
Goody [color=darkgreen said:
LOL! See, even you do it! hahahahahhahah[/color]

Not likely that I will, but you never know. Maybe I will go snooping around someday. Until then I guess I will just keep hoping some of her friends will email me or post about her and those days prior to the murders.

aaahahahah yeah I did.

I doubt we'll ever see that. They probably are too scared of Ms. Kee, LOL. or just want to forget their whole association with Darlynne realizing how she fooled them.
bkdianne said:
stabbing to death her two babies---
damn Goody--- what do you want?- who gives a S*** what she did before she killed her kids

-Because some people like the whole puzzle, not just pieces...Goody is very thorough she wants to answer those questions of the why, who, and how...whats wrong with that? :croc:

There's nothing wrong with it but in my opinion Goody will never get what she wants so her frustration level will just increase. The whole puzzle will never be fitted in place unless Darlie tells us why she did this, and she won't so why bother. Her so called friends are never going to talk or they would have by now wouldn't they?

I think we have come close to what the motive is here but we will never know it completely.
Goody said:
Agreed, but I would like to have more incidents before the murders. Just to show a pattern that really nails it.

Oh God that pose of her in her cell at the end of the FF program. who does she think she is, she's a baby killer on DR, not a top flight model posing for a cover of a magazine. The cow.
Goody said:
You are the most condescending poster here and you want to call me a bully just because I don't agree with you. :rolleyes: But you are right about one thing. The proof I am looking for is not on this forum or even in the documentation we have so far. Shoot, we can't even discuss the possibilities for fear that something might....MIGHT....pop up that humanizes the monster you all want to believe exists. I am not even saying that she ISN'T a monster. You may very well be right. I am just saying that you don't have enough proof that you are right to carve it in stone. But don't let me stop you. :laugh: I was just hoping to find a few open minds who might want to explore it alittle. Silly me.
It's not that you don't agree with ME. I called you a bully because you were being rude, not because of what you believe. I am not afraid of what we'll learn about Darlie. I don't care if she's a monster or not. She's a murderer and she's a liar. She has ruined many, many lives. I don't know why you expect us to have an open mind about her guilt. We've all stood pretty firm on that one. You've seen enough to know that a Darlie defender is not going to fair well here. The things you are asking us to have an open mind about are things that we have all carved in stone. We all KNOW she did it. You have obviously jumped back on the fence and are teetering towards the "Darlie is innocent" yard.
Goody said:
She was not knitting them. Needlepoint, I think, or maybe they are quilting. Whatever it was, it didn't include yarn as I recall

You can't needlepoint a blanket. And exactly why does it matter if she's using yarn or not? I think you were the one who told me she knits baby blankets.
I know I have a good grasp of human behavior and motivations, true crime cases and so forth, and this is the one case which I have doubts about. I didn't follow it as it happened. I only became aware of it after a TV interview with Darlie aired on Dateline or one of those shows. I know it was biased and sympathetic as it showed Darlie talking about her innocence. Still, I have doubts about Darin's innocence more than I do about Darlie's.

I saw this level of anger and poster- bashing with the JBR case, so I stopped reading and discussing. It was difficult because I definitely want to see the murderer brought to justice in this lifetime.There is only SO MUCH which can be hashed and rehashed after so long, then posters start posting about each other instead of about the case.

I believe the same thing is happening here with Darlie's case. Some of you have incredibly strong personal feelings against Darlie for your own reasons, and that is your right. I don't have because I am not convinced that she was the killer, or at least, maybe not the only killer in the house that night.
There are those who believe Darlie alone killed the boys and cut herself, those who think Darin was also involved with Darlie, and probably some others who read and don't feel comfortable enough to post who have a lot of questions about why Darlie and not Darin alone.

It's just like those who believe that JR killed JBR, those who believe that PR did it, those who think BR or a friend of his did it, and those who think an intruder shimmied in through a dirty basement window and killed her. When everyone gets together to discuss a point, it gets heated because of personal emotions.

I respect everyone's viewpoint, and hope that posters can respect each other. Darlie's boys and JonBenet are dead. Darlie is on TX death row, which means that Darlie WILL die.
Could we agree that some people DO have wiggle room for doubt in this case for their own reasons which have nothing to do with being in a clique or being a " Darlie supporter"?

I am definitely not a Darlie supporter, but I do have an incredibly hard time believing that Darin wasn't actively involved.
Maybe that's what's hanging Goody up too, I don't know.

Thank you for reading my post.
Thinkoflaura said:
I know I have a good grasp of human behavior and motivations, true crime cases and so forth, and this is the one case which I have doubts about. I didn't follow it as it happened. I only became aware of it after a TV interview with Darlie aired on Dateline or one of those shows. I know it was biased and sympathetic as it showed Darlie talking about her innocence. Still, I have doubts about Darin's innocence more than I do about Darlie's.

