Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt2

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Your right .......he returned for finger prints after LE had to get a court order in my neck of the woods we DO NOT call that cooperating.

I thought I read that he voluntarily, upon their request, went to the police station to be printed. At that time he was not questioned, but had been questioned on 1 prior occasion.

I could be wrong about that. But, I'd like a link where you got your information regard the need for a Court Order. Thanks.
Don't forget about the Coroner's Inquest, too. (At least they can't claim accidental deaths like they did with Kathleen Savio's murder.)

Good point. The SA needs to have every i dotted and t crossed considering the attorney they are going up against.
Ummm ... Stella, somewhere it's stated that it takes less than one minute to strangle a person to death so if that's true the killer had plenty of time to strangle three people, spray paint the message on the wall, escape out the back and deposit the "guts" of the camera in the lake and the DVR along 255.

Maybe it was Dr. Perper on NG who stated less than one minute.

I'm sure some information exists on the net as to how long it takes .. just too gruesome to do much reading on.
My rant.

Okay, lets go with the idea that he is not guilty at all. He did not do it. But we still show some rift between him and everyone else then:

Someone left the back window open, since there was no sign of a forced entry. Someone also turned off the alarm to the house or turned off the cameras. Someone wrote notes, and that someone was able to place them in the mailbox, they were not mailed, without being caught on camera for the many months this occured. This someone also knew that CC did not work Monday night at all, which means that the killer knew his work schedule. And knew his work out schedule or at least was near the house to see CC leave and go to work. Then after CC left for the gym, this killer, snuck back into the basement, went through the house, spraypainted a message on the wall, then went upstairs, killed all three using a shoestring or whatever the rumor of the strangulation weapon was. The killer then had to find and locate the DVR for the cameras. I know that in the office I work, the DVR for the cameras is hidden. So, CC who started his own video security company, would have hidden the DVR also. So, that means that the killer had to find it. After the killer found it, he had to leave, probably out the back door again, and leave, dropping off the evidence in areas along the way. There were stained scrubbs found in a nearby trashcan, there is a rumor of gloves found along the highway and a broken DVR found under the JB Bridge.

While that could have happened, If this happened to my family I would have helped the investigation myself by offering anything to help, asking the public for help, personally, offering prints the first day, letting everyone know everything about me and so forth. He has showed no compassion towards the family he lost. I have never even seen him look at the items that we (the community) left at the house. If the loves of my life died, I would still look at what people had sent for them. Unless he doesn't love them anymore...

If he didn't do it, then he should fry (in hell) for not being caring or emotional about what has happened. People that didn't even know the Coleman's were crying this week and it seems that extreme strangers have more compassion than he does. I dunno, just in the way things go, I don't see how anyone could have done all of this and not been CC or a family or close friend.
I thought I read that he voluntarily, upon their request, went to the police station to be printed. At that time he was not questioned, but had been questioned on 1 prior occasion.

I could be wrong about that. But, I'd like a link where you got your information regard the need for a Court Order. Thanks.

The news reports state a Court Order was issued but considering such a high profile case, 3 murders, I'm sure the police are wanting to document in writing every action. It would be hard to document a phone call to Coleman's attorney requesting the client be brought in for prints.
The mention of the "broken screen" - Am I the only one who has one of those now? You know how you try to get the screen out when you're washing your windows, and it gets stubborn - so you keep pulling - and then it bends? So you replace it with a new one - then the next time you wash your windows, you bend another one. At some point, you just quit worrying about it. My point here - I doubt the "broken screen" has a whole lot to do with anything except that the perp made sure that window was left open to create a fake POE. ;-)
Was reading thru the comments on the latest article @ -- found a couple of really interesting ones so far (haven't read all 200+!)

Bolds by me

(page 11 of comments)
daisyd May 14, 2009 6:46AM CST
Even though JM is a horrible person she made a good pr choice by firing him yesterday!!! She's running from this as fast as she can
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Anyone else heard about this?? I can't find anything on it.

(page 38 of comments)
acoleman2348 May 14, 2009 9:03AM CST
i'm sorry, but you all have no idea what you are talking about. no one knows ANYTHING about ANYTHING that they are talking about... i am family, and there is so much information that is not being released through the media about the investigation and about potential threats coming towards Sheri and the boys. Also, have we considered the fact the murderer had been stalking them and KNEW Chris' daily routine - and his route to the gym. You don't know the killer has contacted them after the murder, do you? You also don't know Sheri's family rarely talked to her EVER while she was alive, and that they have some pretty scary ties with some scary places. Did you know that? Chris and our family is mourning, and you are all dissecting 10 paragraph news releases as if that is the entire story, or the true story... seriously. Stop ruining a family, and wait for a trial to be had.
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Sooooo - the killer has contacted "them after the murder" but LE is pulling back on the surveillance?

Anyone think that "acoleman2348" is an actual family member?

Well, the first thing I bolded could be true as Wrinkles posted that link to an article that said the COO of JMM paid a little visit to Mr. Coleman yesterday. So it could be plausible that they have fired him to distance themselves from this very ugly crime.

The next thing I bolded pizzes me off...what are they gonna do now...try and make it sound like because Sheri came from an Italian family that they were "mobbed up" and THAT'S the reason she and the boys were murdered? Puuuuhlease.

Sorry if that's already been addressed...I saw it, got angry and started ranting.
This must be the house they lived in before. Houses in Columbia cost much more than that. Also, Columbia, IL and Fenton, MO where JMM is located are not that close. The other house would be much closer.

