Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #36

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Good theory, but how would have FD have gotten into the house? Maybe she left the garage door open when she went to school, but would she have left a door unlocked? I really don't think so.
I don't think JD left the garage unlocked. She's fearful, and has already talked to family/friends about what to do if she doesn't show up for appointments, pick ups, meetings, etc. She is desperately trying to think about every example of how FD is going to hurt, kill, kidnap kids, sabotage her family. She Always knew what she was dealing with, it was the LE that underestimated the danger to JD.
Now, back in the day when I was dropping kids off at school. Sometimes I forgot my purse. It happened more than once. However, JD had a busy day planned. Was she showered and ready to go, stopping home for a couple things? Or did she usually drop kids off and come back to shower, and get ready? Least amount of steps is to ambush JD in or near garage IMO. However, we are dealing with the 3 stooges leaving a bloody trail of evidence all over CT.
Just some thoughts.

Regarding the axe.

If it was used in the crimes it's curious why it wouldn't have been disposed of on the Albany Ave run?

If it was or wasn't used in the crime, it might be a little awkward to try and return it? So, thus it was kept?

If it was used in the crime, maybe FD kept it as a trophy?

Does 4JX have even real wood fire places that he would need to chop firewood? If so, don't most people get seasoned firewood delivered?

I've been also wondering, how would FD dispose of anything incriminating after she was reported missing? I assume LE is collecting every shred of garbage that leaves his abode.

Regarding the bike: he could have thrown that out in one piece in Hartford and it would have been scooped up in a half a second flat! It would not surprise me if he took the tag off the bike but left the rest of the bike whole for easy pickings, FD thinking that the bike without the super special tag couldn't be traced back to him?
I like your theory on the bike and that makes sense. But his truck was captured on quite a few cameras so they would have an image of a bike if it was in the bed of the truck. We simply do not know.
I want to point out that, iirc, MT said in her interview that she had seen the bike at 80MS. To me, she wasn't saying it was routinely stored there, but that she had seen it there.

Unless FD was using it, there's no reason for it to be there. I found it important that she had seen it there, as it makes no sense for it to be at that property.
Well it does make sense for the bike to be at 80MS, the afternoon of the 24th, since it was spotted on the way back to Farmington from NC in the bed of the truck. All the time points were mapped and the red truck travelled at average speeds of 57-60mph the whole way, so there weren’t stops to discard anything. I bet they can see if the bike is in the bed of the truck when it pulls into 80MS at 12:22pm.
The warrant didn’t say when MT saw the bike at 80MS. Nor where the bike is now. A piece of evidence from Albany had a logo consistent with that bike. Hard to know if this was anything from a peeled off sticker logo to a whole hunk of the frame or some other component with the logo on it.
I have no idea if NP reads the AWs or relies on his staff to break it down for him. But assuming he does read them, when NP got to the bicycle portion of FD AW3 and how it was vintage, seen on Weed Street in NC being at 7:30 am on 5/24, and logo consistent with that of being a vintage Mercier bike in the trash bag arising from his client's ill advised trashbin odyssey of stupidity and that they have pictures of FD AND JD together with the bike taken in 2008 AND that the EE knows all about the bike and its origins and was even asked by FD to repair it...I have to wonder what he was thinking of FD and FD.s "careful planning" and the "true crime cruiser."
Of all the things for FD to get absolutely nailed on. A vintage French made bike.
I'd never represent FD but if I was, I would have to be thinking, "FD, you am I supposed to spin this, yo?"
I am all for organ
I wonder if the mods would consider a forum style for Jennifer's case? Anyone with me on that idea?
I suppose you could like my post if you agree?

We have soooo many players and angles here and it would be great to see it all nice and neatly organized.

Ex Employee
KM's wife
Court cases
Fore Group

Just to name a few threads that could go in the forum!

