AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #25

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But who would be talking loudly inside her room at 6:30? Not the abductors because her mom and older brothers were in the next rooms.
Perhaps the mom knew there were male voices in her house and the brothers slept through the talking.

The homes are very close together. The male voices didn't need to talk loudly for the neighbor to hear because Isabel's window was wide open and she stated her windows were "thin" on Nancy Grace.

The neighbor stated she had just awakened. People who are groggy make mistakes. It's possible that this is a red herring and whoever was talking was not involved in Isabel's disappearance and wasn't directly outside the neighbor's window.
I know there is a lot of suspicion towards SC. But what would his motive be? If it was sexual, why kill her? It makes no sense.

It wouldn't have to be sexual. Parents have been known to lose control and hurt a child, then cover it up.
It wouldn't have to be sexual. Parents have been known to lose control and hurt a child, then cover it up.
and these families are frequently CPS's clients.

(CPS visited the Celis home twice that we know about.)
The homes are very close together. The male voices didn't need to talk loudly for the neighbor to hear because Isabel's window was wide open and she stated her windows were "thin" on Nancy Grace.

The neighbor stated she had just awakened. People who are groggy make mistakes. It's possible that this is a red herring and whoever was talking was not involved in Isabel's disappearance and wasn't directly outside the neighbor's window.

Most houses in Tucson (well, Arizona, in general) don't have dual-paned windows. Perhaps a newer or expensive house would, but I have personally never been in one that does. She would probably be able to hear through a closed window, but probably only at elevated volumes. That's only if the men were outside or if Isa's window was open.

If both her window and Isa's window were closed, I doubt even that. We used to live in an old part of town where houses are about six feet apart, at most. It's illegal to build that way now due to fire codes, so their house was definitely farther away than that. We couldn't hear what was going on next door unless the neighbors had windows and doors open or were playing very loud music. I don't see her being able to, either.
It wouldn't have to be sexual. Parents have been known to lose control and hurt a child, then cover it up.

If she had been hurt in the middle of the night, which would have been most likely, then he is really lucky that Mom didn't looking on her when she woke up that morning. I think it is routine to take a quick look at your sleeping kids as you are leaving for work or when you first wake up.

He would have had to leave in the middle of the night for that long drive to the grave site.Pretty risky again. But hard to ignore that for the first time, he didn't sleep in his own bed that night.
If she had been hurt in the middle of the night, which would have been most likely, then he is really lucky that Mom didn't looking on her when she woke up that morning. I think it is routine to take a quick look at your sleeping kids as you are leaving for work or when you first wake up.

He would have had to leave in the middle of the night for that long drive to the grave site.Pretty risky again. But hard to ignore that for the first time, he didn't sleep in his own bed that night.
He had to drive there or get someone else to dispose of her body. With either choice, the car or human movements near the Celis' home must be on one of the many surveillance cameras that were inadvertently pointed at their house. If she was only a few miles from their home, he or someone else could have carried her instead of driving her to the dump site. (I hate to say this, but the mom had an excuse to leave her home that morning and drive elsewhere. I really hope she knew nothing about Isabel's "abduction".)
I'm a Tucsonan and two things have always bothered me about this case.

1. It was abnormally hot that day -100 degrees a few weeks before it usually reaches that temp here. Everyone had their A/C on, and yes, I checked the public assessor's record and the Celis house has A/C. So no one would probably have had windows open.

2. One day I was early for an event at the Park Place Mall. As it was a cool day I walked through the surrounding neighborhood as I like the outdoors and a brisk walk for exercise. Although I knew the Celis home was in the area I had never driven past it. However, as I was walking that morning, dogs went totally nuts barking from behind a high wooden fence even though I was on the opposite side of the road . After a few minutes of walking I realized that the fenced area and the dogs were from the Celis household, as I passed their house with the large banner about Isabel on its front. This was several months after the disappearance. After that I found it hard to believe that strangers could've entered that house and gotten past the dogs without their alerting, barking and waking people up.
My Beagles will bark all day long... at the cat, the bunny, the truck that has been parked there all day... the dog walking by, the mailman, anything that moves or not.

However once they are in bed? They are OUT until morning. The older one is deaf anyway but the younger one doesn't flinch until morning.

If someone entered the actual room they were in... they might bark. Especially the older one when the light woke her up. However anywhere else in the house, no way.

Just another perspective.
Thinking about the male voices, if say two men were abducting a child, would they talk loudly outside the home? I'd imagine they would be as quiet as possible.

Question: Would the security cameras catch Sergio's or Becky's car leaving the house at night and coming back? I don't remember/know where they kept their cars.
This case is getting weirder by the minute...poor little girl....
Another dog thought that woke me up at 4am. Lol

My Beagles will get protective of my kids if someone is tickling them, or wrestling with them.
My female beagle actually barks every time she sees DH hug me. LOL

I can only imagine what my dogs would do if my kids were actually being attacked.

Of corse not sure in the middle of the night since they definitely enjoy their sleep.
Isabel usually slept with her siblings, but on that night she didn't. Her father didn't usually sleep on the couch, but that night he did until 5 am.

Thank you for posting this! I have been searching everywhere for this article. It always stuck in my mind that this happened on the one night that she slept alone in her room. That is important. It is why I have believed that this was sexually motivated. Perhaps there was a history of abuse. She regularly slept in her brothers' room. Why? For protection?

Did I go to far? If so, I apologize.
I am saying it's a wild, wild thought. So no need to bash me on this wild, wild thought.

Here goes...Could someone have put Isabel in mom's car before she left that morning in order to get her away from the search area?

P.s. Sorry for the back to back posts.
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