CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #52 *ARREST*

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Another informative article regarding the texts:

MAR 7, 2019
Cops find bags of adult teeth at Patrick Frazee’s property in search for Kelsey Berreth: Documents

Included in the documents released on Wednesday is a search warrant of Frazee’s residence in Florissant, Colorado, and the findings of investigators. According to the records, Woodland Park police searched the property on December 14, and found “multiple bags containing adult molars in multiple rooms throughout the residence”that Patrick shared with his mother Sheila Frazee.

Frazee was arrested and charged with murder the week following the discovery of the teeth and additional evidence, including bottles of bleach and other household cleaning products that tested positive for traces of blood.


The search warrants further detail text message exchanges between Berreth’s phone and Frazee’s phone that authorities believe took place after Berreth’s death.
One more... :)

MAR 7, 2019
Warrants reveal cell phone evidence in Frazee case

With help from Verizon, police were able to track both of their phone locations on Thanksgiving Day.

A figure developed after securing a warrant for Frazee’s phone and Verizon records for both his and Berreth’s phones showed how police tracked the devices appearing to travel together. Around 5 p.m., the phones both ping off the same tower in Florissant. They were traveling southwest, from Woodland Park, heading toward Frazee’s residence.


The figure above shows their rates of travel, which police were able to calculate when they received information on each phone’s response time to the tower. Berreth’s phone is the arc on the left, and Frazee’s is the larger arc on the right.

“That’s how you get that arc that shows that approximately that cell phone is, you know, a mile, a mile-and-a-half away from that tower,” Pfoff said.

Then, there’s evidence of a plot in text messages police obtained between Berreth and Frazee’s phones.



Using the location data, police have now determined this was a plan Frazee developed to distance himself as a murder suspect, something Pfoff said can be common in this type of case.

“Based on this, his plan is clearly to show that she’s still alive much later than she was. That’s pretty obvious.”
We know this, it’s stated right in the affidavit.

“Something is not right,” is right.

KB’s phone and PF’s were together while PF staged most of his deception, with the exception of when KK had it, and sent the texts to PF and Doss.

I guess I’m not understanding your point.
You said text messages aren’t important but I think they are. That’s my point.
lol @ two things:

- the notion that a mom of a child under two years old would NOT check in on her baby once in a 8 hour window is ridiculous. According to those texts, “KB” told PF she was going for a run at 732am, then doesn’t appear again until 3:13pm (15:13) when she’s suddenly shopping. Sure, Jan.

- after the shopping text, she goes ghost for another two hours until she pops up again and asks PF to keep the baby for the night. Additionally, one would think she were asking PF to keep watch on a plant for another night. No texts about, “I’ll call in a little while to say goodnight to Kaylee,” or “tell Kaylee I love her and miss her!”

This is not how the vast majority of toddler moms act. We smother our babies with love. We know they miss us when we are away for just a little bit. We don’t casually ask people to keep them for another night like it’s NBD. And we certainly don’t disappear for long periods of time while they are in someone else’s care without so much as asking a question about how the child’s day went. Did they nap? What did they eat? Did they poop/pee, etc?
JMHO, but KKL is jobless and close to homeless now (probably living with relatives) and, aside from her court appearances, hasn't shown her face in public for months. Someone else (dad? aunt?) is supporting her, and I'm guessing that person or persons is none too happy about it. She pled guilty to a felony, and that will follow her around forever. If she tries to get another job, that felony will appear on her background check. She will never escape it. Her punishment on the outside may not be quite the same as his punishment on the inside, but I feel confident that life on the outside will forever be challenging and difficult for her. I imagine that more than one of her family members has chastised her for her heinous actions. She's not getting off easy. She will just be doing her time in a different way. MOO
Might be a worse punishment. She will be scorned and have to see people whispering behind her back. Daily she will be reminded of what her life was like and what is like now as an outcast. Still deserves way more jail time and scary to know that there are people like her slithering amongst us.
You said text messages aren’t important but I think they are. That’s my point.


At no point did I say that “text messages aren’t important.”

I said:

“As for who sent those texts from KB’s phone, it doesn’t really matter.

If KK sent them, they were under his direction, as he was the one who had the story to sell.

Their phones (PF’s and KB’s) being in the same location at the time, doesn’t make it relevant anyways.”

So, to restate:

If KK sent them, great.

If PF sent them, great

PF’s phone being in the same vicinity as KB’s phone when the texts were sent, is what matters.

I’m confident that he sent every one of them himself, with the exception of the two that KK sent to him and Doss respectively.

But if she did it, it doesn’t change the case.

