FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #10

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I have always considered 10:00 pm - 7:30 am the window for her abduction.

I realize they believe because of the wet shower, her clothes neatly laid on the bed (which sounds odd to me), and other things that she had slept there all night then was getting ready for work making it early the next morning. There is no indication of when she actually took a shower. She could have been interrupted during the shower or while dressing for work. I guess no one could figure what clothes she would have worn to work on that day according to what was missing from her wardrobe. (Her boyfriend or coworkers should have been able to help out on this, imo.)

I took a shower last night probally around 12am.I happen to look down on the ground in there awhile ago after 1pm and I noticed the floor was wet, I knew it was from my shower the night before.
In previous threads there was talk about robberies in the complex by someone with a master key. Did they ever find out anything more on these? Maybe they went to rob her place not expecting her there.
I took a shower last night probally around 12am.I happen to look down on the ground in there awhile ago after 1pm and I noticed the floor was wet, I knew it was from my shower the night before.
Somewhere on these earlier threads, I tried to recreate as closely as possible her shower (temp. and other factors) and how long it took to dry. I checked it in 15 minute increments (IIRC). I will have to dig it up again.
In previous threads there was talk about robberies in the complex by someone with a master key. Did they ever find out anything more on these? Maybe they went to rob her place not expecting her there.
LE has never mentioned this. We found it on a site where people discuss their apartment complexes (real estate site). As far as I know...LE hasn't even checked it out as a possibility. (shrugs shoulders)

The people who mentioned it said the police were involved when it happened to them before the company took over when Jenn lived there. There is a good chance the locks were not changed upon switching companies tho.
I have always considered 10:00 pm - 7:30 am the window for her abduction.

I realize they believe because of the wet shower, her clothes neatly laid on the bed (which sounds odd to me), and other things that she had slept there all night then was getting ready for work making it early the next morning. There is no indication of when she actually took a shower. She could have been interrupted during the shower or while dressing for work. I guess no one could figure what clothes she would have worn to work on that day according to what was missing from her wardrobe. (Her boyfriend or coworkers should have been able to help out on this, imo.)

I have to agree that we can't rule out the possibility of the abduction happening during the night. I recall reading that Rob Allen was ruled out because he had an alibi that morning (he was at work). Also there was something about his cell phone pinging in Fort Lauderdale in an article way back (sorry I remember everything I read but don't bookmark all articles). So here is my question: How can we be sure that Rob Allen is innocent? Does he have an alibi for the night of the 23rd through to the time he arrived at work on the 24th? I don't mean to accuse innocent people and I have no reason to believe he is involved but there is also nothing that completely rules him out.

This crime just seemed too clean and organized to be random.
I have to agree that we can't rule out the possibility of the abduction happening during the night. I recall reading that Rob Allen was ruled out because he had an alibi that morning (he was at work). Also there was something about his cell phone pinging in Fort Lauderdale in an article way back (sorry I remember everything I read but don't bookmark all articles). So here is my question: How can we be sure that Rob Allen is innocent? Does he have an alibi for the night of the 23rd through to the time he arrived at work on the 24th? I don't mean to accuse innocent people and I have no reason to believe he is involved but there is also nothing that completely rules him out.

This crime just seemed too clean and organized to be random.

I believe she spoke with Rob around 10 PM and that was verified. Not that it would be impossible but that is a good amount of driving to be at work as stated on the 24th. More importantly, he had no motive and I feel sure he was investigated fully.

Clean and organized comes to your mind only because there was no evidence of a crime in her apartment i.e. blood spatter, signs of struggle. Or, in her car. I believe she was abducted outside her apartment and taken away in another vehicle. I would bet there is evidence there. It seems to me that whoever abducted her turned her phone off or discarded it immediately in the area. The return to move her vehicle was to throw the investigation off of what really happened. The perp (s) had her car keys if they had her purse and cell phone. All which indicates she left her unit with those belongings. I wonder if she took her dog out for a walk and was abducted then...random time but she was known to the perp (s)

I also wonder if the car removal was orchestrated by someone else associated with the perp. Trying to get attention off the complex and making it look like Jenn was abducted while driving her own vehicle.
Jenn had a dog?!

The person who kidnapped Jenn had no way to know people would start turning up the heat so quickly. I think he felt he had at least a 24 hour window before anyone even noticed she was missing. As far as the car, it was 2 days after it was driven and left at HOTG before it turned up.

Now it is in question when the car was moved from her parking spot. The window seems to be between when the landscaping crew was there and when the management were notified to do a well check on her. I believe it was around 11:00 am.

To be honest, I have always wondered about Rob. Even tho the family and LE have concluded he had nothing to do with this...was he the one who took the LDT? They said his phone proved he was in Ft. Lauderdale at 10:00 pm when he talked to Jenn. How can they prove who was using his phone at that time and who was on Jenn's phone? He may not have taken the phone if he had planned on something sinister. Someone could have called him from his phone while he used Jenn's. Alibi. He was late for the meeting the next morning and didn't call or get a call from Jenn that he normally gets at the same time is my understanding. Why not? Why wouldn't he be concerned when she didn't call? Nagging questions to me.

They had just gone on this trip and things may not have been perfect between them upon their return in spite of what Jenn told other people. What if Jenn had decided to no longer see him due to the long distance relationship? It was reported that he never told Jenn he loved her (didn't they date for almost a year?).
IM guessing that rob is her bf the aussie i beleive he is.Theres no way first if you went on vacation what better place to say an accident happen you would have different police jurisdictions I jist dont think he would wait untill she was home and i dont know but do u know how long there conversation was when they talked that night if what your saying is true that would mean she was talking to who for whatever amount of time i think she would wonder why rob wasnt on or near his phone .We are also told about how saftey conscious she was if she was breaking it off with him and was afraid of him i dought she would let him in the house ..I guess what im saying is i dont think it was him.
What I mentioned as a hypothetical situation is that someone called FROM his cell to Jenn's and spoke to Rob while Rob was on Jenn's phone. Not that Jenn spoke to anyone. Yes. They do know how long the call lasted and where the pings were which placed his phone (not him) in Ft. Lauderdale.

