2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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Coming to this thread and re-reading the comments brings peace to my heart.

Let go and let God.
Zeus has spoken. At least we have the Olympian perspective on this thing!
I'll look for a link.
I read yesterday that several members of LE saw it.

People are taking comfort in this.
If others don't believe and are sick of others talking about it, they have the option of not to pay us any mind.
Source? Both news stories I saw about it said nobody saw it, they just know that it happened because of the burn on the bark.


"No one saw lightning strike the pine tree on Suburban Drive in Orange County, Florida, where teddy bears and flowers mark the spot where 2-year-old Caylee's remains were found on December 11, 2008.

But long, diagonal strips of exposed wood scarred the tall pine tree, WESH reported, and bits of bark lay scattered across the road."

In the scheme of things what does it matter. People will believe what they want to believe and if this gives people comfort so be it. Personally I think if it means anything it means it is done. Now move on. No amount of what if's is going to change anything.

"If if's and but's were candy and nuts, we would all have a merry Christmas". jmo
Many elements of the human psyche are a given but not ultimately functional enough to be categorized as promotional of human survival and are highly influenced by a collective social culture. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

My survival instinct may direct me to hoard all the nuts and berries so that I have the best to survive and pass on my genes and let my neighbors fend for themselves. Getting beyond my base of being utterly lost in myself, I might be able to find a way to team up with my neighbor to create more productive methods of gathering and even growing the essential items.

Raging on and on over something you can't change wastes energy, finding positive means to bring change and accomplish goals proves to be much more effective.

Anger is a natural reaction to some things that happen in this life......and a part of grieving. But I agree that it is healthier to let it go at some point, after the feelings are felt. Denial is rarely good.
If God is sending anger, couldn't he have made the outcome different to begin with?
Guys, let's not get into religious debates in here. I want this thread to stay open.

I am not religious but this lightning strike has really comforted me, and I know it has comforted others. For that I am so very grateful. I had so much anger and rage.

Yea they do. But, for instance, if there is a topic being discussed that bugs me, why read it then? Lightning isn't the only topic on the forum. There are tons for everyones perusal.

Exactly. Personally if I was one of those people at the memorial when this happened, I would take the sign a bit more personally.
I don't know about Caylee.. but if it were me, and some cold hearted individual tossed me aside in a place like that, I wouldn't want to be remembered there either! I'd say remember me as I was.. not how I was found, that wasn't who I was! I, personally, would rather see her placed in a beautiful place with love and kindness where she should be. A proper memorial dedicated to her where she rightfully belongs and can be gently laid to rest.. peacefully and undisturbed. Honored and cherished. Caylee is no longer in that trash dump, not in body or spirit. Perhaps, if nothing else.. the tree or 'marker' was removed because it was not wanted or needed. Perhaps it signifies the end of her darkness as she is now in the Light. Remember her as she was in Life.. full of Life.. not in that 'place'.

Yes, everything for a reason.. sometimes we get answers as we need them, not when we want them. If and when we are ready and not until.
your so right. caylee was more than decomb. trash. garbage, charts of science and a smell in a can or car! i attended the hearings and trial 3times. i was there on day they showed the pics of the skull and the hair mass. the hair mass affected me the most. i happened to go get my drivers license renewed next day and in front of my seat as i waited was a lil girl caylees age and haircut same- ringlets on end of hair and same shade color. she had on a pink shirt and shorts and those cute lil rubber shoes. she was climbing on chair and her moms lap . i sat behind them and only thing i could see was this view. i gat a flashback of that pic and felt sick . the image of a skull and mass of hair looking like a birds nest with lil curls. i closed my eyes and said our father prayer and swallowed the lump in my throat. i want to remember her as a angel baby , her smile her spirit of a bubble lil princess singing . we should not forget her soul is not decomp- bless every one of us who can know ashes to ashes does not mean shes not a soul who deserved more . being dumped to decomp -we remember her as caylee.
Many elements of the human psyche are a given but not ultimately functional enough to be categorized as promotional of human survival and are highly influenced by a collective social culture. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

My survival instinct may direct me to hoard all the nuts and berries so that I have the best to survive and pass on my genes and let my neighbors fend for themselves. Getting beyond my base of being utterly lost in myself, I might be able to find a way to team up with my neighbor to create more productive methods of gathering and even growing the essential items.

