Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #4

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In this she says “ lived as Mary French in the 1800’s who was Joseph Smith Jr’s natural grandmother”. Previous posts have indicated she’s claimed to be JS Jr’s wife. Does she think he married his grandmother or she was his grandmother first, died and was reincarnated as his wife?

This woman is scarier than Manson and poses a threat to anyone she stumbles on, depending on the day. I think they need to do whatever is necessary to just find her and lock her up like the animal she is.

Is it possible Charles was just a largely harmless, garden-variety religious nut? Lori gloms onto him and he thinks he’s found a kindred spirit. Believes he’s in love. Never hurt a fly before but now his wife is dead. Maybe his doing because he believes Lori when she tells him it was God’s plan, maybe he wakes up one morning surprised Tammy’s dead. Who knows?

Lori tells him they need to get married to fulfill their destiny (just like Alex and Melanie had to find new spouses) Chad’s numb, confused and goes along in a bit of a fog. Maybe he’s even drugged. Then LE show up looking for Lori’s kids, whom she’s told him are staying with their fathers or friends. When he finds out that’s a lie she sells him a story that the kids are safe but must stay hidden and now their own lives are in danger. They flee. As time passes Chad sees snippets of news or hears from people he’s secretly in contact with. Finds out Chad was murdered. Alex shot him while Lori was there and now Alex is dead. Previous hubby died too. And Melanie’s husband was shot at in broad daylight.

Lori keeps spouting more crazy crap and suddenly Chad snaps out of it. Sees things clearly. He’s attached himself to a homicidal she-devil who may kill him at any moment. Might go back and kill his family and friends too. He’s in a bunker in the middle of who-knows-nowhere surrounded by nothing but Lori apostles. In a prison of his own making with no escape.

I don’t know what Chad is and isn’t guilty of, and I don’t have sympathy for him either way. But Lori is the Whacko ringmaster in this hellacious circus. I don’t see things ending well for Chad’s human form at all.

I hate to say it but JJ and Tylee are likely gone. Unless Lori is found soon, more innocent people are going to die. LE needs to take off the kid gloves and go find that *****.

MHO only of course

I think Chad's all in. MOO
That poor man- very brave of him to come forward for an interview. How frightening that poor Charles was trying to save his children and ended up murdered. He obviously cared about those kids and knew Lori was definitely going off the deep end.

So many people are affected by their actions. How dare they hide like cowards! I hope LE finds them soon.
Speaking of enablers, I have been wondering- at what point, does at least one of them have some epiphany that all of this killing and running from the law is totally not cool and not Christian?

It's so hard to believe that out of all of their followers, that they believe this garbage is acceptable? Lori's popping off several family members, possibly her own children (the fact that Joshua's service dog was returned gave me the chills), telling people Tylee died.

Can all of these people truly be witless lemmings and just yes Maam, yes Sir, and question nothing, not come forward if they've seen the kids or Lori and Chad? Do any of them have a damn conscience? Every single one of these people helping them or enabling them by shutting their mouths belong either behind bars or in a hospital. This isn't entertainment and I sincerely doubt God ever intended for a woman and a man to kill off their spouses or ex spouses, to which after one died, they got married two weeks later. What a freaking insult to Tammy- if I were one of her children, I would be outraged. Absolutely outraged.

Jj's service dog was returned???? No no no. That is not good! Do you have a link? TIA.
Chad is the one who came up with a bunch of books about the end of the world. Lori apparently started reading those books and became obsessed with the end of the world idea. I don't believe Lori is the ringleader here.
Yes, but Lori is the one who threatened murder and has two missing children and a trail of dead bodies in her wake.
You only have one person left. You believe them. Especially when they didn’t even know themselves.

The missing kids... she is crazy. :(.

This is where I'm at. I really can't fault them for being young, confused, and having a reaction. This is several orders of magnitude past 'next level' crazy, it's surreal, it's even hard to believe. If we are having this reaction not being directly involved, I can't imagine how it is for them. This is their world - it's their family.
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IMO, no. If you've read some of his posts, he is completely delusional as well, and has been for a long time. At some point he thought the ghosts in the audience were benefitting more from his lessons than the living, and he believes people mistook him for Dolph Lundgren on his mission. o_O
ETA, I am sure OP meant Chad in the bolded portion.
BBM — Yes I did. Thank you for pointing that out. Unfortunately too late to edit it. Sorry for any confusion.
Me too... so why did he dismiss divorce.

Good question. I wonder if he was threatened by Lori that if he went through with it, she would kill him or the kids? We know she's very sick in the head, but how far would she have gone, beyond the two kids- he had older children, too. Who knows. Unfortunately, she made good with her promise to kill him- what gets me is that LE didn't find this suspicious? I mean, what the heck?

Do we even have proof that Chad is still alive, other than the lawyer's word that he is in communication with the both of them? I would imagine he must be, or his kids would be worrying by now?
Any proof?

It was MOO (my own opinion) based on the circumstances reported in the referenced articles.

@Countem, Here is a local report from Channel 8/ABC from a reporter who it appears was at the Daybell house when LE/FBI etc. showed up today. She reports that the Daybell family members initially would not allow LE access to the house and it was only after the warrant was shown and LE threatened to knock down the door that access was allowed. Chad Daybell daughter (Emma Daybell Murray driving with her husband) was in her car with window rolled down making faces and sticking her tongue (picture below) out at this same reporter in another clip (Reporter didn't see what was going on as the car with Chad Daybell daughter and her husband were located behind the reporter in their car on the street). Looks like the Daybell children might not be cooperating. I realise the tragedy for the Daybell family and the children in particular but to see such mockery made of Reporters doing their job amidst difficult circumstances was hard to watch IMO.

Law enforcement searching Daybell's home - Local News 8

View attachment 223559

Ugh. That is sickening. Probably even more reason why a victim specialist is needed for those who are truly mourning within that house, IMHO.
Speaking of enablers, I have been wondering- at what point, does at least one of them have some epiphany that all of this killing and running from the law is totally not cool and not Christian?

It's so hard to believe that out of all of their followers, that they believe this garbage is acceptable? Lori's popping off several family members, possibly her own children (the fact that Joshua's service dog was returned gave me the chills), telling people Tylee died.

Can all of these people truly be witless lemmings and just yes Maam, yes Sir, and question nothing, not come forward if they've seen the kids or Lori and Chad? Do any of them have a damn conscience? Every single one of these people helping them or enabling them by shutting their mouths belong either behind bars or in a hospital. This isn't entertainment and I sincerely doubt God ever intended for a woman and a man to kill off their spouses or ex spouses, to which after one died, they got married two weeks later. What a freaking insult to Tammy- if I were one of her children, I would be outraged. Absolutely outraged.

Actually, they start to "feed" each other with these "plots". And the more you are with these folks, the more "normalized" that kind of thinking becomes. The fact that they are usually isolated, and only socialize with the same type of "group" think...
Chad is the one who came up with a bunch of books about the end of the world. Lori apparently started reading those books and became obsessed with the end of the world idea. I don't believe Lori is the ringleader here.

Agree. Not only has Chad written his own, he’s also published and promoted other “visionaries” who also believe they are important reincarnated people (like Mary Magdalene), and will be VIP’s at the Second Coming. He and his friends were doing this long before Lori came along.
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