GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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Welcome back…heres a few thoughts I put together while we were offline.

Oh my…there are no words for this situation which wouldnt get myself a TO. Here are a couple things I dont think have been discussed yet.

KiK App: Is an IM or text messaging service/app which not connected to your cloud or phone # so its not retrievable or stored anywhere. IMO any grown, Married man who has cell phone service and uses KiK sends off huge red flags (Unless…they only have wi-fi and no cellular services due to financials, KWIM). With that said…KiK account is not going to communicate with all his other devices creating a running track of his texting and anything he deleted will not be retrievable. I will be interested to know if LH had a KiK account or if she communicated with her husband thru iMessage (assuming she had an iPhone too). KiK can communicate with KiK, Email and cell Phone #s I believe. I sure hope that warrant included her phone which would record his messages to her.

LH: Unless some concrete, undeniable evidence comes out showing an electronic or paper trail of the two communicating about Cooper and the events of 6/18, I don't see LE bringing charges upon her. It would be too hard to prosecute her behavior, afterthought and conversations with her husband from the interrogation room and funeral. Her physical presence was not in direct contact with Cooper that entire day to link her to the crime. If they did and it got dropped or she was found innocent, it could muddy JH's case for the prosecution. JMO and thoughts. They are going to nail him and use any extra to try and pull in wifey to sway and turn on him. I have very negative and angry thoughts re: her which I will leave out, she is no Mother in my book, and I will not refer to her as one in any future posts.
on Chewy's post I quoted above I too found it very noteworthy that Stoddard testified about how very specific RH was when describing his morning, the CFA visit, the strapping C in so tightly, the arriving at work, his day, etc. And yet, interestingly enough RH "forgot" to mention many of the specific things in his day which would point to him having opportunity to "remember" C was in the car.

He forgot to mention his trip to home depot store. He forgot to mention the return trip to the car to drop off lightbulbs purchased at the home depot store, and many other specific details in his day that make him look bad. He had very selective specific memory and recounted things in that manner. huge huge huge red flags.
It won't take long and everyone will forget the old platform :)


I liked the other forum, I'm sure I will love this one. Just give me time! :yesss: :loveyou:
I made it. Phew. All my bookmarks have disappeared. I access through tapatalk, so it might be the app. :dunno:
If he pleads guilty and is able to plea bargain to a reduced sentence would justice be served?

Only if he pleas to LWOP, tells how and why he did this to a little precious boy, his son. And he goes to a prison with no AC.That would be some comfort that Cooper got some justice for what he was put through. Oh and if Leanne was in fact involved, he should be able to prove it. I cannot cut her any slack at this point, to much damning info on her. IMO

ETA.... I never stayed up until 3:45 am posting, then went offline and couldn't sleep. Still haven't slept, please excuse lame typos later.:facepalm:
I am missing the blue square with the W in it on the tabs. However, I have an insert video button now!
I heard the description of what this poor little man endured. Needless to say I didn't sleep well. If he/they are deemed guilty in a Court of Law this is one case I believe an eye for an eye. I just cant imagine his terror and suffering :tantrum:
I agree. There is no excuse for many of the things Leanna has said. I keep having flashbacks to Billie Dunn and Shawn Adkins. The Harrises are no different IMO.
Scroll down to quick reply box. See the smilie face between the A and the link icon. Just click on the smilie face and there they are.
Only if he pleas to LWOP, tells how and why he did this to a little precious boy, his son. And he goes to a prison with no AC.That would be some comfort that Cooper got some justice for what he was put through. Oh and if Leanne was in fact involved, he should be able to prove it. I cannot cut her any slack at this point, to much damning info on her. IMO

ETA.... I never stayed up until 3:45 am posting, then went offline and couldn't sleep. Still haven't slept, please excuse lame typos later.:facepalm:

A chain gang would be good. Do they still have those in Georgia prisons? And definitely no AC.
I noticed today during the hearing that onlookers were using their hand to fan themselves or pieces of paper to fan themselves. Wouldn't it be ironic that it appears the air temperature in the courtroom was purposefully warm?

WSB radio mention after the hearing was over the irony that it was stifling hot in the courtroom.
:tantrum:I have already thanked too many times and the thread just opened....there is no hope for me I fear!
I do not anticipate charges against LH. Unless rock hard solid proof is found that they conspired to do this I just don't see them being able to attach her to this. RH;s charges are about his neglectful act (he put baby Cooper in the carseat and he and he alone had care and custody of that vehicle the entire time Cooper was in it dying).

Unless some smoking gun shows up I highly doubt LH will be charged in any way. And IMO that is how it should be. I am still not past the hurdle on mom despite some troubling flags that came out at the hearing.
This is going to take getting uses to.!
No more thanks button??! :(

I think that somehow they will be going after LH too. I don't know how but I feel it coming.
I keep asking myself why.....and I believe Mom was involved. JMO. What this poor little boy went through!
Makes me feel sick!
This is going to take getting uses to.!
No more thanks button??! :(

I think that somehow they will be going after LH too. I don't know how but I feel it coming.

I still have a thanks button on tapatalk... It remained exactly the same...I love it!

Can you not see my thanks on your post?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(graphic) Skip this post if you don't want to know!!!!

They took him in the bathroom and not only cut off his acorns, but they cut off the trunk as well.

Dude is no longer molesting anyone.

Not saying it is right. I hate violence in any way, but this is what they did to him.

Not that I really care but out of nosyness, how does he p? A bag? Don't they have chemical castration?

Penis.... a tree's trunk with the acorns?:floorlaugh:
If LE already has all this, I can't imagine what they'll have when they've combed all devices thoroughly. Blech.

In happy news, glad to see everyone in our nice new digs. Was having WS withdrawal!
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