Raging on and on over something you can't change wastes energy, finding positive means to bring change and accomplish goals proves to be much more effective.

Thanks, but you know what they say about free advice. :)

Just because people are here venting does not mean they are not, in fact, working to seek positive change in Caylee's name.
This is the only thread I'm really following anymore on this case, because it's brought me a lot of comfort. Please don't turn it into an argument.

There are explanations for lightning striking outside divine intervention. You'll never convince me of religious explanations - but thought and emotion are energy, lightning is energy, and there are things we don't understand about quantum mechanics. Yet I don't begrudge anyone with seeing at as divine as long as they don't insist I see it as divine as well.

I've enjoyed seeing what meaning it has brought to everyone. The human ability to persevere through pain and come out unjaded is what matters here. There are many roads to the truth.
there is something i believe in. smetimes a life lesson is put out in the universe. its hard to know whos lesson it is. sometimes we are the teacher sometimes the student. 12 were chosen to judge a most famous case in the world. how those came to be the ones is a mystery as anyone could have been the one who got the jury duty notice. are they more special, smart or worldly? i doubt it!! could be some part of teaching us a life lesson as we have gone to question our own beliefs, level of forgiveness, acceptance. could be a new law is passed. awarenes of children . could be the jurors were needing to know the world trusted 12 souls and they were part of a world wide reaction. many times i question wtf is that suppose to prove, why should i accept that, why did that terrible thing happen and then i think - i truly have no clue. whos lesson is the caylee case? why did a child die, why is casey free? i wish the judge was the only one deciding the verdict- judge perry . would we be mad at him too if he said shes free? american idol has millions vote but we let 12 vote for someones life. they did and no one is the winner in this talent contest.simon could you help us????
I wish lightning would strike twice in this case. Once at the memorial site, twice hitting ICA on the top of the head and straight up the leg of JB's trousers, now that would be awesome!!
We see things very differently. I see righteous indignation, and legitimate outrage at a gross failure in our legal system. When people feel their societal systems of governance are corrupted or ineffective, they are entitled, perhaps even obligated, to demonstrate and agitate for change. I don't see hatred...other than possibly that directed at a murderer and those whose less than honorable acts facilitated her escape from accountability. I see frustration from feelings of extreme hopelessness directed at a system which succeeds sometimes but which fails too often, as it did in this instance.

FL has wide open sunshine laws. Most testimony, investigation, documents, a plethora of information related to the KC case had been released prior to trial and many people, including many on Websleuths who have followed this case closely have had access to that information and poured over it. Many people have, for years now, considered all the possibilities, including all those presented at trial by the defense and by the prosecution, and many other possibilities not mentioned at trial by either side. The jury didn't have access to all that information or time to process it. The prosecution presented the case very well, but, somehow the jury didn't buy, appearing to ignore that evidence and latch on to everything the defense said in opening statements which was NOT evidence. The also didn't seem to understand the judges instructions and what the prosecution didn't have to prove. However, they spoke and adjudged KC not guilty. Their votes are the only ones to count.

For many who have closely followed the case, based on our own exposure, it is obvious KC is guilty even though our system has decided it will not hold her culpable. To me, that is a travesty. There is something wrong with a system that can't convict the guilty. It is justifiably upsetting. People are processing a systemic failure. A large group of people wanted justice from our legal system and don't think they got it. I count myself in that group. Telling us to "get over it" and inferring that somehow we are stupid, hateful, ugly, uneducated or don't understand the constitution, as I heard Cheney Mason do last night, isn't helpful, although everyone has a right to express their opinions on this matter. That's exactly what EVERYone is doing right now. Freedom of speech.

Valid to hope everyone remains decent and no one gets hurt, but so far, the only person injured or dead related to this trial is little Caylee. Right now, some seem concerned with the possibility of future harm or crimes. Others are upset about a past harm, a crime for which justice will forever be denied as a murderer is set to walk free. Now lightening has struck. It's made me feel a lot better!

Post of the YEAR. :applause:

You said it all, and so well. There is an ENORMOUS difference between anger that incites changes and lynch mob anger. What's the phrase? "If you're not outraged - you're not paying attention."
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