VERDICT is IN!! #1

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LOL I was just reading a sign someone brought to the courthouse, it said:

The Defense got it wrong, they weren't defending Snow White, they were defending Pinocchio.


Wow, listening to Beth K...wish she could be in the mitigation phase to testify. I cried listening to how horrific it must have been for Travis while defending himself with the stabs and slashes to the hands, head, back ect. :cry:
why can JA have visitors at the jail?
When r they gonna take away her @#$%&^%$^% privileges?
Announced on HLN that she's back at the jail and Jodi's Mom and family are going to go visit her now.

Don't kick your Mother, kick yourself Jodi Arias.
can anyone confirm if the murderess'(i can call her that now right?! please don't TO me :( ) interview is showing at 5pm AZ time?

I doubt it. HLN reporting she is back at the JAIL waiting to visit with family.

There's no way she would be allowed to give an interview.
I do feel bad for her family. I think that she was trouble for most of her life and they just had no clue what she was capable of.

I have to say, That I wonder if this was the first and only time she ever hurt someone..
MikeGalanosHLN ‏@MikeGalanosHLN 50s
Confirmed by Estrella Jail officers, Jodi has returned to the jail and is waiting to visit with family.
Oh my! And the weep in the courtroom. Simply amazing.

There's your "Law of Attraction" Jodi- M1= guilty. :rocker:

Totally disagree with you. JA and JW were stunned in court. The looks on their faces, were of surprise and shock. They did not expect M1. JW was in utter shock when the clerk read 0 jurors voted for just felony murder. All voted premeditation, IMO, JA and JW did not expect it. Their faces showed it. :moo:
Clearly that's not true because of the motions Wilmott (and Nurmi) filed in the days leading up to today's verdict and even this morning. Of course they knew. And I'm sure they advised JA of her chances. But JA probably thought she'd beat the charges anyway cause she lives in denial. Well not anymore!

Per the WS lawyers, those motions are filed as a precaution so that they are out there for whatever outcome may occur. If they don't file a motion and it becomes too late, they're SOL. So they're basically covering all their bases.

That's my understanding of what was said. I'm not a lawyer and I don't speak legalese.
Watch her blame it on her attorneys. She wanted to tell what really happened but they told her to claim self defense. And then they brought in experts that were imcompetent. Boo hoo hoo. None of this was HER fault.

Look out Nurmi!
I haven't posted much about this case but I have been following closely. Very pleased with the verdict (especially after I was so disappointed in the Casey Anthony verdict).

Here's why I think the death penalty might be appropriate. I do realize there are probably "worse" cases, but this one is nevertheless pretty bad. Premeditated and overkill - stabbing over and over, shooting, slashing his throat from ear to ear. She clearly feels no remorse and had no concern for his suffering. Life without parole would, I guess, protect the rest of us from her, but I resent having to pay to take care of her all those years.


Far more money is spent on appeals in a DP case than the cost of housing a prisoner for life.
I'm going to watch the interview. I am fascinated by how easily she lies. She is so antisocial that it's hard to not watch her. She seems otherworldly.... I'm being nice :)
I want to thank the jury for not only handing down justice for Travis but for what they did for society. Some other poor innocent person will now not be her next victim. I sincerely believe that JA is capable of killing again. The jury did us all a huge favor. Anyone could be next. She loved roadtrips, dontchaknow? I love it that I could use the past tense of love.... LOVED roadtrips...LOVED frappes at Starbucks...LOVED to color her hair...I could go on and on.
And yes, I am DELIGHTED at this verdict.
So sad for Travis but DELIGHTED as heck with this verdict!
I doubt it. HLN reporting she is back at the JAIL waiting to visit with family.

There's no way she would be allowed to give an interview.

Yes. Now that she was convicted she lost a lot of rights.. Thank goodness.
can anyone confirm if the murderess'(i can call her that now right?! please don't TO me :( ) interview is showing at 5pm AZ time?

It's on the local news station so you'll have to watch a bunch of news stories u don't care about until they decide to play it.
This interview is only to heap on more hurt for Travis' family and friends. jmo
She looks more shellshocked than anything. I think that's why she was not crying; she was so convinced she was going to get off scot-free, that hearing the 'Guilty' verdict just threw her into this giant sense of shock and denial.

Maybe she was in a fog.


Question. If 7 voted for felony murder -- what does that mean? Is the only guilty 1st degree murder, or is felony murder also still "on the table" for the penalty phase?
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