I saw this level of anger and poster- bashing with the JBR case, so I stopped reading and discussing. It was difficult because I definitely want to see the murderer brought to justice in this lifetime.There is only SO MUCH which can be hashed and rehashed after so long, then posters start posting about each other instead of about the case.

I believe the same thing is happening here with Darlie's case. Some of you have incredibly strong personal feelings against Darlie for your own reasons, and that is your right. I don't have because I am not convinced that she was the killer, or at least, maybe not the only killer in the house that night.
There are those who believe Darlie alone killed the boys and cut herself, those who think Darin was also involved with Darlie, and probably some others who read and don't feel comfortable enough to post who have a lot of questions about why Darlie and not Darin alone.

It's just like those who believe that JR killed JBR, those who believe that PR did it, those who think BR or a friend of his did it, and those who think an intruder shimmied in through a dirty basement window and killed her. When everyone gets together to discuss a point, it gets heated because of personal emotions.

I respect everyone's viewpoint, and hope that posters can respect each other. Darlie's boys and JonBenet are dead. Darlie is on TX death row, which means that Darlie WILL die.
Could we agree that some people DO have wiggle room for doubt in this case for their own reasons which have nothing to do with being in a clique or being a " Darlie supporter"?

I am definitely not a Darlie supporter, but I do have an incredibly hard time believing that Darin wasn't actively involved.
Maybe that's what's hanging Goody up too, I don't know.

Thank you for reading my post.
I agree with you, there is only so much that can be hashed and rehashed. Sometimes it does appear that some of the same topics are going full circle and are therefore continually being discussed over and over again. members want to post their thoughts and opinions and the chances are they have already been discussed before, and that's where I think existing members need to have patience and take that into consideration.
Until something new on this case surfaces, I think this will always be a problem.

I don't see the postings as anger or personal (well at least I hope they're not) but more as frustration when one's opinions are not seen the same through others eyes, then some emotions can begin to run high. I think we're all adult enough to admit that agreeing to disagree is going to have to be the best solution at times.

I too have a very hard time believing that Darlie was the only person involved here and find it impossible to believe Darin played no part in this. But for Darlie to tell exactly what part Darin did play, she would have to admit her guilt too. If she is prepared to die alone on Death Row (which we can confidently assume she will do), as opposed to telling what role Darin played, then more fool her.
bkdianne said:
stabbing to death her two babies---
damn Goody--- what do you want?- who gives a S*** what she did before she killed her kids

-Because some people like the whole puzzle, not just pieces...Goody is very thorough she wants to answer those questions of the why, who, and how...whats wrong with that? :croc:
Everything amongst these Darlie haters. They are satisfied with they have, not an objective bone amongst them. But that is okay. I am getting a little bored with this case anyway. It will be a year or more before the fed CCA rules. I think this is one bone we've picked clean. Anything new will be a long time coming.

There's an interesting trial coming up though. That boy who killed his father and stepmother and a sibling, I think, on Sam Donaldson's ranch. It is supposed to start next Tuesday on Court TV.
feenix said:
Being in the majority doesn't make me feel at home, it makes me realise that I am 'singing from the same hymn book' as many others.

You are all singing from the same hymn book alright. No doubt there.

feenix said:
Knitting, cross stitching, needlepoint, whatever............................ you get my point.

I knew you would say that.

feenix said:
Like other members, I enjoy having the opportunity to voice my opinion, discuss and have a friendly debate, and i
feenix said:
f hashing out the same old evidence and Darlie bashing is what members choose to do, then that's their choice and should be respected by others.

Aww...did I sound like I didn't respect your right to do it? I am sorry. I thought I was being quite nice, considering the fact that beesy called me a bully and you applauded her for it.

feenix said:
There is no need to be smart or sarcastic, or jump on the defensive side when others don't agree with you or don't want to take a certain topic forward. It doesn't make good reading for any potential new members and is not fair to existing members.

Well, a simple "I really don't want to participate in that topic" would have been nice. Instead you all critized me for even daring to bring it up. Who cares what you think, Goody. We don't want to know why Darlie did it and you shouldn't either. So much for that respect for other posters' opinions. I guess that applies to everyone BUT Goody. But, hey, no problem. That is the way it goes sometimes.

feenix said:
There are times when we need to be adults and agree to disagree amicably! :cool:
Now how condescending is that??? You jumped on my questions with both feet and threw hissy fits at the mere thought that someone MIGHT want to discuss the psychological aspects of this case. Just who is kidding who here? Talk about rose colored glasses. You are supposed to take them OFF when you look in the mirror.
j2mirish said:

that is my point....there is nothing that has been found to support your "THERE MUST HAVE BEEN A REASON " and when anyone makes that statement, you get defensive about it and say no one ones to discuss it--

and it doesnt matter anymore- you are right-
time for me to move on to another crime discussion- at this point I beleive this one is hashed out
We have NEVER discussed the psychological aspects of this case in any depth and you know it. It is taboo around here. Okay, I don't mind, but do be honorable enough to call a spade a spade. Jumping up and down and screaming "Darlie is a psycho!" is not discussing it!!!!

