Found Deceased OR - Meighan Cordie, 27, Yamhill County, 18 Aug 2018

Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.
VERY well thought out scenario. The only thing that makes me think jumped versus fell backward is the aortic tear as that is usually in conjunction with nonpenetrating chest traumas (frontal). In such a case, sudden high-velocity deceleration is accompanied by hyperflexion of the spine leading to sudden chest compression and traction on the aortic isthmus, the point at which the mobile aortic arch meets the fixed proximal descending thoracic aorta. (in layman's terms you are toast) It's normally fatal above and beyond the spinal injury due to deceleration as she hits a stationary object. She likely died almost instantly, which is the only blessing in this tragedy. I'd hate to think of her laying out there for hours suffering.
“Weathers came forward about the “physical nature” of the argument only after a sheriff’s detective confronted her with the clump of hair that had been found in her car, according to a decline-to-prosecute memo written by Berry.

Berry also said he found it “disconcerting at best” that Weathers said she took a muscle relaxer the night before she took her first polygraph test. The results were inconclusive.

Weathers didn’t show up for a second polygraph test and has recently failed to cooperate with investigators, Berry said.

Another inconsistency: Cordie was barefoot when she left the car, and her body was found more than nine miles from the site of the wedding — “yet her feet did not have injuries consistent with having walked over 9 miles without shoes on,” the prosecutor said.

Weathers is scheduled to appear in Yamhill County Circuit Court on Wednesday to hear the DUII and reckless endangering charges against her.”
Missing person report had omissions
“The mother has not cooperated with authorities since taking an initial polygraph test and it's unclear if she realized her daughter had been killed, Berry said. The results of the test were inconclusive, he said.

She told investigators that she had looked for her daughter in the dark and then went home.”
DA: Missing woman died instantly in jump from mom's car

I’m trying to catch up. So..she looked for how long? looking for Meighan, her daughter? And then went home? Then what? Clearly, the DA has a timeline completed from the investigation. How long did she look? How long before she called to report her non-emergency ~ Meighan? What did she tell her granddaughter? Bless this forever scarred little child. Shame on you Weathers! You disgust me. You’re not worthy to ever again call yourself Grandma. I doubt you ever were.
What I think one of the bizarre things in this case is if JW pulled over immediately and called 911 screaming that her very drunk daughter just jumped out of her moving car and she thinks she's dead, she likely would not have been charged with anything except DUI. It would not have made the news, it probably would have been portrayed as a tragic accident, and JW could have quietly checked into rehab to deal with her obvious alcoholism. Instead, there's this circus where no one feels justice was served.

It's the cover-up that gets you, not the crime.
What I think one of the bizarre things in this case is if JW pulled over immediately and called 911 screaming that her very drunk daughter just jumped out of her moving car and she thinks she's dead, she likely would not have been charged with anything except DUI. It would not have made the news, it probably would have been portrayed as a tragic accident, and JW could have quietly checked into rehab to deal with her obvious alcoholism. Instead, there's this circus where no one feels justice was served.

It's the cover-up that gets you, not the crime.
Watergate and Nixon. I’ll never forget it.
Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.

You may be on to something here.
Wow, so JW watched her daughter fall out of her car and down an embankment to her death and she called LE the next day and say her daughter was "missing" and actively hindered the investigation.

Slightly OT rant—It’s all too similar to “mommie dearest” in the case linked below that finally resulted in a prison sentence. I hope further investigation will result in more charges for JW, or a wrongful death suit at least. Her poor grandchild will be traumatized for life. I witnessed fights between my parents as a young child in the back seat of the car and 70 years later I’m still a very nervous passenger. But nobody died.

