ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57

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Would someone please tell me the name and author of the book about intuition that was mentioned earlier in this thread? Thank you!
He could have been stalking the house without necessarily having any knowledge of it's occupants. These kills read impersonal..
I doubt he lacked the skills to isolate any single one of the victims and kill them elsewhere.
I doubt he was 'house stalking' especially since it was a so called party house with many people coming and going. It would have been much easier to commit this type of crime in a more remote location. I think it's more reasonable to assume he had some type of encounter or was stalking one of the occupants.
Re: the weapon - I have seen it discussed that perhaps we/LEO may eventually find some evidence of when/where is was purchased. Does anyone know if this type of knife has a serial number/unique identifier of any kind, or would we only be able to tell that BK/someone peripheral to him purchased "A Knife" as opposed to "THE" knife used in the crime?

I'm also wondering if it was perhaps gifted/inherited from a family member (perhaps for a college graduation, move, birthday, death of a family member and left to him, etc) and therefore it could be used to introduce reasonable doubt "Well, yes, I had DNA on that knife because it was mine/I handled it/it was around me, but I didn't use it here/have it with me at this time," etc. Just speculating on possible defense tactics, not saying it's a reasonable one necessarily!

(ETA that "we" may learn of such evidence, obvs more likely it will be LE that actually find it!)
The only weird thing I noticed after reading the affidavit is that DM didn't call the cops after meeting a black dressed and hooded intruder after 4 AM. It's not normal despite it's a party house. She was frozen in terror, manage to lock the door but fail to alert LE. Only the motive for the murders is more mysterious than this.
Agree. Imapaired is my guess.
What kind of dress let you only see bushy eyebrows?

The PCA describes him wearing a mask that covers his mouth and nose—I don’t know what he was wearing, but that’s a precise description of the standard Covid mask that people have been wearing for the last 2.75 years. It lets you see the eyebrows, too.
@al66pine, guess you missed my later post. I know exactly where the Mississippi is and also Idaho. One usually crosses the Mississippi to come East to Penn.
ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57
@LetsSolvIt Yes, I read your post, skipped over hundreds of others before responding. My apologies, as I had not read your later post.

ETA: When driving on multiple lane bridge crossing the Mississippi River at HIGHWAY SPEED, personally, I would not try to throw a knife out the car window and hope it would sink to bottom of river bed.
ETA2: But then again I don't know the best place to dispose of a knife used to brutally murder four ppl.
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I doubt he was 'house stalking' especially since it was a so called party house with many people coming and going. It would have been much easier to commit this type of crime in a more remote location. I think it's more reasonable to assume he had some type of encounter or was stalking one of the occupants.

There is a window on the east side of the house that would have allowed him to see into DM’s room. If he had been stalking the house nearby, he would have known there was a room on the east side of the house that was occupied.
Because he did not enter that room and harm DM, maybe he wasn’t a peeping Tom looking in that window?

I can’t make sense of it, as I see him as the stalking type, peeping Tom type, an incel

Can we stop analyzing this ooor girls

I don't want to turn this into a gender thing at all but I find that a majority of the comments questioning this young woman's reaction are from men. Women I think can understand her response because we constantly have to evaluate threats from men without "overreacting"- it's just a part of our everyday lives from a very young age.
THIS THIS THIS. So much this. Thank you!!
True of course according to the evidence in the PCA, but the earliest possible time in principle is therefore 4:04am. This is why the state (or crown in England) who prosecutes a criminal offence uses a broader period of time than the evidence itself. For example, the investigators in the PCA are alleging that the offences were committed between 4:00am and 4:25am, as this is the longest possible time in principle (see page 5) despite the 3 point turn at 4:04am and the last seen images on CCTV at 4:20am. It is good practice, in a legal context.
If the lab did not retain a sample of the DNA it tested, that's a huge problem - it's retained in vials and all labs know to keep vials for the defense.

Sometimes the defense is upset that "not enough" testing was done or not enough vials available. In that case, Judge would probably order the sheath to be sent to an independent lab, to make new vials of samples, and then send one third to the defense, one third to the prosecution and keep a reference sample (in case the defense squawks again). At some point, the defense may try to claim that the DNA on the sheath is inconclusive, but probably will dig itself a hole by trying to convince a jury of that.

I think it will turn out that BK's DNA will turn up other places (and *has* turned up other places) at the crime scene. A PCA is supposed to tap into the original crime scene analysis and the original warrants (this is a probable cause for the arrest of a particular person - there were at least 50 other warrants served very soon after the murders, I'm sure data is still coming in).

As to your last question, the answer is "sort of." There's one company that has patented a DNA-human body reconstruction software program that draws on a host of SNP markers (specific alleles of genes) to reconstruct face and other characteristics. The results are controversial because we aren't sure we even know *all* of the genes involved in, say, eye color or hair color. Some genes get turned off, some get turned on; some of this is done by other genes; some genes go "rogue"; the genes get turned on and off by the environment, but also by various processes in fetal and childhood development). That being said, here are some Parabon reconstructions where they later found the perp:

What do you think? Very interested in opinions on this.
And how much DNA has been found since the arrest? After apartment and vehicle searches? If any of the victims' DNA shows up anywhere associated with the defendant, this looks like a very strong case for the government....IMO

How did DM know DoorDash was there? And how normal is it to face a dark hooded man with bushy eyebrows after 4 AM even i a party house? As she explained in the affidavit, she was frozen in terror. But manage to lock the door. Whats really weird is that she did not call the cops.
The affidavit does not suggest she knew when DoorDash was there but I bet DoorDash knows when DoorDash was there....
I doubt he was 'house stalking' especially since it was a so called party house with many people coming and going. It would have been much easier to commit this type of crime in a more remote location. I think it's more reasonable to assume he had some type of encounter or was stalking one of the occupants.
The word target is completely absent from the PCA. Not just the word but any hint that anyone specific was targeted. Yet people remain fixated on it.
A couple of notes about sequence of crimes:

I've become quite convinced that the criminal complaint is listed in the order in which the crimes were committed, this is how another Idaho cases listed muliple murders that were farther apart in time. From first crime committed, to last crime committed
1. Burglary
2. Murder of MM
3. Murder of KG
4. Murder of XK
5. Murder of EC

Secondly, the PCA lays out the facts in the following exact sequence (removing extraneous detail):

"approximately 4:00 am" DM awakens because of hearing noise that sounded like it came from upstairs.

"a short time later" opens door, after hearing 'there's someone here' - sees nothing

4:12 Last moment Xana was on Tiktok

DM "opens door a second time" after hearing crying that sounded like it was coming from Xana's room. Possibly while door was open heard "It's okay, I'm here to take care of you".

4:17 Noises recorded on next door camera. PCA notes that this camera is 50 ft from Xana's room (no other measurements are stated)

DM "opens door for third time" and sees man coming towards her and towards the sliding door in the kitchen.

Investigators believe suspect left the scene.

JMO, if you know the layout of the house, this is a narrative indicating that MM and KG were killed upstairs first, then Xana and Ethan were killed and the suspect left from their room.

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