Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #14

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I think these facts are concerning, no doubt; however, to a libertarian like Lori, she does not believe she is legally obligated to produce her children for LE. I do not think that shows a motive for murder though. Red flags? Absolutely. Anyone hiding the kids at this point or Lori herself (if they are indeed in hiding and she doesn't want to reveal their location) could simply make a video with a current newspaper or something. This is the part that makes no sense to me and makes me question my belief that they are in hiding; however, knowing libertarians just like Lori, I know people that would take it to the very end just to prove a point. Again, i am 49% to 51% on this thing. I feel like either is possible; i just think that, with what we know and my experience with people like Lori, that they could be in hiding and i'm holding out hope for that. Your experiences are different from mine and you will form different opinions and that is okay. Either of us could be right and both of us could be wrong. Either way, i just hope they are alive.

Is there any MSM source on Lori's proposed libertarian views, or is this conjecture based on the actions and known views of her associates who cannot be discussed? I can't remember reading anything about this, although I can certainly see where the inference would be made based on her defiance, lack of cooperation with LE, etc. But there are plenty of defiant narcissistic people who I would not dignify with the label of libertarian ... they're just criminals who don't want to get caught, or arrogant self-absorbed people who think that the norms and laws of a functioning society don't apply to them.
MOO-it’s like a known long time drug abuser telling you they are clean but refusing to take a drug test.

I just don’t believe a known liar with what appears to be sociopathic tendencies and a suspected murderer of not 1 but 2 people when they say their kids are safe but refuses to prove it. I obviously hold out hope that they are but I feel the chances of that are quite slim
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You are correct. There is much circumstantial evidence to suspect the murder of adults in this case including possible motives; however, there is little to build a motive on killing her kids. There are many parents who want to be free of their kids but they are not murderers. There are countless deadbeat parents running around these days who have nothing to do with their children. !

BBM-Except they very well may be murders!
They get a search warrant which includes the phone info from the company. They can also ping phones themselves. They went back to the three Rexburg apartments with search warrants on the 27th Nov.

Thanks. That brings up even more questions and observations for me....just for clarity, you think that Rexburg PD may have been monitoring the phone even before they spoke with Colby on Nov 26? ----> " They clearly were monitoring the phone (s) and when CR contacted his mum and they found her gone on the 27th, that was a big red flag."
You are correct. There is much circumstantial evidence to suspect the murder of adults in this case including possible motives; however, there is little to build a motive on killing her kids. There are many parents who want to be free of their kids but they are not murderers. There are countless deadbeat parents running around these days who have nothing to do with their children. Lori has family support who can take the children and she has, according to her beliefs theoretically, a motive to hide her children out somewhere.

According to the detective hired by BB, "This is obviously centered around their religious beliefs." New details come to light about family members of missing Rexburg kids

I just don't see anything in those beliefs that indicate she would kill her kids. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it possible they are in hiding somewhere? Absolutely!
BBM 1 - if Charles was murdered at her behest then she is a murderer already.

BBM 2, 3 & 4 - you (and the PI) have made the assumption that she holds these beliefs, ignoring that she is a proven pathalogical liar and manipulator. All we can say is it suited her at the time to say she held these beliefs, while she infiltrated the life of her next husband.

There is no evidence she holds these beliefs. There is evidence that she had done something very bad and lawfully unjustifiable, because she lied to police, had an escape plan, fled her house and cut off contact with her son.

Not to offend anyone but since when are hardcore preppers logical or respectful of the law. To them C&L are just good people being pursued by an unjust government. There are way too many recent examples of this kind of thinking to believe it is unusual.

It's very easy to bring up specific examples that inevitably lead to unproductive political discussion. But let's face it, there are plenty of people in Arizona and Idaho and elsewhere with a deep distrust of the government, doesn't matter if the head is Barack or Donald, they have no respect for authority. So when the FBI comes knocking they don't answer but they might be standing behind the door ready to fight back. When ordered to produce the children they will refuse if they think, by some deluded legal theory, they do not have to. Lori's father has been defying the federal government on numerous issues her entire life on debunked legal theories. I have no doubt some of that has rubbed off on her.

That's why I think she has stashed the kids away safely and is simply being defiant. She knows that in the end she has done nothing serious with the kids. The cops/FBI will look like idiots and may even get sued if they arrest her and she ultimately produces the kids. Idaho is going through the appropriate motions. But Idaho cops cannot make an arrest in Hawaii. They need to wait for Idaho to issue an governor's warrant for extradition and the Hawaii governor to approve it. If a Hawaii cop makes an arrest on an invalid Idaho warrant he can personally be prosecuted for kidnapping of Lori. So each jurisdiction is going to proceed carefully and slowly. Even the Hawaii Governor could face charges if he signs a warrant to arrest someone illegally. And each of these politicians will have seriously egg covered faces if Lori produces the kids as soon as she is arrested. She would have a good laugh and they look like idiots.
In the meantime the POi's continue snubbing noses at relatives, LE, the court, 3 states specifically, Welfare, the Mormon church and the whole world. LE have said the kids are in serious danger so are they lying? It will be LE looking stupid if they don't arrest them IMO.