But I agree, there is no point in discussing anything that is not already deemed to be unfavorable to her on this forum. I don't even want to defend her and you all hate her so much, I just end up having to to be fair.
Goody [color=blue said:
Talk about rose colored glasses. You are supposed to take them OFF when you look in the mirror.

And THAT Goody.................... is a classic example of why people jump down your throat!!:( [/color]
beesy said:
It's not that you don't agree with ME. I called you a bully because you were being rude, not because of what you believe. I am not afraid of what we'll learn about Darlie. I don't care if she's a monster or not. She's a murderer and she's a liar. She has ruined many, many lives. I don't know why you expect us to have an open mind about her guilt. We've all stood pretty firm on that one. You've seen enough to know that a Darlie defender is not going to fair well here. The things you are asking us to have an open mind about are things that we have all carved in stone. We all KNOW she did it. You have obviously jumped back on the fence and are teetering towards the "Darlie is innocent" yard.
That is just my fear that talking about her psychological situations MIGHT reduce her guilt somehow. I don't have any doubt she did it, but I know up until that night she was a human being just like most human beings who live in nice new homes and bake cookies for the kids' classrooms. She was not some low life strung out on crack. She was a middle income house wife whose family and friends were shocked by the murders. If that doesn't deserve an in-depth look, whether we have the information needed available or not, I don't know what does. But I agree with J2....there is no room for it here, so why don't you just drop it and not worry about what I think. We'll just have to wait for Darin's tell-all book to come out after she is executed to fill in the blanks.

Just one more thing...if you don't want others using sarcasm in their posts, you shouldn't use it yourself. Not that it would change my posting style, but like the old saying goes, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. :slap:
feenix said:

And THAT Goody.................... is a classic example of why people jump down your throat!!:( [/color]
aahahahahahahahhahah. :laugh: :laugh:
Goody said:

Aww...did I sound like I didn't respect your right to do it? I am sorry. I thought I was being quite nice, considering the fact that beesy called me a bully and you applauded her for it.

Where exactly did I applaud her for it?? I can only see one person applauding on post No. 52........ and it's not me I'm afraid!
Thinkoflaura said:
I know I have a good grasp of human behavior and motivations, true crime cases and so forth, and this is the one case which I have doubts about. I didn't follow it as it happened. I only became aware of it after a TV interview with Darlie aired on Dateline or one of those shows. I know it was biased and sympathetic as it showed Darlie talking about her innocence. Still, I have doubts about Darin's innocence more than I do about Darlie's.

I saw this level of anger and poster- bashing with the JBR case, so I stopped reading and discussing. It was difficult because I definitely want to see the murderer brought to justice in this lifetime.There is only SO MUCH which can be hashed and rehashed after so long, then posters start posting about each other instead of about the case.

I believe the same thing is happening here with Darlie's case. Some of you have incredibly strong personal feelings against Darlie for your own reasons, and that is your right. I don't have because I am not convinced that she was the killer, or at least, maybe not the only killer in the house that night.
There are those who believe Darlie alone killed the boys and cut herself, those who think Darin was also involved with Darlie, and probably some others who read and don't feel comfortable enough to post who have a lot of questions about why Darlie and not Darin alone.

It's just like those who believe that JR killed JBR, those who believe that PR did it, those who think BR or a friend of his did it, and those who think an intruder shimmied in through a dirty basement window and killed her. When everyone gets together to discuss a point, it gets heated because of personal emotions.

I respect everyone's viewpoint, and hope that posters can respect each other. Darlie's boys and JonBenet are dead. Darlie is on TX death row, which means that Darlie WILL die.
Could we agree that some people DO have wiggle room for doubt in this case for their own reasons which have nothing to do with being in a clique or being a " Darlie supporter"?

I am definitely not a Darlie supporter, but I do have an incredibly hard time believing that Darin wasn't actively involved.
Maybe that's what's hanging Goody up too, I don't know.

Thank you for reading my post.
Well, thank you for your nice post, Laura. You are the only one here kind enough (except Dianne and she's been posting with me for a long time) to give me the benefit of the doubt. I have many doubts about Darlie's case. Unfortunately, none of them are about her guilt. I believe the evidence nails her, but I would like to know what happened that night, what Darin's role actually was, and how Darlie's psychological profile fit it into it all.

