2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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I have read several posts that express amazement that 12 people (the jurors) came to agreement on any subject so quickly and apparently so easily. I am amazed at the number who banded together to say that the verdict was inadequate. Shared voices, raised on high.

I have been a member here for several years and have seen a great many cases (a lot of them concerning children) But I have never seen so many people join together to fight for one little lost lamb. People shared their knowledge, their tolerance, their friendship, stories of their life experiences, their sorrows, their beliefs, their hopes for justice, their encouragement, their outrage, and their resolve to make it better. They did all this in the name of one little girl.

That is Caylee's legacy. That is a true miracle! For many, the lightning strike at Caylee's memorial site just underscores this.
God works in mysterious ways.

I do believe in divine intervention.

KC will suffer out in the public. Moreso than if she was incarcerated for the rest of her life.

And I feel that the public at large will be sure of it. Maybe not by violence towards her but the public will never allow her to become apart of our society. Never. She is radioactive. She will become an outcast for the rest of her days. Although she will have all the money, food and comforts her heart desires she craves attention and being desired. Among law abiding citizens who are horrified and outraged at what she did and got away with she will never receive on the outside what she might have in prison, admiration and adulation.

She will no doubt find some man who will take her but not the type of man she would have gotten before she killed Caylee. I just hope and pray her amazing good luck she's had all her life runs out the minute she walks out of jail.
I think I read sometime back that the Anthonys have never been to the memorial site, am I correct? I can't say that I blame them, I wouldn't want to see it either if I were them. But unfortunately, that's the only place where people can go to remember Caylee and pay their respects, because that's where she was found. I don't blame the A's for not wanting the memorial site at their home, though. That would bother me having to look at it every day as a constant reminder. They are going to think of her every minute of every day anyway, but maybe they prefer to remember her as she was in Life, not in Death.

Wow, I would rather go to the memorial down the street than to have that big ole blue memorial that's full of water in the A's own backyard. JMO
And I feel that the public at large will be sure of it. Maybe not by violence towards her but the public will never allow her to become apart of our society. Never. She is radioactive. She will become an outcast for the rest of her days. Although she will have all the money, food and comforts her heart desires she craves attention and being desired. Among law abiding citizens who are horrified and outraged at what she did and got away with she will never receive on the outside what she might have in prison, admiration and adulation.

She will no doubt find some man who will take her but not the type of man she would have gotten before she killed Caylee. I just hope and pray her amazing good luck she's had all her life runs out the minute she walks out of jail.

Yep......cyber shunned.
In every box where there is a post is a little red triangle. If you feel you have an issue then you hit that little triangle.

What we NEVER do on this forum is talk about other posters......... no matter what side of the fence you are on.

All of this back biting has to stop. Do not get high and mighty with one another. If you do not like what people are saying, express your opinion without the personal snark. Do not generalize, group and divide people into categories. Do not claim to know why people say what they do. That is a serious TOS violation and it needs to stop now.

Now everyone get back on topic please.
Because people see a suspect as guilty does not bypass a court of law nor justify blaming a jury for meeting the requirements of their service. Those interested in justice are concerned that the justice system is about to be derailed.

There is not sufficient proof that Casey Anthony killed her child, so says our laws that we all agree to abide to by living in the United States of America.

Everyone does have the right to state their opinion, one of the best things about America. It does not allow for inciting violence. The morality and ethics we cling to in praying for justice for little Caylee does not include taking it into our own hands.

This thread is not about those negative things and really it was about the much needed and appreciated glory in a natural event. Be it a coincidence or a sign, it pulled many of the folks here up out of a really dark place. No need to drag any of us back there.

Whatever the heck the lightning was meant to convey is not at issue. The fact that it is accepted for bringing people a sense of calm, because it seems significant, is a positive thing. No matter what the message was and from whom, what or where...it doesn't matter. We all found some peace in the sign.
I have read several posts that express amazement that 12 people (the jurors) came to agreement on any subject so quickly and apparently so easily. I am amazed at the number who banded together to say that the verdict was inadequate. Shared voices, raised on high.

I have been a member here for several years and have seen a great many cases (a lot of them concerning children) But I have never seen so many people join together to fight for one little lost lamb. People shared their knowledge, their tolerance, their friendship, stories of their life experiences, their sorrows, their beliefs, their hopes for justice, their encouragement, their outrage, and their resolve to make it better. They did all this in the name of one little girl.

That is Caylee's legacy. That is a true miracle! For many, the lightning strike at Caylee's memorial site just underscores this.

It appears from the few statements we have heard that the agreement they came to so quickly (right after opening statements) was that this was a dysfunctional family and let's not belabor this whole process with facts so we can go home.

Some are saying would you have felt that way if the jury came back that quickly with a guilty verdict. I would say no because you are suppose to consider the facts presented in the case (SA's 300+) and I did not see anything from the defense that remotely proved anything that was said in the opening statements. I mean, JB asking first question: "Is this a bottle that was found at the scene." Ans: "Yes." JB: "I have no further questions." What kind of bologna is that??? It linked to nothing. JB was trying to confuse them and it worked. Leaves a question mark in the minds of the jurors. Why were they called? What's the state hiding? Why can't defense tell us? Is it linked to GA? The court was not the only one ambushed here. I'm sure the jury will feel the same once all the information comes out on some TV show or some magazine article. They'll feel duped for sure.

