of a set of sheets and now one is missing.

Yes, which takes us back to CA's interview with GVS , and washing sheets weekly. Why? Trying to cover the fact that one sheet is missing?

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