Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #45

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Re: the notes that BM provided. Disclaimer: I'm no handwriting expert, so this is simply MOO.

I find it interesting that the lower two notes make specific references to their "long ago" love. When I read those, it makes me wonder if SM was trying to recapture something that wasn't there any longer? That was my impression as I read them - sort of a "I remember when you loved me, cared for me, were there for me...... do you remember BM?"

The top note is very different as it's more of a present tense. Also, if you look closely at the handwriting, there are some significant differences. The top note has exaggerated loops on the y's and g's (more so than the lower). The lower notes have very distinctive lower-case t's that the top note doesn't have. At first I thought maybe the top note was a forgery, but looking closely at it, I don't think so..... but I do think it was written in a different emotional state than the lower two notes. It makes me wonder if the top note is actually from some time ago and the lower notes are more recent.

All JMO, and not sure it matters much as I don't think SMs historical love for BM is in question - and I'd argue that even if she was talking about divorce, could be doing that while still "in love" with BM (but no longer willing to live with xxxx about him). I wonder if BM has a shoebox full of recent love letters he's written SM?

Something tells me that's extremely unlikely.




You're damn good and this is so damn sad. My goodness.
I guess he feels that HE'S the one person she saved. :(
Did Andy and crew search only under the rocks at river beach site , or the entire perimeter where the bobcat could have been driven that night the neighbor heard it or something loud for 30 mins? ".........
11:30 p.m.: Sat
-A neighbor of a home being built in Salida hears heavy machinery running for about a half hour..........."
Something is telling me the usual suspect did the easiest thing...did not drive around with evidence at all .... and risk being seen or caught....stayed close....and the river job site needs to be researched IMO
The fact that BM was pacing and nervous about that search leads me to believe she's close by if not there. During AMs search he was also acting irate and antsy. Once everything stopped and LE gave an all clear his personality changed and he's back to spreading his adgenda and getting everyone to look another way. moo
That’s puzzling, the only person who brought this up was AM, IIRC...Soooo, was GM asked about this? AM clearly stated GM refused to sign guardianship papers...

Something very confusing here.

I assume there are two issues here.. The Morphew properties, which BM had no problems gaining guardianship.

Moorman family properties might involve SMs input, that might involve guardianship issues. It’s possible there are legal issues needing to be resolved. Someone who is 87 yo, suffering from cancer would likely be setting affairs in order.

Just not sure why BM needs to have GMs approval for his actions. This could just be AMs misstating, grains of salt...5t

THEIR timelines don’t match to BMs , for sure. I’m surprised NG didn’t pursue this.
My confusion, who was he supposed to be texting at 4am? if MG, then why was she scrambling at 5 am, and why didn’t she leave til 6:45? Only two other workers afawk, what are their recollections? Also it took them from
6:45 til 11am? 4 hrs 15 mins, should we plug that into BMs timeline?
To be sure, retirement has completely eliminated my minute to minute scheduling, if forced to relive some of my past days, I’d have to refer to my WS posts, lol.
I think the evi and paper trails are going to be much more valuable than any of these characters, and that includes BM.
I am wayyyy behind but IIRC, MG said BM picked her up for work that day? Maybe I am not remembering correctly, so JMO
I’m starting to think that the variation in MG’s “testimony” is because she has come clean with LE and is cooperating in order to reduce charges against her. I think she was more involved than we’ve been lead to believe. She’s the only one of this cast of characters that has up and moved out of the state. She’s also one person that was with BM Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. As far as I know, SM is the only other person that can say that (and Sunday is questionable for her).
I've thought about her move as a sign of involvement. That's also my thought.
I've never really found out whether Salida homes are built on bedrock. If homes in Salida don't have basements because blasting rock is cost prohibitive, is building restricted to either crawl space or slab construction? Perhaps GPR was ineffective at the Salida dig because the slab was formed over bedrock. Maybe @Dave F. could clarify.
Re: the notes that BM provided. Disclaimer: I'm no handwriting expert, so this is simply MOO.

I find it interesting that the lower two notes make specific references to their "long ago" love. When I read those, it makes me wonder if SM was trying to recapture something that wasn't there any longer? That was my impression as I read them - sort of a "I remember when you loved me, cared for me, were there for me...... do you remember BM?"

The top note is very different as it's more of a present tense. Also, if you look closely at the handwriting, there are some significant differences. The top note has exaggerated loops on the y's and g's (more so than the lower). The lower notes have very distinctive lower-case t's that the top note doesn't have. At first I thought maybe the top note was a forgery, but looking closely at it, I don't think so..... but I do think it was written in a different emotional state than the lower two notes. It makes me wonder if the top note is actually from some time ago and the lower notes are more recent.