GUILTY - CA - Faith Tsarnas & Kiya Kitchen, Both 14, Die In Hit & Run, Fortuna, 12 July 2016

Summary of linked northern CA it and weep: Drunk mother slammed into and fatally injured her teen daughter and instantly killed her friend who were skateboarding on a country road with good visibility, a risk young teens are prone to take. She drove to her nearby home, hid her vehicle, asked her teen son to lie (without telling him what she had done), returned to scene with her boyfriend, and, to make a long story short, did not admit to her family what she had done until her daughter died the next day. She refused to speak to the police for at least a month on advice of her quickly-hired attorneys. The damage to the front of her vehicle was extensive, showing how fast she was going on impact. She was charged two months after the accident with manslaughter among other things.

It sounds like manslaughter at the very least to me.

Yes, I would call it manslaughter too. In the case mentioned above, the “mother” took two years to plead guilty to manslaughter (plus) and was sentenced to eight years in prison on a plea deal. She will probably get out in four, so that’s just two years for each life. Better than nothing...I guess. I thought no one could top this horrible woman, but JW comes really close. It’s a crime, whether it can be prosecuted or not.

End rant. :mad:
If she was sober and had a flashlight, I'd say she could have seen her. But it was dark and she was drunk which makes it less likely, IMO. (And we don't know whether she had a flashlight.)

"She told investigators that she had looked for her daughter in the dark and then went home."
Mom of Meighan Cordie, 27, who died after jumping from her car left holes in missing person report | Daily Mail Online

“She told investigators that she had looked for her daughter in the dark and then went home."“


This could be true.

Add a couple words (“and found her”).
Just a thought. Catching up.

ETA In case I forget, what was the state of the mother’s clothes?
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“She told investigators that she had looked for her daughter in the dark and then went home."“


This could be true.

Add a couple words (“and found her”).
Just a thought. Catching up.

ETA In case I forget, what was the state of the mother’s clothes?
I don't think we've heard about her clothes. She didn't call anybody until the next morning.
I don’t think she’d jump out and leave her daughter there, moo.
It doesn't make sense, does it?

I drove on the very on-ramp where Meighan was found over the weekend. I had a terrible lump in my throat as I thought about her and little Gia.

As a mother, I cannot imagine driving off and leaving my daughter to die, with her child in the car. (Nor could I live with the knowledge that I may have contributed to her death in some way).

I am saddened by the turn of events, and pray for the families involved. Especially Gia. She does not deserve to be without a mother. I guess you could say I am outraged that she will never (it appears) have justice. :(
I don't think we've heard about her clothes. She didn't call anybody until the next morning.

It doesn't make sense, does it?


Do we know if a SW was executed and when? Just wondering about her clothes.

Anyway that was just an initial thought,that maybe she went back to look and found her, still catching up but wanted to say it sounds like she was traaaashed. And she maybe might have been in practical blackout comatose mode, I’ve seen it with my ex. Which is why I left him. Because he was endangering our lives when he would “blackout behind the wheel”.

This is all such a horrible story. I hate it. I know others out there have experienced the effects of someone with a drinking problem.

(ETA: I’m not saying she blacked out, just saying I’m picturing the things my ex would do, total cars (yes plural), like MY CAR, fall asleep in the garage with the car running and doors closed, just really bad stuff, literally forget me at places and leave me there...And he would be cluuuuuless the next day. Total black out. Sorry for o/t, jus sayin. Ouch.)
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Do we know if a SW was executed and when? Just wondering about her clothes.
Anyway that was just an initial thought,that maybe she went back to look and found her, still catching up but wanted to say it sounds like she was traaaashed. And she indeed might have been in practical blackout comatose mode, I’ve seen it with my ex before my last ex. Which is why I left him. Because he was endangering our lives when he would “blackout behind the wheel”.

This is a this is a horrible story. I hate it.

(I’m not saying she blacked out, just saying I’m picturing the things my ex would do, total cars (yes plural), like MY CAR.
You've thrown me for a loop, Magz. What do you mean by executed?

ETA: N/M I woke up, lol! I don't remember if a search warrant was executed. Will have to read back. (I was confused because SW has become the victim in the Watts case for me - wasn't thinking "search warrant.") Goodness!

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