Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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You are correct, Steve !

Oh wow, my mistake and I missed it when I went back and "proof read."

I corrected my original post !

:seeya: Thanks Steve !


dog.gone.cute just pullin' your leg :wink:

My heart aches for the Bobo family. I am remembering them in my prayers.:praying:
two separate instances, two acts during one incident? Can he be charged with forcible rape if he helped bind her or hold her down or otherwise secure her so that others could rape her? I honestly don't know.

If DA had only held her down and participated that way, then that would be along the lines of sexual assault IMO. Having returned two indictments for rape, to me, clearly says he raped her twice at that location on that day.

That he "was involved" in the forcible rape, IMO means that most likely he was not the only one. There is an urban euphemism called "running a train" when referring to a gang rape.

DA was just one of those in the "A-train' of Holly.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=run a train

My apologies for being graphic here.

Also, this wording here is interesting...

"Adams admitted to TBI agents that he was involved in the forcible rape of Holly Bobo on April 13, 2011, "

Does "involved in" really mean raped her himself?
Or could it possibly just mean that since he was present and basically helping hide evidence that now he can be charged along with the others as if he did commit the crime of rape?
Like someone else mentioned that when you are present, you are guilty anyway


My first interpretation was exactly that. He was 'involved'. The way i read this is just because he was involved, doesnt mean he raped her himself. '2 counts' im betting he somehow helped 2 people by helping restrain Holly. Accessory to the rape in effect.

I am also in the mind that the threat that came from ZA about 'him starting all of this' is not in fact about him blabbing and getting them all in trouble. I think DA is in fact the kidnapper and he in fact did start the actual chain of events.

All JMO and likely to change as developments arise.
If DA had only held her down and participated that way, then that would be along the lines of sexual assault IMO. Having returned two indictments for rape, to me, clearly says he raped her twice at that location on that day.

That he "was involved" in the forcible rape, IMO means that most likely he was not the only one. There is an urban euphemism called "running a train" when referring to a gang rape.

DA was just one of those in the "A-train' of Holly.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=run a train

My apologies for being graphic here.


familiar with the term. Just puzzling on the two counts same day and what that could mean or not mean in the state of TN.
Wonder why no kidnapping charges?

exactly, forcible rape would seem to suggest against her will by force. In other words she was detained and not allowed to leave the situation in which she was being forcibly raped. So why not also charges relating to that?

Wasn't DA the one who was stalking Holly and her friend at the coon hunt, texting, eyeing them, etc.
I get the feeling that whatever was going down at the coon hunt it what set them off. Maybe there was talk, drugs, etc and either DA or SA were reporting back to the A-train.
I do not think he was the kidnapper, ZA is charged with kidnapping and JA especially aggravated kidnapping.

So maybe DA started the chain of events. I can't find a ink on the coon hunt now.


Wednesday afternoon, District Attorney Hansel McAdams announced that a grand jury had indicted Adams on charges of first-degree murder and especially aggravated kidnapping. McAdams would not say whether Bobo's body was found on Adams' property. Adams is being held without bond and will be formally arraigned in court on Tuesday.


Danielle Darnell, who grew up with Adams, revealed another connection between Adams and Bobo when she was interviewed by police last week.

Darnell says she told police that Bobo encountered Adams and friends out on a racoon hunt a week before her disappearance.

'Holly was on stage and walking around the coon hunt and they basically followed, stalked her a bit,' Darnell told WBBJ. 'Karen [Bobo] even went up and introduced herself as Holly's mom.'

Darnell says Adams made a few comments about Bobo in the past year to close friends, and that she and others reported the comments to the TBI.

'I do believe he is involved along with three others. I just know from things I've heard,' she said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-sons-fourth-grade-teacher.html#ixzz3GAUtnQI6
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ETA I had always heard the stalking at dance was ZA JA and SA - never seen DA mentioned in relation to that incident.
I don't know why this new news as unnerved me as much as it has. I have sat here in silence for over two hours just reading all the posts since this became known.

It isn't that I am shocked for I have said consistently from the very beginning that I believed the sole motive was to gang rape Holly. But maybe somehow, someway, I wanted Dylan to be different than the other sub-humans there that day. I wanted to believe if he did anything he was forced by his older narcissistic sociopathic brother, but now I know that is not reality, and it certainly wasn't the reality that Holly faced.

It is almost impossible to comprehend the evilness in this particular case and the magnitude it encompassed against one small defenseless young woman trapped in a living hell that no one can even begin to imagine. Dying was the easiest thing Holly had to do and the hardest part was living through pure hell here on earth before she died. With death only could Holly have peace and be free of pain and suffering.

To say these crimes are chilling or macabre doesn't even begin to explain what Holly went through. There simply are no words to describe it. It makes me wonder why such bad things happen to good people but then I know there really is no explanation.

