Fox 35 Mobile Webcam Thread #8

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I think they toy with us the link seems to change.......

Must be entertaining for them to watch us suffer!
movement, white screen, movement, white screen, camera moved, movement white screen, movement, white screen, movement, white screen, movement, white screen, camera back in place

omg I can't believe I missed the white screen! lol
My guess is that they figure Casey and the other A's aren't looking at them through their windows, but they are watching via computer and television.

Guys...they have stuff on both sides!!!! "baby killer" and "CASEY, where's CAylee" :bang:
I posted an article in anohter thread that says that TES would like something of Caylee's to lete the dogs sniff, but Cindy refuses. Maybe we can get word to one of the protestors somehow to make a sign that says, "Cindy give something of Caylee's to TES. What are you afraid of? Prove TES wrong cindy." Then another one that says, "Cindy where are the phone records you speak of?

Here's the link by the way, 3rd or 4th paragraph down.

One of the K9 handlers said that they would have an easier time during the search if Casey Anthony or her family would provide them with an item that would have Caylee Anthony's scent on it. According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it.
Now that was a looooong cig run!! Did you get my eggs???

Sorry Trac.... I missed your request!!! Forgive me. Here, have a cig. That'll take care of your appetite and you won't need the eggs.. hehehe
You missed the sh** missles my cat threw at me for neglecting to clean out his litterbox, and a few sweet turtle stories (one of them from robotdog!)!! And of course lots of talk of fixing cocktails!! Welcome back!! :blowkiss:

LOL! You need one of those 'lectric cat litter boxes like I have! Right here by the computer I might add! :eek: My kitties just get mad when I don't empty out the container and the lid won't close.

I'm watching Failure to Launch...hilarious. And good eye candy I might add:woohoo:
Guys...they have stuff on both sides!!!! "baby killer" and "CASEY, where's CAylee" :bang:
At least the parents who are protesting know where their kids are. Whty doesn't Casey?

Hey Tom'sGirl,
That was cool!!!!
GA is over the RED LINE....
over temping
something got to give -------------soon
Hey guys a "newbie" here. What I wonder is are they watching the web cam too and reading right along with us? Truly I wish they would read these posts so they could see how many people care about Caylee and really want to know what happened to her. I am happy to be a new member with such fine folks as all of you.

I decided today I didn't want to just " read" any longer.

"Together we can!" :slap:
I posted an article in anohter thread that says that TES would like something of Caylee's to lete the dogs sniff, but Cindy refuses. Maybe we can get word to one of the protestors somehow to make a sign that says, "Cindy give something of Caylee's to TES. What are you afraid of? Prove TES wrong cindy." Then another one that says, "Cindy where are the phone records you speak of?

Here's the link by the way, 3rd or 4th paragraph down.

One of the K9 handlers said that they would have an easier time during the search if Casey Anthony or her family would provide them with an item that would have Caylee Anthony's scent on it. According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it.

Of course they wouldn't provide anything, cuz then they might have to move outta there state of's their own little world yanno?:confused:
Hey guys a "newbie" here. What I wonder is are they watching the web cam too and reading right along with us? Truly I wish they would read these posts so they could see how many people care about Caylee and really want to know what happened to her. I am happy to be a new member with such fine folks as all of you.

I decided today I didn't want to just " read" any longer.

"Together we can!" :slap:

Welcome welcome :D LP and TP do read here :D
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