2009.04.08 Nancy Grace

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I have seen them pop in e-once in awhile. More on other blogs. There also a few blogs just to defend KC. Ran across one and had to leave. Was 2 mad to post. They looked like crazies.
Grund says there's a network of individuals sent to go to blogs and websites to create reasonable doubt...

I think I've seen a couple of those myself....

Indeed there are, in fact there is an entire community once devoted to the theory that Caylee was alive which has now shifted it's priorities (and blame) to find any alternative to the fact that KC is guilty. Pity it is a private venture that does not allow dissent or I would sign up just to see exactly where this train is headed. I think RG is fairly spot on though.
Nancy's moving on to Sandra's case (thankfully!!).
Jokingly, I said, "Well, that would explain alot!" Then I paused. This is a serious allegation and could have a chilling effect. I have no doubt RG was talking about the top two or three forums.
Well it started on Topix and went on there for a long time, may still be going on there. The person, one of the main person's responsible started up his own website to continue this Jesse bashing. There is a thread on Topix where they still appear sometimes, it's a support for Jesse thread.
I believe JG had a roommate there when KC came to take a shower? If she tries to implicate him, they prosecution will definitely try to show she did try to take something on that visit. There was no reason for her to go to his house to take a shower and JG's roommate will be able to vouche that she did come by for that reason.
Well it started on Topix and went on there for a long time, may still be going on there. The person, one of the main person's responsible started up his own website to continue this Jesse bashing. There is a thread on Topix where they still appear sometimes, it's a support for Jesse thread.

I have not seen that!! I need to find a link. I am a firm believer that you can learn alot from Topix! I have seen DM posting as Cletus or Cleevi or Goober...
He thinks they are using these tactics against the family to plant reasonable doubt.


I don't think KC was that clever, she was just looking for a warm body to sleep with since TL was in NY. Too lazy.

I do think that the A's and Defense have been working hard ever since to frame others though based on emerging evidence.
If Cobra up and goes to Tracy, CA, I will poo solid gold.
Just a reminder that if the investigators and the SA thought there was any weight at all to the theory that JG was involved or guilty, one would think he'd be under continued scrutiny.

He isn't. Period.
People blogging to create reasonable doubt? But why? Do they seriously think their blogging would impact the trial and infect potential jurors? That is a ridiculous notion. In every notorious case there are always conspiracy theorists with all kinds of theories as to what may have happened and obviously that's what has been going on in this case. Think of all the alternate theories and books on the Jack the Ripper case, the Lizzie Borden case, the Lindburgh case, Marilyn Monroe's death or JFK's assassination. So here we have another notorious case and people making up all sorts of theories about what happened and claiming to know the "truth." But the police and FBI have the evidence and they really do know the truth and it will come out at trial.

When all the facts come out at trial, I think it will put an end to some of this. I think that most people will accept the jury's verdict and I have to believe that the attorneys will select a fair and impartial jury who will make their judgement based on the evidence presented at trial, not what blogger's theorize on the internet. I believe that most people know that most bloggers have no more information than they do and certainly far less than what the police and FBI have. But realistically, the conspiracy theorists will go on about this case for years and years and come up with any number of crazy ideas about what really happened. I am sure this is very upsetting to JG and his family. But the fact is that most people interested in this case know JG passed a polygraph and was cleared by police long, long ago.
I have seen them pop in e-once in awhile. More on other blogs. There also a few blogs just to defend KC. Ran across one and had to leave. Was 2 mad to post. They looked like crazies.

This is the only thing you need to post:
Just a reminder that if the investigators and the SA thought there was any weight at all to the theory that JG was involved or guilty, one would think he'd be under continued scrutiny.

He isn't. Period.

Yep... all this energy for these people against Jesse for zip. zilch. nada.

They could have spent their time doing something positive.
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