CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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KK could have went to the police when she learned PF committed a homicide. Instead she moved the victim's phone with intent to make the phone unavailable. KK made her real life complicated - it was her choice.
Exactly. This absolutely destroys the ridiculous “fear argument.”

All she had to do, was drive right to the nearest police station.

“I have the phone of a murder victim, my boyfriend did it.”

Game over.
Not really a solid foundation on which to state the case that it proves she wasn’t really scared, though. Right? (Not saying you were the one doing that specifically)

That's just talk that you are taking too seriously.
Kind of evolving from people being horrified about KB's murder and that you could go out and carry on after the fact.

The reality that is exactly what murderers and criminals do. They do the deed and carry on. They don't curl in to a ball and lie in bed with post traumatic stress. They go about their life hoping or in some cases believing no one is as smart as they are and they will get away with it.
Yes, and more YES! WHY would she say this. I want to know! Enquiring minds "want to know."
So that people and LE stay interested in she can try remain relevant to save her own behind
I'm glad it isn't just me that wants to know more about why she believe this- most especially for any poor victim that may be out there still missing.

It was said that Kelsey was killed on Nov 22. She was there on the 22nd. I'm sorry, but there's more she is not telling. I wonder if her best friend knows more, or if KK was vague about her thinking PF has murdered before.

This is my guess. I think PF brought KK along when he picked up the baby after Safeway trip. He left KK in truck, went to condo and brought the baby and baby bag out and handed everything to KK to watch over.

Then he said he needed to go back and talk to KB about something really quick, and went back in. Then he blindsided KB and hid her somewhere in the condo. And he took KK and the baby to Thanksgiving family dinner.

At some point after dark he snuck back to condo and did removal of body and the evidence and did a clean up.

He then confided in KK and desperately asked for help getting rid of the phone, etc.
Thank you. I am thinking the same. Her wording in her plea makes it appear she was the one who came up with the plan to take the phone to Idaho. I believe PF committed the murder, but KK was the mastermind.
After this morning, I'm pretty convinced that there wasn't a mastermind. I'm convinced the two of them were parties to an incredibly stupid cover up; but I'm still not seeing motive or method.
I'm not skeptical as much as I'm just dumbfounded. IMO
Kelsey wasn’t aware of a clear and present danger.

KK had that knowledge.

I will never, not in a million years, condone not only her inaction, but her participation (no matter how limited).

Kelsey is dead.

A child is without a mother.

Parents are without a child.

Countless people have been affected by this.

Life is too precious to look the other way.
Well, in your opinion, only you don't know enough to crucify her and that is fine.

Many of us, in our opinions, know enough to crucify her, and that is our right to do so. I'll tell you what- if my daughter was killed in such a manner and another woman knew it was going to happen (come on, think we're witless lemmings here?) and did nothing about it, then took her phone with her to destroy it, you think I would need more evidence to crucify this woman? I don't know how poor Kelsey's family is staying so classy and silent- I would be fuming and have a hatred and rage towards both PF and KK. I don't discriminate. Only difference between the two- one was planning the act, while the other ignored the planning. So yeah, I am crucifying her- I think of her little baby who will never feel her loving mother's arms around her again, her parents who lost a daughter, her brother than lost his sister. I could never look them in the eye and tell them not to crucify her, she did nothing wrong- for God's sake, she had her phone and was willing to destroy it, instead of turning that monster in!

You can defend her all you want, fine by me. I can skip over or ignore people's comments I don't agree with and be respectful about it. But I will not change my mind on this woman- she is just as sick and evil as the jerk that killed Kelsey- both are monsters.
And I hope you would agree that I am also being respectful in my own comments as well. And I am not “defending her”. I’m saying there are possible scenarios that make this a little more gray than the black and white many believe. I’ve said before, she could actually turn out to be evil and horrible when we know more of the facts. She could also turn out to be someone who made very poor decisions with tragic consequences, mitigated by certain factors we don’t know about now, but might learn about later. All I do is state a case for wait-and-see rather than crucify-and-bury. JMO
A mother is dead; a simple phone call could have prevented it.

Even if that simple phone call didn’t prevent it, atleast she would have done the right thing.

I’ve seen “her shoes,” they are covered in Kelsey’s blood.

Morally speaking.

I agree. We all know that reporting threats to the police, even reporting abuse and getting a restraining order may not actually protect a victim every time.

It might make someone like PF think a bit before following through but maybe not if his rage overcame his better instincts.

Kelsey may have ended up dead anyway but the girlfriend would still be the rodeo queen instead of an accessory (or whatever her final title ends up being).

She deserves a lifetime of shame. The Internet will guarantee that for her unless she changes her name.
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And I hope you would agree that I am also being respectful in my own comments as well. And I am not “defending her”. I’m saying there are possible scenarios that make this a little more gray than the black and white many believe. I’ve said before, she could actually turn out to be evil and horrible when we know more of the facts. She could also turn out to be someone who made very poor decisions with tragic consequences, mitigated by certain factors we don’t know about now, but might learn about later. All I do is state a case for wait-and-see rather than crucify-and-bury. JMO

I'm afraid that KK has already buried and crucified herself, by admitting to being an accomplice in the vile, completely unnecessary murder of a young mother who weighed 110 pounds soaking wet and couldn't defend herself.