You are right that it is difficult for people who don't believe she did it or who are undecided to post amongst people who hate Darlie so much. They are pounced on rudely the minute they arrive. Look at how you were treated when you first started posting here. I am glad that has settled down, but am very disappointed that my friends here have proven to be so narrow minded.

Once again thank you for your objectivity and open mindedness.
Goody said:
We have NEVER discussed the psychological aspects of this case in any depth and you know it. It is taboo around here. Okay, I don't mind, but do be honorable enough to call a spade a spade. Jumping up and down and screaming "Darlie is a psycho!" is not discussing it!!!!

But I agree, there is no point in discussing anything that is not already deemed to be unfavorable to her on this forum. I don't even want to defend her and you all hate her so much, I just end up having to to be fair.
I promise- this is my last post on this forum--:banghead: Honorable-? I beg to differ with you-- and dont appreciate the acusation I am not-
The reason the psychological aspect has not been discussed to the degree of depth YOU want- is because it doesnt seem to exist----------we have all tried to think of things that might have been the lead into her killing those children...they have all IMO been dispelled-- I resent you stating we havent discussed it-this is not about "UNFAVORABLE TO DARLIE"-- I believe you think she is guilty- I have never waivered on that-- I do believe however we have run the course on the PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect--- AND CAME UP EMPTY-
you seem to take this out on everyone here, who cant find anything to back up what you wish was the case-- I as a mother wish there was a reason we could all say-- ok she killed the boys....but this is where it all began...etc----
BUT IT DOESNT SEEM TO EXIST---This has nothing to do with me hating her--- quite frankly, I could care less about her, because she is behind bars where she belongs-- I believe everyone has been fair trying to see if there was "something" that may have ignited the night she killed the boys--and it cant be found-- there is nothing to be FAIR about-- she wont even come clean and admitt what she did---that in a nutshell tells me there is NO
previous PSYCHOLOGICAL scenario to be dealt with--- she isnt a PHYSCO-- that is the problem....if she was-- she would have after all these years---- admitted she cold bloodedly stabbed to death her own two boys as they laid with her downstairs---
so - once again- when you are called on the same old discussion-- your answer is "NO BODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT IT"- and you then procede to try and shame anyone who cant find a solution to your problem.
and as my last post here- you are right--- dont want to talk about Darlie anymore---she is where she should be--
END OF STORY :behindbar
Now how condescending is that??? You jumped on my questions with both feet and threw hissy fits at the mere thought that someone MIGHT want to discuss the psychological aspects of this case. Just who is kidding who here? Talk about rose colored glasses. You are supposed to take them OFF when you look in the mirror

cami]There's nothing wrong with it but in my opinion Goody will never get what she wants so her frustration level will just increase. The whole puzzle will never be fitted in place unless Darlie tells us why she did this, and she won't so why bother. Her so called friends are never going to talk or they would have by now wouldn't they?

I think we have come close to what the motive is here but we will never know it completely.

-Well I'll tell ya what, another case in WS, she knew what was going to happen (or she said what she thought would happen, and DID happen) and there is no way she could have known it either. So you can say all you want, but I believe the Goodymeisters' gut instincts are the sh**!!! And she may, or may not be frustrated, I dont know, but she can handle it...and Cami, I cant believe YOU of all people! Never say never :rolleyes:
That is just my fear that talking about her psychological situations MIGHT reduce her guilt somehow. I don't have any doubt she did it, but I know up until that night she was a human being just like most human beings who live in nice new homes and bake cookies for the kids' classrooms. She was not some low life strung out on crack. She was a middle income house wife whose family and friends were shocked by the murders. If that doesn't deserve an in-depth look, whether we have the information needed available or not, I don't know what does.

I agree Goody. Whilst we only have tidbits of information when it comes to her 'pyschological state' or contributions to motive I don't see why everyone is so against discussing it (even though I don't think we'll ever know the answer unless Darlie reveals all).

Beesy said:
I don't know why you expect us to have an open mind about her guilt. We've all stood pretty firm on that one. You've seen enough to know that a Darlie defender is not going to fair well here. The things you are asking us to have an open mind about are things that we have all carved in stone. We all KNOW she did it. You have obviously jumped back on the fence and are teetering towards the "Darlie is innocent" yard.

Where did Goody ask you to have an open mind about her guilt in this discussion?? And where has she defended Darlie's innocence or jumped back over the fence? Frankly that's ridiculous Beesy. Discussing why she did it and what contributed to it doesn't mean Goody or anyone else is saying she didn't do it. Goody knows the evidence which puts the knife in Darlie's hand and - dare I say it at risk of you getting all defensive and angry - she knows it better than you. Wondering if there were various external factors (maybe even one or two which was beyond Darlie's conscious control though I'm not sure what they would be really) doesn't mean she is innocent.

I honestly don't understand where all this agro has come from and why you are all at Goody's throat. Beats me.

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