The house they lived in is about a 10 minute drive from JMM. I acually live between Columbia and where JMM is located. Not far at all.. Columbia, IL just recently anexed the property up to the Missippi river in the last decade. So South county and Columbia,IL are only seperated by the river.

St. louis is a very different city. 1 of 4 cities in the united states where St. Louis is acually NOT in St. Louis County. St. louis city is it's own entity and St louis county is it's own Entity. There are many cities that are in St. louis county though and still have to abide by St. louis county Rules and regulations, and thus creating a few more ordinaces for thier community. As LE we can enforce all of St. louis county ordinaces, but only the individual Muncipalities can enforce ordinances that are governed by that municipality.

Hope that helps....Columbia,IL is on Monroe county! it was manily a farm area and small town about 20 years ago, and had showed alot of growth recently. Their property value's are up there!! I would live in Columbia right now if it wasn't for the high real estate... Plus believe it or not Taxes are cheaper in MO...I used to think otherwise when I was growing up..
Really? That's awesome Suzi. What did you do for them?

Finance. Actually it was for their parent company. So I handled six publishers. They were the best company I ever worked for. Their employees came first. I really miss them, And the books and mags I got for free as well. lol.
close friend.

Artie .. you said "close friend" ... well, what about that? Someone who had been in the house, someone who knew Coleman's routine .. it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

If the family was "targeted" .. it means they were targeted for harm.

"Targeted" says more to me .. outsiders "target" ... fathers and husbands don't. At least not Coleman.
The news reports state a Court Order was issued but considering such a high profile case, 3 murders, I'm sure the police are wanting to document in writing every action. It would be hard to document a phone call to Coleman's attorney requesting the client be brought in for prints.

I don't think it's LE that wants the documentation.
So LE & CC has stated 5:43 a.m. is the time CC left the house. Why would he immediately begin calling the house (Connor stated this last night on NG) to make sure Sheri & the kids are up when he just left the house.

So CC starts calling the house immediately and apparently he did over & over without getting an anwser. If you'd been receiving threats and didn't get an immediate answer would you proceed to the gym?

As for the broken screen/open window... they haven't told us if the screen was broken as in the frame being broken, or if there was just a rip in the screen. They also haven't said if the window was merely unlocked, or wide open. If that POE, I'm sure it's been dusted and we'll see if it was infact used as POE - but I doubt it. I think the killer was in the house because he owned the house.

You make some valid points. I have doubt too.

I'll make comments in order of paragraphs above . . .

1. Did he really? Do we know this for certain? Or did he call once he got the gym, and then maybe one other time from the gym, before he called for the police? I'm sure the police know, based upon phone records, but I don't think they have released that information yet. So, none of us know for sure.

2. Honestly, I can't answer that question. I agree, that it is one factor that makes him look guilty in my mind. Maybe the wife was in the shower and the kids were asleep? Maybe the ringer was off? Who knows what he could have thought, assuming he is not guilty. If he is guilty, then it is all a ruse anyway.

3. As for the window, the police answered that it was not forced. I'll have to find the exact quote, but I believe the screen was ripped or torn. Naturally, we can only speculate regarding whether the window was left open or merely unlocked.
Good post, millopedes. I concur with your sentiments.

For the record, I'm still firmly convinced Coleman did NOT harm his family.

I believe there is much more to this matter than meets the eye.

I can understand having doubt, I have some, too. But I don't understand how you can be firmly convinced. The evidence, in my opinion, points to CC. I can keep an open mind though if there is other evidence. I just don't see much. I'm not even "firmly convinced" that he is guilty. With the evidence that is available, especially knowing he had a gf, I don't understand not even having an inkling that he might have done this.
Your right .......he returned for finger prints after LE had to get a court order in my neck of the woods we DO NOT call that cooperating.

Sorry did not realized this was already addressed.

totally agree!
from last night;
Nancy: Major can you tell me is the husband cooperating did he voluntarily give statements fingerprints?
Major: I really don't want to get into any of the statements or what he did or did not do.

what Major Connor doesn't want to talk about says alot. If they thought CC was not invovled they would've cleared him by now, and said he is fully cooperating.
I can understand having doubt, I have some, too. But I don't understand how you can be firmly convinced. The evidence, in my opinion, points to CC. I can keep an open mind though if there is other evidence. I just don't see much. I'm not even "firmly convinced" that he is guilty. With the evidence that is available, especially knowing he had a gf, I don't understand not even having an inkling that he might have done this.

This is the point I was trying to make. Keep an open mind one way or the other. It is just a suggestion.
Good post, millopedes. I concur with your sentiments.

For the record, I'm still firmly convinced Coleman did NOT harm his family.

I believe there is much more to this matter than meets the eye.
As you know, I have not been willing to bend on my thoughts about Chris being the perp....until this morning. Something struck me about LE stating they were pulling back on the surveillance of Chris and made me question the course of the investigation.

While I am not going to say there is anything pointing in the direction of SODDI (some other dude did it), I guess there is a very slim possibility that maybe he hired it done or maybe the threats were real. If they were real, it is possible Chris did not take extra precautions to prevent it from happening on purpose. While it would not make him the murderer in such a case, it would not take away his responsibility in playing a passive role in their deaths.

For the record, I do think Chris is the only person involved...but I am going to try to see this from other perspectives.
what Major Connor doesn't want to talk about says alot. If they thought CC was not invovled they would've cleared him by now, and said he is fully cooperating.

Obviously, that is the case! I think CC is the main suspect for probably 99.9% of the people following this case. He is my primary suspect too.

I'm just not 100% convinced and I enjoy the opposing viewpoints.
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