All JMO, and not sure it matters much as I don't think SMs historical love for BM is in question - and I'd argue that even if she was talking about divorce, could be doing that while still "in love" with BM (but no longer willing to live with xxxx about him). I wonder if BM has a shoebox full of recent love letters he's written SM?

Something tells me that's extremely unlikely.




I can't explain why specifically but the words 'excitement you bring to our marriage' very alarming and strange.

I know somebody well who was in an abusive relationship (no longer thankfully) and she would use word salad to gloss over very hair raising situations she found herself in and that sentence just brought that feeling straight to mind.:oops:

Is that word salad maybe better/realistically ( no rose coloured glasses) described as tumultuous ...turbulent.....explosive.......unpredictable you get the drift.:(

The fact that BM was pacing and nervous about that search leads me to believe she's close by if not there. During AMs search he was also acting irate and antsy. Once everything stopped and LE gave an all clear his personality changed and he's back to spreading his adgenda and getting everyone to look another way. moo
I don’t take that as a sign she is close by. I think that was Barry’s controlling nature coming out, in regards to the strangers surrounding his property.

Basically, “get off my lawn!”

I also think he saw the media coverage, and realized he made a big mistake. That’s why he tried to rectify it by finally allowing searchers on his property.
I am about 10 pages behind but I can't help but wonder if we don't have a "KK" in this case like we did in Kelsey Berreth, Patrick Frazee. I've been wondering about this for quite awhile now. .........
That’s puzzling, the only person who brought this up was AM, IIRC...Soooo, was GM asked about this? AM clearly stated GM refused to sign guardianship papers...

Something very confusing here.

I assume there are two issues here.. The Morphew properties, which BM had no problems gaining guardianship.

Moorman family properties might involve SMs input, that might involve guardianship issues. It’s possible there are legal issues needing to be resolved. Someone who is 87 yo, suffering from cancer would likely be setting affairs in order.

Just not sure why BM needs to have GMs approval for his actions. This could just be AMs misstating, grains of salt...5t

THEIR timelines don’t match to BMs , for sure. I’m surprised NG didn’t pursue this.
My confusion, who was he supposed to be texting at 4am? if MG, then why was she scrambling at 5 am, and why didn’t she leave til 6:45? Only two other workers afawk, what are their recollections? Also it took them from
6:45 til 11am? 4 hrs 15 mins, should we plug that into BMs timeline?
To be sure, retirement has completely eliminated my minute to minute scheduling, if forced to relive some of my past days, I’d have to refer to my WS posts, lol.
I think the evi and paper trails are going to be much more valuable than any of these characters, and that includes BM.
If you don't mind me asking, do you personally know BM, SM or any of their immediate family members?
I am about 10 pages behind but I can't help but wonder if we don't have a "KK" in this case like we did in Kelsey Berreth, Patrick Frazee. I've been wondering about this for quite awhile now. .........
I was leaning that way early on, and I’m still open to it now.

As time goes on though, and we see more and more financial wheeling and dealing, I think this is more likely related to one thing.

Wanted to add a tidbit about MG hearing BMs truck at her house. I am pretty sure I read that his truck is a diesel..... or "Powerstroke" since its a Ford, and its pretty new. I swear, I am getting to a point!

All diesels, the cummins, they duramax, and the powerstroke all have very different sounds. My boys can tell you what of the 3 is pulling up before they see it. Very distinctive.

Anyways, when a truck is still under warranty, and has stock exhaust you literally have a hard time hearing them run. The new ones are almost quieter than a car. When mine had factory exhaust on it, I used to catch heck all the time about it. Ie.... is that thing running lol. Then I put a 5 inch straight pipe with an 8 inch tip on it. First time it kicked into high idle in the winter time at the grocery story, workers ran out thinking an airplane was going to crash thru the store!!

I guess I'm having a real hard time believing that MG actually heard the truck BM was driving, pull up.
Dead silent at 4am in the moutains.
I don’t take that as a sign she is close by. I think that was Barry’s controlling nature coming out, in regards to the strangers surrounding his property.

Basically, “get off my lawn!”

I also think he saw the media coverage, and realized he made a big mistake. That’s why he tried to rectify it by finally allowing searchers on his property.
Or, she's close but not exactly on his property. He was deliberately intimidating with his gun, rifle, whatever and then seemed to collect himself enough to let AM come onto his property - which I'm positive wasn't searched in totality.
Quite a reversal of behavior and I don't think he all of a sudden had some sort of epiphany that he should cooperate with the search and certainly didn't have a come-to-Jesus moment.
He's one step ahead of everyone only because he knows where Suzanne is and I still believe he's not and wasn't acting alone.

