Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #54

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Hmm. Watching the Watts' statement. I amy be backtracking a bit on my thankfulness for their statement. Hearing it live it's actually sort of what I predicted. They accepted the plea of guilt but I think they aren't really saying he is guilty for all. More they're upset for how he handled it - killed Shanann and how he disposed of the bodies.

"I hate what has happened." But they don't really fully acknowledge what he did?

It's kind of what I thought - how good and normal their family is. How they still love their son. They accept the plea and that HE has accepted responsibility.

I don't know. It is definitely an improvement. I am glad they apologized about the interviews they gave smearing the victim.

I did feel for them during their statements. So sad.

He destroyed everything.

As Sharon Rocha said, "Divorce is always an option!"
I Wonder if the fact Shanann had no marks besides one bruise on the right side of her neck means she knew they were gone and didn't fight for her life.

You arrive home from a weekend working away, in the early hours of the morning, [perhaps take a peek through the gap of your children's doors to see them apparently asleep in bed, and go straight to your own bed, next to your husband.

You pull up the comforter/quilt up to your neck and fall asleep on your right side. Next thing you know, someone's weight is on top of you, pinning you to the bed by their legs around your arms and body, and over the quilt/comforter so you cannot move an inch. That person strangles you from above. The left side of your neck does not feel the assailant's hand itself because it is 'protected' by the quilt/comforter, [just the pressure] but on the right the hand that is strangling leaves indelible marks for forensic experts to identify later.

It's the only way I can think to explain no defensive marks on Shannan, no wounds on CW of any kind, and markings only on the right side of Shannan's neck. :(
Father-in-law calls man who killed pregnant wife, daughters 'heartless monster'
"They looked up to you because you promised to keep them safe. Instead, you turned on your family," Shanann's brother, Frank Rzucek Jr., wrote in a statement read in court Monday by prosecutors.

"There isn't a day that goes by that I don't cry for my family. They were my whole world," Rzucek Jr. said. "Why would you do this? ... What kind of person slaughters the people that love them the most?"

He called his sister his "best friend" and said his brother-in-law "took away my privilege of being an uncle to the most precious girls."

"Hearing my mother and father cry themselves to sleep ... causes me anguish beyond words," he continued. "I hope you spend the rest of your life ... being haunted by what you've done."
I like him!
I took a break after his plea. Just came back today for sentencing. Can someone give me a quick rundown or a link to the correct post/thread to read about what these podcasters were saying and got all wrong. TIA.
I was mostly only listening , now watching and when Frank Jr statement is being read he looks over his shoulder at CW. CW never looks up so far anyway. I think CW is trying to block out everyone's words.
Hanging his head cuz he's embarrassed for NK to see his beard unmanicured and his hair shaggy and gray.
But the DA would only refer to the girls being killed after SW because CW "said" that. Other than his word, how could they really know for sure? I don't know I could believe what CW says even if he does give a "full" confession! The timing of the text to the co-worker is key IMO. All MOO.
I'm glad someone was able to make it clear to CW's parents that there was no confusion on CW confessing or taking a plea or that he did in fact commits all four murders. They don't like it, but they sounded like they have finally accepted that he did this. I wish he had spelled out confessed, "I'm sorry I took the lives of Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico" but at least he pleaded guilty to all of those charges and nothing was said to dispute. Big relief after the last few days.

Cindy couldn't help herself - she had to make the victim statement all about CW. His parents seemed subdued and in kind of state of shock, what can you do. I couldn't quite follow what their advocate was going on about, something about that an appropriate time they want CW to tell them how and why it happened. Sigh. At least they were solemn and not combative or angry, and didn't turn anything into drama or argue reality. So there's that. It's good they acknowledged they were mistaken in the interviews they gave. I do feel bad for them getting caught up with the podcast predators.
I wonder if someone purposely leaked fake info to figure out the source. That's probably giving the dingbat podcast people too much credit that they even used real sources.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that that was the case, and I've suspected that too. Someone's likely getting fired with no references over that, and good riddance to bad cess.
Hmm. Watching the Watts' statement. I amy be backtracking a bit on my thankfulness for their statement. Hearing it live it's actually sort of what I predicted. They accepted the plea of guilt but I think they aren't really saying he is guilty for all. More they're upset for how he handled it - killed Shanann and how he disposed of the bodies.

"I hate what has happened." But they don't really fully acknowledge what he did?

It's kind of what I thought - how good and normal their family is. How they still love their son. They accept the plea and that HE has accepted responsibility.

I don't know. It is definitely an improvement. I am glad they apologized about the interviews they gave smearing the victim.

I did feel for them during their statements. So sad.

He destroyed everything.

As Sharon Rocha said, "Divorce is always an option!"
I agree completely. They just toned it down to be genteel, but they never said he killed the whole family.
Oh baby Bella, I’m so sorry!!!!

He unenrolled them from school! He contacted a realtor to sell the house! He texted his co-worker the night before to say he’d take care of that site on his own!

8 inch holes, omg.

I 100% believe the girls were gone before Shan’ann got home. I said it from the start and I say it now.

We now know for sure this was well and truly premeditated.

I hate him so much.

So much love for the Rzucek’s. Wow the dignity and grace they have, expressing sympathy for the Watt’s even after those vicious interviews. What incredible people they are.

The DA spoke to the Watt’s. It’s a bit late now to call Shan’ann “their beloved daughter” but at least they made an appropriate statement. I was so worried it was going to be a circus. Thank goodness the proceeding was treated with seriousness and respect it deserves.

Justice for Shan’ann, Bella, CeCe and Nico. We will never forget you.

Thanks to each and every websleuther who never waivered in standing up for the innocent victims, what a tough, heart wrenching road.

And special thanks to our moderator extraordinaire, @liltexans , what a job that was, hey.

I Wonder if the fact Shanann had no marks besides one bruise on the right side of her neck means she knew they were gone and didn't fight for her life.

I doubt it. She may have been killed quickly, however, because she was pregnant and not feeling well. We should also remember that SW had a history of neck issues and had surgery for it a couple years ago. It might not have taken much time for him to kill her. I keep thinking back to CW's slip up in the TV interviews where he started to say "She barely let me..." I think he wanted to say something else. JMO. :mad:
I do not believe CW's parents met with CW over the weekend. At least that was not what was said. They were able to meet with the DA's office, who provided information the parents never had access to before...I guess this translates to mean they are now convinced that he is guilty from the evidence. CW could have told them before the plea that he was truly guilty and did it. He chose to leave them in the dark. That said, I do not excuse their behavior in slamming SW shamelessly, throwing flames on the fire that has been burning for months now that SW was somehow not the best mother and a good and faithful wife. She may not have been perfect, but there has been zero evidence she was ever capable of these crimes. Her poor family to suffer through the indignity that CW's family helped perpetuate. CW is responsible and started this dumpster fire of innuendo and slandering of SW, a true and innocent victim, but there are many others who helped carry the torch IMO when there was no real evidence to give his ridiculous story credence. IMO
I’m thinking the DA reached out to them and shared evidence after they were given victim status by the judge. As victims they had a legal right to know.
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