jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Just popping in to say that I think Juan is doing very nicely restraining himself with her "evading the question" answers.

When asked if she thought her braids were "hot", this image came to mind
I do remember that . . . .

I think she did say something about bringing up taking pics of TA to show off his new physique and buff body for the Cancun trip. . . . .this seemed to cheer him up (or get him in a better mood).

Strange that they were hanging out in his office after all the sexcapades - she remembered to give him the pictures on disc that she had been carrying around in her briefcase and they were scratched. He threw the disc @ the wall - bouncing and bouncing onto her head as she lay on the floor.

She had showered but he hadn't showered yet? . . . . then he wants to go have pictures taken of him in the shower? . . . . He hated that picture that she snapped of him looking straight @ the camera in the shower (testified to early on) . . . . when did TA actually see this picture? . . . . during the 3 minutes it took to stab him 27 times, nearly decapitate him, and shoot him in the head - dragging him back to the shower, washing him off and then deleting all the pictures?

FWIW I think JA was in his office snooping on his computer like she did to her other boyfriends. She knew computer forensics would show someone was on the computer so she said it was Travis. The bouncing CD was ridiculous.

Jodi's tone, demeanor and stories remind me of Texas Cadet Murderer Diane Zamora's testimony. 'HE made me do it'
Oh oh and she said Travis preferred her public region to be bare, implying he liked prepubescent she dutifully complied. Anything for Travis...

She had no intent or plans to visit Travis. He convinced her to detour ...yet she arrived bare. We saw the pics, not a pube in sight!

Did she stop for a manicure or vagicure?

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I want her to get the DP just as Travis did. She would adapt nicely in Prison and have far more perks with LWOP. Maybe if she is alone all those years she will talk herself to death :floorlaugh: Just bouncing off your post.
LWOP would be OK with me although she deserves to die. At least she'll be off the streets and will fade into obscurity just like so many before her. It will cost the state of Arizona less in the long run and I'm sure that life in a female maximum security prison is no picnic, especially for a pathological liar. She also won't be able to profit from her story, her "drawings", or her lies &
won't be able to disparage TA ever again.
I almost forgot about it but wasn't it brilliant that JM brought in her journal entries (with her hand-writing) AND THEN the magazines. I didn't even think about whether the magazine messages were written by her. I just assumed it to be true. That was masterful.

Thanks so much. It will be nice to escape the snow and cold. Hope your eye is better ASAP. Dont tell my Mister but as much as I am looking forward to the get away. I will be thrilled to get back here :floorlaugh:

My DH scheduled a two-day trip for us as a surprise to me. LOL! We leave early Sunday morning and he has promised me to get me in home for the beginning of the trial. He knows he doesn't dare let our leisure pursuits interfere with my avocation!

While I'm not escaping any bad weather, it will be good to see the Real World as my trial watching and homework, which WS makes voluminous.
okay, this is a little behind topic...still trying to catch up here.

in JA's testimony i remember her saying that she suggested them taking the pictures of Travis because he wanted them and she was trying to get him in a better mood after an argument. (at least something along that line)

but i seem to remember earlier can't remember if during interrogation or in beginning of trial her stating he didn't want the pictures taken at first but she talked him into it.

am i mistaken? does anyone else remember that?

You heard right. In one breath she did say she took them (maybe that upside down one of her, I think its upside down, or sideways, I can't tell) maybe that nude shot of her was to make him happy, but she did say he did not want them taken of him at one point.

If he did want that one of her, I'm sure he regretted it.. Some things should not be filmed close up
FWIW I think JA was in his office snooping on his computer like she did to her other boyfriends. She knew computer forensics would show someone was on the computer so she said it was Travis. The bouncing CD was ridiculous.


I'm inclined to think so as well. That most of that computer activity around 4 am was her and that, if there was an argument in his office, it was because he found her there. I think that she may have been trying to upload unwanted pictures onto his computer.

From what I recall it was the interrogation when Det. Flores asked her if she took pics of Travis in the shower and she said something along the lines of No Way travis would never allow someone to take his picture in the shower and went onto say how his showers were his private time and he liked to be left alone

Somehow I believe this. And I can see her standing there in the doorway not only watching him but taking pictures too, just because she knew how much he would dislike it. Perhaps with a gun in the other hand?
Watching IS replaying from yesterday and hoping that the jury is watching JA during her testimony to see her smirks and smiles which shows such attitude. From the firsthand accounts, it seems that the jury doesn't look straight at her at times but they will be missing so much of her self-purported strength against a superior prosecutor.

I cannot imagine a normal person displaying that attitude if you were fighting for your life. I think Flores is absolutely masterful in pulling off Jodi's veil.
Once again going over all the photos, which make me cry___ a thought came to me,
Jodi claims she hide there sex and his so called problem regarding small boys because she loved him so much and she lied and lied and lied all to protect Travis but yet after she kills him she just stuffs his poor body into the shower, on a cold hard floor to rot.
How many times have loved one's killed loved one's and they cover there bodies, they make them cozy, ( you all know what I'm trying to say right ) ?
I would post the pic that upsets me most but just doesn't feel right, but poor Travis is nude and stuffed in the shower.

Right. There was no "undoing" because there was no remorse or shame.
LWOP would be OK with me although she deserves to die. At least she'll be off the streets and will fade into obscurity just like so many before her. It will cost the state of Arizona less in the long run and I'm sure that life in a female maximum security prison is no picnic, especially for a pathological liar. She also won't be able to profit from her story, her "drawings", or her lies &
won't be able to disparage TA ever again.

Willing to settle for LWOP. I think a DP verdict would just stun her beyond stunned. Not only would a jury convict. Mark their words they are willing to "Kill You". I like the irony.
Re-watching some testimony and I swear Nurmi and Wilmott (sp?) are nodding , making signals ( pre-arranged?) while she testifies.
Once again going over all the photos, which make me cry___ a thought came to me,
Jodi claims she hide there sex and his so called problem regarding small boys because she loved him so much and she lied and lied and lied all to protect Travis but yet after she kills him she just stuffs his poor body into the shower, on a cold hard floor to rot.
How many times have loved one's killed loved one's and they cover there bodies, they make them cozy, ( you all know what I'm trying to say right ) ?
I would post the pic that upsets me most but just doesn't feel right, but poor Travis is nude and stuffed in the shower.

Good point. In many of the real crime shows where the victim's body or face is covered, LE tends to think that the murderer is someone closely related to the victim in some way.

The way Travis was left in the shower showed utter contempt for him.
Does anyone know why Matt has not testified?

iirc matt is a wtinedd for the defense - and the defense has just started there case - but based on yesterday - idk if he will be testifying at all, or maybe a rebuttal witness for the prosecution?
I'm still flabbergasted that she had to keep rescheduling her suicide! :waitasec:

Let's see when can I fit that in. Coming up I've got:

Camping trip with potential rapists.

BS session with detective.

Not enough Advil yet.

I'll need more bedding too.

Record 48 Hours Episode.


And tastier!



They are? :waitasec:

I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

It was crazy! :crazy: The best was that she actually thinks her explanation sounded reasonable. :lol:



^^^^^ They're making me do these things!!!
What was with her suddenly referring to Travis as 'Alexander' ? Getting rattled, I hope.

Have a lovely trip, Bravo.
Jodi had no emotional attachment to Travis (or to anyone) and has distanced herself even further from him. She sees Travis as the cause of allllllll her troubles (because she won't accept blame for her own actions). She is angry with Travis for causing her all this trouble. She has also adopted "prison lingo".
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