Maybe our little lightning strike was meant to remind us we can make changes. It has different meanings to different people which is good. What is done is done. But we can make our system work if we work at it together. jmo
This thread is not about those negative things and really it was about the much needed and appreciated glory in a natural event. Be it a coincidence or a sign, it pulled many of the folks here up out of a really dark place. No need to drag any of us back there.

People are allowed to voice their opinion, as it is not off topic to say that God can also strike lightning where people are repeatedly gathering at the site where a child's remains were found. Perhaps God doesn't want people there, God may be telling people to move on and help other children, if you believe it was God sending the lightning to that spot.

People refute that God can go that path and I will say clearly why I believe it is so.
In the title of this thread, a moderator might want to change "Lightening" to "Lightning".
In the title of this thread, a moderator might want to change "Lightening" to "Lightning".
I kind of like that "pacific" spelling. It reminds me of childhood and the way we said it when we were little.
Inside Edition was on location and showed the tree that was struck with lightning. I was amazed at all the balloons and things at the remains site itself. It warmed my heart to see such an outpouring of love to little Caylee.
In the title of this thread, a moderator might want to change "Lightening" to "Lightning".

I kind of like that "pacific" spelling. It reminds me of childhood and the way we said it when we were little.

More tomato/tomatoh kind of issue, one I happen to like.

I notice the "homophone" spelling error and I kind of like it, too. It raises the existential question of whether it's lightning or perhaps enlightening.
:seeya:I hope we will someday see the actual guilty party/parties brought to justice and if it happens to be by an act of nature then that will surely brighten my spirits. Until that day comes, I'm off to be positive:seeya:
During the closing arguments in the trial I felt extremely unsettled after JB finished his "presentation". I was upset and angry and worried. When JA spoke and then LDB, I felt a peace slowly wash over me. It wasn't so much a peace that she would be convicted but more of a peace that I knew in my heart that she was guilty and it felt good to finally be 100% sure.

The non guilty verdict came as a great shock. How could this be I wondered? I felt such peace? But then I remembered that the peace had to do with feeling calm in my own heart and that no matter what happened all would be well. Now that we know that lightening truly did strike close to Caylee's memorial I feel more certain than ever that God is aware of our collective pain and desire for justice. The sign was for us that he is listening, he is aware and he cares.

To be honest I don't wish that someone would kill ICA. That would garner sympathy and put her up on a pedestal. I also pray that she won't strike again on another innocent person. She has some SERIOUS issues that don't just go away and her lies will continue to be a huge problem. Eventually she'll back herself into a corner all on her own.

For now I take great comfort in this sign.

Oh, so beautifully put. My experience was IDENTICAL to yours. Thank you for reminding me that that peace we felt came from Him, and thank God He has His Hands upon this entire tragedy. God bless Team Caylee (we love you, especially Jeff, Linda and Frank <3), and our little angel girl in the Heavens. Pray for Casey's soul. If unrepentant, she is destined to be nothing but anathema, and thus, cursed as scourge, everywhere she goes.

That's justice enough for me.
I heard that the tree will grant an interview but not for free.
Oh, so beautifully put. My experience was IDENTICAL to yours. Thank you for reminding me that that peace we felt came from Him, and thank God He has His Hands upon this entire tragedy. God bless Team Caylee (we love you, especially Jeff, Linda and Frank <3), and our little angel girl in the Heavens. Pray for Casey's soul. If unrepentant, she is destined to be nothing but anathema, and thus, cursed as scourge, everywhere she goes.

That's justice enough for me.

I would love to pray for Casey's soul but she doesn't have one. I think we should start by praying that God gives her one. Her soul is unfinished.
Maybe it's just a message from the powers to be that, "Hey, guys...I've got this one..no worries."

Things happen for a reason. The only person who knows how the duct tape got on Caylee's face is KC. There would be no other reason for her to cover up the death of her child, accident or deliberate.

Sistah sleuth, you are so right. KC is not free. She has to live with this and without protection of the Orange County Corrections Facility or LE. At some point she must go out into the world and what she knew is gone. Nothing will ever be the same. She will either redeem herself with missionary work on some remote island (yea, don't see that happening but it could) or she will drop deeper into a dark pit. Can't trust anyone around her.

What we have to understand is it is not over yet. There are a lot of loose ends to be explained here and the media will hound and hound and hound until they get what they want. It will be a battle of he said, she said until the missing pieces of the puzzle will come together. I think the trial was Chapter 1 with much more to come. This has been about money from the very beginning so much so that it has overwhelmed us. Maybe what has been going on behind our backs for years will be revealed to us and we will say enough, we've had enough. The $200,000 check paid for pictures of a missing child sold by the very person who knew she was dead. The ultimate scam. Think about it. jmo
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