I am going to alert my post and see what the mods think?
I am all for organization. ☺️
The purse was on the floor. Women do not usually place their purse on a floor. They usually go on a counter, a table top, in a chair, or on some other piece of furniture. Perhaps she threw her purse on the floor or dropped it when she saw her attacker.
My purses, both of them, are on the floor as I type!
I don't think JD left the garage unlocked. She's fearful, and has already talked to family/friends about what to do if she doesn't show up for appointments, pick ups, meetings, etc. She is desperately trying to think about every example of how FD is going to hurt, kill, kidnap kids, sabotage her family. She Always knew what she was dealing with, it was the LE that underestimated the danger to JD.
Now, back in the day when I was dropping kids off at school. Sometimes I forgot my purse. It happened more than once. However, JD had a busy day planned. Was she showered and ready to go, stopping home for a couple things? Or did she usually drop kids off and come back to shower, and get ready? Least amount of steps is to ambush JD in or near garage IMO. However, we are dealing with the 3 stooges leaving a bloody trail of evidence all over CT.
I am only speaking from my own personal experience. It is very hard to be on high alert every minute of every day. For 2 years. Possibilities run thru your mind almost constantly. There are competing stories in your head. He wants me to die, he really wouldn't act on it. You drive down the road looking for his truck and have anxiety when you see one similar. You question if the perceived danger is all in your head. It is very hard to sustain 24/7 vigilance for 2 years. Guard comes down at certain points. I can't speak for Jennifer but it would not surprise me if life sometimes went on as if....IME.
It seems like the frame of a bicycle wouldn't be to hard to take apart and bundle up and dispose of, but the wheels would be much more difficult.
Here’s some out of the box ideas I’ve had since we heard about the axe.

I’m wondering if FD needed to chop up the bike to get it into smaller pieces to dispose of in the trash. They might have found a piece of the bike with characteristic dents or marks that match an axe. There is very high tech microscopy that can be routinely done these days to examine dents and marks and determine the kind of tool or object that made them (this is very cool to see).

It’s more likely they were searching for the axe based on a tip from the FD friend he borrowed it from- great work on the part of FD friends including Dana Hinman for calling in clues and concerns!- but it’s also possible that they have some other reason to believe an axe was involved.

It seems like FD (and KM) had a battery of backup plans on hand. Maybe FD needed the axe for the part of the plan that had KM STBX being lured over to 4JC (that seems to have failed). Maybe FD considered using an axe for JD but then decided it was too bulky to carry on his bike.

Also a serious possibility- maybe FD used the axe in digging a grave- I know I’ve used a power saw when trying to dig a big hole (for a tree) on the edge of the woods, to cut the pesky roots of the forest trees in the ground as I dig the hole. Between rocks and tree roots it can be hard to dig a deep hole in the woods in this region even for non-nefarious reasons!

Or maybe, he did use the axe on JD, cleaned it, but couldn’t be sure he could get the blood completely off. Maybe it was too big to put in trash bags (although a broom handle was in there!) or he realized he’d need to return it to the friend to avoid suspicion, but then never did because things heated up too fast.
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Totally agree... but don't believe they worry about it early on. I think it takes forever for inmates to get the treatment they need.
I wonder how many lawsuits are out there?
And who files them? The family? The ACLU?
Once you are thrown in jail or prison you have lost everything, IMO.
You are at the mercy of the system.
Honestly, I really have no idea how things work in prison.
I only know that in today’s litigious society, any opportunity to make a buck on someone else’s negligence, will be taken.
As per information gleamed from a variety of sources and my own notes: GF first filed a complaint in CT court v. FD on behalf of HF estate in January 2018 for $500,000. The complaint was later revised to $2.3 million. In February of 2019, GF also filed on behalf of HF estate against Fore Group, Inc.
It is important to note that Hilliard Farber passed away January 8, 2017 at the age of 83 and it says he died peacefully at home. Later on that year, JD learns of MT and files for divorce from FD in June of 2017 and also requests a GAL be appointed for the custody issues. In July 2017, JD also files for an Emergency order of Protection claiming to be in fear of her husband.
In March 2018, Judge Donna Heller ruled that FD had lied to the court and put his children in danger (this is where he basically has no visitation for nearly a year).