So I ask again, what is the point of this train of thought regarding the text messages?

I’m genuinely confused.
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We don’t need text messages to tell us when Kelsey was killed. We have a firm time period, one that consists of a matter of hours.

That time period is the afternoon of the 22nd, when PF was caught in his first major lie, returning to Kelsey’s home.

Her phone leaves with his, thereby extending his lie about when he last saw her.

He says they exchange the baby and he never sees her again, but how can he explain her phone being in the vicinity of his, for the better part of two days afterwards?

He can’t.

KK’s lie about where she was on the 24th (she said she was at PF’s ranch checking on a horse), was exposed via cell tower data.

Her phone during the cleanup period, was transmitting off a tower that serviced the location of KB’s house.

This same type of data, will dig his grave when it comes to the location of KB’s phone and his, during the dates in question.

As for who sent those texts from KB’s phone, it doesn’t really matter.

If KK sent them, they were under his direction, as he was the one who had the story to sell.

Their phones (PF’s and KB’s) being in the same location at the time, doesn’t make it relevant anyways.
Thanks for explaining this so perfectly every single time, MG!
You said text messages aren’t important but I think they are. That’s my point.

You appeared to me to be saying that the texts were important because it may be showing that KB was still alive on the 24th or morning of the 25th.

I think his point was those texts were 'not important in that way' because the phones pinged as being together so they were not really coming from KB at her home texting PF at his.
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Another informative article regarding the texts:

MAR 7, 2019
Cops find bags of adult teeth at Patrick Frazee’s property in search for Kelsey Berreth: Documents

Included in the documents released on Wednesday is a search warrant of Frazee’s residence in Florissant, Colorado, and the findings of investigators. According to the records, Woodland Park police searched the property on December 14, and found “multiple bags containing adult molars in multiple rooms throughout the residence”that Patrick shared with his mother Sheila Frazee.

Frazee was arrested and charged with murder the week following the discovery of the teeth and additional evidence, including bottles of bleach and other household cleaning products that tested positive for traces of blood.


The search warrants further detail text message exchanges between Berreth’s phone and Frazee’s phone that authorities believe took place after Berreth’s death.

Wait a minute. They recovered teeth at the franch? I missed this!
You appeared to me to be saying that the texts were important because it may be showing that KB was still alive on the 24th or morning of the 25th.

I think his point was those texts were 'not important in that way' because the phones pinged as being together so they were not really coming from KB at her home texting PF at his.

My read on the text dilemma is that there are some lingering doubts out there about a few things. And questions are being asked from a perspective of “Trust.. but Verify”. The defense certainly will raise the questions, if and when this ever goes to trial.

-Was KB deceased on Nov 22?
-Who had control of each phone?
-Whereabouts of KK throughout the period of 11/21 to 11/25.
-Was their yet another accomplice, conspirator, accessory?

I believe the evidence is a slam dunk that it went down as per the affidavit. But I also get that folks want to be sure that all the participants in this heinous crime are brought to justice.

lol @ two things:

- the notion that a mom of a child under two years old would NOT check in on her baby once in a 8 hour window is ridiculous. According to those texts, “KB” told PF she was going for a run at 732am, then doesn’t appear again until 3:13pm (15:13) when she’s suddenly shopping. Sure, Jan.

- after the shopping text, she goes ghost for another two hours until she pops up again and asks PF to keep the baby for the night. Additionally, one would think she were asking PF to keep watch on a plant for another night. No texts about, “I’ll call in a little while to say goodnight to Kaylee,” or “tell Kaylee I love her and miss her!”

This is not how the vast majority of toddler moms act. We smother our babies with love. We know they miss us when we are away for just a little bit. We don’t casually ask people to keep them for another night like it’s NBD. And we certainly don’t disappear for long periods of time while they are in someone else’s care without so much as asking a question about how the child’s day went. Did they nap? What did they eat? Did they poop/pee, etc?

Agree 100%. We don’t have kids but any time I am away from home for more than an hour I text my husband for an update on the dog.

Granted, when it is “his time” she could be a little more hands off about their daughter, but the level of interaction we can see prior to when she was likely murdered makes that long gap seem odd. Especially because they seem to be making plans together but then he says he did not see her. Add in the weird tone the texts take afterwards and something is definitely out of the ordinary.

Would love to see several days worth of texts previous to what we have been shown, but I am guessing the patterns of normal and abnormal behavior are even more obvious to LE with all the info they have at their disposal.

all moo.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions.
A lot of us here have questions we wish we had answers to right now about KB's murder.
Many of the questions being asked now are more than likely going to remain unanswered until the trial.