Nobody else has to bury or crucify her, she's done it all by herself.
Why would KB leave the area when she didn't know the father of her baby was plotting her murder?
She likely had no clue he wanted her dead, and may have wanted to remain in the area so baby K could see her father PF.
Because she was in a relationship with - your words again - a bully and a control freak? Anyway, let’s dont get sidetracked by that example. It was a minor thing to make a larger point, and others may not get the context. I’m not in any way saying KB should have done anything differently than what she did so let’s be clear on that.
It may seem weird to us that KK would go get junk food if she was that scared. However, stress eating and emotional eating are both common reactions to both acute and prolonged stress. Cortisol levels remain elevated with prolonged stress and trigger increased appetite.

KK getting fast food might actually fit with her reported experience of stress and fear. Yes, she knew PF had killed KB. And she felt hungry/had an appetite.

Still totally bizarre behavior for us onlookers.

Not saying this is now validating that she was feeling frightened by PF. Just saying eating is a very common coping skill in such situations.
so SRG I'll give you that in general...for sure. However, someone she knows of has been murdered and she likely knows how and saw evidence of that..possibly even knows of how KB was disposed of. Dead bodies, evidence of human remains, knowledge and or evidence of disposal of human remains are not usually conducive to a strong desire to have a meal. Most people barf. This is not normal stress that would lead to normal stress eating. I get the stress eating maybe later on...after she's back home. But not so much right by KBs house within hours or everything going on.
And I hope you would agree that I am also being respectful in my own comments as well. And I am not “defending her”. I’m saying there are possible scenarios that make this a little more gray than the black and white many believe. I’ve said before, she could actually turn out to be evil and horrible when we know more of the facts. She could also turn out to be someone who made very poor decisions with tragic consequences, mitigated by certain factors we don’t know about now, but might learn about later. All I do is state a case for wait-and-see rather than crucify-and-bury. JMO

Respectfully speaking - she knew PF killed KB, she didn't come forward with the information and moved KB's phone. Those actions are evil and horrible. I can't think of any facts that could potentially come up that will make what she did acceptable.
Exactly. This absolutely destroys the ridiculous “fear argument.”

All she had to do, was drive right to the nearest police station.

“I have the phone of a murder victim, my boyfriend did it.”

Game over.
Massguy, let's cut through the proverbial doggy doo here. Fact is, KK was told in September by PF that he was paying to have his fiance murdered. Let that sink in for a minute, that was nearly 2 and a half months before he actually murdered her. In that nearly 90 days, 2160 minutes KK couldn't go to LE because she was being threatened by some momma's boy farrier/dog trainer/handyman two states away? Really? And although she was too afraid to go to LE she told a friend who was employed in an atty's office? And then so fearful that she traveled 1600 miles to get a phone, spend two or three days with this man she was deathly afraid of, and transported a phone for him and most likely sent emails to cover up his crime and then continued to go about her normal life. She didn't pack up her kids and try to run??? I mean after all, this big scary man killed his fiance and certainly didn't need any loose ends, and had already threatened her and her children with the words "disappear" and she didn't even change her stinking hair color to make it a little more difficult for him to find her? Bull-honkey.
No, she's a pageant girl, used to competing against women and winning. She grinds her competitors into the dust, she doesn't run away afraid. And there is nothing in her actions that speaks of fear, it all screams manipulation and the desire to grind her competitor KB into dust. 2160 minutes she had to run, go to the police, make an anonymous phone call. 1600 miles of driving with a phone that she knew belonged to a murdered woman and she executed her plan.
The only thing she's scared of is that butt looks bad in her courtroom videos.
Because she was in a relationship with - your words again - a bully and a control freak? Anyway, let’s dont get sidetracked by that example. It was a minor thing to make a larger point, and others may not get the context. I’m not in any way saying KB should have done anything differently than what she did so let’s be clear on that.

I respectfully disagree.

Being in a relationship with a bully and control freak is not the same as knowing that bully and control freak wants to murder you. Or solicit others to murder you.

She was decent and likely brought up to believe the best in people. She may have thought he was a nasty guy and broke up with him because of it, but how many of us who have known emotionally abusive men would think they'd actually murder us?

If I thought every man I met who had been mean and a bully was out to kill me I'd be hiding on the moon.

To those who have their minds already made up, she couldn’t be sympathetic no matter what she did. If she’s stoic, a person could say that she doesn’t care. If she’s sobbing, a person could say she is being too dramatic. So for those who have no sympathy for her in the first place, naturally she isn’t sympathetic.
I’m not looking for “sympathetic” or “stoic” in her, I’m looking for REMORSE and the only emotion I’ve seen is for herself ... She’s angry - not stoic, and certainly not remorseful in her booking photo ... and the only emotion I saw was when the judge discussed HER sentencing ...
lets also be clear that if the prosecutor and LE thought that KK simply agreed to dispose of a victims cell phone bc she was in fear for her life, there would be a much better deal offered than what she got. There would most likely be no charges as long as she made a deal to help the prosecution and testify against PF....

In addition, had she been concerned about her life being in danger she could have backed that up by giving her attorney or pastor a sworn statement that if anything happened to her or her children it was because PF had threatened them.

There are many paths KK could have chosen had she wanted to be moral and try to stop a murder she had forewarning of.
Sadly she chose to be an accomplice.

The fact that KK failed to report the threat on the lives of her children is a huge red flag, imo. What kind of mother ignores such a threat on their own children?
lets also be clear that if the prosecutor and LE thought that KK simply agreed to dispose of a victims cell phone bc she was in fear for her life, there would be a much better deal offered than what she got. There would most likely be no charges as long as she made a deal to help the prosecution and testify against PF....
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