BBM. I think this is the trigger. If they filed just against Fd, he could find all kinds of ways to hide his assets and not pay any judgment. But, by adding his company, they would get access to all his company financials through discovery. And, I have no doubt, Fd has committed bank fraud in obtaining all his loans.

It's also unfortunate that JD filed for divorce and then for the order of protection. I think her own attorneys failed her miserably. It was likely denied because it was just a he said/she said situation and judges are wary if there is any kind of parenting case pending and no real evidence. THAT is a policy that must change. Domestic violence is a crime. It doesn't belong in civil court.

I also think family court judges need to take some sensitivity training and understand that domestic abuse isn't just about physical violence. It also includes emotional and financial abuse which Fd has been inflicting on Jennifer and her mother for years. It isn't in any child's best interest to be caught in the middle. I'm so disgusted with dysfunctional family court processes.

I wonder if the mods would consider a forum style for Jennifer's case? Anyone with me on that idea?
I suppose you could like my post if you agree?
We have soooo many players and angles here and it would be great to see it all nice and neatly organized.
Ex Employee
KM's wife
Court cases
Fore Group
Just to name a few threads that could go in the forum!
I am going to alert my post and see what the mods think?
Pattis trying to amend Connecticut’s Constitution
OOOHHH now you have got me thinking. It is so hard going through the interviews with MT (with the little we have in the AWs and parsing through the hedging and the word salad and contradictions and lies and finally some truth). I realize that the bike was routinely stored at 4Jax and she knew this. Pointed out the missing hook where it typically was from the picture LE had taken of 4Jax garage. But what if instead of hedging or word salad or whatever what she meant was she had seen such a bike at 80 Mountain Spring Road on 5/24. Remember this was the final interview that she did with LE and they opened it by basically saying in prior interviews she hadn't been truthful with LE. That would be a great bit of information. Seeing the bike when she was cleaning/flushing toilets/running showers and sinks and such...on the 24th is a big deal.
See, the more I go through MT's statements, the more I'm convinced she was VERY truthful in interview 3. I'm thinking the same thing about the bike. She says she saw it there. AW3 never indicates WHEN she saw it there, and seeing as it's not normally housed there, my guess is on 5/24 as well.
Well it does make sense for the bike to be at 80MS, the afternoon of the 24th, since it was spotted on the way back to Farmington from NC in the bed of the truck. All the time points were mapped and the red truck travelled at average speeds of 57-60mph the whole way, so there weren’t stops to discard anything. I bet they can see if the bike is in the bed of the truck when it pulls into 80MS at 12:22pm.
The warrant didn’t say when MT saw the bike at 80MS. Nor where the bike is now. A piece of evidence from Albany had a logo consistent with that bike. Hard to know if this was anything from a peeled off sticker logo to a whole hunk of the frame or some other component with the logo on it.
Exactly my point, I think MT saw the bike the afternoon of the 24th.
FD knew JD morning routine, and counted on her to have not changed it.

Exactly. She had a pattern (she wrote about it regularly in her blog). She was very organized, reliable, and likely easy to have pinpointed because of that.

The thing that may have thrown him off was that she had an appointment that day - I don't think he expected that or for her to have been reported missing so "early".
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See, the more I go through MT's statements, the more I'm convinced she was VERY truthful in interview 3. I'm thinking the same thing about the bike. She says she saw it there. AW3 never indicates WHEN she saw it there, and seeing as it's not normally housed there, my guess is on 5/24 as well.