The DA does not have to produce any more evidence or present his case until the trial.
It would be entirely inappropriate for DA May to present his case and lay out all the case evidence to the public in advance of the trial.
The DA is in possession of many, many more facts, and much, much more evidence, than any of us have even an inkling about.

DA May, being in possession of all the facts and evidence, has charged PF, and PF alone, with the murder of KB.
Frankly, that tells us a lot. Or it should, anyway.

KK is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person.
KK actions and inactions r/t the murder solicitations by PF prior to KB's murder and her cleanup duties and cover-up activities in the aftermath of KB's murder are morally reprehensible. She's a repulsive snake.
PF should have known better than to trust a snake like KK.
But this is PF we're talking about here.
He thought he could charm the snake.

The DA made an offer to KK: testify against PF, in exchange for a sweetie beauty of a deal.
She took it.
Probably the only smart thing she's done.
The snake PF thought he charmed is going to bite him. Fortunately.

KK has not been charged with the murder of KB.
KK is not going to be tried for the murder of KB.

PF has been charged with the murder of KB.
PF is going to be tried for the murder of KB.

We all have questions.
For me, "Whodunnit?" is definitely not one of them.

Whodunnit is PF.

All of the Above: JMO.
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One little detail (among many) that has been bothering me: KK took PF back to the condo to get his truck sometime after she was done cleaning up. I can't find any mention anywhere of him going to the condo on the 24th.

The Sonic footage and the eagle-eyed WS folks seems to finally have provided a partial answer.

Based on what we have known, I thought KK came into town, swung by the ranchette to get the condo keys, cleaned up, went to Sonic and then met PF at the Conoco. I did wonder where she left her car when they went to retrieve the tote.

If PF and Baby K were in the car with KK at Sonic and they subsequently had to go get his pickup at the condo, then it sure sounds like PF and Baby K met up with KK at the condo and then went to Sonic together.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions.
A lot of us here have questions we wish we had answers to right now about KB's murder.
Many of the questions being asked now are more than likely going to remain unanswered until the trial.

The DA does not have to produce any more evidence or present his case until the trial.
It would be entirely inappropriate for DA May to present his case and lay out all the case evidence to the public in advance of the trial.
The DA is in possession of many, many more facts, and much, much more evidence, than any of us have even an inkling about.
The DA, knowing all these facts, has charged PF, and PF alone, with the murder of KB.

Frankly, that tells us a lot. Or it should, anyway.

KK is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person.
KK actions and inactions r/t the murder solicitations by PF prior to KB's murder and her cleanup duties and cover-up activities in the aftermath of KB's murder are morally reprehensible. She's a repulsive snake.
PF should have known better than to trust a snake like KK.
But this is PF we're talking about here.
He thought he could charm the snake.

KK made a deal with the DA: testify against PF, in exchange for a sweetie beauty of a deal.
She took it.
Probably the only smart thing she's done. Unfortunately.
The snake PF thought he charmed is going to bite him. Fortunately.

KK has not been charged with the murder of KB.
KK is not going to be tried for the murder of KB.

PF has been charged with the murder of KB.
PF is going to be tried for the murder of KB.

We all have questions.
For me, "Whodunnit?" is definitely not one of them.

Whodunnit is PF.

All of the Above: JMO.
I will see your "Whodunnit" and raise you a "Whenhedunnit" - Nov. 22 between 1:25 and 3:13 p.m. MOO
Tippy Lynn’s excellent timeline at the beginning of the thread includes the phone calls and texts, and a narrative. You might be able to use hers and just add in the exact verbiage of the texts from the search warrants next to each one.

That is a great idea. Never thought of that, maybe I can cut and paste or something--not something I do much of. I am just (for my own clarity) wanting to put those things together.

KB and PF sent texts and had phone calls, KK and PF did, PF and ma had a phone call or two, PF had KB's phone and made calls and texts, KK had KB's phone and the same occurred. I just want to see them all together and the times, etc. They are all over various numerous search warrants.

I will bet the prosecution has done just that and the defense as well but I doubt if I ask they will provide me with that :)

Just trying to read between the lies of the two liars... The pros states things to match to their version by KK and of course do not state others, the defense will as well match to whatever they decide to say--I want to see the whole picture put together, or at least the one of the dates we have and the info that is not missing.
Bringing forward @Gardener1850's detailed timeline of November 22. Thank you again for this, Gardener. Amazing and incredibly helpful! :)

Deceased/Not Found - CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #50 *ARREST*

Gardener1850 said:
Update #2:

Detailed Timeline of November 22, 2018

1 – 4 a.m.:
Investigators found that there were at least seven contacts made between Frazee and Berreth’s cell phones between these hours, including a four-minute phone call that happened around 1:42 a.m.