ETA. Maybe LE won't mind looking stupid if the kids are actually produced. Job done.
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I feel the same way. I still have hope, although I'll admit that it's dwindling. At this point, I hope that one of Chad's kids or Colby head to Hawaii and confront them in person. If they can't do that, I think making a statement to the media might help. I don't know if a heartfelt plea would work on Lori, but maybe Chad could be swayed. The kids might be able to get through to their dad.

I do too, I just have to for the sake of these families. Colby has reached out a couple of times via his YouTube and had one extensive interview with the media.
Thanks. That brings up even more questions and observations for me....just for clarity, you think that Rexburg PD may have been monitoring the phone even before they spoke with Colby on Nov 26? ----> " They clearly were monitoring the phone (s) and when CR contacted his mum and they found her gone on the 27th, that was a big red flag."
If the FBI were involved before the 27th then it is possible but that is MOO. FBI have more powers and clearly knew where she was so could have set up a Stingray in the vicinity. All they needed were the phone numbers which they could have got from friends or relatives IMO
I agree with you. I think she would consider that situation a "mercy killing." Though I am also open to the idea that she just generally doesn't place a lot of value the lives of others. See Joe. See Charles. See Bailey. See possibly a lot of others.

I agree, "the world is a better place without him" is not someone who values relationships or lives. Whether she despised him or not she knew this would hurt her child.
You are correct. There is much circumstantial evidence to suspect the murder of adults in this case including possible motives; however, there is little to build a motive on killing her kids. There are many parents who want to be free of their kids but they are not murderers. There are countless deadbeat parents running around these days who have nothing to do with their children. Lori has family support who can take the children and she has, according to her beliefs theoretically, a motive to hide her children out somewhere.

According to the detective hired by BB, "This is obviously centered around their religious beliefs." New details come to light about family members of missing Rexburg kids

I just don't see anything in those beliefs that indicate she would kill her kids. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it possible they are in hiding somewhere? Absolutely!
What do you think LE mean when they say the missing children are in serious danger?
I wonder why those still drinking the koolaid continue to think it's okay for Lori and Chad not to disclose location of JJ and Tylee. There is no logical, good, legal reason. What excuses do they discuss with each other??

Lori's family where dad is reportedly pretty anti-government, assuming dad's beliefs trickled down to the kids to some degree, it's easy to paint that picture. Chad's kids, not so easy to see it. The only theory I've got is cognitive dissonance.

They grew up thinking dad was always right and possibly even that dad had some special qualities that few others had. Then they lose their mom and, if they're to believe everything the "outside world" is telling them, then they've got to believe that dad isn't just not special, but is evil and killed mom and is has done all kinds of other things. Meanwhile dad tells them the kids are fine, the police don't know what they're talking about. Presumably he's talking to them some from Hawaii. Believing even a little of the bad will send their whole belief system (at least as it pertains to Chad/Dad) crashing to the ground, so their mind won't let it happen.
One thing I wonder about is that CR says LE come to his door looking for the kids and after they have gone he contacts Lori and she says she'll take care of it. Then they scarper before LE return to Rexburgh. So why didn't CR contact Lori when LE were still there?
This also means that they came back from Hawaii to Rexburgh after the 5Nov wedding and then must have gone back to Hawaii again after the 27th November. What did they come back for?

I was wondering about that back and forth to Hawaii also, but it seems money isn't a barrier so there may be no need to consolidate trips.

In CR's interview with MSM he explained being shocked when LE showed up at his door checking to see if the kids were with him or if he had any idea where they were. Seems that is when CR realized they were missing, not just that his mom had gone to a new job as she had told him and others. LE may have been as interested in his reaction as anything else. Even when CR called his mom after to find out what the heck was going on, and she rushed him off the phone.
This is definitely concerning and one of the reasons i am 49% leaning the way you are. It's just hearsay at this point and still doesn't provide as much as a motive as the religious angle IMO only. You certainly have good reason to fear for the children's safety. I do also. I just feel like, with the information we have, that there is a good deal of reason to believe she may have hidden them somewhere, even against their will. My fear is that, in the end, you will be correct. I really hope not though.
WADR it is definitely not hearsay. The aunt of Tylee has been interviewed by MSM and stated that Lori said it to her. That is direct testimony from the person Lori said it to. Unless everyone is lying about what our POI's have said to them, which I do not believe is the case. We have Chad saying Tammy is going to die and she dies. So the fact Lori said this should be taken seriously. Hence the "serious danger" comment from LE.
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