MT definitely admitted to not being truthful with LE in her prior interviews when LE opened the third interview on August 13th. She gave a lot more information on that final interview. Admitted that FD was not there when she awoke/shut off her alarm at 6:40am on 5/24 (finally). Admitted that he was wearing slightly different clothing on 5/24 when she saw FD around lunch time on 5/24 than she said he was wearing in her second interview. Adds from the second interview that she also brought a bucket and sponges and black garbage bags and disposable gloves. Unfortunately, it was too little too late for LE. And with the discovery of her DNA mixed with JD DNA and FD DNA in two of the bags recovered listed by LE in AW3 (especially what appears to be in the area of where one would be holding the bag open for someone putting things in it), LE had had enough. Plus we don't have the full interviews. Id imagine they still caught her in more lies or more hedging and were basically done. That's why I think the conspiracy to commit murder charge really hit her hard. I think she and AB both thought because she had been much more truthful and cooperative in the last interview that she'd skate on any other charges...nope.
Yes. It is definitely a lot to ponder. How did FD enter the home? Did JD come into the home and was assaulted inside the laundry room area and drug to the garage leaving the home? Did she never make it into the home from the garage? Those are good questions and obviously ones that are important.

So according to AW3 of FD: Section for Lauren Almeidi (full-time nanny of JD hired by JD in 2013):
1. Mudroom Door: LA states that on 5/22 when she was preparing with JD for FD visit which was to take place outside the house in the rear yard that the food had been placed on rear patio table and the mudroom door locked to prevent FD from entering the kitchen. (Earlier LittleBitty confused the mudroom as being near the garage. It is not. Separate from the garage/laundry room entry). LA was at the JD residence on two separate times during the lunch time hours of 5/24. On the second visit (at 12:43 pm) where she had picked up the four kids (one child went directly to a friend's house) and fed them in the kitchen she noticed that the rear mudroom door (leading to the outside yard--which is always locked unless the kids are playing in the yard) is unlocked. LA locks it and at this point sends a text to JD at 1:10pm that they are leaving for NY (LA and kids) and will arrive around 2:30.
2. The purse: LA first arrives at 69 Welles Lane at 11:30 am and opens the center garage bay with a keypad (as usual) and notices that the Chevy Suburban is gone but that the Range Rover which JD had told her the night before JD would take to NY because it was smaller and easier to park is in the garage. She notices JD's handbag is on the floor between the Mudroom and the Kitchen.
3. Granola bar and Mug of Tea: When LA arrived at 11:30 am she noticed an unopened granola bar and a mug of tea on the kitchen counter. LA washed the mug of tea in the kitchen sink and noticed that the paper towel roll near sink needed to be replaced and goes to pantry and finds that of the 12 paper towel rolls she had placed in the pantry only the night before there are only 2 left.
After the first visit LA leaves to go pick up the four kids at their school. The fifth child went directly to a friend's house. After the pick up LA arrives back at 69 Welles Lane and feeds the kids in the kitchen.


Sorry I am a detail girl. Possible explanation for mug of tea and unopened granola bar. JD may have been sitting in the kitchen waiting on the kiddos and started the tea but never had a chance to open the granola bar. Because all the kids were ready. Since JD intended to come back to her home after dropping them off...this seems to be the easiest explanation for me anyway.
It is possible that she made it into the house after dropping off the kiddos and was preparing a quick snack before heading to NY and was startled by someone in the side yard and went to investigate...but I just struggle with this.
Possible explanation for the purse being on the floor between the mudroom and kitchen area....FD placed it there. Perhaps in part because he was in a hurry and not thinking OR he wanted it to appear suspicious? Hence, he also unlocked the mudroom door as well?