1:17 a.m. KB calls PF he doesn't answer (missed call)

1:18 a.m.
KB calls PF a second time and he doesn't answer (missed call)

1:20 a.m. KB calls PF and they hold a 16 second conversation

1:42 a.m. KB calls PF and they hold a 4 minute and 32 second conversation.

1:50 a.m KB buys PF Tums Antacid at Walmart (based on a receipt found in her truck)

3:32 a.m. KB calls PF and he doesn't answer (missed call)

3:34 a.m. PF calls KB
and they hold a 13 second conversation.

3:37 a.m. PF text to KB: I'll come down after I do chores and (Baby K) can go with me to Walmart and the bank so you can get a nap. Then we can figure out our plans

3:53 a.m. KB text to PF: Ok. We're home

3:53 a.m. PF text to KB:
Ok thanks

Approx. 9:00 a.m. KB speaks to her mom on the phone. KB tells CB about checking on cattle with PF the night before and getting him medicine and that she got home around 4 am. KB also says that she and PF and baby are planning to go out for Thanksgiving Dinner but has to hang up the phone quickly to change baby K's diaper.

9:15 a.m. KB text to PF: Want to go out to eat?

Approx. 9:15 a.m. CB calls KB back and they talk briefly about Christmas gift lists and other similar topics.

9:37 a.m. KB text to PF:
Call us when you wake up

9:40 a.m. PF calls KB and they have a 3 minute and 28 second conversation.

12:02 p.m.
KB is seen pulling into the Safeway parking lot in her red Chevy Silverado Truck and removing the car seat carrier and Baby K from the passenger's side.

12:05 p.m
KB is seen on video entering Safeway with her daughter in a baby carrier/car seat.

12:22-12:24 p.m. KB is seen on video checking out her purchases at Safeway (flowers and dip ingredients). She needed assistance to get a poinsettia plant from floral and therefore had 2 receipts. The first receipt had food items and the second receipt had only the floral purchase.

12:27 p.m. KB and her daughter are captured on a surveillance camera at the Safeway in Woodland Park leaving the store. She is seen on video loading the groceries and baby K into her red truck and driving out the west end of the parking lot.

Sometime Between 12:30 and 1:00 PM KB's neighbor was leaving her home to go to her family Thanksgiving and saw 3 vehicles (2 red trucks and KB's car) parked at KB's house. One red truck was parked perpendicular to the other two vehicles, blocking them in. Sam Kraemer on Twitter

12:31 p.m PF calls KB and they have a 35 second conversation*

12:33 p.m.
PF calls KB again and the call lasts 8 seconds*
*Cell Phone data show both PF and KB's phones were in the vicinity of KB's home during the 2 above calls.

12:36 p.m. PF's red Toyota Tacoma was seen on video from William's Log Furniture turn onto North Fairview Street from Hwy 24 and continue Northbound on Fairview (Traveling towards KB's home). The truck had a white box object in the bed.

12:37 p.m KB's truck is observed on video taken from William's Log Furniture driving Westbound on Hwy 24 and turning onto North Fairview St (Travel towards KB's Home).

12:41 p.m. KB text to PF: I bought some sweet potatoes in case you wanted sweet potato casserole but I forgot to get pecans so if you want some you should get some

Approx. 1 PM A still frame from the surveillance camera showed Frazee, Berreth as well as the flowers that she picked up from the Safeway store in front of her door around 1 p.m. (Time is not exact).

12:44 p.m. PF's red Toyota with the white box in the bed item is seen on William's Log Furniture video driving Southbound on North Fairview towards the HWY 24 intersection (Away from KB's home and in the direction of Walmart/the Bank).

12:44-12:50 p.m PF is seen on video at the Woodland Park ENT Bank ATM. He made 4 transactions during this visit. 3 deposits and one withdrawal. Both the baby and baby carrier are visible in the ATM video with PF at 12:47 p.m.

12:54 – 1:17 p.m.: Frazee was captured on surveillance video at the Walmart in Woodland Park carrying a baby carrier with a blanket similar to the one seen in the Safeway footage. Investigators wrote in the affidavit that they believe their 1-year-old daughter was in the carrier at the time.