Did anyone actually SEE Rob in Ft. Lauderdale after he got off work the day before until he got to the meeting the next morning?

Maybe an argument didn't take place while on the trip, but afterwards. Who knows? I am only raising the possibility.
As am I SS..

But i was under the impression that they talked every night at the same time i thought it was 10 oclock . And does he not say that he talked to her that night at their usual time and everything seemed fine other then she was tired from the trip and I think she stated something about her brother and his freinds being there while she was gone and she had to send one of them back his cell phone.I dont know if she said she was gonna do it that night or what. Im not gonna sit here and say i know all the facts because i dont and i prolly wont ever know all the facts so like i said at the bottom of my posts these are just some of my oppinions i would never say im right and your wrong just sometimes we all have a difference of oppinion .Anyway sorry SS If It seemed like i was ahainst what u were saying i wasn;t i just thought of it differentlly.
No, that is fine! We all have ideas, theories, and opinions here. It is what we do! Think tank. :) I was only explaining what I meant because I thought you may have misunderstood what I was saying. Not accusing Rob, just raising the possibility things may not be what they seem.
I can't wait to hear who Rob's accomplice is who parked Jennifer's car.


Nevertheless, Rob should have been asked to take a lie detector test and as far as I can tell he cooperated with the investigation and allowed law enforcement to move on to the illegal immigrant construction workers / gangbangers.

Very rare to actually get cooperation. Commendable, Rob.

Thanks, RD. Yes. They are certainly stuck on that point which so far has gotten them to the brick wall they are now up against. If they don't turn around and start over on this case to go down a different path...this is not likely to be solved.

They need to revisit everyone close to Jennifer during the period of time shortly before she went missing...starting with Rob and work their way out again. They need to go over and over this until they figure out the first piece in this puzzle they missed the first time. Without it, they will continue to hit the brick walls every time.
I agree that this investigation needs to start over from the beginning.

Maybe somewhere in all of the original tips is that piece you are referring to and it was overlooked or discounted just like the meter reader in the Anthony case.

The solution could be right there in the midst of whatever calls were made the first month or right after the suspect's photo was released to the media.

I was thinking more along the lines that he did talk to her at 10pm from Fort Lauderdale and then drove to Orlando and killer her. Perhaps, she broke it off with him before she left Fort Lauderdale that Monday morning. He called Monday night to try and talk her out of the breakup.

I didn't know he was late for his meeting which adds to the validity of this theory. Was he late because he was driving back from Orlando?

Perhaps he paid an illegal to move the car knowing they wouldn't come forward because they would be deported.

I don't necessarily believe it was him, I just like to think outside the box because the worker theory has been discussed so much. No one talks much about other possiblities such as the bf or the wealthy boss.

I think the most likely scenario is that she was grabbed in the hall and pulled into another condo where she was raped and murdered.
The thinking outside of the box concept made me think of another possibility. Something about JK being tired and not wanting to talk much the night before always sounded slightly hinky to me.

Let's assume Rob was not involved. Could she have (voluntarily) been somewhere else (not her apartmenet) when they talked briefly? Someplace she didn't want him to know about so she said she was tired? Perhaps a friend he didn't like or maybe even a date with someone else? Just wanted to mention this to consider the range of possibilities.

Also, I have always thought the POI was wearing a bike helmet.
FWIW, I showed the POI picture to my 15 year old (young eyes) and he said it's a dude wearing a beret. I agree this case should be looked at again from the beginning, I hope there is something that perhaps was missed the first time. Like the car handles where you have to grip to open the door, dirt in the car, and I really wish they would have checked inside as many other condos as possible.
A few points"

1) There was no sign of forced entry or indication of any crime happening in the apt.
The only items missing we THINGS SHE WOULD HAVE TAKEN WITH HER TO WORK. Per her mother, the cloths on her bed were consistent with her habit of trying on different outfits before deciding what to wear. (I don't know if they know what she was wearing that day). PROBABLY she was abducted after she left her apt.

2) I doubt there is much foot traffic between housing developments in Orlando. The odds that an uninvolved person "just happen" to leave the one housing block just as Jen's car was being "dumped" and walk a mile to her housing block, is pretty remote. (And should be easy to find since he would have ties to both units). If "Shorty" were just some guy paid to "move a car", he would have come forward and claimed his reward by now. This guy is PROBABLY the perp.

3) LE had sufficient information to make an accurate estimate of the perp’s height. I think we can give Orland PD (and the FBI) the benefit of the doubt that did this workup correctly. The perp is PROBABLY white or Hispanic, 5'3" - 5'5", slender build with short hair.

4) A "shoe leather" survey of employees and residents of the Millennia and surrounding units and business, (and any other local that he could have encountered Jen) would have identified a relatively small number of men fitting the above description; each one could have been checked out pretty thoroughly. Perhaps they have identified someone (or just an AKA) but can't make a case or can't find him. If they did a through survey (a big IF) and couldn't identify any suspect, then we have a slick organized operator who is PROBABLY capable of doing it again and again. (And now he knows about video surveillance).

It seems that the boyfriend’s alibi is about as solid as it gets. He was definitely at work in Ft. Lauderdale that morning (In ever heard he late for an appointment) He is unquestionably NOT “Shorty”.
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