I admit I have no clue what FD may have been thinking if he indeed placed the purse and unlocked the mudroom door *his dna is found on that same door near the lock plate* so maybe he did it at the last moment at the end of the cleanup? Or maybe he thought he'd make it look like someone attacked JD (remember he thought he was in the clear with leaving his phone behind at 4Jax and KM for a meeting alibi and using the Toyota Tacoma and parking it where there are no cameras *except ones on the bus he had no clue about which caught the Toyota's parking spot* and using the bicycle and hoodie disguise to approach JD property) and kidnapped her. He knew he would have to take JD suburban but as he was doing this all alone (if he had had help from another party for the killing aspect of all this someone could have driven the suburban well far away from that Waveny location and made it like less easy to find?) maybe he panicked? Maybe he wanted it to look like someone attacked JD in the home and stole her car and kidnapped her?
I have no clue. Like I said. These are all extremely good questions.
I just think honestly that FD wanted NO PART of JD purse whatsoever. JMO. So he left it there. Now whether he placed it there is a far different matter but I tend to believe that the struggle didn't take place in the home. JMO.
I think the mud room is a separate room between the kitchen and the garage, but which also has a door out to the backyard, it is picture #11 on Zillow for the current listing for the house which has a new address (renumbered from 69 when JD lived there and now on the market as #71). You can also see the mud room through the kitchen on the Zillow picture. It is an open plan house and there’s also glass doors that go out to the patio in back from the kitchen. It seems likely that LA and JD would have made sure both back entry doors (patio doors and mud room door) were locked the night FD was there.
The mud room seems like a place where all the shoes, coats, etc would be put and kept (you can see the storage cubbies on the left side wall) so it seems like a place where JD would leave or put her purse. Of course it’s possible that FD moved it or put it there too.
I think the mud room is a separate room between the kitchen and the garage, but which also has a door out to the backyard, it is picture #11 on Zillow for the current listing for the house which has a new address (renumbered from 69 when JD lived there and now on the market as #71). You can also see the mud room through the kitchen on the Zillow picture. It is an open plan house and there’s also glass doors that go out to the patio in back from the kitchen. It seems likely that LA and JD would ha be made sure both back entry doors (patio doors and mud room door) were locked the night FD was there.
The mud room seems like a place where all the shoes, coats, etc would be put and kept (you can see the storage cubbies on the left side wall) so it seems like a place where JD would leave or put her purse. Of course it’s possible that FD moved it or put it there too.

Thanks>the mudroom stuff is kinda confusing to me as mostly here in Texas we have just a laundry room area that you walk into from the garage. Not really a lot of mudrooms and so its just confusing. But I see now what you are talking about.
Here’s some out of the box ideas I’ve had since we heard about the axe.

I’m wondering if FD needed to chop up the bike to get it into smaller pieces to dispose of in the trash. They might have found a piece of the bike with characteristic dents or marks that match an axe. There is very high tech microscopy that can be routinely done these days to examine dents and marks and determine the kind of tool or object that made them (this is very cool to see).

It’s more likely they were searching for the axe based on a tip from the FD friend he borrowed it from- great work on the part of FD friends including Dana Hinman for calling in clues and concerns!- but it’s also possible that they have some other reason to believe an axe was involved.

It seems like FD (and KM) had a battery of backup plans on hand. Maybe FD needed the axe for the part of the plan that had KM STBX being lured over to 4JC (that seems to have failed). Maybe FD considered using an axe for JD but then decided it was too bulky to carry on his bike.

Also a serious possibility- maybe FD used the axe in digging a grave- I know I’ve used a power saw when trying to dig a big hole (for a tree) on the edge of the wood, to cut the pesky roots of the forest trees in the ground as I dig the hole. Between rocks and tree roots it can be hard to dig a deep hole in the woods in this region even for non-nefarious reasons!

Or maybe, he did use the axe on JD, cleaned it, but couldn’t be sure he could get the blood completely off. Maybe it was too big to put in trash bags (although a broom handle was in there!) or he realized he’d need to return it to the friend to avoid suspicion, but then never did because things heated up too fast.
Very interesting. Especially the part about digging a grave or chopping up the bike. You are right - grave digging is not easy (I have a pet cemetery in my back yard) and getting around tree roots is no easy task and I have used assorted tools also.
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