In September/2014 there was an article that stated then that the DA expected to bring further charges against those who are already arrested. It sure shows he meant what he said.

I looked at photos of all the suspects in this case that have charges against them so far and all I can think about is all of these sub-humans were there at Adams' home with Holly trapped inside with them all. We cant begin to know how terrified she must have been.:(

What may be even more heart shattering for the Bobo family is if others don't confess, and I don't expect them to...then the others who ganged raped Holly may never be charged with it. The only way they can charge more suspects for rape is if in the last search of Adams' home they find co-mingled DNA of others mixed in with Holly's. Now we know why they returned to take a part of the mattress.:( She was repeatedly raped in that bed and she was murdered there too, imo.

I pray that everyone of them who raped Holly has left their DNA on that mattress. LE must find a link to charge all of them for rape. They must and the entire story must unfold showing everything they put this precious innocent young woman through.

Even though Dylan is charged with rape now I do believe he is still talking with LE. The TBI always knew the weakest link in this gang of perpetrators was Dylan Adams. They always knew he held the key to what really happened to Holly and who was involved.

My heart is very sad and heavy for the Bobo family tonight and I continue to pray that they have the strength and courage to face what is ahead of them. I cant begin to imagine the nightmares these sub-humans have given them and the worst is yet to come when everything is going to come out at the trial.
Wasn't DA the one who was stalking Holly and her friend at the coon hunt, texting, eyeing them, etc.
I get the feeling that whatever was going down at the coon hunt it what set them off. Maybe there was talk, drugs, etc and either DA or SA were reporting back to the A-train.
I do not think he was the kidnapper, ZA is charged with kidnapping and JA especially aggravated kidnapping.

So maybe DA started the chain of events. I can't find a ink on the coon hunt now.

No, there was no mention of DA. I read an article that said ZA and two of his friends. From memory something was said about SA staring at her.

I am still perplexed as to where SA has gone in all of this.
My first interpretation was exactly that. He was 'involved'. The way i read this is just because he was involved, doesnt mean he raped her himself. '2 counts' im betting he somehow helped 2 people by helping restrain Holly. Accessory to the rape in effect.

I am also in the mind that the threat that came from ZA about 'him starting all of this' is not in fact about him blabbing and getting them all in trouble. I think DA is in fact the kidnapper and he in fact did start the actual chain of events.

All JMO and likely to change as developments arise.

Hi FC!

He has been charged with rape and IMO that means just exactly what the charge said. He raped her himself and has admitted it.

If he just held her down he would be charged with facilitating a rape.

By being 'involved' he was just one among many who were involved in the gang rape.

I don't think the DA thinks Dylan is the original kidnapper. The DA wouldn't have any qualms with charging him with kidnapping if there was evidence he had kidnapped Holly. I really think the evidence is going to show it was ZA who kidnapped Holly. The two that were kidnapping her were ZA&JA and during that time they were holding her against her will, Dylan Adams raped her, imo.

I still believe ZAs death threat was against Dylan because he knew he had begun to run his mouth to the TBI about what he knew although it has taken quite sometime to get the full story out of him and more may yet be coming. The timing of the death threat is consistent to the time period Dylan began to speak with the TBI.

I think by now the profilers know how to work Dylan since he has been talking with them for many months now.

I don't think he will be charged with kidnapping or the DA would have done it at the same time he filed rape charges.

Dylan was there and participated in the rapes against Holly but he wasn't the original kidnapper imo and the kidnappers there also were involved in raping her. I just hope somehow the TBI can find the forensic evidence to prove who all participated in the rapes.
No, there was no mention of DA. I read an article that said ZA and two of his friends. From memory something was said about SA staring at her.

I am still perplexed as to where SA has gone in all of this.

Imo, he is very much on the mind of DA Stowe.

I know this new DA would like to slap the last DA for even giving SA immunity. Now he is going to have to fight it out in front of a Judge to see if he can get the immunity deal withdrawn. I think SA is up to his eyeballs in all of this too.

I imagine SAs lawyer is stalling the hearings back as much as he can. That way it is still in limbo but one day it will be worked out one way or the other and if the Judge decides the immunity deal was null and void by SA he will be the next to be arrested.

SA is probably laying low knowing the other shoe is going to drop someday.

Oddly, there are groups of men that will drug women, take them, whatever. I heard about one in '73.

This is one of them and they thought they were doing the biggest *advertiser censored* film and snuff film. I hate them. Hate is my most not favored word in life. I do hate them for what they did. Until they fry or live forever happily ever after with the man who choses them. jmo

That infamous case instantly came to mind when we learned that there may be a video in this case.
Yeah the two counts is puzzling to me as well. Would that mean two separate incidences? Both on the day she disappeared?

Good guess dog.gone on the grand jury.

