FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #1

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Why is it in every situation like this its always this question of how did they get them legally, it like a complete ignore of the black market for guns. It has always confused me.

It is like people think that if they did not pass a background check they would not be able to get the gun . That gives this silly notion that these are law abiding citizens .

If they could not get it legally, they can easily get a gun black market and proceed no?

Not even black market. I've seen them for sale on FB Yard Sale. Hand over the cash, they hand you the firearm. No problem-o.
Are people really not sure why he targeted a gay nightclub? Um, he's a homophobe. It's really not that big of a mystery.

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His fanatical religious belief is all homosexuals are to be murdered.

He was following his hated filled fanatical religious beliefs. He did what ISIS does to homosexuals when they find them. :mad:

Thank you to these officers for doing what they could though.

They must have felt angry and helpless and I know nothing of gun fights, but I hope they're not boing too hard on themselves.

That is part of ISIS's wake and why terrorism can't be supported in our country. Terrorism emulsifies the ring leaders and the results are not representations of our emergency responders. Terrorism is created for failure. The mentality of terrorism is to deface people of all backgrounds who are forced to feel worthless at #1) who they are #2) how they respond 3#) What they believe-- period and end of statement.
If these FBI investigations of suspected terrorists depend on the subject being honest, they might as well cancel the entire program right now.

They said he was "not a threat"... so i guess it depends on what their agenda is to know what they consider to be a threat. JMO
How come when these events happen in Europe it is presented to us by the media as a full scale terror operation. When it happens in North America it is always presented as "lone wolf attacks" ?

Also of note, the tsarnaevs and the 9/11 patsies and this guy all had previous "interactions" with federal agents.

The observations you make when you don't take everything MSM says at face value...... in other words, think for yourself.... look at all events happening around world, and begin connecting dots.

I watched the France reaction to their terror attacks and wondered the very same thing!
Personally I thought it was offensive when the official press conference featuring the mayor, FBI, and police ALSO included an Imam from the Islamic Society of Central Florida! I didn't see any LGBT Community Leaders speaking.

The president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, Muhammed Musri, actually said "Many times in the past this has been described as the worst nightmare and we are sorry to have it happen to us". Guess he wants to point out that somehow, someway they are really the victims here.

Maybe he considers himself part of the gay community and that is why he said "us"? A local Orlando mosque just made the news 5 weeks ago when a guest speaker advocated the killing of homosexuals and assured people that "there is no shame in it".


Commissioner Patty Sheehan spoke for the gay community: Gay Orlando official gives emotional statement after nightclub shooting – video

The mosque guest speaker you refer to was Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar. According to news reports in April, eg, this mis-titled one and others, in 2013 he spoke at the Husseini Islamic Center in Sanford, not at a mosque in Orlando in 2016. Several cities separate Sanford, where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, from Orlando which is in a different county. Sekaleshfar is not a member of the Orlando or Central Florida communities. Per his now-deleted profile (cached) on the website of The Muslim Group of USA and Canada, he was born in the UK and lives in Iran.

Imam Musri, as he stated in the video you linked, explained himself at this morning's press conference: "I've worked with these leaders for over 20 years," referring to "our law enforcement community and city leadership." The "us" he refers to is the Orlando community. He did not say he's a victim but as a member of the community, he certainly is. In addition, as a Muslim, despite his contributions and hard work, he is viewed by some as less than and the target of innuendo and snark, an unfair marginalization he shares with members of the gay community.
Drew CNN

Lots of security cameras at place he bought guns
We think it's directed towards the LGBT community, what about the fact that it was Latino night? Maybe that plays into why Pulse. MO

I don't see this attack as being against any particular group of Americans. I see it as a terrorist act.

It's objective was to was to terrorize innocent citizens. It worked. A lot of people will be afraid whenever they go to a place that has a large gathering. It will get worse when this kind of attack keeps happening. JMO
How come when these events happen in Europe it is presented to us by the media as a full scale terror operation. When it happens in North America it is always presented as "lone wolf attacks" ?