Approx. 1:24 p.m.*** A person matching Frazee’s description is captured entering the front door of Berreth’s apartment on a neighbor’s surveillance camera – which investigators said contradicted what Frazee had told them about a timeline on that day. (See Arrest Affadavit)

Approx 1:25 & 43 seconds p.m. (13:25:43)*** PF's red Toyota is seen on William's Log Furniture video turning onto North Fairview from HWY 24 and traveling Northbound (Towards KB's home). The truck appears to have some kind of crate in the bed.
*** All times are noted as approximate

Investigators believe PF murdered KB in her home sometime in the afternoon of Nov 22. KKL says that PF blindfolded KB with a sweater and asked KB to guess candle scents before he beat her to death with a baseball bat.

3:13 p.m. PF's bank account shows a transaction at Walmart.

3:36 p.m.: That same neighbor’s surveillance camera again captures images of a person that matches Frazee’s description at Berreth’s home. Frazee called his mother, Sheila, and Kenney at this time, according to his phone records. This is the beginning of when Frazee allegedly started carrying out his “scheme,” as the affidavit calls it, of using his and Berreth’s phones to try and “distract law enforcement, distort the actual date of [Berreth’s] appearance, and separate himself as a suspect in a murder investigation.”

4:24 p.m. PF makes a call to a number ending in 6021 and his cell phone connects to the tower near KB's home (CBI agent testified that this is when PF called his mother SF).
4:37 p.m. PF's calls a number ending in 6679. PF cell again connects to the Woodland Park tower near KB's home but in the east facing sector. (CBI testified this was an Idaho number belonging to Krystal Kenney Lee)**
4:43 p.m. PF receives a call on his phone from the number ending in 6679 (KKL's number). PF's phone connects to a tower near Divide, CO, and a sector facing west along route 24. The call last 141 seconds.**
4:50 p.m. PF calls KKL's 6679 number back and talks for 251 seconds.**

**KB's phone was also tracked and from approx 3:30-4:50 KB's phone moves along the same route as PF's phone. Both phones appear to move along Route 24 in the direction from KB's home toward PF's home. Due to the time delay of when phone warrants were issued only "failed attempt" calls were recorded. These are probably calls that failed to connect or dropped due to poor reception.

KKL says that PF called her on the afternoon of Nov 22 and told her she "had a mess to clean up." KKL knew that meant KB had been murdered. She says she told him she could not come until Nov 24th.

9:54, 10:03, 10:15 & 10:48 PM: Both Frazee’s and Berreth’s cell phones were connected with cell towers near Cripple Creek, traveling in the same direction and similar distances from the towers. “This would indicate the phones were likely traveling together,” Frazee’s affidavit says. The area where the phones connected is in the direction of Robert Slagle's Guffey, CO residence.

KKL says that PF put KB's body in a black plastic tote and took it to the Nash Ranch near Guffey, CO on Nov 22 (See Arrest Affidavit).

11:11 p.m. PF's phone is recorded 3 miles south of a Florissant cell tower 2 miles south of his residence. There is nothing to indicate PF and KB's phones ever separated during this 2.5 hour window.

The affidavit says KB and PF's two cell phones stayed together for the entirety of Nov. 22-24.

Sources: Search Warrant.pdf
Sam Kraemer on Twitter and Affidavit for Arrest Warrant.pdf
Live blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing
Tippy's existing timeline of events :)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions.
A lot of us here have questions we wish we had answers to right now about KB's murder.
Many of the questions being asked now are more than likely going to remain unanswered until the trial.

The DA does not have to produce any more evidence or present his case until the trial.
It would be entirely inappropriate for DA May to present his case and lay out all the case evidence to the public in advance of the trial.
The DA is in possession of many, many more facts, and much, much more evidence, than any of us have even an inkling about.

DA May, being in possession of all the facts and evidence, has charged PF, and PF alone, with the murder of KB.
Frankly, that tells us a lot. Or it should, anyway.

KK is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person.
KK actions and inactions r/t the murder solicitations by PF prior to KB's murder and her cleanup duties and cover-up activities in the aftermath of KB's murder are morally reprehensible. She's a repulsive snake.
PF should have known better than to trust a snake like KK.
But this is PF we're talking about here.
He thought he could charm the snake.

The DA made an offer to KK: testify against PF, in exchange for a sweetie beauty of a deal.
She took it.
Probably the only smart thing she's done.
The snake PF thought he charmed is going to bite him. Fortunately.

KK has not been charged with the murder of KB.
KK is not going to be tried for the murder of KB.

PF has been charged with the murder of KB.
PF is going to be tried for the murder of KB.

We all have questions.
For me, "Whodunnit?" is definitely not one of them.

Whodunnit is PF.

All of the Above: JMO.
Agree with all of the above!

"The snake PF thought he charmed is going to bite him."

Too bad her bite isn't fatal because a slow painful death is what that devil deserves. JMO
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