CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #3

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Woodland Park residence bought 5/14/18.

Perhaps she moved to Woodland Park to be closer to work? How long has she worked at Doss?

What is the commute like from Woodland Park to Colorado Springs?

It's anywhere from 25-40 mins from CO Springs to Woodland Park, up winding Hwy24, depending on which part of the Springs you're coming from (it's a fairly sprawling city).

She worked in Pueblo, from my understanding, however, and this would be over an hour commute from Woodland Park. Plenty of closer, more affordable options, between Woodland Park and Pueblo.

*edit, grammar
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In the age of being able to spoof almost any location, I would think this would be possible.

However, in regards to the text, I thought LE had the data in hand regarding the cell phone ping data coming from near Gooding. While the message itself can be spoofed, I don't think you can fake the actual data collected at the tower.
My sister who used to run a Verizon store said the same thing about the actual data collected.
To put this situation in perspective, it is very hard in 2018 to voluntarily disappear without a trace. Even if she destroyed her cell phone, she would need money to live. Unless she accumulated a large amount of cash or made a large withdrawal, she would need to use a debit or credit card. If she checked into some kind of rehab facility she would have had to have a fake name and a form of payment. I am sure LE has thoroughly checked these things and is monitoring her accounts.

About the only way she could pull this off is if she had someone helping her so she did not leave any trace.
The family has reported that this is not in her character and she gave no red flags this is a likely scenario. That being said: A couple of weeks a go a 15 year old boy Thomas Kolding evaded police and his parents for weeks with a backpack and $1000.
I fear I agree with you. I think I would need help. However, as for PF he did NONE of the above except lawyer up. Makes my hinky meter for off the charts.

<modsnip - personalizing> If you recall, PF voluntarily shared his phone with LE, gave interviews, a dna swab, and photographs. It was only after the press conference that he met with a lawyer. I don’t call that lawyering up. Seeking legal advice in a serious situation such as this is just smart.

Also, PF may have been discussing his rights as to his daughter with said lawyer, or taking steps to protect Kelsey’s assets for her daughter’s future. So I respectfully disagree with your hinky meter about a person who is not a suspect or poi and who has done more than as you say, lawyer up.

And, the last time I knew, not talking to the media is not a crime. As a matter of fact, IMO, the media, in this case, has caused as much confusion as it has helped.

Furthermore, PF’s lawyer shared some important information with us. Based upon our Code of Ethics, and until I see evidence that PF’s lawyer has misled us, I will accept what information he has provided to us and keep an open mind. All of this is just my learned opinion based upon my education, training and experience. I hope I have helped.

Best, Mercedes
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And even if she had someone with her, who bankrolled the trip, they would likely show up on camera somewhere...eventually...if we knew where to look.
Agree- if you took a trip that long 13 hrs or so you leave a trail. Now that the public is aware there should be some corroboration that she did in fact travel to Idaho. Even if she took the trip by plane. In the absence of corroboration its a strong indicator that perhaps it wasn't her hand on that phone.

His attorney quote speaking of his client "he hasn't been isolated as a person of interest in this case" - that's interesting phraseology. Would LE ever just isolate one POI with out absolute proof? I don't think so. Sounds like someone is tap dancing with words, maybe LE said that to the attorney or the attorney is saying that to the media.
His attorney quote speaking of his client "he hasn't been isolated as a person of interest in this case" - that's interesting phraseology. Would LE ever just isolate one POI with out absolute proof? I don't think so. Sounds like someone is tap dancing with words, maybe LE said that to the attorney or the attorney is saying that to the media.

He is not a suspect or a POI.

This is still a missing persons case.
His attorney quote speaking of his client "he hasn't been isolated as a person of interest in this case" - that's interesting phraseology. Would LE ever just isolate on POI with out absolute proof? I don't think so. Sounds like someone is tap dancing with words, maybe LE said that to the attorney or the attorney is saying that to the media.

There’s been conflicting information given by the media so it’s hard to say.
His attorney quote speaking of his client "he hasn't been isolated as a person of interest in this case" - that's interesting phraseology. Would LE ever just isolate one POI with out absolute proof? I don't think so. Sounds like someone is tap dancing with words, maybe LE said that to the attorney or the attorney is saying that to the media.
Didn't catch that. Good catch!
If a phone is turned on inside a small plane flying sufficiently low, would that phone be able to ping a nearby tower?
I frequently am able to use my phone on commercial airlines @30K feet so my guess is yes.
Are you irritated with me? I hope not. My take on this situation is like many others on here. Why did you single me out?
I know this won't kill this line of comments but here goes:

The SO and last person to claim to have seen a missing person will always be the #1 POI until they can be excluded no matter if LE publicly identifies them as such or not. There is no requirement that LE notify a suspect that they are a suspect. He is definitely being investigated as a suspect.

It is wise for him to be talking to an attorney and it in no way indicates he is guilty. There may be very reasonable explanations for why he did not report his fiance missing and all of his other behavior that we find hinkey. There is also the issue with his daughter and her legal status that he might want to firm up as well.
IMO there are really only two outcomes and both make sense to me.