Yes. If he had told them he raped her three times or even more that day he would have been charged for each individual rape he did.

There is no such thing as collective rapes that happened in the same day. Each act of rape is a separate offense.
If he supposedly admitted that way back on Sept 17th, then why weren't the charges for the rape filed at the same time the charges for tampering with evidence filed?

It certainly shows why LE returned to Adams home and retrieved part of the mattress.

The DA did say in an article I read when Dylan was charged the first time that Stowe expected further charges to be filed on some of the suspects that are already arrested.

They may have sent the mattress to the state lab asking for a fast turnaround to see if what Dylan said was true. He most likely told them where he was in the home when the rapes happened. And they may have gotten some results back by now showing DNA (sperm) of Dylan's comingled with Holly's DNA. They may be testing it further if they found other stains that may turnout to be semen of others comingled with Holly's DNA such as blood.

So they acted pretty fast in sending it to the GJ and getting him indicted. I think they have more evidence than just Dylan's word.

I have been looking at a couple of things here since this news broke, and just as OceanBlueeyes has just stated, I too, wanted Dylan to be a lesser of the evils.
The fact remains, he was there, he had knowledge and he participated. Did he feel like he "had to" with big brother there? Was he the reason, he "wanted her". Maybe it took ZA and JA to be arrested for him to speak... I don't care how it came to light but I am thankful that someone or someones are finally telling the truth of what happened.

I found this doing some searching, granted this is from 2006:

http://www.tbi.tn.gov/tn_crime_stats/publications/Sex Offenses Study.pdf

o Forcible Rape: The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that
person’s will; or not forcibly or against that person’s will where the victim is
incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental
or physical incapacity (or because of his/her youth).


September 17, 2014, Adams admitted to TBI agents that he was involved in the forcible rape of Holly Bobo on April 13, 2011, at the address of 235 Adams Lane in Holladay, TN, in Decatur County.

This morning, the 24th District Attorney General Matt Stowe convened a special Grand Jury in Decatur County. The panel returned indictments against Adams on two counts of Rape

I was trying to dig to find out why 2 counts. Only thing I can come up with, is that he did this twice, geeze I am having a hard time typing this. Apparently from what I can gather, any penetration of any kind, no matter how slight, is a count.

I am just sick, so sick to imagine what Holly had gone through.
The charges DA is facing are not even in the same league as the others. He was there, he apparently knows intricate details including rape and he's going to have to do time for it. They haven't charged him with conspiracy to kidnap or conspiracy to commit murder, so in reality they are saving him from doing life behind bars in exchange for lessor charges and testifying against all the others. Often times, the Feds and State work together if someone has charges from both agencies, so it's even possible (unless there is a minimum mandatory for his commerce crime with the Feds) that the Feds drop their charges and let the state take the lead here.

Or he does his State time, then goes straight into his Federal time.
I'm supposed to be going to bed but I was just thinking, what jobs has Dylan held? That could lend some insight into his intelligence.
If he supposedly admitted that way back on Sept 17th, then why weren't the charges for the rape filed at the same time the charges for tampering with evidence filed?

IMO they went and did the search of Adams Lane the following days after this confession and ripped up flooring to see if they could possibly find "body fluids" so they could have definitive proof that Dylan Adams sexually assaulted her. Maybe they found it? Maybe not... Either way im speculating this is what they were searching for in the carpet. But then again, they could have been looking for a bullet hole or blood. Imo. We will know in time, I can only hope they have so much evidence against these perps they will be able to get them max sentences. Prayers for Holly's family. They are wonderful ppl who dont deserve this.
The cousin is quick to point out the low IQ but says out of the other side of her mouth he was supposed to get immunity.

It sounds as if the family is upset DA isn't getting full immunity. I wouldn't give it to him either. At the end of the day Holly Bobo was tortured, raped and murdered and she's not coming back and her family will never get over their loss. These boys mom can go visit her sons in prison, write them, talk to them on the phone, video chat with them etc.

There has to be justice, period.
It certainly shows why LE returned to Adams home and retrieved part of the mattress.

The DA did say in an article I read when Dylan was charged the first time that Stowe expected further charges to be filed on some of the suspects that are already arrested.

They may have sent the mattress to the state lab asking for a fast turnaround to see if what Dylan said was true. He most likely told them where he was in the home when the rapes happened. And they may have gotten some results back by now showing DNA (sperm) of Dylan's comingled with Holly's DNA. They may be testing it further if they found other stains that may turnout to be semen of others comingled with Holly's DNA such as blood.

So they acted pretty fast in sending it to the GJ and getting him indicted. I think they have more evidence than just Dylan's word.


ITA! Read this post after posting mine above. I didnt know they removed part of a mattress. That makes very good sense now that we know the whole story!
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