MG. Cooperating w LE?
I’m starting to think that the variation in MG’s “testimony” is because she has come clean with LE and is cooperating in order to reduce charges against her. I think she was more involved than we’ve been lead to believe. She’s the only one of this cast of characters that has up and moved out of the state. She’s also one person that was with BM Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. As far as I know, SM is the only other person that can say that (and Sunday is questionable for her).
@EggSalad Agreeing, MG's move seems strange.
You're thinking MG cooperates w LE for reduced charges re MG's (whatever) involvement w SM's disappearance.
Maybe. Makes sense.
Or what about in exchange for reduced charges/leniency re a totally unrelated crim charge?
Like...? What did BM say about her?

Just wondering. my2cts.
Re: the notes that BM provided. Disclaimer: I'm no handwriting expert, so this is simply MOO.

I find it interesting that the lower two notes make specific references to their "long ago" love. When I read those, it makes me wonder if SM was trying to recapture something that wasn't there any longer? That was my impression as I read them - sort of a "I remember when you loved me, cared for me, were there for me...... do you remember BM?"

The top note is very different as it's more of a present tense. Also, if you look closely at the handwriting, there are some significant differences. The top note has exaggerated loops on the y's and g's (more so than the lower). The lower notes have very distinctive lower-case t's that the top note doesn't have. At first I thought maybe the top note was a forgery, but looking closely at it, I don't think so..... but I do think it was written in a different emotional state than the lower two notes. It makes me wonder if the top note is actually from some time ago and the lower notes are more recent.

All JMO, and not sure it matters much as I don't think SMs historical love for BM is in question - and I'd argue that even if she was talking about divorce, could be doing that while still "in love" with BM (but no longer willing to live with xxxx about him). I wonder if BM has a shoebox full of recent love letters he's written SM?

Something tells me that's extremely unlikely.





I'm very behind in the thread. Can someone advise where and when these notes surfaced and under what circumstances? Thanks.
100% agree. Last year, when my little sister was killed, I was going nonstop for a week. Everything was thrown on me to handle because my mother could not function, plus dealing with the tragedy with her young boys. I would certainly hate for someone to judge me on my appearance that week.

I can’t fathom what her brother must be going through, and I definitely can not judge him on his appearance. What I can say about him is that I think he’s a brave soul that has taken on a monumental task of trying to find his sister.

I'm sorry to read that about your sister, condolences to you and your family.
Good point. One guess would be he was off the grid for a few hours, perhaps left his phone at home while hiding SM under cover of darkness during the night/wee hours of morning, using a vehicle that doesn’t have GPS tracking and/or could he have disabled tracking device in vehicle he used-I have no idea if that is even possible. It would help to explain his arrogance if LE can’t prove where he was and what he was doing for several hours. I don’t think BM is very smart, but don’t most people today know they can be tracked via their phones, gps, etc??


What, if BM had borrowed MG's car for some hours on Saturday afternoon/night and brought it back to MG's parking lot at 4am Sunday morning, to take over his truck again? MG heard BM's truck running at 4am on Sunday morning in front of her home. It would be so-to-say half of a lie, she told, concealing only the exchange of cars earlier on that day. Possible or what do others think?
Investigators identify human remains found in Saguache County | FOX21 News Colorado

Oct 7, 2020

SAGUACHE COUNTY, Colo. — Investigators have identified a man who was found dead near an abandoned mine in remote Saguache County last week.

The man has been identified as Jesus R. Silva, 39. Investigators said he was a recent resident of Mineral County.

Hikers found Silva’s remains Friday near an abandoned mine in the western part of the county, near the Hinsdale County line.

Investigators said Silva’s body may have been in the area for about a year before being discovered. They said while toxicology tests are being conducted, foul play is not suspected in his death.
Yes. They would be unaware that Barry filed guardianship paperwork as they weren’t involved in the process.

Barry contacted them early on, and they told him to pound sand. Unless Barry himself told them he found a workaround, then they’d have no idea the paperwork had been filed.

I'm puzzled as to why Barry would even contact Suzanne's dad first, as Indiana Code § 29-3-6-1(a)(4)(A) specifically states that notice of the guardianship petition & hearing must be given to:

The alleged incapacitated person, the alleged incapacitated person's spouse, and the alleged incapacitated person's adult children, or if none, the alleged incapacitated person's parents.

Per the General Assembly's wording, it would seem that giving notice to the adult Morphew daughter is required per the statute. Notice to Suzanne's parent(s) would only be necessary if there were no adult children.

I can imagine that perhaps Barry contacted the Moormans first prior to hiring counsel. Barry may have thought, erroneously, that he had to contact Suzanne's living parent first. Barry's attorney would've corrected his belief & advised him that his adult daughter was the person who needed to be given notice.
I noted something when looking at satellite view of the house. Monarch Spur RV Park and Campground is only a short distance from the house and there is a power line right of way that runs behind both of them (not to mention a bunch of what appear to be fire roads/jeep trails/ATV trails. Not sure why, but that is bugging me. In my neck of the woods, power line right of ways are navigable by ATV's and other off road capable vehicles.
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