1. She left of her her own free will and while that doesn’t make sense to a lot of people, many woman have done it. And tbh not much about this case makes much sense.

2. She met with foul play.

I truly believe LE has some indication of which of those two scenarios are most likely. The fact they aren’t releasing any new information indicates to me that they have a strong suspicion of what did in fact occur.

Some questions I have:
1. I wonder if her door keys/car keys were missing as well as her purse and cell phone.
2. What did she purchase at the Safeway store.
3. Did PF expect her to have Thanksgiving with him or his family?

It is possible LE has asked PF NOT to talk to the media and to keep what he knows to himself while they investigate. It is possible KB baked the rolls, grabbed her purse, and went for a quick walk (not unlike Mollie Tibbits). It is also possible PF texted her several times (and LE knows it), but he has been asked to not reveal ANYTHING to the media. LE may not discourage all "hype" regarding PF as it deflects from their "real" investigation into what has happened to KB.

The fact that she purchased a small home on her own earlier in the year (just big enough for her and baby?) may speak volumes about her feelings toward PF. She might not want to be in a married relationship with him. When I look at the photo of her and PF with baby, I sense a "standoffish" stance in her. JMO. If she did not want a romantic/marital relationship with PF, she may have met someone she was interested in through work, etc. She was exposed to a "lot" of eligible men in her line of work, and she is a very attractive woman. Being a flight instructor, it sounds like most of her clients would be "temporary" to the area.

We know so little about her (unlike SW), that it is hard to try to understand what her habits, likes or dislikes truly are.

This is the most puzzling disappearance case I've come across in a while. The "only" reason we are questioning PF is because of his reluctance to talk to media, etc., when it may be that he has been asked NOT to talk to media as the investigation progresses. He may be the one person LE has actually cleared in her disappearance.

Just throwing some ideas out there for chewing purposes.

Praying she is found soon.
I frequently am able to use my phone on commercial airlines @30K feet so my guess is yes.

I know this won't kill this line of comments but here goes:

The SO and last person to claim to have seen a missing person will always be the #1 POI until they can be excluded no matter if LE publicly identifies them as such or not. There is no requirement that LE notify a suspect that they are a suspect. He is definitely being investigated as a suspect.

It is wise for him to be talking to an attorney and it in no way indicates he is guilty. There may be very reasonable explanations for why he did not report his fiance missing and all of his other behavior that we find hinkey. There is also the issue with his daughter and her legal status that he might want to firm up as well.
I was just saying to a poster earlier that I fear I would lawyer up also. I appreciate your take into POI/suspect.
I am on the fence in this case. Stuck on the fence, with several possible scenarios looming....

Possible scenarios:

1. KB got upset, or fed up, and voluntarily left home, to sort things out.

[a] she is off grid for now but is OK

OR she ran into the wrong people and things went bad

[c] she ended her own life

2. Someone close to her , made her 'disappear '

3. A random predator made her disappear in an opportunity attack

I am still leaning towards number 2, but 1 is also possible

I was on the fence until we got more info. I'm firmly in the #2 camp now.

Does anyone else think it is odd that as soon as the statement is released KB's mom does an interview...and speaks so so highly of the fiance?

At first I thought it was strange or that perhaps CB has been misinformed about Kelsey's relationship status with PF, but after seeing more of her interviews I think CB is being smart. Possibly a "you catch more flies with honey" kind of thinking. Or perhaps a Matthew 10:16 strategy (shrew as snakes/innocent as doves). Plus, he has her grand daughter. I'm guessing CB hopes to see her again. MOO.
I frequently am able to use my phone on commercial airlines @30K feet so my guess is yes.

I know this won't kill this line of comments but here goes:

The SO and last person to claim to have seen a missing person will always be the #1 POI until they can be excluded no matter if LE publicly identifies them as such or not. There is no requirement that LE notify a suspect that they are a suspect. He is definitely being investigated as a suspect.

It is wise for him to be talking to an attorney and it in no way indicates he is guilty. There may be very reasonable explanations for why he did not report his fiance missing and all of his other behavior that we find hinkey. There is also the issue with his daughter and her legal status that he might want to firm up as well.
I totally understand getting legal advice whether innocent or guilty. I get that. And I can understand a reluctance to be interviewed. I'm sure Kelsey's mom does not want to be interviewed either.

What is harder to understand is the impression that is being made. The public at least isn't seeing any concern from this person, no pleas on behalf of the child to be reunited with her mom.....we're seeing nothing and really the only words we've heard are telling media to get off his property.

This same person who isn't displaying any concern is the same person who didn't notify LE that Kelsey hasn't been home in over a week. Having legal advice and representation is understandable; giving such a cold impression is harder to understand.

The appearance, whether he intends it or not, is that he cares more about his own protection than that of Kelsey.

I also tell myself there might be a reason for that - maybe he knows something about the situation that explains is apparent cold feelings about it. I do keep that in mind, though I lean in a different direction.

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