Also of note, the tsarnaevs and the 9/11 patsies and this guy all had previous "interactions" with federal agents.

The observations you make when you don't take everything MSM says at face value...... in other words, think for yourself.... look at all events happening around world, and begin connecting dots.

You are so right! They do that here too, when it's from overseas it's terror, when it's local it's just a normal guy who claimed ISIS affiliation for dramatic effect. I guess our leaders don't want to admit they can't protect us from home grown terror.
Are people really not sure why he targeted a gay nightclub? Um, he's a homophobe. It's really not that big of a mystery.

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He was homophobic and it's Ramadan. That's when extremists are most likely to kill. For devout Muslims it is a time for prayer and fasting. ISIS hijacked Ramadan into their time to kill and encourage killing during Ramadan to show allegiance to them. I don't know much about the religion but that seems to be the m.o. for extremists (ISIS followers/wannabes).
Just started reading this thread after reading some of the news articles. Wondering (and this may have been mentioned)...June 5 to July 5 (2016) is the month of Ramadan (Holy Month of Islam). According to this link, http://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/smart-living/what-is-ramadan-and-how-is-it-observed/ss-BBtMMiH , "It is believed that during Ramadan, the spiritual rewards received from God are multiplied." Also, the gates of Paradise are considered to be "wide open" and the gates of hell and demons locked. Could it be that the shooter felt (in his own extremist mind) that his spiritual rewards would be multiplied if he chose this time to "martyr himself" for the tenets of his faith?
I don't think that increased mental health services will prevent ISIS from influencing people to kill innocent people. JMO

I agree. No amount of mental health services will stop the evil influence of Islamic terrorism.
Ha! I need my little terry cloth robe wrapped around me now

Its thundering now
Personally I thought it was offensive when the official press conference featuring the mayor, FBI, and police ALSO included an Imam from the Islamic Society of Central Florida! I didn't see any LGBT Community Leaders speaking.

The president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, Muhammed Musri, actually said "Many times in the past this has been described as the worst nightmare and we are sorry to have it happen to us". Guess he wants to point out that somehow, someway they are really the victims here.

Maybe he considers himself part of the gay community and that is why he said "us"? A local Orlando mosque just made the news 5 weeks ago when a guest speaker advocated the killing of homosexuals and assured people that "there is no shame in it".


I totally agree. That was completely inappropriate, and a slap in the face to the victims and families of the victims. I can't think of any other terrorist attack in history in which the first official press conference about the attack included a representative of the group on whose behalf the attack was mae.
That is part of ISIS's wake and why terrorism can't be supported in our country. Terrorism emulsifies the ring leaders and the results are not representations of our emergency responders. Terrorism is created for failure. The mentality of terrorism is to deface people of all backgrounds who are forced to feel worthless at #1) who they are #2) how they respond 3#) What they believe-- period and end of statement.

lets not forget that a huge motive of terrorism is financial impact , make capalization use its money for stuff not normally needed

9-11 cost billions



on and on that is actually one of there big goals $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
They said he was "not a threat"... so i guess it depends on what their agenda is to know what they consider to be a threat. JMO

Sometimes LE is hobbled by the US Constitution. They can only do so much.

Time will tell if the FBI screwed up on this one or not. JMO
I have a feeling some heads might roll on this. The FBI cleared this guy because he only had minimal contact with a suicide bomber. There's a tolerable amount of contact with suicide bombers?

Unless that suicide bomber lived in the vacuum, there were a lot of people who had contact with him.
ISIS also has no problem blindfolding young men and throwing them off buildings if perceived to be gay.
Nice way to gather followers to your cause. (major sarcasm intended)

Wanted to add that for years there have been articles on the news sites and on tv about bombings , mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism by ISIS..but they mainly seemed to happen in other countries. Now it's reached the shores of the U.S.
Despite the Sept. 11th attacks --I feel we have become too complacent and even fallen asleep , and need to wake up.

Curious if this was planned months in advance, or if ISIS is taking credit because it looks good for them in some twisted way ?

We must wakeup. The two top mass murders of innocent Americans were both done by Muslim extremists.
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